Space Vs Time Part 4 (last round)

Frost in his original form and prepared for battle, accompanied by his trusted escorts advanced through the spaceship to the command room, where the fight between Hit and Broly on the planet Sadala was being analysed

"What's the situation?" Frost asked the captain of the spacecraft that had been organizing all the information.

The captain looked at Frost and, while showing him the recordings, said: "I think some images say more than a thousand words."

Frost with his great innate mental abilities of the Frost Demons observed all the recordings at once… stunned by what he saw ... clenched his teeth in rage.


What the hell is all this?

That monkey ... didn't do any of this in our battle

He wasn't so strong ... he showed nothing of his power

Did you underestimate me so much?

In addition, what the hell is that dome?]

One of Frost's escorts, after seeing the recordings as well, approached Frost and asked worried "Lord Frost ... What do we do with that monster?"

Frost furious at the obvious motive behind those words said "What we have come from the beginning... we have to eliminate that monster, or the universe will be in danger"

This was the official version, but the reality is that he was blinded by his revenge, even with the great difference in power ... even though he had trained.

"Have you been able to analyse his skills and develop a strategy?" Frost said trying to calm down

"That's right, sir, as you ordered, but ...

I don't know if it will be enough to defeat that monster "Said the captain, who despite having confidence in the work of his team and Emperor ... was intimidated by the strange three-eyed monkey boy.

Frost with a thought similar to that of the captain said "It can work… who wants to fight is free to accompany me to stop that monster.

He's tired and hurt ... so I have a way to beat him"

Many of the warriors were frightened, but ... upon seeing the heroic action of their Emperor ... they were again emboldened ... shouting many at the same time...

"Yes! Lord Frost! "

[Perfect, the more human shields there are between Broly and me... the better]

Hit on guard, illuminated by the light of his Ki looked around and said "Where the hell am I?"

Broly before embarking on his trip to the universe 6 created a huge hemispherical building 60 kilometres in diameter made of Kacchin (the hardest material in the universe)... and put it inside the Formless Realm.

The interior of this dome had hundreds of closed rooms of two cubic meters stacked with each other... and in one of them Hit was trapped.

The rooms were small, making it difficult for someone to move inside... but that wasn't a problem for a real 10-year-old saiyan like Broly.

The rooms were closed and the walls were so hard that even an SS Blue couldn't easily destroy it, but that wasn't a problem for someone who could teleport easily, like Broly.

In the most complete darkness, difficult to orientate for anyone, but it wasn't a problem for someone with a prodigious En and with Jagan, as Broly.

"Everything is ready ...

This is my ... ULTIMATE BATTLE! "


This fucking sountrack


Broly from a remote room began his attack by teleporting his hands into Hit's room, mercilessly hitting in Kaio Ken X20 state on the back and face.

Hit that still hadn't been able to locate himself, but never forgetting his defence stopped the attack that was aimed at his ear, since he was watching especially all the blows that could go to his head... after realizing that it had disappeared.

However, he wasn't able to stop the blow directed to the back, which, although it wasn't very painful... he noticed that he had lost the sensitivity of a few millimetres... just like with his head previously

Hit understood Broly's intentions and decided to attack as well.

The Time-Skip of Hit allowed to attack with a Ki-punch through his dimension, which would leave to the real world in 0.1 seconds... that allowed him to cross any obstacle or defence, including the hard walls of Kacchin...

Hit despite not being able to see perfectly in that situation as Broly, he was able to determine his position by his Ki... and with that, he pointed to the head of Broly, but...

The Ki with whom he could locate Broly, dispersed in several places of that building, in rooms extremely separated one from the other…. and kept changing rooms constantly without a fixed pattern

Although Broly could only teleport a third of his body inside the Formless Realm to protect himself while attacking… he can also separate his whole body in the same way that his arms and legs to defend himself, fragmenting in several places his body like the Captain Buggy of One Piece... Or at least it is what it seemed at first glance.

Hit had failed and realized how difficult would be to hit him in that situation...


As he lamented, more blows came at him from all directions ... flying hands and legs continued to appear in the darkness, hitting him repeatedly.

He didn't feel pain, but some of those blows managed to make disappear some millimetres of his body...

[Damn, at this rate I will disappear little by little.

I must go out of here]

Hit using his Time-Skip ran at full speed, trespassing the walls and appearing in other rooms several kilometres away.

However, Broly had anticipated the rooms in which he could appear, hitting him in the right ear, making an inch of her disappear...

Hit, seeing himself cornered again launched an attack towards where he believed that Broly's head was, but...

Once again, he dodged her by sending his head to another room... Broly was too far away, there were too many obstacles and his ability to dodge in this environment was extremely annoying.

After several failed attempts to hit Broly he gave up and returned with his escape plan...

"Kacchin!" Said Broly while using materialization magic

As he left his Time-Skip of the possible rooms where Hit could have appeared, heavy blocks of Kacchin with spikes on his surface fell.


Hit who didn't have time to perform his Time-Skip instantly, had no choice but to try to hold for a few moments the heavy block of Kachhin with his hands, hurting them slightly and being unprotected for a moment... moment Borly took advantage.

[Oddama Rasen Omega Blaster]


The big sphere of energy enveloped the entire room, creating a huge explosion... which became more powerful to detonate in a closed space

Hit, hurt by the impact and with more parts of his body missing, including two fingers of his right hand ... he escaped using his Time-Skip once again...

Repeating the process of fleeing and being attacked several times...

[When will I leave here?]

At that moment the top of Broly, from the head to the chest appeared before him


Hit didn't understand why he had done that, it was illogical to expose himself in that way, so illogical that he wasn't prepared for this situation, not making any attack on his enemy.

Broly hit Hit's chest, but this time it wasn't to hurt him and use his "Welcome to the Black Parade"... it was for another reason.


Upon making contact with Hit… Broly had sent his top and Hit back to the centre of the building... and fragmented his body again in other rooms

[Against someone who surpasses me so much in power… this is the only spatial ability that I can use apart from my gravity increase ...

The risky thing about this ability is that the part with which I hit my enemy and the Jagan must be connected when I perform this technique…

A technique that allows me to teleport any person I touch with me anywhere covered by my Formless Realm]

Hit, he realized what had happened, he had returned to the starting point ... Broly didn't want him to leave that building...

[Damn, I cannot fight well here and he's preventing me from running away...

I have to give everything to get out of here ... or I'll end up vanishing]


Hit using all his hidden strength... ran at full speed while throwing his Ki-Punches in all the directions he thought Broly would appear...

He was going with everything, either defensively or offensively... not reserving his energy at all... and ran once more, going through wall after wall and trying to dodge and block Broly's attacks at the same time he tried to hit or hinder him with his attacks.

Frost and his troops had surrounded the dome, hearing the rumblings produced inside, horrified to imagine what kind of battle might be happening...

The location of the rumble changed constantly, but it followed a pattern ... It started from the centre, moved to the sides ... and returned to the centre again.

Repeating that pattern over and over again.

"Be prepared, they could leave at any time" said one of the captains.

Frost flying in the sky began to charge his technique... Frost created a cutting discs of red energy in each hand and began to grow it, concentrating more and more energy.

[You gave me the idea of this technique, Broly ... I will not be able to kill you cleanly, but ... I never cared about winning dirtily]

After a few minutes


Hit managed to get out of the dome... More than half of his head had disappeared, leaving only his mouth, nose left eye and parts stuck them ... He had lost several fingers of the right and left hand, back and arms, chest, legs... all the places to a greater or lesser extent had disappeared and were covered by a strange green energy.

Out of nowhere Broly's top appeared with an empty heart in front of Hit ... and was about to punch him again

Hit watched him with anger and thought

[As I thought ... he wants to send me back inside that dome]

However, this time ... Hit was ready for his final attack.

Hit, believing that there was a time limit of 2 seconds in which Broly could keep a part of his Formless Realm... made a strategy.

Time Skip

Hit since he realized Broly's time condition (Fake)... he created an attack for this situation.

Hit using all his abilities, he threw dozens of his Ki-punch in his stop time dimension, threw them everywhere, but special in the heart... however each of those Ki-Punch aimed at the heart had different speeds.

According to his calculations one of these Ki punch would hit Broly's heart once the time limit was over... he just had to keep him in that position until then.

When leaving his Time Skip, Hit using all the energy that was left... grabbed Broly by the hands, leaving him immobilized ... and all the Ki-punches began to manifest in the normal world.

Broly teleported several parts of his body to protect himself

Hit watched as his Ki-punches passed through Broly's empty chest as if they were the shot of a submachine gun… waiting for the moment when his heart would return to his position.


1 ... 2 ... Die]

However, it didn't happen.

All his attacks had been avoided

[Cannot be…

He has cheated me all this time]


Hit felt that he had lost consciousness for a moment…

Hit had been poisoned

Broly during the fight against Frost, could analyze the needle he used and create a copy of the needle and poison… and now he had that needle in one of the hands Hit had grabbed


At that moment, the bottom of Broly appeared in front of Hit's head... and with one leg in a kicking position, which contained all the possible energy that he had managed to store for that last blow...

Shining with an intense and violent green colour

Broly ready to hit Hit in the face

If that kick hits with the left part of Hit's head ... it would be the end.



Frost, who was waiting for the right moment, launched his attack on the exhausted and concentrated Broly and Hit... which were at the end of their fight, without paying attention to anything else...

Which didn't see that attack until it was very close...


Broly watched as a giant disk of energy approached him, while still pinning Hit with his entire upper body as he prepared to make the final blow.

There was only one-way to dodge that and win at the same time...

Broly transported a large part of his body... from one shoulder to the other, going from the abdomen to the skull... from top to bottom to the Formless Realm...

Occupying the full third part of the body he was able to send...

He managed to avoid the energy disk, but… that energy disk fragmented into two… and that second disk went up.



That cutting disk went to the lower part of Broly's body, which was about to finish Hit and ... cut off Broly's tail.

"AHAHAHAHA ... It's a shame you dodged it ... but at least I could avenge my cut tail" laughed Frost celebrating the success of his attack ... glad to have cut off Broly's tail in the same way that Broly did to him

[Now… Kill him Hit]


Having cut the tail, Broly lost its transformation, balance... andl the increased gravity space around him

Falling to the ground with its original appearance and ten times less power...

Everyone was surprised by what happened, not only Frost or Hit, but also everyone present ... especially some Saiyans, who began to relate the tail and the transformation with part of the ancient history of the planet Sadala.

"What the hell is this... Broly has become a Saiyan?

Hey... what's going on here?" Asked Frost, which began to see enemies and conspiracies around him.

While everyone wondered what had happened ... while Forst asked for explanations, while the Saiyans tried to organize their ideas... while Hit, exhausted and relieved looked with surprise at Broly by his des transformation… and strange behaviour...

Broly on the ground, trembling with rage while raising his tail cut…

"My tail...

My tail!!

My tail!!!



Broly, due to the anger, the veins of his face swelled, his body began to give off an intense green aura ... his hair danced in the wind and his eyes ... turned yellow.