Chapter 22

Alexa and Rain continued chatting. They didn't realized that it was getting late. "Let's go home?" Rain asked Alexa but before she could answer, someone hugged her from the back. Rain made her exit because she knew these two love birds need time to talk.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I should have told you about Trisha. All the things that she told you were not true. It was really a mistake but before I left the States, it was all over for us because she lied to me. It was only you that I've loved. I've loved you from the moment I saw you here at this very place. No one but only you. I'm really sorry, please believe me." John said continuously in a hoarse voice. As John spoke, Alexa's welled with tears. She was angry but she knew that she can forgive John. He's the love of her life. Whatever mistakes John will commit, she knew that there are reasons behind it and she's willing to listen to his explanations and she's willing to forgive.

Alexa faced John, cupped his face and kissed his lips passionately. John did the same. It took a while before they let go of each other. "Am I forgiven already?" John asked with twinkling eyes. "Yes, you have a strong backer." Alexa said winking at John. "Rain?" John asked curiously. "She told me a secret that someone was head over heals in love with me and was a crying baby." Alexa said teasing John. "That little brat! But anyway, it's a good thing." John said before hugging again Alexa. "I love you, only you." John whispered. "I love you more." Alexa aswered sweetly. They went home and spend the night caressing, wandering, and loving each other until they fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

The next morning, the couple decided not to have clinic and just stay home and rest. They cleaned the house, cooked their food, and relax. They thought that their day off would be as quiet as possible but they're wrong. "Alexa, Dr. John, opened the door, we've brought chicken and beer. Stop your sweet nothings and let us in!" Myra was shouting outside the gate. She was with Bella and Mike who were smiling. John and Alexa were busy watching movies when they heard Myra's shout. John shook his head because of the nuisances outside. He knew that this guys are only curious of what happened yesterday. He opened the door and said, "Next time, I will put here "No nuisances allowed!" The three musketeers didn't paid attention to John and immediately entered the house. John can only grin but before he can close the door, Rain enters the house too. "Hi, big brothe!" "What a night!?" He murmured.

Alexa cleared the center table so that they can put the food brought by their friends. Rain also brought junkfoods. They all sat on the floor. John and Alexa were sitting side by side, John put his arms around Alexa's waist. "I think your visits were planned accordingly." Alexa said looking at the guilty guys in front of her. "Nope, ahhmm, Rain visited her Auntie and we've chatted a little and we decided to go here!" Myra explained with guilt in her eyes. Rain was really there in the hospital but she will visit Alexa but she was not there and his big brother too. When walking through the corridor, she saw Mike, Bella, and Myra talking and the topic was the two. Mike told the story and Rain told the other story. They were curious about what happened next so they decided to pay a visit. "Really!?" Alexa asked with her brows raised. "Actually big sister, we're here because of curiosity." Rain answered shyly. John and Alexa laughed and the rest knew that all were settled between the two. They started to drink beer and eat chicken and of course, the story telling.