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Crack rised from the floor to a crawling stance and crawled very carefully to the van ,he looked back at the other gang members as all of them proceeded to the van slowly and carefully with their guns pointing to the armored van ,which was in a very sorry state dented with over a hundred bullet holes..Crack reached Striker's body and checked him out only to find out that strike had been hit on his abdomen and his innards where all around him in a pool of blood .Crack then closed striker's eye lid with his hand and made the holy cross on strikers body after everyone had searched the area clean and that the van was safe Tiger ordered Biggy to dump strikers body far, into the bush to clear every possible sign of evidence. Crack had already started working on the safes ,alas the safe was just with a small combination lock at least in 15 minuites he should be through with this lock.He took out his picks and tried them on the lock.

Abudullahi who was in charge of the remaining part of the convoy had instructed his men "move out now we some catching up to do " they had already finished changing the trucks spare tires

Cobra looked at his phone to check the time it was 9:28 and it seems like there was no network anymore,, so he thought the other gang members should have contained the situation.. Big Boss (Anchor) had ordered him to move out of his hideout by 9:30 and move straight to the old mission house for reconnaissance with the rest of the gang as he started his bike, he heard another siren in the blinkof an eye he pushed his bike to the floor and laid straight on the floorby the highway with his binoculars only to see another incoming army trucks he looked at the MAN truck's tire to ascertain if the trucks was fully loaded the truck's tire was compressed with the loaded escort and ammunitions.. immediately the laid still for the convoys to pass when it had passed he looked at his phone still there was no signal "HOLY SHIT"he cursed, trying to think of a way to alert the rest of the gang .He then thought (had the former soldiers called for back up or had they suppressed ..his gang.. "No no this can't be" He said panicking "this is really gonna be bad " He stared his bike and rode straight after the just passed convoy at full speed and tried is best to out run the convoy by at least 4 kilometers. And he felt he could do so because the bike was still new. .

Crack had just finished breaking the sales and everyone was moving out the stacks of currency has fast has they could and it was an huge size of neatly stacked 1000 naira notes ...everyone got in the bus after about 10 minutes of stocking the bus full of money filled sacks...As the bus rolled out of the rough Stones track hideout onto the highway they heard someone shouting at them" hurry follow me " at the top of his voice it was -Cobra-, he rode his bike straight to the bus,, and he told them the new situation in 3 words "more soldiers coming "... He continued follow me they will soon be here I passed them by the road and he turned his bike back to the way he was coming from and the bus followed him. Everyone of the gang member in the bus had his guns out corked and in automatic fire on in case of any emergency open fire ..soon enough they passed by the army truck coming from the other side of the road with a loud siren ..some minutes later Tiger Eye spoke out loud for any opinions "who the fuck knows about what happened??who called for backup?! ,nobody answered because no one really knew about the convoys, changing of a punctured tire during their journey..

Just when the Army truck got to the robbery scene filled with torched cars it stopped , and every officer came out of the vehicle this time very prepared for any gun fight as the moved slowly to the burnt car then the discovered that the burnt car was the first part of the convoy and has been intercepted as they checked about the scene for any evidence or clue they could gather.. but at that moment Chika the officer who had been on the first convoy and had been the first to come down from the first convoy to check the road barrier before the blast and mascara and escaped into the bush for safety ,now from his hiding point he found out that the remaining part of the convoy were just arriving at the scene, he didn't want the rest of the convoy see him like he deserted his team which was punishable under the military law.. He picked out his double edge knife ,put a stick in his mouth and cut himself on his right thigh and on his left arm he made a not too deep cut (he still thought he needed his arm this days) as he bit harder and harder in the stick grunting they he slowly moved to the explosion spot where he laid on the floor grunting in pain

Almost immediately Abudullahi ordered " check around for survivors"

The officers dividing themselves into groups while some stayed behind to safe guard their Abudullahi their Major the combed the entire area while some checked the bushes not quite long a group saw Chika at the edge of the bush and immediately called for the medical who came over to Chika and gave him first aid bandaged his wounds and took him to Abudullahi for further questioning while the group went back to collect weapons and look for more survivors ..

The gang after some minutes where already half way getting to the old mission house..Crack was very agitated so decided to smoke again as he lighted his smoke he remembered how he moved to a retired soldiers house after the pleas of his grandma who happened to know a retired officer she told the officer that, her grandson Carlos needed some iron handling.. Crack lived with them for some time before he stole the retired colonel's wife gold ,but due to the fact that the soldier knew his grandmom well,and didn't want to offended her handed Carlos over to his wife who was a D.P.O in the police force this action earned Crack some a week in the police station which contaminated him the more where he meet Wire..

As soon as what happened during the shoot out was made clear to The major Abudullahi rounded up his team and set on pursuing the white bus some officer claimed they saw following a bike

All officers filed into the army trucks and 2 van in (one of the was the recovered first Hilux van in the first convoy it was filled with bullet holes but was up and running) another minute they where following the gangs bus and catching up on full speed, in 25 minutes, they officers saw the out line of the white bus from Afar (the gang bus was real full and couldn't take up on its full speed) the army pursuing vans had switched off the sirens to make their pursuit not obvious till the last minute

As Crack was remembering how Wire had talked him into the group.. "BANG" a shot rang out

"TATATA" it continued everyone in the van had to space them selves out shooting at the pursuing vehicles it was a hell of a Gun fight. As bright red bullets swooshed pass the vehicles Crack in the first row seats of the van popped his head out of the window as he shot at the incoming vehicles tire and windscreen as the Hilux shot back from its mounted anti air machine guns .

Biggy Got shot as he tried repelling the pursuers anwld was pushed out of the windows to lighting the bus waiting followed by Wire whose hand was sawn off by the machine gun not quite long the Hilux van at front tires where shot which made it slow down while the other Hilux van driver was shot in the shoulder's the truck stopped too because it had no form of pursuing because there was no fire arms mounted on the truck which gave the gangs van the required space to escape narrowly..

Bush cursed "fuck what is all this " as he looked back in the van and found the sorry state of everyone Wire was losing much blood as John and Manuel tried everything they can to help him till they got to the old mission house in the thick forest ..

On Reaching there everyone altogether the bus as they moved everything in the bus to the mission house ..Anchor their Boss on seeing them especially Cobra coming in late ,,, poured out his fury out as he asked Cobra " what part of my order did you not understand, I told you to move straight to this place by 9:30 but you got here by 11:00 what happened you know i hate when people disobeys",,, as he pulled out his silver pistol and pointed it at cobra then Cobra terrified so bad he sweated as he briefed Anchor about all that had happened as Tiger eye and Calvary chipped in the rest part of the story which shocked Anchor ..The Boss taught of the situation and took out his phone made a short command to the person at the receivers end" tomorrow by 5:30 you and josh should bring in two vans of any colours but white to the old mission house 5:30 am sharp. then Anchor told everyone to round up around him he told them"we would move out early in the morning to anywhere far from here and ALSO NO ONE is to return to this state in 2 weeks and we will share the money when we are safely out of this place" understood he asked

everyone nodded

And everyone went anywhere they could to get some sleep before the next morning ...Crack was so terrified that he trembled while he smoke unable to concentrate at sleeping...

till his eyes got black from sleep