Stranger Things

It had been nine months since Broly's birth.

In the corridors of the hospital ... people talked.

"Strange things are happening lately, don't you think?" Said nurse A

"I think the same... Things are starting to disappear ... not only in the hospital, also in other parts of the city, including military stores" said Dr. A

"Not only that, some intelligence and technology institutions have detected computer attacks and data theft ... but they haven't been able to find who has been" said Dr. B

"I've heard that infiltration has not only been on the planet Vegeta, some of Frieza's troops said something similar..." said nurse B

"Unbelievable ... is one of the emperor's enemies?" Said nurse A

"Some saiyans who seemed to have strange behaviors have been arrested ... but they seemed to remember nothing at all" said Dr. A

"Yes, yesterday I had to take care of one of them ... they seemed to have amnesia ..." said Nurse A

"In addition, there were also others who remembered doing things they hadn't done" said Dr. B

"Is it an enemy infiltration or do ghosts really exist?" Said nurse C

"I begin to believe that it is a ghost, many middle and upper-class warriors have mentioned lately that they feel as if something is spying on them… but there no was nobody" Said nurse B

"All this is very sinister" said doctor b

"And all this is happening since that child was born" said nurse C

"Come on, are you implying that a nine-month-old baby who has not left his incubator is the cause of all these events?" Dr. A said.

"No ... of course not, I'm just saying that it's very likely that this child is cursed... and that eye ... is horrible… it must be some kind of curse" Said the nurse C

Suddenly, nurse C fell heavily against the floor "Ahhhh!"

"What are you doing, why have you suddenly dropped to the ground?" They asked

"I haven't thrown myself ... it's as if something has thrown me to the ground ...

I knew, that weird child is cursed ...

Ahhhh! " Said nurse C, who was trying to stand ... to fall again more strongly

"Stop doing the idiot during work hours" said Dr. B

"I don't do it on purpose ... I SWEAR" The nurse C replied, which couldn't stand up no matter how hard she tried

[Damn filling nurse ... How dare you insult the great, powerful and cute Broly]

During the nine months in which Broly was in the incubator he went ahead with his plans.

Even though he bought the Jagan to that stupid god mainly to keep control of his mind and energy when he transformed ...

He also did it for his many other uses ... uses he had planned to use them from the beginning.

In the case that he reincarnated in the Toei Animation version, Broly had planned to use the Jagan to mentally control some of the alien doctors so that, like Bardok, they sent him to Earth before Frieza's dwarf destroyed the planet ...

However, in the case that it was the version of Toriyama ... the version in which he was... would give the Jagan subtler and varied uses to get more benefit and entertainment.

Broly with his great amount of energy and the precise control that was acquired due to his great effort, natural talent and Jagan ...

He practiced intensively for weeks another of the advanced foundations of the Nen ... the En


En is an advanced application of Ten and Ren.

In Ren, aura usually envelops only a small amount of space around the user's body.

En is when one extends their Ren so that their aura extends further than normal, then uses Ten at the same time to contain and give shape to that aura, normally a sphere.

Someone using En can feel the shape and movement and power of anything within the area covered by their aura, with the degree of awareness and finesse depending on their level of skill.


This En, which was influenced by his brutal amount of power, exquisite control of the Nen and Ki and especially the Jagan ... managed to reach an unheard size.

A size so brutal and scandalous that it covered more than half of the entire planet Vegeta.

That En in a mysterious way connected with his Jagan, allowing to expand it brutally ... turn everything that was inside his En was within reach of the Jagan.

Nothing within the thousands of kilometers in diameter could escape his surveillance.

Broly felt like a little God, Santa Claus or Mark Zuckerberg ... able to see everything and hear everything without any restrictions.

[It's as if I also had a Byakugan]

Once he had all his objectives under control, Broly started acting from his comfortable incubator.

Thanks to another of Jagan's skills, telekinesis ... Broly started to manipulate small objects in all directions to train this skill, which he managed to improve quickly thanks to his manipulation-type training methods...

In a few days he was able to handle various strategic computers that were in the range of his En, thanks to the hacker skills he had bought, he began to collect all the information he needed.

With his telekinesis and mentally typing on several computers at the same time, Broly began to improve his skills as a hacker, control of his powers and was acquiring information of all kinds.

Location of different planets around the universe

Information about the races that inhabited them

Technological knowledge such as spacecraft or energy detectors

The training method to be able to handle the Oozaru transformation, something only reserved and possible to achieve by elite warriors

The method of creating Blutz Waves.

Information of the missions carried out...

Broly was getting all the information he wanted, and information he didn't even know what wanted, which he stored in several places ... even though they sometimes discovered him and knew how to create countermeasures against him ... they never found the data thief ... who always came back for more.

However, he not only collected information to satisfy his curiosity ...

Broly also achieved two great feats:

One was to fully control the hospital's computer system... especially the one in his room.

In this way, without anyone noticing, he manipulated all the cameras and detectors in his room ... the reports that arrived and reach the King Vegeta about him ... as well as being able to decide which resources were destined for his care ...

The other challenge, even more complicated than the other ... was to introduce several spy viruses in the spaceship of Frieza to be able to access his superior information and technology, and above all to monitor his operations during its stay in the planet Vegeta ... and after abandoning it ...

Despite they were able to detect some of the decoy viruses ... could not find the true one...

The sensory infiltration plan had had a resounding success

The virtual infiltration plan was proceeding as planned

Now there was only one more infiltration plan ... The mental infiltration plan.

Broly despite being almost omniscient within the planet Vegeta either through his Jagan-En or his control over the network ... and despite being almost omnipresent due to his advanced control of telekinesis ...

Being locked in an incubator limited his actions too much.

He had tried several times to acquire certain objects that he would need in the near future through telekinesis ... but it did not turn out very well ... which started the urban legend of the ghosts ...

Despite controlling a large part of the network and the great scope of his En, he could not control all the circumstances as he wanted ... and he did not want to spend so much time of the day trying to keep everything in order.

Broly was running out of patience ...

Despite being the riskiest part of his great plan, because any mistake could unmask him... he should start with it as soon as possible

The mental infiltration plan.

The Jagan also allows the user mind control over persons with low strength, to cast illusions, transform people into his mind slaves, create false memories and erase them too.

With this, he would get lackeys to work for him, who would be totally faithful without the likelihood of being betrayed ... if he did it correctly, they wouldn't even know who his master was ... or that they were being controlled

The problem with that was that unlike with telekinesis or telepathy ... to use mind control, the target had to directly see the Jagan.

Obviously, the fact that Broly was in a practically restricted room and inside an incubator that he should not leave, made him limit his recruitment of useful servants enough...

His only objective could be the young saiyan who cleaned his room once in time, since he didn't want to risk having his mind control over Dr. Onion or his research team fail... that could expose him

However, he also had a plan for it.

Thanks to his control of the network of the hospital, he managed to eventually change the hospital staff's shifts so that they could get to his room to control them ...

Over time he also managed not only to reach his personal hospital room, but also patients arriving from injured dangerous missions, which were guided by his pawns to the room.

With the months, Broly got a lot of pawns who carried out their orders for him ... leaving him more time to train ...

Mainly they were in charge of gathering materials, checking the situation outside the room and making sure that nobody bothered him when he trained.

Thanks to his telepathy it was easy to give them new orders without having to visit his room again... it was like hacking living beings, something that moved him and made him feel guilty at the same time... they were saiyans of filler, most of them evil and that they were destined to die in a few years... but it still seemed like something not very moral.

All complied with their orders efficiently and without question

However, it was not easy to mentally control a Saiyan. So eventually the mind control was undone... some would fall apart at the worst moment causing them to be caught in strange strange or illegal circumstances ...

Broly modified and erased much of the memory of those he controlled so that they would forget any relationship with him, the room, how they had come to that places and what they had been ordered to do during mind control ...

Each time had fewer pawns, and those who had each time were of lower quality ...

However, each time he needed less of his help... he was practically already prepared for the next phase ... all that remained was to make the final touches