Chapter 62: Fate


Time Square. New York

Parker was still not fully recovered from his fight with Rhino. He couldn't stop thinking about the Hood. The teenager had defeated his enemy in no time, leaving Parker feeling embarrassed and resentful. He knew the whole school was now aware of the two superpowered vigilantes at Midtown High, as the class had been discussing them.

He launched a series of web attacks towards the Goblin, but the crazed villain was agile and more skilled than him. His jaw throbbed with pain from a previous punch, and he knew he wasn't a strong fighter. However, he was grateful that the others were not present to witness his struggle.

Parker was supposed to fight The Goblin in his Venom suit, but Venom hadn't appeared on the planet for some strange reason. Cole had a theory, but he hoped it wasn't true. What if the Sony Venom movie had somehow invaded this iteration as well? Wouldn't that alter the Venom origin story? Cole didn't dislike the film or the new story but preferred things to stay as they were so he could plan based on the stories he remembered.

A bomb exploded, shredding police cars and shattering windows.

"What kind of sicko throws exploding pumpkin bombs?" Spiderman quipped. He swung forward, dove, and webbed a car, using it as a shield to block the explosion's blast.

The pedestrians screamed, then thanked him as he peered over the charred police car and saw the Goblin diving toward him.

"Alright, peeps, go when I jump forward." He ordered, wanting the pedestrians to get out of the way. The people nodded and waited; Parker jumped forward, webbing the car and sending it tumbling toward The Goblin.

The Goblin spun around and extended the blades of the hoverboard, which bisected the car. The Goblin laughed maniacally while swaying on the board.

The Goblin flew overhead on his hoverboard while yelling loudly, "Hahah. Come out, come out, my friendly neighborhood Spidey!" The Goblin's laughter echoed throughout the area as he threw bombs into stores along Times Square, causing destruction. Debris was flying all around due to the thrust of the hoverboard.

Parker had hidden inside a building, his chest heaving as planned; at the current stage, he didn't think he could win against the green foe. His bombs, his agility, and the tech he used were overwhelming him. He pulled his glove off, exposing his web-slinger; he grimaced as Spark hissed; the web-sling had taken a hit from shrapnel and was now useless, leaving him with one.

He was returned from his dark musing by a shriek. His stomach lurched, and he acrobatically dived through a hole in a shattered front, rolling across the ground, his good sling already grabbing a loos man cover, he spun and sent it slicing through the air at The Goblin, his heart racing, fear exuding from him as the little girl crawled back, as the Goblin edged closer, a sizzling pumpkin bomb comically being juggled.

Adrenaline and his impeccable senses had saved the girl and, if he was honest, him. He didn't know what he would do if she were harmed because he wasn't capable.

'With great power, there must also come great responsibility.' The last line his uncle told him as he lay dying resonated with him at that moment.

In the briefest moments, Spiderman became what Cole knew him to be. Cole had been monitoring the fight in wonder. He was a fan, a stan, to be honest, of the Amazing Spiderman; it was a pity that the two had different moral codes.

Spiderman and The Goblin spun on the hoverboard, Parker having leaped on it earlier; the two soared across the skyline, their bodies impacting buildings, destroying windows and structures as they slugged it out.

Spiderman had managed to unmask The Goblin, but the Goblin had been able to destroy his mask, too, and the two had only looked at each other in disbelief until the unhinged Norman started to attack again.

"Parker," Norman roared as he rode him down toward the ground, the two still slugging at each other.

"Think about Harry, Mr. Osborne. Don't make me do this." Peter pleaded as he got the top position, his blows softening in what he didn't want to do. Harry was his best friend.

They landed, destroying a car; Parker was shot away from the impact and slid across the ground. He stood on wobbly legs as The Goblin rolled from the destroyed car.

Norman laughed loudly and popped his shoulder before walking toward Parker. Parker pleaded, but Norman refused to listen.


Witnessing Peter's fall, caused by Goblin's devastating attack, Angelica Jones watched helplessly as Parker valiantly attempted to protect pedestrians from harm, only to be taken advantage of by the mad-cackling Norman Osborn.

Anne: I'm headed your way and got a group trapped in a house.

Angelica read the message that flashed across her H.U.D., a small smile breaking across her face. She hadn't ever pushed herself to such speeds in her training, and now she was blazing a path above Manhattan, her destination, Time Square.

Angelica: I got this, Anne. Handle your section and come back to me when it is clear. Could you handle your section and reply when it is clear?

Anne: Fine. I'll be watching.

She called over the comm badge, reiterating her statement to the group.

"I'm closer than you two. I got this."

Her savior had answered back, his voice moderated in a way that was unique to him.

"Be careful." Their Leader said.

She was surprised at his words; they were simple but had some finality. She felt like he had expected her to assist. He was mysterious like that, alongside the stuff he pulled out of thin air.

"I will," she managed to say, her mind a whirl of conflictions that said otherwise.

"Burn him out of the sky." Anne howled over the comm; a battle was playing out in her background; her section had been hit hard by the turn, and she was having a field day.

She had a thought. "I will commandeer a few of the Boas to assist in taking him down," Angelica paused, swallowed, and continued, "Is that what you want, Jeremy?"

Jeremy answered immediately. "No need. I'll send you a new batch. How about six?

"Ah. Yeah. Sure." She responded. Anne chuckled over the comm. Angelica winced, knowing the firebug's mind already in their brief but exciting budding friendship.

Jeremy continued. "Also, I would rather you remain in the supportive role. We can't always fight his battles." She nodded; moving her head now with the supportive bio-helmet was easier.

"The Rhino," she replied.

"Correct. Parker needs to learn if he is to reach his potential." Jeremy said.

She hummed. Peter Parker was his name. She was amazed at how Jeremy had known so many secrets. She had looked him up and was shocked to learn who he was, and she assumed his knowledge was because of his wealth and connections. It was strange that he seemed capable of so much more.

Angelica recalled Jeremy speaking about other heroes that would play a significant role in times to come. She will request a file on his knowledge to understand his overall plan.

Angelica blazed across the city like a low-flying comet. Her power

Her power seemed like fire control, almost similar to his; she had recalled her heart-stopping when she saw him wield powers identical to hers but learned quickly that he was notably different.

'Microwave manipulation or Weak Force Manipulation.' She thought, recalling what Jeremy had told her. She pulled more energy from her surroundings as her glow intensified. She was sure the city could see her now; she was turning into a small sun as she cut through the darkening snow sky.

In truth, Cole knew more but needed to figure out what version he was dealing with. If it were the weaker version, he would ensure she got to the power level of her ultimate version. Angelica could tap into Earth's electromagnetic field and convert it into microwave radiation emissions, which she can utilize in different ways.

Microwaves are comparatively short waves of electromagnetic energy. Firestar continually absorbs microwave energy from her environment, including microwave energy from the stars, and continuously broadcasts it at low levels. In truth, her powers stem from a much broader spectrum of low-tier nuclear energy alternation, as was disclosed in an alt. future timeline.

Cole had already started developing a plan to protect her from the nuclear radiation that caused her cancer. Her suit was designed to absorb and recycle the radiation, but he intended to create even better suits for her. He had a detailed plan, and she was integral to it.

Angelica Jones had always been a warrior, but in this particular iteration, she had taken a detour urge to create and discover that indomitable spirit that allowed her to best Emma Frost amongst others had shifted; now she had the technology, her battlefield a lab, and she had him to tank for that, her savior, her hero, she felt like he could do anything. She wanted to please him the most.

She had a lot to deal with, including the trauma of losing her parents and the abuse she suffered at the hands of Tombstone. Her past caused her to disdain her powers; if she was so strong, he said she could be stronger, but Angelica didn't see it; why didn't she help herself?

'I'm weak,' Angelica thought, 'I'm not strong like him.'

If things had gone according to the original timeline, Angelica would have become a hero, joining the New Warriors, becoming a long-time friend and occasional teammate of the X-Men, and even spending some time with the Avengers.

Not wasting time, Firestar landed in the middle of timesquare. She had stumbled a bit, but she caught herself before she blazed her powers and leaped at The Goblin.

She had connected to the newly emerging Boas. Another strangeness of Jeremy York is that he could summon items out of thin air. She shook her head, her systems coming online as she began to highlight pedestrians trapped and her target.

'First, I need to kill all the data and camera feed. Thank me later, pal.' She said to herself, scrambling all the remaining cameras and data. Peter Parker's identity had been exposed, and she was sure someone had seen him, but that was all she could accomplish.

'Everybody doesn't have a Jeremy York.' She said, smiling underneath her bio-helmet that had been painted red. The tentacles were extra-sensory data gatherers, but aesthetically, they swayed like dreadlocks, and she chuckled, thinking Jeremy just had a particular style he wanted to present.

Anne had pushed out as she sent The unmasked Billionaire tumbling her power scolding but not at the level that would kill. She still couldn't bring herself to wantonly kill like the others.

She rushed forward and grabbed Parker; he was out cold. She squatted down, her boas zooming past her to engage the cackling Goblin while she did her work.

She tapped her thigh, the suit had opened, and syringes appeared. She grabbed one she needed and hoped Jeremy would get reassurance that the purple-colored liquid was a healing tunic.

"Here we go." She said breathlessly. She popped the cap; the needle looked normal, and she went to stab it down into Parker, but a hand caught hers. She looked into the lone eye; his other was swollen shut, and she pulled her hand loose.

"I'm Firestar. I'm here to help." She said reassuringly.

"Red H-" Parker faltered, but Angelica didn't let him finish; she stabbed the syringe into his neck, and the boy hissed in pain.

"There." She said, standing, pulling him up with her. She took out a balaclava from her pouch and handed it to him.

"Synthetic mesh, it won't be easily destroyed." Parker grabbed the mesh, looking deeply at the masked girl before him.

"Are you with Red Hood?" He asked, his knuckles balling.

Angelica gracefully ascended, crossing her arms as she reached the top. A subtle nod followed as she gestured towards The Goblin below.

"Hey there!" Firestar said finally.

"Understand something important. We're not interfering."

"So, you're a murderer too." He said sourly.

Firstar powers pulsated, the heat around her increasing. Parker reeled, taking steps back to get away from the heatwave.

Suddenly, it stopped, and her voice came out harsher.

"Just handle your Rogue,s Peter Parker?" She said. Peter winced and swallowed hard. Red Hood knew who he was, and he was a student.

'This is bad.' He thought, his strength miraculously returning. His mind whirled with implications. Blackmail. Extortion...

"He also wants me to tell you. It's crucial to remember that he doesn't care about your identity; after tonight, he's not the only one aware.

Angelica pointed skyward and made a circling motion. So please ensure you care for any rogue elements in your life."

Peter Parker's eyes grew hard, and he stared at her, but the mad cackling of The Goblin drew his attention. He placed the mask on.

"I don't need you'll help. But let him know I won't stand by while he harms people in my city."

Firestar shrugged. "You got this!"