Do you cosplay?

Unexpectedly, the woman was barefoot but it didn't seem to bother her, she walked gently with her back straight and her long red dress playfully fluttered like a mischievous fairy, her delicate feet appeared pristine and unblemished.

She noticed a grass sprout obstructing her path and nonchalantly pierced her forefinger with her long nail, the drop of blood shortly turned the grass sprout to red.

Once again, she looked his way and smiled sweetly as she moved closer.

Shin couldn't extricate himself allowing her to wrap her fair and delicate arms around his neck, an intoxicating scent emanated from her, she parted her mouth and said in a soft and alluring voice...

"You killed me."

Shin jolted awake, his forehead covered in cold sweat and his heart still pounding madly.

It was just the crack of dawn, faint light leaked through the window of his study, and his mind gradually calmed down.

What was that inexplicable dream?

From her aura, her scent, her touch, they all felt so real like she truly existed along with that bizarre red forest.


Subsequently, Shin tossed it as nonsense and decided not to dwell on it.

However, the current sight of Yeri standing by the rose garden somehow overlapped with the woman in his dream.

He thought of a possibility and out of curiosity, Shin approached Yeri and straightforwardly asked, "Do you cosplay?"


Yeri was caught off guard she didn't know how to react, perhaps she heard wrongly? "What do you mean?"

"Have you ever cosplayed or do you like it?" Shin rephrased with no trace of sarcasm or ridicule in his tone and expression.

Looking at Shin Keir's straight face, she really couldn't fathom his intention so she perfunctorily replied with a 'No'.

"Are you sure? Not even once?"

Yeri "..."

Mother, the dog villain has cunningly hidden himself well.

Insisting on cosplay, if he's not a pervert then he's clearly a dog!

Could it be the reason for his strong indifference toward women was because he was afraid that his fetish would be exposed?

After all, this would be a great blow for a man of his status.

"So you don't?" Shin repeated without any psychological burden.

Of course, he was oblivious and never regarded cosplay as something obscene.

"I don't, why?" Yeri eyed him full of suspicion and a bit of concern.

The god of wealth and the nation's dream husband has this kind of fetish if this goes out, does she still want to live?

Shin who was wrongly accused in Yeri's mind no longer cared, in fact, he wasn't slightly troubled, it was simply a passing curiosity.

"Don't be in a hurry, I'll take you back to your dorm whenever you want." Shin decided to change the topic.

"Well, I plan to go back after taking a bath." Yeri no longer lingered and left the rose garden.

At least she believed Shin Keir wouldn't harm her, he had every opportunity last night and before. Not to mention with his ability he could just traffic her and no one would know where she disappeared, no need to waste time in a complicated relationship.

Looking at his lonely but broad and sexy back...

Yeri adjusted her immoral thoughts, frankly, there was nothing wrong with fetishes just find someone who shared the same hobbies and interests as yours including fetish.

Perhaps she did something related to cosplay while she was drunk and made the dog villain misunderstand?

Yeri helplessly sighed feeling troubled, just be a good person and help him keep his secret.

After bathing, she was surprised to see a knee-high pink spring dress folded on the bed with the brand tag still hanging minus the prize.

Is it for her?

Well, Shin Keir already mentioned that he doesn't have any female attendants and she also has nothing to wear so just take it, anyway it's just a dress and she can afford to pay.

"Young Lady, will you allow this old man to take you around the estate?" Butler Hong politely put forward upon seeing her descending the stairs.


"The Young Master is still working out and should be done in half an hour."

Yeri understood what he implied and did not refuse his enthusiasm.

The two walked out of the villa, from a distance there was a large pond with an open, Victorian-style gazebo, beyond were lush trees and grass fields.

"Is this within a golf course?" Yeri curiously asked.

"You're quite attentive, have you heard of Sin Mille Golf Course? This estate is within the golf course but still a far stretch from the golf course area. The Young Master puts great importance on privacy so the other 3 villas are also a bit distant."

Yeri has no interest in matters related to golf but she definitely heard of Sin Mille Golf Course because of her father who loves the sport.

The high-profile golf club only accepts members by invitation, no matter what status or fame you belong to, without an invitation it is impossible to enter or join the club.

"You said 3 villas? Does that loud guy in the morning also live here?"

Butler Hong snorted, "The Young Lady need not worry, that peacock doesn't live here. The other 3 villas belonged to the Young Master's cousin and two friends, if that peacock made you upset how about we scare him more?"

'Peacock?' Yeri lightly laughed thinking of the guy's ostentatious style. "It's alright I'm not upset, I'm just surprised he can speak to Young Master Keir like that."

"That's because he's not worthy of the Young Master's attention, not even his anger." Butler Hong deadpanned.

The two reached the open gazebo and colorful koi fishes could be seen leisurely swimming on the pond.

"What does the Young Lady think of the estate? Is there anything that caught your interest?" Butler Hong suddenly raised confounding questions.

Yeri had a hunch that Butler Hong misunderstood her relationship with Shin Keir, she wanted to say that she wasn't what he needed or wanted but if it will violate their agreement then she's a fool for giving the dog villain the leverage.

"Butler Hong you don't have to be so formal just call me Yeri. Of course, this villa is very beautiful, especially the rose garden."

Upon the mention of his masterpiece, Butler Hong's eyes brightened and he became even more enthusiastic and chatty.

Truthfully, Yeri not only liked the rose garden but was very impressed with those AI robots, she had seen 3 so far and she couldn't wait to learn their algorithms and programming language but she was also well aware that these are classified information, she didn't want to exploit Shin Keir just because she was his nominal 'girlfriend'.

"I processed many rose petals for rose tea, how about you try it and see if it's to your liking? I'll go and brew it now!"


Yeri was left unable to say anything since Butler Hong was quite agile and briskly walked away.

Meanwhile, the enthusiastic Butler Hong didn't go straight to brew the rose tea but found Shin Keir by the gym room.

"Young Master, the young lady is waiting for you in the gazebo. As expected, my keen intuition wasn't wrong this young lady is very likable! Since she likes the rose garden then this Old Man will brew her a rose tea."

"Your keen intuition? Why, am I not a good judge of character?" Shin took off his shirt, wiping his sweat.

"So you weren't taken in by her face alone?" Butler Hong pretended to be surprised.

Shin scoffed, he's not a hooligan like Tristan or Saeki.

"If that's the case then Young Master should take the next step!" Butler Hong suggested while rubbing his chin.

A faint smile showed on Shin's handsome face as he calmly replied, "Have I told you she's just 18?"

This time Butler Hong wasn't pretending and was truly surprised, "The Young Master coveted the beauty and committed a crime, how can this be resolved? Did you also abduct her last night? I always thought you wouldn't learn from Young Master Felan and Young Master Jie but as it turns out..."

"Why don't you go away? Don't you want to show off your rose tea method?" Shin sneered.

"Right, the Young Lady is still waiting." Butler Hong slipped away.

Shin simply waved his hand without looking and took a quick shower, by the time he was done the clean clothes he prepared and even the used ones were all gone.

Shin "..."

Old Man, what does he want to achieve?

Just accused him of committing a crime but took away his clothes, is he supposed to face her naked?

Isn't he aware that aiding and abetting is also a crime?

Don't look at Butler Hong as an ordinary old man, he wasn't only a trusted confidant of Shin's father but also an ex-special forces and member of the mafia.

Nowadays, he likes to pretend as a weak old man doing his utmost best as a Butler but in fact, he's also the estate's head of security.

Although he claimed gardening as his masterpiece, his area of specialization covers internal defense, intelligence gathering, and operational and tactical mobility.

Shin looked around the gym area but couldn't find any clothes, without a choice, he took off wearing only a towel on his lower body.

Outside, just after Butler Hong left, Tristan happened to come over.

A warm, smooth, and masculine voice startled Yeri.

"No wonder Shin wasn't at work nor did he answer my calls, you are here." Tristan's radiant smile revealed a sexy pair of dimples, and his curly hair danced, blown by the wind.