Interlude: Broker of Information

Thanks for the reads. And also I appreciate those who gave the story a chance. I'm not a writer, and this is a hobby of mines.

Kabul, Afghanistan

Misty Knight

"Thank you for signing up for the operation, Captain. I am thankful that you were able to participate." Misty Knight replied with a smile, shaking the hand of the soldier as she spoke.

"It was last minute, literally when the op came online. We were originally slated for leave."

"Oh," said the agent, releasing the man's hand. On behalf of my department, I would like to apologize for any inconvenience that may have arisen.

A smile spread across his face. There's no doubt in my mind, Mam, that the payday attached to this operation will take care of any irritation the men may have had."

A soldier in the back said, "And don't forget the wives, don't forget the wives." which caused another soldier to snort and laugh, which in turn caused others to snort and laugh as well.

The two laughed alone with the soldiers. "Hopefully, this operation will go smoothly. Have you and your man read the operation report?"

"On the flight over, I'm a fellow New Yorker, and seeing the billionaire tagged on to the report along with the names of the soldier that died in his capture didn't sit quite well with me." Said the Captain.

Suddenly, the phone began to ring. It was Deputy Director Caulson, the right-hand man of the infamous Nick Fury. The soldiers became quiet and ready; the call was suspected, and the operation was about to be underway.

"Agent, we have confirmation that the information provided by the asset is correct."

"Were we able to track him, The Broker? Was his name correct?"

"Correct." Said Coulson.

"Unfortunately, he has his signal pinging off every tower worldwide; even when we could triangulate his location, it became scrambled. The temporary locations were abandoned sites, with no possible sign of occupation nor any suspicious activity in the area."

"So, he knows about us, the agency, and has information on people." She Said.

She continued. "Foreign power route hasn't been explored, has it?" The agent asked as she walked back under the tent, the Captain hot on her trail.

"Our analyst and profilers believe he is American or Canadian based on his voice profile; any attempts to pry into him has been met with information being harder to procure." Explained Coulson.

"And the cost, is it worth the information?" She said worriedly.

"He wants information on mutants and things of alien origin, this is a grey area for us, but the approval of using the asset has been marginally approved."

"So, what was the cost?"

"Unfortunately, that isn't something I can't tell you; it's been doubly classified, the top brass of shield only; it isn't with pleasure I'm saying this, but I'm also locked out of that. We can use him, but the cost of his information has been agreed upon, and he knows other costs must be sent higher for approval."

"I understand," Misty replied in a calm voice.

Caulson said. "There is a terrorist known as the Executioner, and it has been confirmed he's inside that compound."

Misty eyes narrowed. Her gaze shifted to the SEALs placed under her for the particular operation mission, each of whom understood the shift in her demeanor.

"Orders?" asked the woman.

The SEALS began to check their weaponry as Special Agent Misty Knight's conversation continued.

"This is from the director and has been cleared by the joint chiefs of staff, so the president has his eye on this mission. The target should be terminated and-"

A rocket zooming overhead was so loud that they could hardly hear each other over the missile sound. A metal figure zoomed by as they all ducked, anticipating that something would explode, only for no explosion.

The insurgents opened fire as soon as the figure passed over the no man's land. Ground-to-air artillery exploded in the air, rattling the fortifications with the high-caliber ordinance; almost instantly, her side responded by returning even more destructive fire; radio chatter confirmed the jet-propelled rocket man was on their side as it began to rain down destruction on the coonhound.

"Assist him in any way you can and extract him immediately. As far as we are concerned, he has done enough. We need to briefly debrief on what he has done."

"is that-" She began.

In a deadpan tone, he says, "Agent, that's Tony Stark above you - yes, we are well aware that he is wearing a particularly advance metal suit, and we are fully aware of the implications of that.".

Kabul International Airport, Afghanistan

Sometime later.

While exiting the armored Humvee, Special Agent Misty Knight looked exhausted and annoyed. Her eyes landed on the sole irritant, chatting away with a female marine who couldn't stop blushing.

Her mission had been completed, and she was thankful for that. It had taken her and her team three weeks in this godforsaken desert. Three weeks to get the man to depart, to help him illegally wage an illegal war that broke untold amounts of international law and treaties on a group called the Ten Rings.

When spared from chastising the billionaire, her attention had been focused on any updates regarding the Vigilante Red Hood; her asset hadn't apprehended him, and she suspected the daredevil couldn't handle the mission, so she gave the other two permission to engage.

Initially, she was wary of causing damage to the city and death in his capture. Still, with another mysterious individual going by the name of the Punisher, who her team suspected to be presumed dead, Frank Castle, whose family was assassinated by the Mob, showed up, her mind changed; she couldn't have two individuals indiscriminately flaunting law and order operation by their justice in the country.

The initial impression of Agent Knight toward the Red Hood was that he was dangerous and that his actions might even be considered psychotic in some cases.

According to the reports, he had carved a path through the underworld; his targets varied between common drug dens to sex trafficking rings, the latter being known later than she hoped, the survival barely able to contribute; one survivor noted that he hadn't specificity saved them, he just happened upon them after a vicious interrogation of a local dealer that scouted for the rings top man.

She abhorred depraved men the most, but she still was aligned with law and order. The Hodd should have called the authorities and stayed out; his vigilantism, regardless of the good and outweighing the bad, wouldn't stay her hand, he had a cell in the newly constructed facility with his name on it, and she would be the one to place him in it.

The most concerning detail was the Devil's adamant that the Hood was a minor. The man's senses were extraordinarily acute; regardless of sight, he could discern everyone in a room, hidden or otherwise. If he was a minor, where did he get the training and equipment, especially the experimental technology had begun using lately? She sighed.

She logged into the database that tracked extraordinary individuals; every report submitted by the most remote locations was keyed into here through specific keywords, namely code Six-one-six, the most obvious and frequently used for almost anything unexplained. The red blips were alarming. She didn't know the catalyst, but activity once hushed and locked away under superstition or overzealous fringe work was becoming mainstream.

There was a rhythmic thud inside her pocket as the satphone beeped. "Boss, I am about to board the plane."

Assistant Director Coulson responded, "I am aware, Special Agent Knight."

She huffed, but not before moving her mouth away from the satphone. He would know her every move. Although her group was traversing the tarmac, soldiers from different countries participating in the joint offensive of operation freedom sentinel went about their business, most of them not even taking notice of the apparent alphabet's presence.

"Agent Knight, I know your dissatisfaction regarding the recent assignment. I have good news that would hopefully mend bridges between our esteemed leader and you."

Misty brows rose, and she began to slow down. "Let me be the first to tell you that your operation has been greenlit. I wanted to be the first like to let you know since I was the one to send you packing doing your investigation.

Misty Knight stopped, causing her contingent of soldiers and agents to follow suit.

"Special Agent Misty Knight, The state department, and relevant agencies are offering us an olive branch. The situation has grown to the point where a new agency needs to take the forefront."

He continued. "We're new to the scene, and what we do blurs between state and international lines."

"Director Fury has pulled some strings and called in favors to senators and world leaders that we don't want to piss off. We got the blank check; Agent, S.H.I.E.L.D. is now fully funded. The world government is also offering us "special agent" deputation powers. I will be your immediate supervisor and head person on all operations in the States and abroad.

"My team?" Asked Misty.

"Headquarters must approve each special agent, especially so for the enhanced, we would need a full workup of their capabilities, and the joint chiefs of staff want to be in the loop. But I'm told you won't be met with much force on who you choose. The government is aware of the growing threat facing the country."

"That's great news, Boss. It was past due time the world took enhanced and metahumans seriously." Let out, Misty.

"Evidence and plausible deniability is a thing of the past. Only so much a story could get spun before someone calls bullshit."

So, how is our billionaire?" Asked Caulson, "I'm assuming his acts of reprisals are over?"

"Yes," she replied, looking ahead of herself; the billionaire playboy was eating watermelon while leaning against a jeep. 'Where did he get a watermelon out here? She almost groaned but stamped down her irritation-His 'equipment' was secured and guarded by department agents.

"And what of the new vigilante operating out of New York? Did any factual information come back yet?" She queried.

"D.N.A. at the scene was destroyed in the explosion and subsequent fire. The debris from the explosive devices recovered is untraceable."

"The techs aren't aware of any country or organization capable of creating the sparse pieces of technology uncovered. Our technicians are having a field day piecing together everything."

"Is it possible he's creating the advanced technology? He did kidnap the doctor, and we have reason to believe he's recreating the super soldier serum." Added Misty.

"That's what concerns me the most. If he's working with HYDRA and they're close to a working prototype, then the activity we're seeing worldwide could grow exponentially." Caulson said in warning.

"I agree. His suit couldn't have been created without the relevant agencies not noticing the parts being bought and shipped."

It appears that nothing short of a high-powered round would be able to penetrate his armor based on the shell castings at his scenes and eyewitness testimony.".

"That is an avenue you would have to explore. There should be enough assets in your arsenal to take him down if you are not off in your estimation. Do you need me to call in the team?"

She swallowed. She knew who the team was, one super spy, one highly trained operative.

"No sir, Avengers isn't needed at this juncture; we aren't dealing with anything that causes that level of force. My assets are capable, and I am also considering adding them to the list of candidates for the newest initiative. They will do well as full-fledged members of SHIELD."

"As I said, agent, anyone you want to acquire to stamp down on mutant and enhanced criminals or vigilantes needs provisional approval, but as you know, Avengers isn't recruiting just anyone."

Misty Knight ended the call. She clenched her hand tightly. This made the vigilante even more dangerous; she would have to contact the Devil and make him understand he needed to take him down as soon as possible."

"I should be arrested for being the presence of such a beauty." She groaned as she stared at her phone; ignoring the irritation before her, she sent the emails and texts.

The sooner she was done here, the quicker she could return.

Undercity, New York

Damion Dran

Documents slid across the table: satellite imagery, text threads, emails, and bank accounts. The three ambassadors' faces paled as their hidden figures shifted, and the light above shined on all their misdeeds.

You come here and lay claim and accuse us to what I-" A snort cut her off; another man on the enraged woman's side spoke over her.

"You? Preposterous! You claim it was you and yours that have secured a foothold?" He snarled, glaring at his opposition. Dran noted neither denied their stealing and mismanagement, only denying the other potential leniency in their barely successful foothold in the city outside of Rand Industries, which wasn't them. Still, the chance capture of the C.E.O.'s son years prior and the most recent acquisition of York Enterprise was difficult since the son was allowed to live. The latter would need to be rectified once he stamps out the tantrum of the current puppet they allowed reigning over the company.

Before the other ambassadors could react, Damon Dran's metal-plated hand slammed against the table, silencing the bickering men. His eyes burned with fury, the metal plates adhered to his face creaking as he leaned forward, bringing scarred metallic visage under the single light in the dark secret room.

"Responsibility," he growled, "lies at all your feet." He rose, applying his dwindling but still considerable strength on the table, causing the metal to warp from the force that came to bear.

Damon Dran's angry eyes switched between the people in the room; each met his gaze, as wrathful and proud as the man before them, and all refused to flinch.

"The leader-." The lady once again tried to speak but was unfortunately interrupted again, this time by the interloper, Dran.

"Our illustrious leaders," he emphasized the last words, "have rescinded your mission!"

"This cannot be!" Roared the third man in the room.

He jabbed his hands at the man. "Return with haste to be judged by the council of five." He growled, the emblem of authority drooping from his neck; the three ambassadors grunted but stood defiantly and left the room; the door remained open, and the gathered hand soldiers and mercenaries were outside.

"Enter!" Dran said as he took his seat at the head of the table. Soon as a second group was escorted in.

The ambassador, specifically Reid's right-hand man, sat and watched as the group entered, none sitting but standing waiting. He nodded pleasantly; he could get used to this kind of power. His mission was paramount; only in success would he be able to cure his failing old body.

"Hand abhors failure, but you are needed in this new climate. The HAND has never been denied its advance, nor has mere men dared to align themselves against us. This sets a precedent; this can be a point where others may seek to rattle the grip that is The Hand upon their necks all get another chance. Let it not be said; The Hand isn't benevolent to those under its umbrella." He said under dim light to the mixed group of masks and unmasked people before him.

"Now, tell me of these adversaries that have arrayed themselves against us." Demanded Damion Dran.

The first to speak was a tall and powerfully built man. "Spider-Man has become a nuisance, but I'm putting together others who have had a run-in with him to crush him once and for all."

"Black Tarantula, I've had the pleasure of working with your grandfather," Dran replied ambiguously, causing the eyes of the fearsome man to rise a little. Dran briefly eyed the man before him, recalling the details in the reports; the foot soldiers didn't care for him, but Dran knew potential when he saw it.

"Hood is mine." Snarled the neantherthal near Tarantula.

Dran stared at the man before the man slunk back under his gaze.

"Sir," said the Gorgon, stepping up into view. "El Uno and I had an encounter with The Hood; I've even attempted to recruit him, same as we did with anyone that sought to challenge us, but not all were not swayed by money nor threat; these masked individuals' identities are still unknown to us."

Dran hand tapped on the table, the metal fingertips making an unnerving noise.

"The Hood is quite the vicious individual. It seems whoever is under that cowl has been wronged by us so that the two cannot survive."

"I suppose me and my brother will assist." Esmeralda Lobo said, stepping from the shadows.

"Aye, Sister, I'd like to see the guy that nearly killed El Uno." Carlos Lobo said.

Snickers emanated amongst the still-shadowed figures. El Uno Bristled, but a look from Tarantual forestalls any attempts of reprisals.

Tombstone stepped up. "The four families are on the back foot; it's only a matter of when, not how, when they bend a knee or be annihilated."

Dran said. "Reach out to them one final time. If they still refuse to be assimilated, kill them all, leaving none that bear their name alive."

Tombstone nodded and stepped backward.

"Black Lotus, Bullseye, and Molot Boga," Daminon called the names of the three assassins. The three stepped forward.

"I want you three to remain on standby with your respective teams. The HAND soldiers are at your disposal whenever needed.

He eyed the room, standing, causing his chair to creak.

"Another player will be in touch with you all. He is an unknown but has shown a willingness to work with us. He will call any relevant information in.