Big Porunga 6

How about if I propose a method to get completely out of doubt about whether I am telling the truth or not?" Said Broly with confidence.

Vados, Whis, Shin, Kibito and Champa that was starting to wake up after the knockout ... looked with suspicion at Broly...

It was as Broly said, they couldn't be sure if what Broly said was true or not, even though it sounded very logical and convincing… It was like when a sceptic person finds scientific explanations to paranormal cases… but evidently they didn't trust too much of a Broly proposal to prove his own innocence

"Oh ...

And what method do you propose?

If it is time travel, you must know that it is forbidden, that only the Supreme Kai can travel without repercussions with the time rings and that a strange skill of yours will not change our mind..." Vados said being sceptical ... she didn't believe that there were many infallible methods to prove that Broly was telling the truth ... and trusted much less if that method was being proposed by same Broly.

"Hehehe ...

Don't worry beauty…

I had no intention of traveling in time in any way… it would be absurd to be arrested for traveling in time proving that I haven't travelled in time traveling in time…

And my only useful skill to discover if someone lies or not ... is to read or manipulate his mind ... and I doubt that it is useful, effective or reliable for anybody if I use that in myself...

You see, I need to do a little thing to resurrect my friend and since we have to solve this...

See you in Planet Namek of Universe 6.

There we can solve this misunderstanding once and for all.

I'm waiting for you...

Hasta la vista!" Broly said teleport once more in front of everyone's nose.

"I curse the day this kid learned to teleport" Said Champa, observing with hate the point where Broly had disappeared

The method that Broly talked about when he told them to travel to Planet Namek of Universe 6 was actually resorting to the Dragon Balls

With the Dragon Balls it was possible to make some wish that would allow him to know if someone lies or not ... as well as to resurrect Tights ... fulfilling his two needs in a single movement.

[I call this Brolyefficiency

Resurrect people, the main use for Dragon Balls throughout the manga, anime, non-cannon movies... and cannon too

I almost didn't remember how cheap life is Dragon Ball

I'm being very cliché]

The reason he chose the planet Namek of universe 6 was simple.

I couldn't use the Dragon Balls of the Earth, since within a few years for the adventure of Goku and Bulma will begin, this is a critical period that could change many things and he didn't want to risk ... besides, he didn't trust the capabilities of the current Shenron.

He couldn't use the Dragon Ball of the Namek 7, since the period of time necessary for them to be operational again after their desire to travel to the universe 6 ...

He couldn't use the Dragon Ball of the Namek 7, since he still has to wait until they are operational again after wish to travel to the universe 6 and learn the God idiom...

Then by evident discarding ... only those of the planet Namek of the universe 6 were left to be used... planet in which, fortunately, he already established an ambassadorship in case he might need them.

Broly teleported through his ambassadorship to Planet Namek and began his plan to subtract the Dragon Ball in a discreet and imperceptible way for the Namekians ... since he didn't know the reaction they could have if he asked them kindly.

They have always been very reluctant to give Dragon Balls to foreigners

Although seeing that throughout the planet people spoke favorably about him because of the recent events that occurred in universe 6 and that they even sold Broly dolls and another types of merchandising of all sizes and transformations…

[Oh I'm flattered ... although this flagrantly violates my image rights]

Broly changed his mind and proceeded to request it kindly ... and the Namekians, upon hearing the reasons why they wanted to use the Dragon Ball, agreed in exchange for certain autographs in Broly's merchandising and other things to promote tourism...

[Seriously ... I'll have to sue the bastard who is getting rich with my image] Although that would be another story…

After Broly gathered the seven giant Dragon Balls and quietly chatted a few minutes with his fan club...

Whis, Champa, Shin and Kibito appeared accompanied by Vados.

"You have taken a long… It gave me time to inaugurate a hospital and kiss a child... a green child" Said Broly next to the 7 glowing Dragon Balls, which was instantly transformed into True Super Saiyan God Full Power, his most powerful transformation ... sending the message that he didn't trust them either.

Champa was about to complain about his impertinent comment, but Vados stopped him once more... They had already wasted too much time and energy in these matters.

"Well, if you want we can start" Said Broly going towards the Dragon Balls...

The sky darkened and a huge, muscular green dragon rose between the clouds...

It was Porunga 6... Which was looking down to speak to the person who had summoned him

"I'll grant three wishes

Tell me what you want" Said Porgunga 6 in a solemn way

Broly looked back, where was the coalition of deities of various universes "If you excuse me, before solving our doubts I would like to do something more important" Said Broly making appear the corpse of Tights in his arms.

Everyone gave his approval ... except Champa, who was about to protest and be into a rage again by his unlimited selfishness, but Vados again stopped him ... He was very irascible today and that wouldn't solve anything.

"Porunga, my first wish is to resurrect this girl that I have in my arms" Said Broly pointing to Tights...

"Very well ... I'll try" said Porunga concentrating on doing his homework ... and several seconds later he replied "I'm sorry, but it's not possible, I can't find the soul of this girl anywhere"

The situation seemed to suddenly become tense ... Everyone understood that this would be very hard new for Broly.

However ... he didn't change his expression too much as if he wasn't surprised or affected "A disappointment, but ... it was something within my expectations"

Broly wasn't surprised in the least, this was the universe 6 while Tights was from the universe 7, his soul should be in a different universe ... but in the case of Tights there was an additional difficulty

Broly rested the body of Tights on his left arm and raised his right hand in the air.... in his hand appeared the head and the trunk of an old humanoid goat seriously wounded and with a very traumatized face

It was Moro, who was still alive... it seemed as if he wasn't fully aware ... as if he were catatonic, hypnotized and had lost all the strength... he had become a Yamcha fighting a Saibaiman

"The soul of the girl is inside this scum.

My first wish is to get her soul out of him and the second her resurrection

Will you be able to resurrect Tights now?

And do it quickly, that Champa has very little patience" Broly asked while Porunga tried to see if it was possible observing Champa with fear

However, Champa paid no attention to Broly's words or Porunga's reaction when they mentioned him ... the stay too focused with something else


You haven't killed him? Him and to all that solar system?" Champa shouted louder than usual, he didn't expect this.

"That was my first impulse, but ... at the last moment I rectified only devouring everything…since there was the possibility that something like this could happen.

Besides, he is more useful to me alive than dead" Broly answered with a terrifying smile surprised everyone… This added one more reason to the long list of reasons of why they should not trust our anti-hero.

"It's okay ... I can do it ...

I'll grant your wish" Said Porunga with his big red eyes glowing...

Moments later ... Tights opened her eyes, looked around and with her usual cheerful tone said with some difficulty, as if she had been stuck in a long nap "Huh ... where am I? What happened?

Broly? You're very changed!"

"I'll explain everything later Tights" But before they could continue with the conversation Broly instantly saved Tights and Moro in the Formless Realm ... he didn't want any more surprises today, especially dealing with the security of Tights, who had already died today once

"Very well ... let's continue with the next wish ... and the reason why you have come here


I want you to give us a machine capable of determining if someone is telling the truth or not to any question… a machine that is able to work on anyone regardless of their power, race, intelligence or position" Said Broly formulating his last wish

"That is easy

I'll grant your wish" Said Porunga with his big red eyes glowing one more time...

In a few seconds, a strange machine with a buzzer and an adjustable helmet tied to a cable appeared in front of everyone...

Its operation was simple, if a person wearing a helmet said a lie the bell rings, you must answer "yes" or "no" to the question... And after explaining this Porunga disappeared.

"Well, you want to test if the machine works before you try it on me?

In case you then put the excuse that was tricked" Proposed Broly ... as if he were a magician delivering a deck of cards to the public to show that there was no trick.

"Hehehe this seems fun ... Let me try" Said Champa… who like a child couldn't resist to try such an interesting toy

Once the helmet was put on, the interrogation began ... which enthused many people

"This can be fun

I'll start, "Vados said with a big smile as she prepared to ask her question." This morning when I gave you the diet lunch ... you disintegrated it with Hakai and ate trinkets while I didn't watch?"

NO! NO! NO! Of course not" Champa shouted with great effusiveness

GRIN! GIRN! GRIN! ... Pitched the truth machine

"As I suspected" Vados said with great sadness and disappointment while Champa blushed by the embarrassment and anger he felt ... he was beginning to think that it wasn't a good idea to offer himself to try that machine

"Now ME! Now ME!" Said Whis very excited to ask his question "Are you much weaker than your brother and that's why you always come to bother him due to your complex?"

NO! Of course it's not because of that, it's ... "Champa tried to excuse himself, but ...

GRIN! He couldn't fool the machine

"HOHO this is super fun" Whis said laughing, putting his hand in front of his mouth

"Now me!" Said Broly, who never loses a chance to laugh "Did you feel humiliated and like a fucking poor little shit when I gave you that beating?"

Upon hearing that question Champa became so enraged that he turned red and threatened Broly with his hand as he said ... "NOOOOO! You want me to kil..."


"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!" Laughed Broly at the top of his lungs while the rest tried to hold their laughter as best they could.

"GRRRRRRRR! I've gotten tired of this!" Campa shouted furiously, throwing the helmet through the air ... helmet which Vados picked up before it got damaged.

"Now that we have verified that it works ... why don't we solve this at once?" Vados said, offering the helmet to Broly, which put it on without any problem or complaint ... and started the interrogation to prove his innocence.

Everyone except Broly was very tense ... the decisive moment was here ... the moment they had been waiting for so long (that day)

Vados with great anticipation asked "Are you a time traveler?"

"No, I'm not," said Broly too calmly, as if he had simply been asked if he preferred coke or pepsi.

Whis, Champa, Vados, Shin and Kibito upon hearing the answer… at a great speed turned their heads to the truth machine ...

And to their surprise, there was no reaction on the machine ...

There was no sound...

Which meant that...

[Broly was telling the truth?

Is he really not responsible for creating a time ring?

So, who created that ring?

And how are the different Broly explained?

"Well ... you want to ask me something else?" Broly said with satisfaction with the helmet still on his head

"Yes, I have one

Everything you told us before in the universe seven was true?" Shin asked with cold sweat falling from his forehead... It was probable that he had not traveled in time personally, but...

He really did not have information about the future?