How long have we not seen each other!?

Kami who had woken up after fainting for the second time rested in the robotic armchair in which Mr Popo had left him ... and watched the 1% Broly clone as if it were a mass destruction weapon with leaks rudimentarily covered with chewing gum ...

[This brat will end up destroying this world someday ... and not only this world ... I'm afraid he's a universal danger...

Why should I be the only God who has to suffer in this way because of this bastard?]

"Don't worry Kami, you're not the only god I've met ... and of course you're not the only one angry with me hahahahah" Said Broly clone 1% while eating some chocolate that he took out of Formless Realm "Do you want a little chocolate?"

Upon hearing that carefree statement carded of ulterior motives ... Mr Popo, but above all Kami panicked... The face he was putting was the same as the one that Piccolo Senior put on the time Roshi told him that his teacher was Mutaito... extreme terror and a torrent of cold sweat falling from his forehead were the only thing that could be seen on his face

"AhhAHHehhhhoooohhhhh!?!#?!" Kami stuttered out of fear ... he didn't know what to say or how to express himself

[He c ... He can read the mind?]

"Don't worry I cannot read the mind... I've only said what I thought you were thinking by your expression and the situation... Simple observation, knowing the person and probability

I just wanted to blow you another joke HAHAHAHA!" Broly said with a big smile and laughing in a carefree and friendly way

[UFFF ... Luckily ... I don't know what I would do if this demon could also read the mind ...

I would lose the only refuge where I can do something against him...

The only place where I can vent on him]

Kami thought relieved... reassured knowing that he hadn't lost the only refuge in which Broly couldn't penetrate.

"Or maybe if I can ... who knows ...

But don't worry, if you insult me with love, I may forgive you.

Hahahah!" Broly said in a threatening voice as he looked at Kami out of the corner of his eye with a malevolent and sarcastic smile

Upon hearing those words Kami again put the same face of terror ... and uncertainty ...

[Then he can read the thought or not?

God ... living with this doubt is even worse

He did it on purpose...

This ... This ... bast ...]

However, Kami immediately cut off that thought... as a precaution

"Come on ... come on ... don't get angry ...

I know you're s somewhat annoyed because I woke up that ancestral monster capable of destroying galaxies in moments, but...

Actually, I have done it for the good of the planet earth and all its inhabitants..." Broly said, taking out his chest for his well-intentioned actions ... showing that he was a hero

"Ehhhhhh?" Exclaimed Mr Popo and Kami ... who not only understood why waking that monster was a good thing ... and of course, they didn't believe Broly would have done something like that by altruism

"Imagine if someone suddenly found that monster and left it free ... it would be a great danger.

That's why I had to wake him up and kill him, to end that threat

Therefore, from this day to forever ... I am the saviour of this planet, galaxy and universe...

Where is my medal? "Said Broly, rebuking Kami ... as if he had done him a great favor and now they owed him money because of this.

[Don't think that you want to kill him…

Don't think that you want to kill him….

Don't think that you want to kill him….


"Well guys ... we'll see each other again, I have to visit some friends that I haven't seen for a long time...

We may not see each other in a while, so take care of your health" Broly said between laughs before teleporting to another point of the planet.

Kami, relieved, confused, angry and tired from everything that had happened, looked down to where Broly had teleported and said...

"Please ... leave ... forever

I'm too old for this shit...

I need a substitute"

Omori Island

It was a small ... very small island, whose inhabitants could be counted on the fingers of one hand ... a very quiet and silent island ... although sometimes...

"Jaco! I need you to take me to the planet XV0023 I read in the guide that you gave me that has some great beaches" Tights said grabbing Jaco, who was trying to escape in his spaceship.

"For the last time, I am not your taxi driver... I am a super elite of the galactic patrol

If you're so keen to go to that place why don't you go with your spaceship?" Jaco said trying to get into his small spaceship while dragging Tights, which didn't let he go

"I already told you that my spaceship was damaged due to a faulty map ... because of that my father is repairing it and he told me to forget to go to space for a week.

Because of that, I will not be able to write my novel and the delivery time is very close

You owe it to me!" Tights shouted as she strangled Jaco, who was trying to get her out of him

"I repeat that it's not my fault ... the problem is that you don't know how to drive" I shout Jaco as a last resort ...

Tights was about to resort to violence ... in the same way his beloved sister Bulma used to do... even when he knew he hadn't a single chance against him.

When she slapped the fucking God of Destruction Beerus… for example.

However, suddenly someone appeared.

"Hello guys, how long have we not seen each other!?"

EH ?!" Tights and Jaco shouted at the same time, who didn't notice until now that there was someone behind them ... and that someone had a very intimidating appearance

He seemed very young, but even so he was very huge, about two meters tall and had giant rocky muscles perfectly distributed throughout the body.

His black hair was raised up and his yellow eyes reflected a great savagery... which intimidated anyone who looked at them...

[I prefer to be in my form of Super Saiyan Full power to talk to people ... I look taller and stronger but not so changed]

If it were not for his characteristic third eye on the forehead, the monkey tail that waved in the air and the voice that hadn't yet changed by not passing puberty…

Neither Jaco nor Tights... nor Dr Omori, who was trying to sleep, would never have guessed the identity of that mastodon...

"Broly?!" Shouted the two main inhabitants of the island ...

"AHHHHH!!!! The Saiyan that almost ruins my career!" Jaco yelled with fear and hatred.

However, Tights ignored Jaco's impertinent comment and effusively said

"Broly! I haven't seen you for years! You worried me!

Wow you've grown a lot... I almost didn't recognize you

Where have you been all this time? "Tights said as she approached Broly without any fear and looked at him more closely... She couldn't believe that this was the body of a child of 8 or 9 years...

"Bajj I've barely done anything ...

I've only been training hard to destroy planets of a blink...

I have learned incomprehensible magics and powers...

I have invoked three dragons and created my own...

I have traveled to places that you wouldn't even imagine...

I have fought against a whole universe and I have saved it...

I have trod all the hierarchical levels of gods that exist and I have devoured a pinky monster of chewing gum...

But apart from that nothing great..." Broly said melodramatically and sarcastically

Jaco, Omori and Tights were stunned, because they didn't know if everything he was saying was true or not... but for some strange reason he seemed to say it seriously, despite his humorous tone... it also seemed very exciting...

"By chance I have heard your conversation and I have a proposal ...

Would you like to go on an intergalactic adventure with me?"

Planet of Beerus

"Maybe ... but it's not just about that"

"Ohhh ... and what is it about?" Wiss asked intrigued ... normally Champa only came to see Beerus to boast of some exquisite dish he has found in Universe 6...

No matter how much Wiss tried to remember all the interactions between Champa and Beerus during the last million years ... he didn't remember any serious matter except for the periodic meetings called by Zeno-sama and Daishinkan ...

Both were irresponsible, unable to do their job correctly ... genetics in this case was impressive...

Although Beerus was the most irresponsible ... that was indisputable.

"How about we talk inside with my brother while we eat something ... I'm hungry!" Champa said as Vados looked at him with some disapproval as she showed Wiss some bags of food.

"Ohhhh! I think it's a great idea! However, I think it will not be possible to see Beerus at this time" Wiss said as he showed the way to the dining room

"Don't tell me..." Champa said with anger, despair, disappointment, amazement and ... without being overly surprised.

"That's right ... He has taken another one of his long naps ... in fact he's been sleeping for 5 years ... and it doesn't look like he's going to wake up soon" Wiss said, finishing the Champa phrase, which was about to burst into anger.

"That useless ... he always does the same thing ... when he is needed he is always sleeping ... because of his naps Zeno almost destroyed all the universes millennia ago ...

Should not you prevent him from falling asleep after what happened?" Chamapa said, sitting down in the dining room chair.

"Oh no! That's not my function ... I'm just a guide, I can not force him to do anything ...

By the way, what's in that bag?

It smells delicious! "Wiss said as he watched enthusiastically the bag full of food.

"Well... I suppose if Beerus is still asleep you are the only one who can solve our doubts..." Champa said as he unpacked the food and offered it to Wiss.

"Mmmm" Wiss with the chopsticks began to try the dishes that had been delivered ... but some seemed familiar, as if he had eaten something similar before ... "It's delicious ... and I find it something familiar ...

Is it from universe 6?"

Vados and Champa looked at each other, since they confirmed their theory ... it was evident that Broly, Beerus and Wiss had some connection.

Vados standing in front of Champa asked his younger brother "This food and the name of a Saiyan with three eyes called Broly is telling you something?"

Wiss tried to remember, relating the concepts that his sister had named ... along with the taste of the food "Saiyan ... Broly ... food ... three eyes ...


He was a very strange saiyan ... and very strong especially when he was three years old and he gave us a delicious meal for having a training match with Beerus-sama...

Don't tell me..."

"That's right, we found that bastard in Universe 6 ... and he just gave us problems ...

How can you leave someone so powerful and dangerous free and without limitations?

There must even be a limit to my brother's irresponsibility" Champa said complaining about what he understood was Beerus's negligence... negligence that ended splashing him in the face.

"Mmmm ... tell me in detail what happened" Said Wiss, who had a very serious face.

First of all it wasn't normal that someone, especially a mortal could travel from one universe to another...

It wasn't normal for a boy of barely ten years old, with the abilities that he saw when he was three years old, to be able to earn the title of "Powerful and dangerous" by a god of destruction... much less that the god himself came to see another to ask for explanations.

Especially one as irresponsible as Champa.

And both Champa and Vados seemed to believe that there was a great connection between them and Broly ... when they only met once a few years ago ...

In addition, from the tone of the conversation it seemed that they had fight and that Broly was still alive ... despite having fought against an angry God of Destruction.

Everything was very strange ... Although the food was delicious...

"Let me start from the beginning" said Vados, who didn't trust too much in the explanatory capacities of Champa