Preparation For A Huge Fortune

Alia had been a bit taken by Max's request for collecting gold.

Although gold used to be a very valuable metal it was now worth less than dirt, after all, in this world, there was no economic system in place that could give something like gold its value, in this world the only value that mattered to people was the intrinsic value.

At first, she thought that Max would prioritize getting advanced technology like the fighting technology since Max mentioned that his plantation wasn't all that technologically advanced and in this world, no such thing as laws remain only the strongest fist had the right to live and thus she thought that his priority would be to increase his fighting capability.

Although she was confused Max was still the boss and whatever order she had to follow.

Alia started to think hard about the best place she would find gold. She thought about trying to trade a little bit of food that he had left for gold at the trading posts but she quickly realized that no one will have gold to trade since no cared for it and if she would post a task for it, it would take a very long time.

After some time Alia concluded that she would go to the ruins of the commercial area of the city to see if any banks or shops still had gold.

The commercial area was very prosperous but that fact it was prosperous become one of the main reasons it fell so fast since population density was so high that the mutant spread probably the fastest there, to this day it had a large number despite many attempts to clear the area for habitation.

As she approached the once-bustling area that now looked like ancient ruins she couldn't help but think about the time when this a place filled with people instead of the zombie-infested hellhole it was now.

She saw a tall building with was probably the office of some huge company but now only the word "BANK" was barely visible. As she got inside the building a zombie started charging towards her probably aroused by the noise she was making.

After hours of fighting Alia laid down covered in blood with hundreds of zombie lying all around her, to anyone who would she this scene, it would look horrifying but at this point, Alia was used to this and it was just a part of her daily life, even after years of experience Alia still came close to losing her life today, she felt like she was tired of putting her life on the line every day, tired of living a miserable existence where you have to put your life on the line just for a little bit of food.

This was probably the reason why she agreed to Max's proposal so easily maybe it was his naivety or the sheer amount of food he had or the innocent way he looked at her, she didn't know maybe it was all or maybe it was none of those reasons, whatever the reason the fact was that she knew that it was probably the best chance she had at getting a better life and even if he wasn't she could just kill him and run away with all the food he had.

After some time searching Alia came across a large locker since the locker looked to be of decent quality it contained at least something valuable to those people inside. Alia tried opening the locker but it was sealed tight, after trying for some time Alia got frustrated and took a pure fusion mini grenade out of her bag and put charge at minimum.


A large explosion took place and the locker door flew open, Alia went inside and found that there was a lot of gold inside the vault, she realized that she possibly couldn't take all of it so she took out her Nanostructured anti-gravity bag and put at least 20 kgs of gold, some diamonds and some sort of shiny crystal that had a pinkish shade.

After collecting all the material she started going back to the mansion, on her journey the thought of food that Max would bring with him made her hopeful.

As Max pressed the button he returned to his shabby room, he looked at the corner of his room and on the clock the time was 5:00 A.M. After being in an apocalyptic world for a long time Max's senses were overwhelmed by the fresh air in his room, thinking about thus Max couldn't help but laugh the air which he would have described as extremely polluted a week age now felt to him like fresh air.

Max was probably too excited about all the possible ways in which his life will change from now on.

Tired Max set up an alarm for 10:00 A.M. and went to sleep.

After waking up Max went to the bank to withdraw his money so he could buy the provisions he would need in the other world.

As Max approached the counter the country lady gave him a disdainful look, realizing that he had walked out of the house without even bathing and wearing the same shabby clothes he had been wearing for two days, Max becomes embarrassed.

He approached the lady and said, "I would like to close my account."

The lady took Max's passbook and took a look at it, he had a balance of 30,000 which he had saved through a lot of struggle while working.

Since he very small customer and his account barely had any money, the lady just asked him the reason for closing his account noted his answer, and then begin the procedure for closure of the account, after some time Max walked out of the bank with all of the 30,000 he had in his account.

After this Max made a list of all the things he would need to take to the other world.

The list ended up being surprisingly long, thinking that he did not have a car to get the things from a physical store and the things he wanted to buy were very cheap Max decided to shop online. He opened the Best Price site and placed his order for all provisions like canned food, instant ramen, beverages, energy drinks, etc, and placed an order.

After some experimentations, Max realized that he could store fresh vegetables in his storage and they would remain fresh.

Excited by this Max went to the market below his building and picked all the fruits and vegetables he could afford.

At around 7:00 P.M. delivery from the best price arrived, after Max paid for it he collected all the provisions he had bought and stored them in his storage dimension.

Looking at the intergalactic watch he realized that the battery was merely 2%, after thinking hard about it Max Decided to take the risk and insert the charging wire in the port, the watch started sucking energy like crazy but after 5 mins the battery-powered to a 100%.

At last, Max looked at his wallet there were just 2,000 Rs left in his wallet, he felt melancholic thinking about how hard he had worked his entire life but now he was in his house with his last 2,000 RS, but he felt hope that now his life will change.

Max tossed the cable and his wallet in his storage and pressed the transfer button feeling both excited and scared.

Max arrived outside of the mansion just where he left from.

He walked and saw Alia munching on the instant noodles raw.

He chuckled to himself knowing that this was just the beginning of his new life.