
Chapter 3: Skills

When I came to, I realized I was sitting cross legged. I observe my surroundings and realized that I'm in a cave, in my right side lay a sword, a bag that is made with some animal skin with a gourd filled with water, some clean clothes, a document which contain my identity in this world, and some piece of smoked meat that is covered with some kind of leaves . I look at my left side and saw a small pouch with a single gold coin and 6 silver coins and a 10 copper coins. According to my memory that is given to me by god 10 copper coin is equivalent to 1 silver coin and a 10 silver coin is equal to 1 gold coins. Besides the pouch filled with coins lays a bow and a quiver filled with arrows and a three books. I pick up one of the books and read the front cover, basic ways of swords. Eh? Is this a skill book? Why there is no windows popping out? Most light novels and manga I red always have a windows popping out every time they pick something up or look at. Let's tap it first. Nothing happened, how about saying

"Identify" I said in a low voice but nothing happened.

'It seems I don't have a cheat where I will be able to identify any object or enemy. Well let's read it first, but this book sure is thin.'

I flipped open the cover and say letters and a drawing of a man making a stance.

Ding! Congratulation for becoming a rank 1 warrior!

After I read the book I was surprise by the sudden announcement. So I need to read the book before acquiring the skill in it.

"Sigh! So I'm also not a protagonist who can instantly learn any skill book I touch huh."

After that I look at the remaining two books and casually pick the one entitled "basic archery" and started reading it.

Ding! Congratulation for becoming a novice archer!

'As I expected I really learned it after reading it. Then let's finish this last book.'

I grab the last book and take a look at its title.

"Mana control arts. Hmm… now that I think about it. Despite having mana I don't know how to use it. Despite how god looks it seems he's rather thoughtful huh, well I will gratefully accept it." I said happily

Ding! Congratulation for becoming a Rank 1 acolyte

"Shouldn't it mage or wizard, why acolyte? Hmm… according to the knowledge god gave me, hmm.. this is it"

Magic system: Acolyte, Magi, Wizard

Rank 1 acolyte: Can perceive the flow of the surrounding mana.

Rank 2 acolyte: Can perceive the flow of the surrounding mana and barely knows how to control mana.

Rank 3: Can perceive the flow of the surrounding mana and able to cast a single spell.

Rank 1 Magi: Can cast spell with the maximum of 2 spells.

Rank 2 Magi: can cast spell with the maximum of 4 spells..

Rank 3 Magi: Can cast spell with the maximum 8 spells.

Rank 1 Wizard: Can cast spell with the maximum 32 spells.

Rank 2 Wizard: Having 10,000 MP. Can cast spells unlimitedly.

Rank 3 Wizard: Having 100,000 MP Can cast spells unlimitedly and instantly.

For swordsmanship and archery, they are not complicated like the magic system.

Swordsman System: Warrior, Knight, Grandmaster

Rank 1-3 warrior: must know all basic sword moves, having enough stamina and strength. The higher the endurance, stamina and strength the higher your rank will become.

Rank 1-3 Knight: Must know Martial art and knows how to use shield. The higher the number of martial arts you know and the higher proficiency you have in shield the higher your rank will be.

Rank 1-3 Grandmaster: Must know sacred arts the more you know the higher your rank.

As for the archery, there is no system at all, it only consist novice, journeyman, expert and master. The higher the proficiency and the higher the number of skill the higher the ranks will be.

After reading and learning I pick up my things and stood up and walk to the cave's entrance. To my surprise the one I see are not a village but instead a forest. I ask god that I want to be sent to a village though.

Uhh! I get it! If god really sent me in a village, how will I answer them how I suddenly appear out of nowhere. So that's why god sent me in this forest, well I guess I should level up first so that I won't get bullied and get rub by some gangster. Hmm… let's see what creature I will first encounter. I only hope that god didn't place me in a high leveled area.

After exploring the area I finally encounter my first monster. Well instead of saying monster, I should instead say it's an animal and not only animal instead it should be animals because there is two of them. The moment I saw them I don't know if I should say I'm unlucky for encountering this two or should I say I am lucky for encountering them.

Unlucky because the two animals I saw is a panther and a bear an adult one on top of that.

Lucky because the bear fell in a hole and its lower body got stuck and become immobile.

As for the panther, it is laying on the group with its missing front leg and a severe cut on its right leg and also become immobile while staring at the bear weakly and angrily.

'What should I do? Should I attack it with a sword or shot it with a bow. On earth there is a saying that dying animals dying attack are the most severe one so I think I should be careful and shoot them with my bow, even though I'm not a sharp shooter I should be able to hit them in close range. If only I know an archery skill or a magic skill.

I posture myself while holding my bow in my left hand while my right hand are holding an arrow while pulling the bow string and aiming for the bear. Well its dangerous if the bear suddenly climb up and attack me.

Wooshh wooshh.

Miss. Miss. Hit! I hit the bear on its shoulder while the bear angrily stare at me

"Roar!" the bear roared at me angrily

"Sorry, but I need to kill you to become strong so that I can survive in this world." I said while bowing by head to the bear

Woosh woosh

I attack the bear repeatedly and after 13 arrows I finally killed it by piercing its left eye and throat.

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 5 red furred bear. You gain 42 exp.

You level up! You gain 1 SP (Skill point)

You level up! You gain 1 SP

As expected I leveled up and my mana increases from 50 to 80 while my health increase from 100 to 300. As for SP well aside from vampire skills that will only level up after I consume blood I currently don't have any skills so I just save it up.

Now then, now that the bear is dead let's end this panther's suffering of blood lost. Hmm.. I remember I have a perfect skill for this.

"Blood manipulation – Reverse flow!" I cast a vampire skill and reverse the flow in the panther's blood veins.

The Panther started trembling before it died.

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 3 wild Dark Panther. You gain 23 exp.

You level up! You gain 1 SP

Sssss (inhaling sound) "this skill is kind the scary. To think it died like that, it seems that killing ordinary people will be easy. Oopps I shouldn't think like this. It sounds like i villain would say.

According to the knowledge god gave me, I can sell their fur specially their meat but I don't have the knowledge how to get their fur undamaged or what part of meat to cut.

Although it's a waste, I should just give up and leave this place before the other beast arrives.