
Frost was still kneeling on the floor, recovering from his wounds and thinking about all the humiliation he had suffered so far, but especially in Broly's last words.

Frost was possibly one of the five most powerful people in this universe ... only being inferior to the gods and Hit.

If the truth about his actions and personality were exposed to the public, it wasn't an imminent danger in his life, but...

That would certainly destroy all the empire he had just built from scratch ... his life's work would be ruined...

Therefore, he couldn't let anyone outside his circle of confidence find out...

However, that little monkey boy knew everything

While Frost was still thinking about what to do next, his giant spacecraft approached his position... his spaceship, with all his beloved subordinates desperate to help his beloved Emperor.

However, the spacecraft doesn't directly descend into the practically destroyed asteroid...

The first one to descend was a smaller spacecraft...

It was one of the exclusive spacecraft of Emperor Frost, which was being driven by three of his elite guards. One of the few who know about the criminal operations of Frost and who supported him from the Peace Corps and Galactic Pirates in all his filthy stratagems.

"Emperor Frost, are you well?" Asked one of his trusted lackeys.

Frost, very badly wounded approached the spacecraft, which was prepared with medical devices for situations like these and said "Yes, nothing that cannot recover in a few weeks ...

By the way…

Have there been recordings, broadcasts or has some information been leaked about what has just happened?"

Another of his trusted lackeys answered: "We personally take care of cutting all communications with the outside before starting the fight and we have not detected that anyone has transmitted anything by any other means.

Although it is likely that someone has made recordings to part of us ... nothing has left the spacecraft"

Frost, trying to smile with difficulty because of his deformed face said "Great"

While smiling, Frost concentrated a large amount of Ki on his finger, forming a ball destroys planets so characteristic of the Frost Demons, and threw it against the mother spaceship ... where all the crewmembers were...

Destroying the spaceship and killing all those inside ... who watched in horror as in a few seconds the person they idolized murdered them in cold blood ... something that wasn't even possible in their worst nightmares.

Although the elite lackeys were also dismayed by the actions of their Emperor, they understood that there was a very important reason why he carried out this brutal action.

Frost, recovering his normal coldness, went to the interior of the spaceship, where his men were waiting for him with all the medical equipment and said "Sorry, I couldn't risk that sensitive information could reach the wrong hands...

That ... disgusting thing seems to know about our secret company ... he has said it quite clearly.

I had to eliminate all possible evidence that could incriminate us ... I hope you can understand if there was a friend inside the spaceship"

"Majesty, how is it possible that that being knew about us?" They asked with great nervousness, not only for the possible consequences of that... also for how that information had been filtered... and how the Emperor would try to find the origin of that filtration.

"Don't worry, I don't suspect any of you... I know you would never betray me, that's why you are my trusted men" Frost said to reassure his lackeys.

One of the footmen asked Frost "Then how could he have known?"

Frost, who was being medically bound while talking, said "I don't know, but I think it's due to a strange ability of that little monster.

He seemed to be able to read the mind, so it is likely that he got the information from myself...

He also said that nothing could escape his eye ... I think that referring to the eye of his forehead... it is probable that he could spy us from afar...

But no matter how he has known it, he knows it"

The lackeys were somewhat calmer knowing that there was no traitor ... and that they wouldn't be considered suspects "What do we do your majesty?"

Frost after thinking for a few seconds with his eyes closed said "For now, just try to find all the information we can about him, his race and the orange thing he was stealing.

We have to try to know where it is, but without alerting him

None of us is strong enough to beat him ... Besides, despite knowing all this about us… he didn't blackmail me.

Neither does it seem that he wanted to reveal the information ... it was as if he didn't care in the least..."

One of the lackeys relieved by this information said "Then this is good news.

Right Lord Frost?"

Frost, somewhat annoyed by the words of his lackey said "It's not good news!

Although they are not bad either...

He may not be interested in the least, and that's why he doesn't say anything... he may be an eccentric person who doesn't care about the evils around him unless they affect him, but...

He may also keep that information to sell at a good price or to blackmail me whenever he wants...

He's fucking time bomb that threatens to explode in our faces.

If it were not for that, right now I would send a message to all the planets and organizations of the universe to chase him... even if it meant the destruction of half the universe, but...

We cannot do that, if we bother him he may reveal the information as revenge... make us suffer losses and then blackmail us ...

This leaves us in a very difficult situation"

The lackeys who thought they had returned to the same spot they were at the beginning of the conversation asked "So, there's nothing we can do?"

Frost with a slight smile said "As I said, just investigate him and have him located at all times...

Maybe none of our organizations can beat him, but that doesn't mean that we can only use our organizations…


The lackeys at hearing his words ... amazed, worried and happy said "Will not you refer to hire the services of THAT MAN?"

Frost, smiling at the perspicacity of his subordinates, said "That's right, I will hire THAT MAN ...

There's no better person in the universe for a job like this ... but we have to help him find that dirty monkey... of course..."

One of the lackey said "Of course Lord Frost, I will try to request his services

I know people who hired him in the past ... it will be very expensive that success is almost certain..."

Frost, recovering from his injuries quickly said "Great ...

Inform the central that the evil and dangerous being called Broly, when he faced the heroic Emperor Frost, used his elite guards as hostages… and once Frost heeded his demands to ensure safety of his guards...

That horrible monster destroyed the main spaceship, killing everyone inside...

That they should not approach him under any circumstances and that they should only watch and investigate"

The lackey who was using the communication device said "At your command Lord Frost"

Frost, getting up, went outside and said "And he also asks them to bring us a new spaceship, a spacious one..."

The communicator's lackey replied "At your orders, but ...

Why spacious majesty?"

Frost, not bothering about his subordinate's question, answered "During the fight that monkey told me something very interesting"

All of Frost's subordinates were curious to know what that little monster could say

"He told me something about Martial Arts, techniques created by weak people created martial arts in order to make the most of their weakness to win people, animals and beings stronger than them..."

"This... yes... we understand" They said at the same time, they believed that this was a basic knowledge for everyone...

"You see, I never trained until now ... I never learned martial arts or trained my body, because I didn't need to ...

I was born with the power that I have now... and with my great fighting instincts I have always been able to win anyone… so superior I have always been that until now I had never needed to show this transformation, but...

Today I realized that I have been too confident and proud..." Frost said on the outside of the satellite while doing a small warm-up.

"Then… the spacious spaceship is for training?" Asked the lackey who was in charge of the communicator

"That's right, I'm going to train hard...

It's okay to leave this job to THAT MAN, but...

This is not just about silencing and killing that bastard.

I also want to take revenge for everything he has done to me...


Days after

Elsewhere in the universe 6

Broly had discovered the location of the last Super Dragon Ball in universe 6 ... and was currently absorbing it.

Because he had managed to finish collecting all the Super Dragon Balls in universe 7, the clone that had 49% of its power fulfilled its function, disappearing and returning that percentage of power to the original body.

Now his body had 99% of his total power, remaining in his form of True Saiyan a combat power of 148,500,000, leaving that last 1% with 1,500,000 watching the planet earth in case something unexpected happened.

With 99% of its power, the process of assimilation of the Super Dragon Balls would be almost twice as fast, reducing the work of more than one month in just two weeks.

While Broly was still absorbing the last Super Dragon Ball, making sure no one was watching him ... he reflected about his previous battle.

"Frost has turned out to be a fucking disappointment

He's even weaker than Frieza in the Namek saga...

In Dragon Ball Super both in the manga and in the anime… he was stronger than Frieza in that saga.

The irrefutable proof was that he was about to lose against Piccolo.

In the Android saga… Vegeta Super Saiyan with the same force that Goku lost against C18 in a very humiliating way ...

C18 at that time was only slightly weaker than C17 ... but when Piccolo merged with Kami he reached the level of C17 ...

Even if Piccolo hadn't improved at all since the Cell Saga ... Frost should be at a level far superior to the ordinary Super Saiyan… that has 150.000.000 battle power.

What shows that Frost trained...

But I see that it hasn't been the case... I must have come a little earlier...

A disappointment, but it is very likely that it wasn't a waste of time…

Once I finish absorbing the last Super Dragon Ball I will do a bit of tourism...

There are some places in this universe that I must visit...

Since it is not yet time to ask for the wish...

Everything is not ready yet"