"I think we have arrived a little late Champa-Sama" Said Vados…

Champa, scratching an ear and pulling out his belly, said moody "I HAD AN EMERGENCY! … AN EMERGENCY! ... I repeated it several times along the way!"

"If you ate properly you wouldn't have those... EMERGENCIES" Vados answered, feigning a certain sadness by the fact that Champa didn't eat the healthy food she prepared for him.

Champa stopped arguing... since Vados had some reason and looked around ... everything was very strange to him, especially the extremely tall and muscular blond boy who was relatively close to him.

"Hey Vados! Didn't you tell me there was a problem with a crazed Saiyan?

That guy is crazy ... clearly, but ...

Since when Saiyans have 3 eyes and blond hair? Are you sure he's the same guy the Kais told us about?" Champa said as he pointed at Broly, who seemed not to pay attention to them as he made more things disappear by throwing jets of energy attacks in all directions.

Vados once again reviewed his staff and said "Yes, I'm sure, I don't know why he has three eyes, but there's no doubt that he's the mutant Saiyan that the Kais have told us about...

It's supposed that whether he explodes or goes free from here... he could be a threat for the universe... although all this is very strange"

Champa with his usual impulsive attitude "Ah who cares! I'll finish him before the snack time!

Mmmm ... That brainless guy seems pretty strong ... Stronger than many gods ...


I'll do a little sport with him ... It's said that after doing some exercise the food tastes better ...

And I need to do some sports ..." He said looking at his belly.

"HEY IDIOT ... I'M HERE!" Champa shouted in a childish way to alert Broly... looking at him with arrogance and some emotion...

"Ehhhh?" Murmured Broly, who seemed to have realized that someone was nearby ... and was insulting him…


Broly rushed towards the chubby God of Destruction... while Vados was still standing in the distance... with a thoughtful face...

Broly, shedding an intense green light around him, which replaced the usual yellow aura of the normal super Saiyan ... rushed violently towards Champa with a giant sphere of energy in each hand.

They were two more powerful versions of the Oddama Rasen Omega Blaster ...


Broly threw one of them to Champa, who with his hands behind his back ... dodged it easily.

While Broly approached with his other attack of energy in his hand, which pretended to explode directly against Champa ... like a standard rasengan

Champa, confident of his abilities, raised his hand to stop Broly's attack, as if it were a simple foam ball, but ... When the huge sphere of green energy contacted his hand… multiplied its size dozens of times... to have the size of a Genkidama...

Despite the powerful attack that shook the entire planet when it hit its target... and Champa remained motionless, but with a face of disgust, significantly increased his power to reject and destroy that giant sphere of energy... with force and using his energy Hakai ... destroyed the attack


Champa, holding Broly's hand looked at his hand, and noticed that some of his fur had been ripped off and there was a small scratch on his palm ... The God of Destruction plump cat looked at Broly with a frown

"Nothing bad for a mortal...

But, it won't happen again" He said something pissed, but with some emotion.

Upon saying those words, he punched Broly on the belly, sending him flying several kilometres.

Broly shook himself hard, the attack seemed to have taken effect... making him even more furious


While he was flying towards Champa at a speed hundreds of times greater than the sound ... the green aura that covered him increased and began to detach in a rain of lightning that was going everywhere ... but especially towards Champa...





However, Champa avoided them without too much difficulty.

When Broly got to where his prey was... they both exchanged punches, which seemed to be deforming the space...

neither of them backed away... but, it was evident that Champa had the advantage, even though he wasn't using all his power...

Like his brother, he liked to enjoy a good fight from time to time ... and it was exceedingly difficult for him to find someone who would be able to challenge him ...

Although he was more impatient and impulsive than his brother, raising his power faster and faster...


Champa's fist crashed into Broly's face, causing him to spit blood, but...

"AHHHH !!!"

Broly counterattacked creating an explosion of energy around him... which exploded like an atomic bomb.

The explosion was impressive, so much that made the Kai's shiver with fear while they watched the battle from their crystal ball, pushed back Champa and even tousled Vados ...

"That muscular idiot is excessively abusing energy attacks," Champa said, as he looked disdainfully at Broly, who was still wrapped in his own green energy.

"However, his power doesn't stop increasing..." Vados said a little seriously.

The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly, as it was seen in the film, presents physical characteristics very similar to the normal Super Saiyan... but it is not a normal Super Saiyan, nor is its process.

In his previous transformation, Broly had managed to cope his body with all the power of his mutant S Cells ...

All the power that his body could maintain without overflowing, so his hair didn't need to act as a safety valve ...

But, after a new attack of anger superior to the previous one after having reached the limit of the previous phase ... in the same way that the Super Saiyan 2 works ... the Legendary Super Saiyan have a new evolution

In this evolution, the power of the Cells S is increased, releasing the unlimited potential that until now, were only limited to the body.

In this transformation the user's body continues to maintain the colossal size of the previous transformation, which was the limit that the body was able to release without exploding ...

Then the limit breaks without destroying the body, but because the amount of energy is greater than what he can support, the hair acts as a safety valve... adopting the same colour as a normal SS...

But unlike the normal super saiyan, his eyes weren't green ... since his pupils disappeared by his berserker state, which doesn't distinguish between friends or enemies, due to rage.

The colour of his aura wasn't yellow, but of an intense green colour with an almost solid density, which was released in titanic quantities ... to free itself from the excess of power that cannot retain ...

Creating indiscriminate energy attacks to all places ...

The multiplier of this transformation is 2.400 = 1.500 + (150*6) … but only the initial phase, because the power keep increasing every second.

King Sadala and his bodyguards kept advancing towards what they believed was the origin of the apocalypse ... For every 100 meters that could advance the explosions that originated hundreds of kilometers ago made them go back between 2 and 10 meters...

They were too scared to imagine what kind of battle could be happening in that place, the consequences of that battle and what could happen to them if they approached...

But ... they couldn't do anything else, they had to follow their king…

When they arrived, they found a strange woman with white hair and blue skin ... who was watching quietly the most terrible battle they had ever seen.

A fat purple cat ... and a wild-looking muscular blond young man were exchanging punches ... and the space around him seemed to distort with every confrontation...

"What the hell is that ... is this blond guy Broly?" King Sadala said, trying to understand what was happening... The Saiyans were supposed to have black hair...

"Who is he fighting against? He's... very strong... he may be able to stop that monster before his self-destruction... " Said one of the bodyguards.

Vados was transported close to the Saiyans and told them with a smile "Of course he is very strong... He's Champa, the God of Destruction... the strongest person in this universe.

I'll give you a little advice ...

If you want to stay alive, you better not advance much more...

Oh, by the way, I don't think we should worry about Broly self-destruction"

King Sadala and the others trust the warnings to that strange woman…

King Sadala and the others ignored the warnings to that strange woman ... They weren't sure what was happening or who they were, but ... If she was able to be so close to that battle and be OK ... she must be someone very strong.

So, they continued to see the fight from a safe position, just as they had been advised ...

Fight which was in its climax

Champa had stopped his courtesy and attacked Broly more forcefully. "It's almost time for a snack, let's finish with this bag of muscles..."

The god of the destruction of the universe 6 began to emit a purple aura and rushed at a speed close to the speed of light towards Broly and began to throw a rain of punches.

They were so fast that it seemed that his arms didn't move... As if he had thousands of invisible hands that beat Broly from all directions.

"TAKE THIS! AND THIS! AND THIS! This happens to you for interrupting my desert time..." Champa shouted crazily ... in a rather childish and annoying way.

Broly helplessly kept getting punched by those unstoppable and almost invisible hands… He was like a small child trapped inside a giant wave, unable to move freely, unable to breathe, not knowing where he was ... or when that agony would end ... nor in what form would it end...



Broly, to Champa's surprise, was able to stop one of his quick attacks ... and grab his fist with force,

"EHHHHHH !!!" Champa hadn't used all his strength yet, but... these attacks weren't supposed to be something Broly could face... they were way above his level...

[How is this possible? …

his power ... is]


While Broly was holding Champa by his hand, he couldn't look away from Broly, because what was happening in front of him ... was too disturbing to do so ...

King Sadala and his bodyguards watched Broly with his mouth wide open and his eyes coming out of their sockets

Even Vados showed a certain face of surprise ...

While the dense green aura that until now had been fired from his body periodically ... disappeared...

Broly's body and muscles ... were growing once again ... becoming bigger and titanic with each second ... while his blond hair ... turned green... the same green color as the aura that he had previously released ...

Broly, who was originally barely a meter tall ... now he was a 2.23-meter giant... and his power... had reached quotas that not even a god of destruction could disregard

Broly had achieved his most characteristic transformation...

The Legendary Super Saiyan FULL POWER!

[This is crazy... despite having a mortal Ki... only in raw power...

It is at the level of some gods of Destruction...]

Broly raised his huge arm to prepare a powerful punch

Champa as a precaution tried to get away from that furious mastodon, but ...

Broly's punch was a lot faster than he thought ... before he knew it ... he was right in front of his snout ...

[Impossible ... even with that increase in power, he souldn't be so quick ...

It is impossible]


Broly punched Champa and sent him flying ... until his plump silhouette was lost on the horizon...

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Broly shouted in celebration for his punch

Vado, was the only one who noticed what had happened ...

Broly hadn't become faster ... it was Champa who became slower ...It was as if time had slowed a bit for him ... while had been stopped completely for King Sadala and his companions...

She was the only one not affected by that event, being able to appreciate it ...

And this time she was speechless

[Time Manipulation too?]

Seconds later, they both noticed an unidentified object flying towards their back ...

It was Champa, who due to the power of the impact had completely turned the world around...

Until he was stopped by Vados, who for the first time intervened in the fight.

At that moment ... time returned to normal and Champa erupted in anger ... his nose was bleeding ...

At that moment ... time returned to normal ...

King Sadala and his bodyguards moved again and Champa erupted in anger ... his nose was bleeding ...

"Damn ... DAMN! I'm going to destroy you!" Champa hysterically shouted releasing a great amount of energy and thirst for blood, which made the blood of King Sadala and his companions freeze…

However, before Champa could do anything... Vados stepped in front... something that greatly surprised Champa ... he had never heard that an Angel interfere in the work of the Destroyer God... much less Vados ...

Vados turned to Champa to reassure him and explain the reason for his actions "Champa-Sama, don't worry, you can do whatever you want, but ...

Before I would like to ask this boy some questions..."

Champa looked surprised and bewildered ... he didn't understand what Vados intended, nor how he intended to achieve it ... This jumble of mussels was only capable of destroying and screaming, nothing more

"Ask something? It is impossible to dialogue with him ...

He is the Legendary Super Saiyan, he has lost all reason ... he will only destroy everything in his path until he explodes and kills us all ...

We have to stop him by force ... it is useless to dialogue with him" Said King Sadala, trying to warn Vados of the danger they were facing and how useless their actions were.

Vados, with a slight smile, went towards the green giant Broly ... and Broly received her with his usual sound


While releasing more power in a violent way

But Vados, without flinching, asked in a mocking tone "Tell me ...

How long are you going to pretend to be a berseker who only knows how to shout and fight?"

"UHHH ?!" Everyone present exclaimed at once ... Even Champa was shocked by the question and what lay behind it ...

Everyone looked at the furious, wild, crazy and giant Broly and ... they practically dropped their jaws to the ground

Although his eyes were still blank, seemed to be covered by an armor of rocky muscles and his wild and uncontrolled appearance ... In a roguish way he said adopting more social and cocky stance


Since when did you notice it, Miss Vados?"