Chapter 20

On her way to the hospital, Trisha was very excited to see John. Making so much effort on herself that she thought John can't resist her alluring beauty. Atlast, she arrived, "This is it!" She said and looked at the mirror on her car and when satisfied on her looks came out of the car.

Alexa was busy preparing the charts of their out patients while John was doing his rounds on his patients that were confined.

A knock at the door. Alexa opened it, "Good morning ma'am! How can I help you?" Alexa asked thinking that she is a patient that will list her name for check up. "Where's John?" Trisha asked and Alexa felt a little puzzled because there was something in the woman infront of her sending an alarming feeling. "He's currently doing his rounds but it will take only a while and we'll be starting his clinic as soon as he arrives. You can sit outside while waiting for your turn." Alexa said looking at Trisha smiling though her gut feeling is telling something else. "I"ll just wait for him here." Trisha said that made Alexa's brow raised. "By the way, I'm Trisha, I'm John's fiancee. I just came back from the States and I'm here so I could talk to him about our wedding preparations." Trisha said with a wide smile on her face. Alexa was shocked about the certain announcement dropped into her face. She couldn't understand of what Trisha had said. Only the words fiancée and marriage left on her mind. "And you are?" Trisha said not minding her reaction. Alexa regained herself but still trying to cope up from shocked. "I'm Alexa, Dr. John's secretary." Alexa answered but she wanted to shout to this bitch that she was John's girlfriend and they were living together but stopped herself to prevent any unwanted commotion. To prevent further discussion, Alexa dialled a number on the intercom. "Hello, Bella, is Dr. Graciano there?" Alexa asked in a trembling voice. Bella caught the formality on her friend's voice but put it on the back of her mind and just ask her later. "Yes, he's here, did you miss him already?" Bella teased Alexa. "Just give him the phone!" Alexa said in a high tone that made Bella a little surprised. "There really something going on." Bella said in her mind while handling the phone to John. "Yes, wifey? Miss me already?" John said sweetly but doesn't know that on the other line was an incoming world war 3. "Dr. John Graciano, there is someone here waiting for you. Her name is Trisha and said she was your fiancee from the States. She wanted to see you immediately to talk about your wedding preparations!" Alexa said it clearly but there's a hard tone on every word she said. John frozed, sweat all over him, he didn't know what to do next, he can't move. On his mind, "I'm dead!" "Dr. John?" Bella said that made John woke up from his deep thought. John ran as fast as he could going downstairs. Bella left puzzled. "What's going on?" She murmured.

After talking to John, Alexa immediately end the call and went out. Trisha was surprised because Alexa suddenly left. "What a disrespectful secretary? I'll complain her to John later." Trisha said, without knowing that this will be her last time entering that room and seeing Alexa. Alexa went out of the room, because her eyes were full of tears, she didn't notice Rain and bumped into her. "Big Sister, what happened, why are you crying?" Rain said with worries in her voice. Alexa didn't answered Rain, instead, she hugged her tightly. She cried for a minute. "Please, get me out of here." Alexa said sobbing.

John reached the clinic. He opened the door, "Alexa!?" He said shouting, hoping that he'd be seeing Alexa inside but to his dismay, Trisha was there sweetly smiling at him.