Where are you?

Vince looked amused knowing most of the girls present have a one-sided crush on Jj.

"She is my sister, Yeri." Jj gave Yeri a glass of orange juice, slightly displeased noticing the sticky eyes of many boys.

Other girls also had uneasy eyes with their ears perked up, but upon hearing Jj introduce the beautiful girl as his sister they were obviously relieved.

"Man, your family has such good genes! Can I have the honor to offer the pretty sister a drink?" One of the guys affectionately glanced at Yeri.

"She's still in high school and she can't have any liquor." Jj's expression darkened.

High school?

Many were stunned and unconsciously eyed Yeri from head to toe, tall with a breathtaking s-shaped body.

"Are high school students nowadays already this well-developed?" One of the guys muttered as he glanced next to his girlfriend only to meet her ugly expression.

"Alright everyone it's my birthday, why don't you give me your attention instead? Don't act like horny teenagers making others uncomfortable." Vince jested raising his glass for a toss.

Cedric Moon laughed his face red from drinking. "It couldn't be helped since this is the first time they've seen the snowflake flower of the high school department!"

"Snowflake flower?"

"Ah, I think I heard that before!"

"A high school student as white like snow and as beautiful and frail as a snowflake..."

"Oh! So you are that famous snowflake flower!"

Yeri retained her polite smile as if the conversation had nothing to do with her, she was already accustomed to it.

It wasn't a secret at school that she was often absent because of her weak body, in fact, being called a snowflake wasn't a compliment but more like a ridicule- like a snowflake, beautiful but short-lived.

Not everyone has the same admiration and enthusiasm towards Yeri, particularly the women who were there with their boyfriends.

They already assumed that she was just another pretentious bitch, faking a weak and delicate image to arouse any man's instinct to protect.

However, she is the sister of Jj Zhi, and he appears to be very overprotective of her so they can only berate her in their hearts.

Perhaps it's women's intuition, Yeri is quite keen on this aspect, how easy it is for others to judge a person's appearance, whether she opens her mouth or not they will still dislike her.

"Yeri, right? I really like your dress, do you want to go shopping this weekend?"

The pretty girl who was just jealous of her earlier beamed a friendly demeanor.

"Sorry, I have to go home this weekend." Yeri chuckled inwardly, it seemed her fake friends would increase again.

Who asked her to have a popular brother?

Jj Zhi is not only handsome but also smart, good at sports, rich, and amiable, for this reason, his also popular in the high school department.

Many girls would befriend Yeri with the motive of using her as a bridge to get close to Jj but after she rejected their pleas, someone spread a rumor that she and Jj weren't biological siblings and that she had forbidden feelings for him.

Normally, Yeri couldn't be bothered by childish gossip, and indeed, they weren't biological siblings but forbidden feelings?

Yeri simply hacked into the school forum exposed the guilty parties behind their usernames, and also reported them to the school director.

How could she let them threaten Jj's reputation?

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Jj asked interrupting her train of thought.

Yeri shook her head and silently moved to a couch after a while, the VIP room has a glass wall where you can see the crowded dance floor below.

Across their room is another VIP room separated by space.

"Sergei is getting bolder and bolder, now he opened a business near our area." Drego Tim reported.

"He recently took in some outsiders...some outlaws from a war country." Tristan grinned and glanced at the person next to him.

Shin Keir looked as distant as a mountain, he still disliked the noise and crowd but with the thought of how he met her there, he no longer despised the place.

Don't know if it was because of Tristan's glib tongue and sociable bearing, but the people present weren't so constrained despite Shin Keir's presence.

"I think he's not in a bad mood tonight." The plump guy next to Drego Tim muttered, urging him to take this chance and get to his good side.

Drego wasn't in a hurry and unlike others, he wasn't so keen on sucking up.

The plump guy believed it was a golden opportunity and began conversing with Shin Keir.

Although Shin Keir was bored, this time he nodded and said a few words prompting the rest to also speak up.

Tristan meaningfully glanced at Shin Keir, he just casually mentioned tonight's informal meeting but the latter didn't strongly reject going there.

Does it have something to do with the mysterious girlfriend?

He really can't wait to meet the woman!

"Young Master Keir and Young Master Felan, it's not often we have this honor to chat with you, let's drink a few more glasses." The plump guy stood up and eagerly poured them a whisky.

Shin Keir lit out another cigarette and held a glass of whisky in his other hand, he was facing the glass wall, and just when the plump man stood up a familiar silhouette caught his eyes.

It shouldn't be her, wasn't she busy catching up with her studies?

Even so, his face sank and his eyes narrowed.

Shin took out his phone and sent her a message, [What are you doing?]

The plump man just sat back blocking Shin Keir's view.

"Not pleasing at all..."

Everyone "..."

"What's the matter? Take a look at this proposal...see if you are satisfied with the new addition in the auction." Tristan nonchalantly asked knowing his cousin's unpredictable mood.

Shin Keir merely glanced at the document and stared back at the plump man, "Ugly font style and text should be smaller."

Everyone "..."

It is really impossible to make a mistake when doing things with Shin Keir!

Does he truly care about the font size and style or does it have another meaning?

The plump man could feel Shin Keir's penetrating gaze and his scalp went numb, how did he offend this demon?

Could it be because he dared to pour him a drink when he's not even a hot beauty?

No that shouldn't be the case! Who doesn't know Shin Keir dislikes women?

Shin Keir ignored Tristan's questioning gaze and stood by the glass wall.

Heh~ no matter how dim the lights are he can still recognize her!

At this point, Yeri was sitting on the couch and was happily chatting with some guy while sipping an orange drink.

Is she drinking alcohol again?

Another guy joined the two and they appeared to have a very interesting conversation, teasing and laughing, the first guy even patted her head.

Shin Keir sneered, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Yeri Zhi you're really talented at lying! Just a few days and already fooling around!

What did he even try those desserts for? They were overly sweet he had to wash his mouth with a few cups of tea and had to toothbrush twice.

Yet the person he desired to know better was happily flirting with other men!

Shin Keir decided to give her a call but she could be seen frowning, the call was declined and soon he received a message.

[Yeri: It's so late, don't you sleep?]

[Shin: Where are you?]

[Yeri: Where else? In my dorm.]

Shin scoffed, lying without hesitation, see how he will straighten her up!

[Shin: Really?]

[Yeri: Yes, can I sleep now?]

Sleep your ghost!

Shin Keir was emanating an ominous aura that anyone could feel his malice, they didn't know how or what offended him and could only stare at the plump man.

However, the plump man was also equally confused as them and passed the question to Tristan.

[Shin: Why don't you ask me where am I?]

[Yeri: Okay, where are you?]

[Shin: Across your room, looking at you!]

Yeri tilted her head seemingly perplexed, her gaze swept ahead as she took a sip of her orange juice and coincidentally met a pair of menacing, abysmal eyes.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Yeri coughed vehemently, in that short second her heart slammed into her chest and she couldn't be more terrified.

Damn, he must be very angry!

How long had he been staring at her? Is this another coincidence or was he stalking her?

Yeri dared not look again, she just lied to him without blinking he must be itching to teach her a lesson!

"Are you alright?" Cedric Moon passed her a glass of water with a worried expression.

Yeri took it but didn't drink, put up a forced smile, and hurried to her Brother Jj.

Shin Keir snorted seeing her scurry like a rabbit. Heartless woman, couldn't afford to give him a second glance, so guilty?

The tense and gloomy atmosphere in the room derailed everyone into idle contemplation.