Sold To You And Help You Count Money

This felt too much like the emperor sending a state official to help a peasant like her find out who stole her pig…

"Just in case," Lu Tingxiao answered calmly.

When it came to her, no matter was too small.

Ning Xi already didn't want to say anything else, the Big Demon King always had his own extraordinary way of doing things.

"Have you looked through the contract I gave you this morning?"Lu Tingxiao asked.

Ning Xi grabbed her hair. "It's so thick, I read it until my head was going to burst. Anyway, I skimmed through it, and signed it already, I'll give it to you later!"

Lu Tingxiao frowned. "Do you trust me that much?"

Ning Xi shrugged. "The worst thing that could happen is that I get sold off to you. If that's the case, I'll help you count the money!"

Lu Tingxiao smiled indulgently.

Lu Jingli: "…" Ouch, my dog eyes! I'm going to go blind! It's impossible to remain in this house any longer!