Chapter 40: Plans for the Future

Chapter 40: Plans for the Future

Iceberg Lounge, Harlem, New York

It was late Saturday morning when Cole opened his eyes—awakening to the cacophony of sounds emanating from outside his resting place.

Exhaustion had hit him like a semi-truck slamming into a Prius. It was a testament to how hard he had pushed himself. At least, that was how his body felt, regardless of his healing factor.

The barely discernible murmuring outside had brought back his pounding headache, his brain feeling raw from the assault that ensued, inconsequential of his healing factor.

He inhaled, laying down still as he went inward, and noted his chi had at least replenished a modicum of growth. The electrical ball of inner energy pulsated as he pulled at a small amount, almost a thread of chi, as he focused it on healing his mind, wrapping the cord around his brain in a sense, focusing it on healing and reinforcement.

He slumped, at least he attempted to, as he was still lying comfortably on his back in his plush bed.

Cole sighed in contentment. Had he had the time, he should have done that earlier.

"Plan for the future." He whispered into the air.

Too bad his spiritual treatment hadn't stopped the pulsating attention-seeking system prompts weren't helping.

He practically rolled out of bed, thankful for whoever had placed him in the proper room.

This was the only room outside the living room in the apartment with furniture. He had given Anne a card to purchase what she needed, but he could've done it easier and probably cheaper.

The commotion from outside, a calm and loud scattering of recognizable voices, tickled at the fog that was his waking mind.

'You're awake, Master Cole.' A voice emanated inside his mind.

He reacted from recent experiences, summoning his Captain Cold's Gun into his right hand and his left hand raised, illuminated by the subconscious activation of his mutant ability.

'Apologies. I've taken steps to shield your presence from The Ancient One. I'm unsure how the mutants could track you, but I'm sure you, me, and Firestar have diligently kept the location secure.'

He looked around the room, not able to discern any form of mysticism That explains the voices outside. It seemed everyone was already here, anticipating my awakening.

He unsummoned the gun and studied his hand. He could feel intense heat emanating from his palm, but the heat didn't cause discomfort. Unfortunately, the floor and bed had suffered from his clueless activation.

He mentally refreshed the room, wincing at the thousands of dollars in damages.

'Kaecilius, thanks for the assistance. You're owed an award. Ready the group. We have a lot to cover and much more to implement.'

'As you command, Master Cole.' He had paused in response, sensing Cole's intentions; the former Master of the mystics arts was worried about where he stood.

He wouldn't even entertain why the man was calling him Master. He had much more important things to see.

He called his status to himself.

Name: Cole Stephens

Known Name: Jeremy York

Alias- Red Hood

Race: Inhuman Mutant

Physique: Unique Physiology

Alignment: -Neutral

System-Bank: 1,123,789

Minion(s) Bullseye—Contracted

Anne Weying—Contracted


Angelica "Angel" Jones—Contracted

Kaecilius- Red Lantern-Holder

Persona(s)Jason Peter Todd- Red Hood 103%|100%

Daniel Kilgore- Priest - Haunt 14%|50%

Kurt Kilgore- Special Agent - Haunt 13%|50%

A smile spread across his face. He had become a Millionaire so quickly, a point that made even the vestiges of Jeremy excited. The teen was adamant about achieving glory like his father

Persona acclimation hadn't grown as far as he expected, but the rate of increase was still somewhat in the region of his assumption.

Jason Todd had grown past 100%. That was expected. If he got the vibe correct, his foundation persona would continue growing.

He closed the status and brought forth the first blaring prompt.

System message: The Host has defended against two Omega-level telepath mutants—Reward: Yautja Bio-Helmet

He became agitated at what Xavier did and had almost accomplished. He noted his anger hadn't become explosive, just a cold realization that the man wouldn't get another chance to violate him.

He needed to retrieve Emma Frost's posthaste. He just hoped she wasn't psychologically damaged from life, especially the senior Frost methods of determining an heir by playing his children against one another.

But if she were, he would swoop in and save her like a knight in shining armor. Emma had always been one of his favorite characters, and she would be his in reality even if he had to tear through Hellfire Club.

Her, her father's company, and her siblings, mutants in some universes, were all on the table for recruitment.

Worst case scenario, he performs Thomas Wayne, headhunts the company board of directors, and takes over the entirety of Frost Enterprises.

Reason number one is why he needed a dedicated team—a team he always fostered. Too bad he couldn't be in two places at once.

The Bio-Mask is one of the main tools used by the Yautja. As well as performing the essential function of protecting a Predator's head, the helmet also grants the wearer access to multiple vision modes, including zoom capabilities, facilitates Vocal Mimicry, and includes breathing apparatus, diagnostics, and visual and audio recording systems. The helmet often also incorporates a red targeting laser used in conjunction with a Plasmacaster.

More technology had been unlocked in the system store and its specialty shop. Regardless of his wishes, the system would increase his strength and technology advantage.

Cole was not complaining. He needed every advantage he could garner. Especially after realizing the hero organization of this universe, we're different from his expectations of them based on the comics and MCU.

He accepted the reward, closed the prompt, and retrieved the helmet from his inventory, studying it.

A passing thought had him wondering if it would be compatible with humanity, but he shouldn't have suspected the thorough system in the first place.

The bio-helmet was compatible with the ferocious-looking quills that happened to be part of Yautja's anatomy. He was intrigued by the helmet; taking a peek at the price made a smile stretch across his face. He had some ideas. The helmet would externally increase the awareness and assist in aiming and synchronizing with his other tech available.

He needed a lab and a better workshop outside the state-of-the-art school buildings. He had to implement the functions into his suit's cowl. With technology from the system came the schematics and science behind the creations and implementations of said tech. He could create most of the stuff he had access to now with his latest reward.

Cole stood, wanting to shower and relax before he departed, his mind still turning over ideals and planning for the future.

'Where can I place the Armacham Technology Corporation?' He thought, enabling the shower by a press of a button.

System message: Villainous Deathdealer Stalemated. Weapon X Program. Relationship: (Red Hood) Interested. Rewards: + Heroic alignment. The Round Table (Shattered)

'Oh. That's not good at all.' He groaned as hot water splashed across his body, washing away exhaustion he hadn't realized he had.

Stryker and the government's secret Weapon Plus Program was a code name for a personal U.S. Government project intended to induce superpowers for military purposes.

He was almost assured Sinister, and his clones were in existence. He still had no feasible means of detecting the self-made mutant. He had no idea of the whereabouts of Sublime or if he existed; the Thresholder hate boner for mutant-kind was unmatched. And, if he lived, so did his sister and the living island.

More problems, not enough time. He added hiring more people to the docket. He mentally access to the H.U.D. and sent messages to the Lawyer. He had emphasized finding exceptional individuals, especially those down on their luck.

His mind drew blanks pertaining to the table, outside of it being a potentially powerful magical artifact.

The shattered aspect didn't mean it was broken, but its members weren't around. Or available? It was a vague impression of the system.

Did Camelot exist in Marvel? Yes. He knew of the Otherworld, which might be accessible through the astral plane.

A Problem for Kaecilius, his new resident mystical could occult researcher.

The remaining notifications weren't worth his attention. He accepted money and relationship changes with numerous organizations.

The X-men surprisingly didn't hate him, and The Brotherhood was actively searching for him and the team he fielded.

There wasn't much change, but some notable points needed more attention and understanding outside of the baseline system implantation of knowledge, which he had learned wasn't absolute.

His mutant ability had awakened, garnering him a second mutant ability.

[0] Thermokinesis: The ability to manipulate and control the motion of molecules, slowing them down or speeding them up, thus changing temperature in the surrounding area with the power of the host mind. This is a broad spectrum ability than simply being pyrokinesis or cryokinesis. Mutant ability is affected and can be altered by other attributes and abilities. This is considered a mutant ability.

He needed something like the X-men Danger Room to test and train his and his team's abilities.

He turned the shower off and used his newly awakened mutant ability to dry himself off.

Could he shoot lasers from his eye like Superman? He laughed aloud. He needs to try that one.

He observed himself in the mirror, noting his black fingernails—a byproduct of his unique physique. He wondered what a full-body workout would determine and how to facilitate that when a bestial roar shredded his thoughts.

He grinned, forgetting about the bear mutant. It seemed he goaded the heinous Bullseye into another round two.

He mentally told Kaecillus to stand down. He popped his neck, cracked his knuckles, and adorned form-fitting athletic pants.

He had a Russian mutant to pummel into joining his cabal.