The New Owner...

Mia and Yuna were in the kitchen when they heard their manager's voice calling for them.

"Mia….Yuna…Get outside. Hurry!!" He yelled.

Both of them had just finished their work of plating, so they hurriedly ran outside.

As they got out from the kitchen, they saw all of the employees along with the manager walking towards the door. And then, they heard sound of the brakes. A black shining car stopped just outside the café.

"They are here!!" Yuna said excitedly as both of them ran towards the door.

The manager who was in the front, turned to all the employees and said, "Don't rush things too much. Don't make them feel like we are desperate. Greet them. Welcome them politely. A warm welcome from us could seal the deal! Is that clear to everyone?"

"Yes manager!" All of them said at the same time.

Then manager turned towards the door and taking a deep breath he opened the door of the café to walk out. Everyone started to get out one by one when suddenly,

"Oh! Shoot!" Manager turned back again. "I forgot to get the flower bouquet." He talked to himself.

"Mia!!" He called her name as he saw her standing in the very back. "There is a bouquet I've kept near the shelves of the counter. Go and get it!"


"Hurry up!"

Mia quickly turned back to go as she heard the sound of opening of the doors of the car.

'Shoot!' She thought as she ran inside in hurry.

"Bouquet…Bouquet…" She was talking to herself as she ran towards the counter. "Where is the Bouquet?" She went towards the shelves and she saw something in the corner; it was huge and was covered with newspaper.

"Is this a…." She lifted up the paper and she saw a huge flower bouquet before her eyes, made with all the beautiful, colorful flowers.

"Wow!!" She exclaimed. "It's so beautiful…."

'Our manager and our owner are really trying their best to get this deal.' She thought as she bent down to lift it up.

Turning it to a side, she grabbed the base of it and lifted it. 'Oh!!! It's sooo big!!!' she thought as she stood up and held it properly, as the flowers faced in the front.

'So big that I can't even see anything in the front…..' And with careful steps she started to walk towards the door. '….I just hope that I don't trip and fall down in front of all those people…..Otherwise I'll just lose my job….'

As she was walking, she was just able to see the floor and her feet. She tried to look over the bouquet but it was too high so she finally gave up and just walked looking to the sides.

Finally she came out from the entrance door of their café as she could hear the owner of the café talking she just stopped and stood still.

"….So he is here on behalf of his father. As you guys can see, he is very young but this is not his first deal at all. He is still in the college but he helps his father in his business and even looks after some of the small projects balancing everything with his college studies…." The owner was praising and just praising him. "…I'm very happy and honored as these big people have shown interest in our little café and the only heir of one of the biggest industries has come to our place from overseas."

'Oh! He's still in the college!' Mia was thinking from behind the bouquet. 'That's very young!'

"He is not here for the deal only. He is going to take admission here, in Korea itself. And not only that, if this deal will be confirmed….He'll look after the café, personally." The owner said the last line and laughed a little at the guy. He just gave a slight nod to it.

"EEekkkk!!" One of the female employees, who was standing beside Mia, squeaked a little, "He is so cool!!!!" She whispered excitedly.

"Yeah! He is!" Yuna who was standing beside that girl said. "He is very young and so handsome!!!"

"….Really?" Mia asked from behind the bouquet. "…I can't see anything…" she complained.

"Shhh…" The manager turned back and shushed towards the girls.

"….So, this is my staff. This is manager Cho." The owner started introducing everyone to the guy. Manager and the guy bowed to each other, greeting.

"And all these are our employees here." The owner pointed towards everyone. "Some of them are full time while we also have some students who work part time." He added.

Everyone bowed down, Mia also tried to do it, but with that gigantic bouquet in her hands she couldn't even bend down properly.

As they all greeted each other, manager turned his head back and whispered. "Psst! Mia! What are you doing there in the back? Come in front and greet him with that bouquet. Hurry up!" He ordered.

Startled Mia, held the bouquet properly in both of her hands and started walking towards the front.

Everyone spread away to give her a way to walk.

'Please don't fall down….Please….Please….' This was the only thing going on in her mind.

"Yeah. Go ahead. Greet him." She heard the manager's voice from the back, which made her take the last steps in hurry.

But then, suddenly, in this great rush, one of her feet got stumbled in her other foot and before she could understand anything, she found herself going down towards the ground; falling.

"Eee—" A panicked scream let out from her mouth which was cut in the middle, as she felt two firm hands holding both of her shoulders.


And those two hands lifted her shoulders up, gently, helping her to stand up straight.

As the bouquet was still on her face, she couldn't even see the person's face that had just saved her from falling down.

"T-Thank you…" She said hesitantly.

"You okay?" The person asked.

On those words, Mia's eyes were opened wide, 'Huh?? This….This voice??!!'

"Let me get that from you…" He said further as he took away his hands from her shoulders and held the base of the bouquet in his hands.

Getting it in his hands, he gave it to his secretary standing beside him.

"Thank you!" He said as he looked right into Mia's eyes.

The moment, the bouquet had gone away from her face and she had seen that person's face; she was turned into a rock.

Her eyes were wide open, her jaw was dropped down; her hands were still in the air like they were still holding the bouquet; and not even a single word was coming out from her mouth.

Yuna came into the front quickly and pulled the stiff statue of Mia, back and kept it with the others.

The guy chuckled as he was happy on this reaction.

Then he turned towards the owner and said, "Where are the papers? Let's sign them."

"Huh??" Now the owner's face was turned exactly like Mia's.

"B-But…You didn't even come inside. First come and see how it all looks. We've also prepared some things for you…" The manager said hurriedly.

"No. No. That's fine!" The guy said smiling. "I've seen what I wanted to."


"For all this formal welcoming ceremony, it's fine. Actually, I need to go to the college for taking the admission, so I don't have much time to spend. I'll be coming here regularly so you can welcome me properly some other time." He said as he looked towards his secretary who got out some papers from the suitcase he was holding.

"And one more thing, I'm younger than most of you, so you don't have to be so stiff around me. Loosen up a little." He took the papers and pen in his hands which his secretary gave him. "I hope we all will work together and also have a great time."

As he was signing the papers one by one, he stopped for a second and looked in the direction of the employees.

There he saw Mia, staring at him without even blinking and Yuna whispering something in her ear, which wasn't going till her brain at all.

His lips got curved up in a smirk and he went back to signing.

After that, the secretary took out a check from the suitcase and gave it to him.

"Here. Mr. Mo." The guy said as he handed the check to the owner of the café.

Looking at the long row of numbers on the check, the owner, now the former owner went speechless.

Somehow, getting himself together, he thanked him.

"It was great dealing with you sir." The guy said as he bowed down on which the old owner also bowed down hurriedly.

The guy smiled at him and then looked around at the other staff.

Everyone else gave him a bow.

Yuna quickly pulled Mia down making her bow.

"It was nice meeting with you all. I can't wait to work with you."

And then with a pleasured smile on his face, the guy got into the car.

In couple of seconds, the engine started and before Mia's eyes, the car rode off.

As soon as it did, Yuna turned to Mia with a frown on her face, "What is wrong with you? Why were you behaving like that?" She asked.


"Tell me. I haven't seen you froze like this before. What's wrong?" Yuna was now a little concerned about her, "Did you…Did you already know that guy?"

On this Mia quickly turned her head towards Yuna and nodded it twice.

"How do you know him? Who was he?" Yuna asked.

"…..Ray….Kim Ray…." Mia said as she kept her hand on her heart. "My First Love….!!!"

