Screaming at the moon

Broly, who was still on an intergalactic trip, came out of the jacuzzi...

"It was a great idea to build this spacecraft, and it was a great idea to also install a Jacuzzi in it... this is traveling with style...

"JARVIS, how long will it take to get to planet XE321F5?" Broly said as he walked naked levitating through the ship.

"It will take around 20 minutes, I advise you to dress as soon as possible to continue with the plan" Answered the semi-robot voice.

"Perfect, I've always wanted to solve this mystery" said Broly while bringing his clothes with telekinesis.

The planet XE321F5 was a planet with a gravity of X45... due to its high gravity and extreme temperatures the planet was completely desolate and without a trace of life, there was only minerals and desert... and due to the high gravity it did not even serve as a mining colony...

It was too much expensive and complicated to extract minerals in those conditions.

However Broly had not come to this planet to train his body due to the powerful gravity, he had not come to collect minerals either.

What attracted Broly's attention was another feature of this planet.

In one hemisphere of this planet it was always night, and there was always a full moon.

"This is the perfect planet to train my Oozaru transformation ...

My combat power is over 12 million, if by chance I transformed into a crazy and brainless giant monkey multiplying X10 that power on planet earth or anywhere ... I'm afraid it would destroy everything...

In addition, I have to confirm my theories "said Broly as he watched the planet from his spaceship.

Broly made KID stay flying in the stratosphere of the sunny face of the planet and he went flying at full speed to the night face of the planet... that way KID was less likely to end up destroyed.

What was the Oozaru transformation?

The Oozaru transformation allow the saiyan to transform in a giant, anthropomorphic, monkey-like creature.

In order for the transformation to take place, the Saiyan needs to have a tail, as the glands responsible for initiating the transformation are located exclusively there. The Saiyan also needs to absorb at least 17 million zeno units of Blutz Waves through the eyes to initiate the transformation. Blutz Waves are found only in sunlight reflected by a moon.

This transformation increases the total power of the Saiyan X10.

The problem of this transformation is that it is quite limiting in terms of activation and maintenance, it makes you lose your reasoning by becoming an aggressive beast ... and by making yourself bigger, IT increase the blind spots from which you can be attacked, in addition to losing agility.

The advantage is that it allows an increase of base power without spending energy of any kind during the transformation, unlike the Super Saiyan or Saiyan God modes.

[The first thing I have to do is follow the points indicated in the training manual to keep my mind in spite of being transformed ...

If I follow the training perfectly, I will even be able to speak in that transformation.

There is no better planet for it ... it is a resistant planet, there is no one arround and there is always a full moon in that area, so I can practice continuously]

Broly with closed eyes, arrived at the night part of the planet ...

When he was ready, he opened his three eyes and looked at the moon.

Watching her, his eyes turned red, his body began to throb.

In a few seconds, his muscles began to expand and his teeth began to become those of a beast while his hair grew all over his body.

He was becoming a giant beast.

In a giant three-eyed monkey that measured more than 15 meters ... a height much higher than the usual Oozaru, which used to measure 10 meters.

A giant monkey in berserker state that began to hit everything around him and to throw flames of fire through his mouth, which melted mountains of steel.

After few minutes ... perhaps due to the teachings of the manual, perhaps due to his innate power of Legendary Super Saiyan or perhaps due to the great mental control granted by the Jagan ... perhaps by the combination of all of them ...

Broly began to regain control of his mind...

Little by little he calmed down again, no longer moving or frantically attacking his surroundings.

He simply watched his transformed body.

[Perfect, now there will be no danger that I will destroy the Earth if I look at the full moon ...

It has been easy for me to regain control of my mind ... I suppose that the greater the combat power at birth, the greater the control over this transformation

I think I'm a bit bigger than the normal Oozaru.

Is this because I'm the Legendary Super Saiyan?

What power ... I have more than 120 million units of power ... and the amount of my energy reserves have increased in proportion as well.

Although the loss of agility and mobility is noticeable...

Well, let's proceed]

After getting control of your mind, what you should do next is learn to control your body.

Broly began to perform the majority of Katas he had practiced so far, as well as several movements inspired by the battle he had against Beerus...

In a few minutes Broly thanks to his great learning speed of the Legendary Super Saiyan he learned how to perfectly adapt those movements to his gigantic stature.

[Perfect, despite my great stature, which is a drawback for long combats with intelligent adversaries, is still a pretty useful transformation

Let's continue with my training]

He had already managed to control his mind and body ... now it was time to adapt to the transformation and untransformation.

The transformation into Oozaru was not a rapid transformation, and during his process, the saiyans weren't always able to keep his mind under control, not even for Vegeta, as it was very painful due to the increase in the size of the whole body...

At the same time, the untransformation was a process that left the user greatly exhausted.

The few times that Goky and Gohan two low class warriors went untransformed they were always unconscious, regardless of the damage suffered or activity performed during the transformation… even Vegeta the most elite warrior after losing his form was completely exhausted... Therefore, Broly although less tired, also had to be exhausted when untransforming.

It was obvious that Broly, a perfectionist, would want to eliminate or mitigate the disadvantages that this transformation brought.

Broly travelled quickly between the night and day areas.

Performing a painful and exhausting cycle respectively in which his body performed several transformations and untransformations per minute.

For days, he did nothing but transform and untransform himself, only stopping to do that at the time of eating, bathing and sleeping.

It was a tedious, boring and repetitive process ... but the results were remarkable.

He transformed more quickly without losing consciousness at any time, making the pain of transformation more acceptable ... and when untransformed, he didn't feel so exhausted.

His body after two weeks had become incredibly accustomed to that transformation.

[These two weeks have been a damn hell, not as horrible as the training in gravity increase without using energy ... but of course much more boring.

However, the results have been incredible; I managed to improve the process of transformation and untransformation to quite acceptable levels...

It is still not as fast as I would like it to be and it continues to exhaust more than I would like when untransform myself ... but the result is already very good, and I don't think I can make any quick improvement in this matter.

In addition, I'm running out of supplies, and in this crap planet there's not even a bad weed...

It is better to go to the next training and leave as soon as possible]

Broly traveled to the sunny area of the planet to perform the next phase of his Oozaru training.

Broly had already overcome his problem of mental instability, had managed to adapt to his giant body and had reduce the problems arising from the transformation.

Now he only needed to solve one of the last weak points of this transformation.

The need for full Moon to transform and that the transformation is not optional once the full moon is observed.

By combining ki with the planet's atmosphere, a sphere of condensed Blutz Waves is created. Using this, a Saiyan can achieve the Great Ape transformation even when a full moon is not present.

However, this technique has several drawbacks.

The saiyans, to be able to transform without the need of a full moon that emit 17 million zeno units of Blutz Waves, had devised a method of creating an artificial moon.

This technique very tiring, so it is primarily used as a last resort, and even Saiyans that can use it prefer to transform using a planetary body. Vegeta mentioned to Goku that he planned his trip to Earth to coincide with the full moon in an attempt to avoid using the technique.

The other problem is that the Power Ball needs to be kept in the air and disappears after 90 minutes, ending the transformation. It would only be necessary to destroy the Power Ball and the transformation would end ... leaving Broly in a state of exhaustion.

For these reasons, Broly for months planned a new technique, that is, he was working on this plan before even leaving the planet Vegeta.

[Since I saw the anime and since I reincarnated and I could see the Power Ball, I've been trying to recreate the idea of the Blutz wave generator from Bulma Dragon Ball Gt...

I don't intend to use the generator, since I don't want to have to rely on a machine to fight... a machine that can be easily destroyed, as happened with Syn Shenron...

Thanks to divert a large part of the budget of various institutions of the planet Vegeta and the army of Frieza I got several scientists to correctly analyze what was the exact composition of Blutz waves...

Composition that I already know...

My theory is that by applying my still imperfect mixture of Nen and Ki I could use the best of the transmutation of both systems to create pure Blutz energies, without the need for atmospheric stimulation...

However, this time without creating a sphere... This method spent a lot of energy, since it's necessary to create a ball that autonomously floated and stayed away from the body generating Blutz energies for more than an hour and were not pure blutz waves ... reason why it is so tiring to create that ball, besides the saiyan who use this method don't have even 20.000 of combat power.

My idea is to inject blutz waves directly into the pupils of my eyes ... that would greatly reduce the energy cost and prevent external actions, like enemies trying to destroy the sphere or blocking the light...

In the same way that I could be able to create Bluts waves to transform myself, I could also create a way to prevent blutz waves from reaching my eyes, stopping and preventing the transformation]

Broly after two hours, imperfectly combining the Ki with the Nen, taking the ki as a base, managed to change the properties of the Ki in a more efficient way than the normal Ki, transforming them into Blutz waves.

The amount of light waves that are needed to reach the transformation is 17 million zeno units... but in its first attempt he didn't even create 1.000.

However, Broly didn't give up and continued to practice tirelessly, drastically reducing his baths and naps ... so he could finish his training within a month.

After days, Broly, who was in a poor state... managed to reach 17 million zeno units whit his new skill...

Broly managed to project that amount of Blutz waves towards his pupils and his eyes turned red... transforming for the first time in days.

Unlike with Baby or Vegeta in Dragon Ball Gt ... Broly needed to keep those active Blutz waves in his eyes to keep the transformation ... adding the problem of maintaining that Blutz waves during the fights, something that Broly would work in the future.

At the same time, he had also found a way to deflect the Blutz waves that came externally to his eyes… being able to control in this way when and when not to transform.

[I just need to solve the biggest puzzle I've had since Dragon Ball Super ...

The existence in the canon universe of the misnamed transformation Super Saiyan 4...]