Chapter 90: Disclosure

Chapter 90: Disclosure

177A Bleecker Street, New York City, NY

Kaecillus, The First Red Lantern

A red energy-encapsulated blur descended from the overcast sky. Kaecillus landed atop the three-story brownstones, his ruby-haloed figure illuminating the decaying home.

Kaecillus was a mature man with complex, angular features. His ancestry had afforded him moderate looks, but his eyes, peeking behind his Tinted Windsor glasses, sat atop his sharp nose and roared with focused rage.

A blood-red portal affixed itself in the air, and out poured teams of men and women carrying an assortment of equipment with A.T.C. logos.

"I shouldn't have to say this, but don't let our liege down; he wants this place, and we shall endeavor to deliver it to him on a silver platter,' he said tartly.

"We understand, sir." A young Asian man declared, smiling at the man before him. Like the others, he was chosen because of his sensitivity to certain aspects, specifically the mystical. The young man turned, his smile vanished, and began ordering the man to spread out across the expansive roof; each member had a special ally chosen to complete the mission.

Kaecillus turned and strolled toward the ledge. He leaped from the building, and his black overcoat billowed out, flashing the form-fitting lantern costume he wore underneath. He landed without wince as he appeared around the overgrown grounds.

Head on a swivel and alert as he walked the property. "Such auspicious air surrounds this place," he discerned as an ever-present fog loomed around the townhome.

'To think this was supposed to be the Sanctum Sanctorium of the prophesied one.' He was aware of his former master's plans to relinquish the title but not to whom until his liege told him who it was and that they would need him in the coming battles. Kaecillus scoffed; Jeremy York wouldn't need the man. He had witnessed the young man's growth and his hand being held back. 'Just what he was waiting on had been his constant concern.' In the former sorcerer's opinion, the only one deserving of such a title was Jeremy York, a natural-born blood mage.

'My liege called himself a Homo-magi, an offshoot of Homospaien in the same vein as Homo-superior. Mutants were unknown to the master of Kamar-taj; some of their members were even mutants over the story's history.

He pointed the potent mystical lantern ring toward the brownstone, enveloping the historic brownstone in red screening light. Kaecillus flexed his magical prowess, his hands weaving and intricate patterns.

He observed the team spreading out through the brownstone. He nodded at their seriousness. "As stated, the location is a focal point for mystical energies, with a nerve center of dragon ley lines running beneath foundations and veins of magic running through the Earth." Kaecillus had quite easily deduced.

Jeremy had told him the story, but seeing it himself was an entirely different matter; he daresay that this location was far superior to even Kamar-Taj.

Years before any permanent Western European settlements, a powerful Native American Indian Shaman cursed the land for binding the chaos-entity Tyanon to that place and barring her full access to Earth. Through her Familiar, Tyanon continued to amass mystical energies slowly.

Kaecillus felt the temperature shift, and his exhalation became visible to his eyes. Glass shattered inside the brownstone, and lights flickered on sporadically. He reached behind him, drawing The Ace of Winchesters, the gun forged with Hade's gems and Halo steel.

"By the trinity authority, Tyanon, I entreat thee." He spoke, his voice echoing through the property.

Harlem, New York


As Kaecillus readied himself for one of the most perilous battles of his life, Cole sat undisturbed, with his legs crossed and a casual gaze out of the window. Conversely, Legal had not looked into it deeply and only signed off on a substantial property acquisition.

A small group of vulnerable scientists from an earlier batch of Project Rescue declined to participate without more knowledge; he understood that the contract was highly binding, the perpetuity type, the kind you take to your grave or be placed in one.

He watched them go, aware of what would happen to them. He exhaled, thinking it was a waste and a pity that those brilliant minds would be lost to the world. He gave Legal a nod.

'Let the show begin.' He thought inwardly.

After they left, the speaker turned their attention back to the remaining group. Stuart Clarke, the villain that would have been known as Rampage, hadn't wasted time to sign; the man really had no way out, as Cole knew that he would have turned to villainy. Still, the man's intention to cause harm made him even more perfect for Cole. He needed people that didn't mind getting their hands dirty. He scanned the others, who were signing and initialing their document, their names appearing under his tab individually.

Those who took the leap and signed the N.D.A. could feel the weight that settled atop their shoulders. He smiled knowingly.

"This is quite the feeling," Perry remarked as he adjusted his chair. Legal had almost forgotten about the spy; he hoped the double agent took the boss's words to heart.

He put on a show, checked his watch, and leaned over to whisper into Jenifer's ear. The young lady blushed at his words, obviously nothing to do with the meeting.

Legal smirked but shook his head. He immensely enjoyed the kid's attitude. He assumed the boy would be like Icarus and reach too fat, but it seemed he could grab the sun. The latter part is quite possible with what he knows about the kid, and to think the planet that had the science world in an uproar was related to him. Legal peered deeply at Cole before shaking his head. He was onboard officially; Kingpin's eventual release didn't scare him, especially with his current upgrades.

Legal cleared his throat, drawing the murmured discussions to a close, and stood, taking the helm of the meeting for his boss. Cole smiled and leaned back, relaxing. Legal hoped the people here wouldn't faint from the disclosure.

Legal removed his shades. His eyes gleamed as the hardlight expanded, and the gasps and awes made him smile. 'Shocked? Keep working under Cole; next is a heart attack.'

He patted the air, "Any explanation is useless individually; just bear with it for now; all questions will be thoroughly answered. Welcome to Armacham, by the way, gentlemen and ladies."

Hands dropped, and the onboarding process ensued. He knew then that those who signed were aware that their decision was a good one. Stuart gawked, Perry looked startled, and Legal knew from Jermey's unbelievable vast knowledge that A.I.M. was by far just as advanced, just not as diverse as they were.

The presentation had been created with hardlight technology, showing extreme lifelike detail. Legal narrated, hands pointing out subjects that needed to be focused on personally, like the second life benefit, that had Perry visibly shaking; he observed his boss watching the man like an amused hawk.

"Earth needs to be wary of the five major powers in our galaxy. These powers are so opulently above us that even if we reach the base level of their societies, we will still be insignificant.

"Wait, hold up," A scientist interrupted, and Jeremy silenced him with a simple hand gesture. Legal nodded at the assist and continued.