I'll be back in a few minutes

After Shin decided to take a trip to the other timelines, since technically only the Supreme Kai is able to use the time ring ... Whis and Vados using their TV stick showed more about Broly to Shin.

They showed Shin about his origin, skills, way of speaking and acting, attitude, nonverbal language ... So that he could recognize him easily and notice if in any of those realities he had differences with this timeline.

"Be careful Shin-Sama, that Broly is someone capable of fighting against a God of Destruction and leaving unharmed and has very strange skills ... try not to get too close to him and come back as soon as you feel danger" Kibito said quite worried

"Try not to put yourself in danger... if you die I won't be able to scold the useless of my brother for all the problems he is causing me" Said Champa in a stundere way...

He feared that Shin could get too close to the truth and Broly or the one behind him could silence him.

Shin trying to transmit calm, he told everyone present "Don't worry.

For now, I will only travel at the same time as we are now in the other time lines.

When I go to each time line, I will look for the Whis of that place and I will explain the situation to him.

With your help we can locate and investigate his history so far… I won't even need to approach him, so I will be relative out of danger

You don't have to worry too much"

With that clarification Kibito and Champa sighed with relief knowing that would be a mission of low difficulty

"I'll have to travel to the other three time lines, explain to Whis the situation and gather as much information as I can with his help... so it may take a little...

When I finish reviewing the other lines I will come here right away" Shin said before disappearing from this timeline.

"Well ... now we have to wait ... what a nuisance" Champa said as he lay on the ground while protesting as if he were a child forced to go shopping for clothes.

Whis also did not want to sit idly by doing nothing once again use his TV stick, which began to light up and show images of a place quite far "Let's see what is doing Broly for now"

Saying this, Vados and Kibito eagerly approached Whis TV's stick as if it were some funny Youtube video ... and before long, Kibito began to tremble with fear as Whis and Vados sighed again.

"What happens? What are he doing now?" Champa asked in a roar as he ate chips spread out on the floor in a carefree way.

"I'm afraid he's about to do your brother's job," Vados answered as he continued to watch the Sticktube.

"KID, stop here, I've noticed a disturbance in the force coming from that planet on the right" Broly yelled to her precious smart ship to stop.

"Understood Mr. Broly" Said the semirobotics voice of the spacecraft as it stopped KID, surprising Jaco and Tights.

"Hey? What the hell is going on?

Disturbance in the force? What the hell is that? "Jaco yelled as he tried to keep the chips that were about to fall stable due to the abrupt braking

Upon hearing that they hadn't understood his reference because in this universe there was no Star Wars ... he sighed "Aichhh!!

I mean I notice someone quite powerful not far from here... and he have a very sinister Ki, so I doubt he have good intentions"

[I will have to make certain movies or series popular in this universe too ... or nobody will understand my references]

"Is this the danger you were referring to at the beginning?" Tights asked without leaving the pool ... she was very comfortable inside and did not want to leave

"It's very likely ... and I may have to go to face him." Broly replied watching through one of the windows.

"How strong is he? Is he as strong as Frieza's Ginyu forces? "Jaco asked with fear as his legs trembled... if someone like Broly said it was someone very powerful ... must be someone who was out of his reach.

"The Ginyu forces? Nahhh ... those little insects don't even approach this being… let's say that his power is dozens of times higher than Frieza ... but his Ki is too unpleasant ... I'm afraid he's even more powerful than that" Broly replied with arrogance as if he were explaining to a village bumpkin the wonders of the big city... like running water, electricity or sanitary standards

Ahh ehh ... Impossible... Are you joking right?

You're trying to tease me again!


Please, answer me this time?" Jaco yelled like a hysteric once more, but this time in a much more exaggerated way since he did not notice in Broly's expression that it was a joke as before with the poison… not even Tights

"I don't really understand what you're saying ... But does that mean we're going to land on that dangerous planet to fight some very dangerous monsters?" Tights asked, which was reluctant to leave the pool as she began to worry about his safety.

"Don't worry, I'll go alone, you can stay here on the spaceship, there is plenty of food, drink's and many ways to entertain... also don't think it takes me too long to solve this problem" Said Broly trying to reassure Jaco and Tights

[I'd prefer to put them both together with KID in the Formless Realm, but that would make me look like some kind of kidnapper and I don't want to give too many explanations about my skills]

"Do you plan to go from here to that planet and leave us abandoned in this spaceship in the middle of nowhere?! What if something happens to us and we cannot run away?! You are treating us as prisoners!" Jaco protested, also involving Tights.

"You won't approach the planet even a millimetre... KID will actually get away from here just in case and I will use my teleportation technique to get there instantly...

I repeat, you haven'thing to worry about" Broly repeated once more to convince them

Tights and Jaco watched Broly with their mouths open and said in dismay at the implications of Broly's words "One moment ... if you can teleport to the place you want...

Why did not you teleport directly to the Galactic Patrol Headquarters avoiding this whole trip?"

"When you are as powerful and capable as I am ... you end up realizing that you enjoy more of the journey in search of a treasure than of the treasure itself...

If everything is so easy to achieve, you won't end up enjoying it afterwards...

It's like applying cheats to a video game in easy difficulty so that from the beginning you have all the advantages to the maximum ... at first it will look cool ... but then you will get bored playing" Broly replied getting quite sentimental and deep

After several seconds of silence in which Tights and Jaco assimilated all that information ... Jaco broke the silence "Anyway, please return mind my spaceship ... I need it for my work ... I will feel safer with them close in a situation like this and they haven't contacted me for a long time, maybe something important has happened "Jaco begged.

"Fineeeee! As you say!" Broly sighed, feeling some pity for Jaco and his situation "You will find your spaceship in hangar 3... I left it there in case you feel more secure ... although I don't know why you should, the defences of my spaceship are surely better than yours"

[Well ... if the situation is as I think it is ... it is very possible that I don't need Jaco's help]

At this moment Jaco's eyes, which were almost dead and devoid of hope, were resurrected and filled with light ... he was feeling hope again

[FINALLY! I will be able to escape from this tyrant]

It was just when he thought that when Broly became extremely serious and threatening "I have given you your spaceship as you wished, but ... if by chance you happen to escape leaving Tights alone ... believe me, you will miss the Broly that used to tease and blackmail you.

It is not a threat, it is a promise" He said with a terrifying look that made Jaco feel what fear really was... like a frog in front of a hungry snake.

Tights smiled tenderly, she thought it was quite adorable that a ten-year-old child... even if by strange circumstances he was now extremely muscular and tall... cared about her safety in this way... and that he also knew how to put on line the arrogant and unfriendly Jaco

[He's like the older brother that I never had... although he's about the age of my little sister Hehehe]

"Don't worry, I'll be fine ... come back as soon as possible, you promised to take me to some interesting places" Said Tights coming out of the pool to reassure Broly, who was about to make Jaco piss of.

"As soon as I finish I'll teleport directly here, no matter how far you go, I'll be able to locate you

See you in a few minutes" Said Broly before teleporting instantly to the place where he perceived that evil Ki.

A few seconds after Broly left ... Jaco, who until a few seconds ago was trembling with fear, as if his life depended on it, ran at full speed towards his spaceship.

"Hey where are you going ?!" Tights shouted rhetorically, since she knew perfectly where Jaco was headed

And she wasn't wrong, when she arrived at the hangar Jaco was checking very meticulously that his small spaceship were in good condition before seeing inside.

"Jaco! What are you doing?" Tights asked inquisitively

Jaco when seeing Tights, which looked at him with suspicious eyes ... he had to improvise "It's not what you think, I was just checking that the ship was well... Only God knows where it has been and in what conditions JAJAJAJA"

Tights continued to stare at him suspiciously ... it was obvious that it wasn't just about that and she was going to reproach him... but then…


The sound of a communicator began to thunder endlessly inside the cockpit of Jaco's spaceship... and this was the tone used for extreme emergencies

Joco ignoring Tights, who kept killing him with her eyes... entered the cabin of his ship and with fear and anticipation answered the call.



It's been hours since you don't answered any call and now it's exactly when we need any patrolman that can help… we even settle for you to come" Shouted the person who was in charge of the communication center.

"Hey? But it's the first call I get! "Jaco replied in dismay, because there weren't any other calls stored in the communicator (And Jaco wasn't lying, as the spaceship was in the Formless Realm where there is no time it was impossible to receive any kind of call).

"We will hear your poor excuses on another occasion ...

There has been a massive escape from the high security prison and..." Explained the one who scolded Jaco.

On a nearby planet where KID was ... Broly appeared

"Fuck this is horrible" Broly screamed, because that place looked like a deadly desert where toxic and nuclear waste have been buried

A desert landscape full of dried plants and corpses of a rather weak alien race ... and among the corpses there was a strange being that with a malevolent smile held a lifeless body completely drained in his hand.

"HEY YOU! The one that looks like a goat!

Have you been the one who ate all the grass in this place?" Broly asked, which sent him a warning shot, causing him to throw the corpse he had in his hand