It was a dark night,and a shadow moved silently around the building ,the shadow suddenly stopped and tilted his head he looked around and knocked on a window a window creaked and there was a little light coming from the inside the room ,and a voice came sweet and at the same time sharp "give me two"
" Ok" another voice responded. the shadow headed back to where it initially started to come from.
this is a story of a boy in is mid sixteen carlos was is name carlos iremide and a chain smoker just returning from where he got his daily wrap of weed. at the age of 16 he was already a chained striker .
Carlos came from Somewhere deep in westAfrica. is father and mother were dead so he had to stay with his grandmother
living with is Grandmother was just like living on your own he fended for himself... He only asked for a place to sleep from his grandmother.. is Grand mother didn't really care about his wellbeing
Going out today, was just preparing to work. Being a member of a notorious cult gang ,.well this night wasn't no diffrent to other nights...the gang planning to rob off some money ( pensions) off the soldiers who were transferring the pensions of old men to their base. The gang was called 21 anchor they were specialised in robbery ,burglary and scam of all types they where pretty wanted by the cops but never being caught... this was tied to their well planed operation plans they were never around false news..
crack getting to their hiden base called EDEN he met up with the remaining gang member ..Tiger eye, KOB , Calvary and Striker, Wire , John ,Manuel, CEASE fire, Biggy ,Tk ....he was called by the gang Crack
each of them works specialised indifferent Part of their operations Tiger eye was a sharpshooter, KOB could sneak into any building, Calvary was strong, Striker made the plans Crack COULD break safes of any types including locks these guys though below 25 were so terrifying when they meant business and well strong due to the readiness of amunnitions they Got from only GOD knows where Anchor the gang leader got it ... different type from revolver to Heavy machine guns even Mark1, M16 , M12, grenade launchers once the amunnitions was in africa consider it With them
carlos which was cracks name greeted them with their secret handshakes Anchor being the leader complained of crack coming late crack apologized sat down mould up the weed in the rizzla as he was looking at the plan for tonight operation. Bush came later than crack was anyway the last on the list, for today's operation .first it would be Calvary he was responsible to shift the C4's on the route the convoy would be taking....after the explosion comes in the rest of the Gang apart from Cobra and Bush who would be getting the "Hi ace" van ready for eloping the blast scene would be in the vehicle waiting for the rest of the gang after the blast recovering security must be shot no victims should be left alive recovering from the blast then Crack and Manuel would break in vehicle sales... all gang move loot back in their vans Tiger eyes, Bush, John status alert shooting any in come vehicles and the 13 of them moving out fast no mistakes no slow ups no smoking and drinking let the weapons do the smoking and talking. after the operation briefing .. Anchor called Bush and cobra told them to take the plan b route and move to the old missions house where he would meet the rest of the gang ..and called Crack information him the lock was not a must be broken into and told him to shoot out if it proved stubborn.. every one went to the big brown table and start picking the nights preferred weapon .Crack picked out a pistol thrust it in his back and smiled at Manuel who was just 2 years older than him smiled ...
Then Manuel breathed out and asked is that Adex sticks Crack nodded.. and said " just pass me that " pointing to the M16 assaut rifles .
Manuel replied close one eye and focusing on the weed dangling from the corner of Carlos mouth "pass that too "
crack smiled and stretched out the weed and received the rifle with his other free hand ..a little high but not as high as yesternight .Crack slides in the magazine into the magazine well after check in the bullets then Calvary spoke out loud with is deep clear voice "we move out in 3 minutes every body round up "Carlos picked out is lock dissemble tools and wrap them in a nylon and slides the tools in his back pocket..and touched his head first ,right shoulders and left shoulders and said Amen.. "everyone now" this is gonna be big girls .. move out " Calvary bellowed it is time for the last time everyone moved out Bush and Cobra in front the rest of the gang moved in the back of the van
as the van moved out the vans engine Roared out this making crack want to smoke the mall picked the weed from h i s pocket and mold it up. he started smoking this was just like every other day after his father's death then remembered 7 or six years back when everything was good and he thought it would be an engineer. he puffed at his weed and remembered that he never knew his mom the only thing is father told him about her was she was an angel already that took him years to know she died ....his father was an an engineering too worked with woods and iron this gave him idea into lock breaking then he remembered the day he went to school and his dad went to work only never to return at night till the po-po can and told him all sort of things like shot, hospital ,badly wounded, coma ,died .... .. and he moving till he got to his granny's place at IJEBU ODE where he met up with Kilani who introduced him to weed .. crack took another paused and took a good drag out from his weed then he continued again how he meet up with
Wire at their usual weed joint (ZANGA )and his initiation into 21 Anchors then his first robbery and his first night out with his gun and the dreams he got after his first killings and more weeds went into drugs drugs where no good how he tried working to get his money legally but the money he got they where too small and how he went deeper with the 21 anchors and more and more till him getting shot the first time on his shoulders till he became a role player in the gang at just 16...Wire again breaks silence " i think in a Gun and a woman, if I should choose I will choose a gun to get that woman ...this time the gang laughed out loud lifting the tensions ...Crack continued his thoughts ,the weed was almost finished and there wasn't anywhere he could get one around till after the operation.yes and back to woman he was still a virgin no one knows this secret apart from him no girls was on his minds yet his girl was his weed ..and he would love to keep it that way till ::..""we are almost there " said Bush again.
" get ready Calvary ,John ,Big joe ..and also Boss says Cobra will be up around here somewhere spying the road for when the convoy arrives he would signal us _ keep your eyes out everyone let's be dome with this real quick...I have somewhere to be at ""
Wire replies again ",i think by the time we are through cynthia would be waiting for you bush with her legs wide " everyone laughed again. the van wasn't tensed anymore it was livid and every talked about a thing or too then Manuel turned back and asked crack smiling " hHy Crack do you still have those sticks and more weed on you I have some here but no rizzla you got some rizzla" Crack replies "we trade you give me weed I gi_ you rizla two stick a paper " Manuel feigns surpriseness " fuck you .....,....,anyway there is enough for 10 stick pass me some paper and I will give you half the weed.... and you give me 4 rizzla ,Crack sticks hand in pocket and shares with Manuel the papers and he rolled up a new stick they continue smoking..some moments later Crack askes "where you get this stuff it still wet '"
Manuel says it is ""Mas P he just got it this night after this operation we could get more from him maybe ""
"no problem -Crack nods as he puffs it out the window .enjoying the weed and wind .. and trying not to dose off
A sharp turning around the corner Bush shouted we stop in front everyone ready
yes thought Crack maybe "this was just the beginning"