The Truth.

"Oh Mia….Hehehe…." Jun was so drunk that he didn't understand what he was saying he just kept repeating Mia's name again and again.

Finally he let her out from the hug and looked at her face, which was all wet because of her tears.

He looked at her, very closely, squinted his eyes to have a clear look; it took a while to understand but he finally could see Mia's teary eyes and her red nose.

"Huh? Mia?" He said. "Why are you crying?"

Mia wiped her tears and shook her head telling that it was nothing.

But Jun still kept asking, "Why are you crying, Mia? What happened?"

"It's nothing. I'm fine, Junaa. Let's go home now, you've drunk a lot." She tried to change the subject but he didn't want to.

"But tell me first, who made you cry like this. Just tell me the name of that jerk; I'll beat him up!" He said raising his fist in the air like having some kind of super strength.

"Hehe…" Mia laughed on his actions. "It's you idiot! It's you who made me cry." She said jokingly.

But she didn't know that Jun had taken that literally; his face dropped right after she said that, "I….I made you cry….Yeah….I know….I'm a bad person….A very very bad person…"

Hearing his depressed voice, Mia couldn't understand what just happened. The words she had said casually had affected him deeply.

Jun kept his left hand on her shoulder and with right hand he started pointing at her face, like he was trying to warn her or something. "You should break all the relations with me, Mia….Just cut all the ties….I'm not a good person….I'm not a good friend….I don't deserve to be your friend…I don't deserve to be anyone's friend…."

'Why….Why is he talking like this?….What's wrong with him?' Mia, who was completely confused by all this, looked at Mu Yeol, who was sitting there quietly with two deeply sleeping friends of his.

As soon as Mia looked at him with that question mark on her face, he quickly got up from his seat and started trying to wake the other two guys, "Ya! Dae Wonaa….Chan Wooyaa….Ya! Wake up! Wake up now! We should go home! Let's go!"

"Huh?...Uhh…Umm…" Both of them half asleep were trying to open their eyes, but still couldn't.

Finally, Mu Yeol slapped lightly on their faces several times, to bring them back to the real. "YA!! WAKE UP!!!" He yelled.

"Aa! Why?" They whined but Mu Yeol didn't stop and got Chan Woo up by holding his shoulders. Then grabbing Dae Won's hand he pulled him up.

While both the guys were resting their heads on his both shoulders; he looked at Mia and said, "I think we should go now. It's pretty late."

He was trying his best to avoid that awkward situation.

"Yeah okay…" Mia said and held Jun's hand. "Let's go Junaa…" She said.

Jun tightened his grip on her hands, smiling like a little kid. "Hm!" He gave a firm nod. "LET'S GOOO!!!" He pointed in a direction and started walking.

Mia quickly pulled him back, "Not there! This way!" She said and dragged him with her towards the stairs.


"12-4 Samseungdong, Gangnam- Gu." Mu Yeol instructed the address to the taxi driver as Mia opened the door and carefully got Jun inside.

She turned back and said, "Thank you, Mu Yeol."

"No. Thank you, Mia." He said smiling weakly. "I actually needed the help and you ran to us in just few minutes. Thanks a lot!"

Mia nodded slightly and looked at the other two guys, who were standing on the footpath, leaning on each other for the support.

"Yeah….I need to take these idiots back now." Mu Yeol sighed to himself. "If you get any problem, call me on the number I've given you."

"Yeah…Thanks again…" She said and got inside the taxi.

As the driver started the engine, Jun who's been sitting on the other side of Mia jumped towards the window of her side, over her lap. Stretching his arm out of the window he yelled with a wide goofy smile of his, "Bye Bye~~ guys~!!! See you~~!!! By~e By~e…."

The two guys in the back, who were standing quietly for all this time ran in the front. Mu Yeol quickly grabbed them before they could get to the road.

"Bye Bye Jun~~~ Have a safe trip~~" Dae Won yelled.

"I'm gonna miss you~~~" Chan Woo waved his hands up high.

"Bye~ Bye~" Jun said again as the taxi moved ahead.

"Get back you two!" Mu Yeol was trying to push both of them away from the road. "Are you guys nuts? Do you wanna die?" He growled in frustration. 'This night is way longer than I thought….Ughh….'


"Jun!" Mia pulled him inside. "Don't put your hand out from the window." She said.

He crawled back from the window halfway. His hands were on her right while his legs on the left; and his whole body over her laps.

She grabbed his waist to pull him towards her left.

As he got pulled back a little, he let go of himself and landed his head on Mia's lap; his hands resting beside his face from both the sides.

"Huh?" Mia quickly pulled herself back as she saw him lying in her laps, eyes closed.

"J-Jun?" She called hesitantly. But no response.

Her heart was beating so fast that she had her hand on it, trying to calm it down.

Breathing a little heavily she said again, "Jun?....Jun?"

"Uhmm…" He turned himself over and curled in his body to get in a cozy position.

Few minutes passed.

Rubbing his head into her laps, he turned the side again; now his face facing hers.

Looking at him, sleeping so cutely in her laps, her heart skipped a bit.

She just kept staring at his calm sleeping face; her lips got curved up in a warm smile. 'Oh Jun….You act all so tough and rude…But I know you are still that Jun, who was soft, gentle and cared about me a lot….I don't know what I had done, if you were not there…..'

Her hands automatically went towards his head and her fingers gently started brushing his hair back.

As if feeling her touch, Jun opened his eyes slightly; flickering his eyelashes he said, "…..Mia?"

"Hm?" Mia smiled at him with her soft eyes.

He grabbed her hand which was brushing through his hair and brought it towards his chest.

"Huh?" Mia got surprised as he held her hand with both of his, softly.


"Shhhh…." He shushed her right away. "Let me tell you something…." He said as his grip on her hands tightened a little. His voice had suddenly got so serious that she couldn't believe that, like a few minutes ago he was yelling and waving goodbye to his friends like a goof.


"….I wanted to tell you this for these past two years; but I was feeling so guilty about it that I couldn't even look you into the eyes…." He was talking as his eyes were pinned to hers.

She didn't know what he was talking about but she didn't interrupt him and stayed silent.

"….I…..I'm really sorry…" He said.

She felt like his eyes were a little moist which freaked her out. "Wh-What? What happened?" She asked. "Why are you apologizing?"

"…." He stopped for a couple of seconds before saying, "…I am the reason because of whom nothing worked out between you and Ray!"

"Huh?...." She couldn't get what he was talking about. She thought that he is just blabbering while being drunk. "What does that mean?" She asked. "You have nothing to do with him going to—"

"I have!" He interrupted her talking. "I'm a bad person….A very bad person.." He repeated the same words he had said in the bar. "….I wish I could just turn back the time and make everything right…." He murmured.

"…..Wait!" Mia realized something. "How do you know about….us?"

"….I have known it for a very long time…." He admitted. "I knew both of you liked each other..…And I'm the one who rushed him to confess his feelings to you…."


"….Yeah….I pushed him….I pushed him to do it, though he wasn't ready for it…."


"…You know, he even wrote you a letter, calling you to meet him…."

Mia remembered the paper she had found in Charlie's basket two years back. All those dark memories, the struggle of those two years just started revolving in her mind.

"….It's okay Jun…." She said. "….You were trying to help us. You wanted us together and that's why you pushed him. But it didn't work out and that's not your fault. Maybe we weren't meant to be….." The disappointment was clear on her face still she was trying to convince him along with herself.

"….You don't know the full story…." He said as he let go of her hand and slowly got up from her laps.


Sitting up, he turned his head towards her and with a heavy voice he finally said the words which were locked up in his mind for the past two years and were very hard for him to spill out.

"…..The letter….The letter which Ray gave me to pass it to you….

I….I threw it in the trash…!!!" His eyes were lowered; he was ashamed of himself; the guilt was visible in every action of his.

"….." Mia's eyes were wide opened on those words. She just couldn't believe it. "What are you talking about? That's….That's not true…."


"Please tell me you're lying…." Her eyes started tearing up and her voice was getting shaky. "You are just talking some bulls*** as you're drunk, right?"

His head was still hanging down; he couldn't look up at her.

"…Jun?....JUN!!!" She yelled.

He looked up, his eyes were also moist.

"Answer me!" She said.

".....I-I was supporting him till the end….I wanted you two together.....But….But I don't know what happened and...and at the end I just….I just…..couldn't do it anymore...I don't know why I did that but I just felt something...weird....and I threw it....I threw the letter in the trash..."


"I really regret it afterwards....I regret it till this day! I'm sorry….I'm a really bad person…I am not worthy for your friendship….For both of you….I'm…I'm really sorry….Please forgive me…..Please…."

"….." Mia was gone completely silent.

Tears were continuously flowing through her eyes; hot steam coming out from her nose; her hands were shaking a little; so she tightly held her pants clenching her fists.

But she didn't say anything.

Not a single word.

Jun's head was down as he wasn't brave enough to lift up and look at her.

A weird silence was spread all over the taxi.

Whole five minutes passed by like this.

"Keeeeek!!" The sound of the taxi brakes brought both of them out from their thoughts.

The driver looked back through the mirror. He was a little awkward as he had also heard every single word of their conversation. "….Your stop…" He said somehow.

Jun looked up at him and then outside from the window, finding his apartment before him.

Then he looked at Mia, who's been staring in the blank.

He opened his mouth to say something to her, but then he stopped in the middle and turned his head towards the door. Waiting for like a second, he grabbed the handle and pushed open the door.

Stumbling his steps a little, he got out from the taxi.

Turning around, he looked at Mia through the window.

She was still in the same position. Looking in the far distance with dead eyes. Without blinking.

He had never seen her like this.

He raised his hand a little but again pulled it back clenching it. Trying to control his own self. His head lowered towards the ground.

He heard Mia telling the driver, "Seoul University, Girl's dormitory." With an ice cold voice.

The engine started and soon the taxi went ahead.

From the corner of his eyes, Jun looked at the far going taxi.

"….I have lost her….I have lost the most precious person of my life…" He murmured as a tear fell down from his right eye and hit the cold ground.
