Broly Ōtsutsuki (part 4)

And while the Six Path sage and the Edo tensei Minato, Hashirama, Tobirama and the other ancient Kages ... remained inoperative ... Broly observed the different hanging cocoons of the Tree God.

[Mmmm the world of Naruto has a lot of extraordinary genes, either by ancestral genetic inheritance or by mutations ...

It would not be bad to acquire a few, but...

I have promised myself only to assimilate those who had already died, were destined to die or disappear, the evil ones who deserve to die ... or those who accept of their own accord to come with me...]

"What did he do to us?" Hashirama asked, imbedded in the ground trying not to swallow sand.

"I think it's a Space Justsu that increases gravity" Minato said as incapacitated as Hashirama but he was lucky to be immobilized facing the sky, which was easier to talk.

"At least we are able to talk and see what is happening ... not like the Six Path Sennin and the other Kages" Tobirama said watching Hagoromo that seemed to have been frozen in time while trying to perform a summoning jutsu ... being unable finalize it.

"For now we can only wait and see what that monster does ...

Although today nothing surprises me ..." Sarutobi said trying to stay calm and analyzed the strange actions of Broly, who was still looking at the cocoons of the giant tree.

[Ah good…

I'm not sure if all of them will accept, but I sense that one will accept ... as long as there is the corresponding reward

I'll take it to him as a preventive measure for now and I'll ask him later.]

"Oh! The therapy has been a success and Naruto's intelligence seems to be increasing ...

Just when I finished making my preparations, good timing

I think it's time for the final meeting" Said Broly snapping his fingers, causing the Edo tensei and spirits to recover their mobility and resuming Hagoromo's time, performing the invocation he was about to perform before they stopped the time.


When performing the jutsu, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura Kakashi and Obito were teleported to Hagoromo's location...

At that time, the legendary Six Path Sennin should have congratulated them for saving the world by sealing Kaguya.

But ... things had not come out as anyone expected ... nowhere ... for better or for worse

"Sakura, sorry for everything I've done so far.

I have behaved like the greatest idiot of all ... or rather, as the biggest crap of all ...

I do not know what I can do to amend everything I've done, but ...

I swear I will not disappoint you again or make you worry about me "Sasuke said embracing Sakura tenderly as he regretted everything he had done and could have done.

"Oh! Sasuke!" Sakura screamed completely red, hugging Sasuke tightly as well


At first I was worried about the beating that Broly was giving him, but ... the result has been unbeatable, now it is again the sweet Sasuke that I remember when we were kids] The inner Sakura thought.

"I cannot believe the amount of hours and resources we have wasted so far...

With this type of organization and technologies the bureaucracy will decrease by 8000% and the efficiency will increase by 7999%" Kakashi said looking at the manual that Broly had given them and explained while he remembered the huge mountains of papers that were piled up in the Hokage's office every day...

[With this even the Hokage could have a lot of free time ... now I would not mind being recommended to this position]

"Ummm I did not understand everything very well Kakashi-Sensei ...

Can you explain it to me later? "Naruto said he understood the importance of this manual for his future dream job... but he had trouble understanding the content.

The only one who remained silent and realized that they had been teleported was Obito, who was immersed in his thoughts.


Me and the other Kages of the past, which I have called from the pure land and we have used the Kuchiyose no Jutsu to bring you here...

Naruto, Sasuke and everyone else ... I wanted to thank you for saving the world, but ... I think there have been some unforeseen events" Hagoromo said looking at Broly suspiciously, which floated in the air nonchalantly.

"This ... Naruto who is he?" Kakashi asked Naruto pointing to the Six Path Sennin, Sakura should be the one to ask this question, but ... now she was too busy with her renewed and romantic Sasuke.

"He is the Six Path sennin Kakashi-sensei" Naruto replied, as you would have asked a truism

"Well ... it's floating and has the Rinnegan ... it must be true" Kakashi said, which could not be surprised anymore that day

"Yeah, I've been the one who saved your ass

Thanks and you're welcome" Said Broly giving himself up, wanting to highlight his achievements before all

Hagoromo upon see the attitude of Broly tried to be as respectful as possible "Excuse me Broly.

On behalf of all we thank you for sealing my mother, but...

What exactly will you do with her?" Hagoromo said somewhat uneasily, she was a psychopathic demon who wanted to kill him and his brother and was consuming the humans to become stronger... but a mother is still a mother

As far as he could verify, none of those present could do anything against Broly and although it did not seem to be an enemy, his unknown origin, methods and intentions did not generate much confidence...

"That's right!

And where is Kurama and the others?

You told me you would bring them back!" Naruto said pointing at Broly as if he owed him money

"Come on! I just saved the world, have a little more confidence in me.

Your psychopathic mother is inside a dimension in stopped time to which only I have access, where she cannot do anything ... so do not worry, she will not enslave any other world...

And as for the Byjus ... I was extracting them from Kaguya all this time" Said Broly something outraged snapping his fingers.

At that moment, all the Byjus appeared surrounding the invocation circle.

"Broly ... what the hell are you really?" Hagoromo asked surprised to see that he was able to bring back his puppies, which were previously assimilated by Kaguya to complete his power and resurrection… in a very easy way

"Me?! I'm just a nice three-eyed alien who has seen the great problems on this planet and has decided to lend a hand in a disinterested way

And that will take Kaguya as a form of payment for that help" Answered Broly with an unconvincing smile


Were ya lonely all by yourself over here?

I MISSED YOU!!" Naruto shouted greeting Kurama with emotion.


I wasn't lonely at all!

Half of me was in you the whole time for crying out loud!" Shouted Kurama very embarrassed raising his middle finger towards Naruto ... like two good friends

"GAHAHAHAHAHA!" Son Goku (Byju) shouted due to how funny the situation was.

"HAHAHA" Broly also laughed and with a certain melancholy said "Well ...

It seems that my job here is finished.

From now on you all have a lot to do, clean up and talk about some things... a stranger like me surely would only hinder

We'll see another day with more time…"

But before they could thank him, say goodbye or ask him more difficult and long questions to answer...

"You may be right and it's time for me to leave too" Said Obito sadly and hopelessly

"Obito, what are you trying to say?" Kakashi asked, afraid that his childhood friend would do some stupidity ... again.

"I think it's obvious Kakashi.

From small my goal was to be a Hokage but I trashed that dream myself… and even if I wanted to resume it, I am no longer worthy of that position.

The other part of my life was all focused on seeing Rin again, even if it had caused the death of those I loved as Minato-sensei and Kushina-nesan ... I have manipulated others to do horrible acts and caused a ninja war where millions have died to fulfill a goal that was a farce.

Do you think there is any place for me in this world after what I have done?" Obito said regretting everything he had done throughout his life, believing that he had no redemption or place in the world

Kakashi did not know what to answer to his friend and even Nauto had trouble developing a motivating speech in his head...

But at that moment Broly intervened once again

"Well ... I will not deny that you've screwed up excessively throughout your life and that surely no government will forgive you, moreover, I believe that under the orders of Madara, who was being manipulated by Zetsu, you have only become the greatest murderer of the recent history because almost all the misfortunes after the third war have been orchestrated by you…

However, I promised each of you a wish.

I've returned Naruto to Byjus

I returned Sakura the lovely boy of his imagination… the she was obsessed with

To Sasuke ... I have returned him to the right path ... which is surely what he wanted…

I have made Kakashi's life easier for when he is promoted ...

To you however I haven't do anything yet ...

What do you think of a new opportunity and possibly an extra gift?" He said appearing behind Obito and putting his arm over his shoulder as if they were friends.

"A new beginning?" Obito said thinking about this offer ... he was once scammed by Madara in a similar way.

"Yes, a new beginning!

If you no longer have a place in a world ... Why not go to another?!" Broly said cheerfully as if he had said a great epic phrase ... but it was not.

Obito thought about it for a few moments, he did not know what to choose ... The offer seemed interesting and will help him in a certain way, but ...

Did he deserve to have a second chance?

Is it a good idea to leave with that strange, outlandish and overly powerful being?

"Go Obito.

I do not know what will give you where you go, but at least you will have the opportunity to get away from what has happened here and start over

You need it" Kakashi said, trying to encourage him to go with Broly, as he believed that if he did not at some point his friend would try to take his own life...


Okay" Obito sighed as he listened to his friend's opinion

"And do not worry, it's not like you cannot see me again considering your space-time jutsu" Kakashi said with a smile.

"Well ... I take this as a yes" Said Broly transporting Obito to Formless Realm without any complications.

"Thank you again Broly" Said Hagoromo, who was relieved that there would be one less tragedy that day…

"Yes, yes ... I'm amazing.

Take care of yourself, eat well, take care of the world in case there are future alien invasions other than me ... and brush your teeth.

Some of us will not see each other for a while, others in a few hours.

Take care…

I do not want to hinder your emotional talks" Broly said blithely before disappearing from everyone's sight...

"In a few hours?

Well ... let's continue where ... "Hagoromo said, trying to take up the conversion issue once more

But suddenly…

"Oh! And one last thing more!" Said Broly's head, which appeared behind Naruto

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Some shouted out of fright

"I thought you said that nothing would surprise you at this point ... you were wrong...

Well ... Naruto, I have something very important to tell you before I leave ... something of vital importance" Broly said in a very serious way ... almost as if it were something related to a great imminent danger

"What is it?" Naruto asked as seriously as Broly ... and somewhat frightened, if there was anything that could make a monster like Broly so serious, it must have been something far more dangerous than the future invasion he had prophesied.

"Before the doubt, the most buxom" Broly said with the same seriousness and determination as before

"That… that's all?" Naruto asked, excessively confused, disappointed and shocked ... he expected something serious...

"Yes, I hope it will help you in the future and guide your way

By!" Broly said before his head disappeared completely… Leaving everyone still more confused than before about his true identity, personality or objective coming here

"Before the doubt, the most buxom?

What will he mean? "Naruto said loudly trying to decipher that message

"I'm not sure, but I think he was referring to something perverted ... related to breasts" Son Goku replied since he was a very wise monkey, and being a monkey he knew about perverted things too.

"I knew, another old pervert" Said Sakura disappointed, which was excessively critical with old powerful perverts ... that curiously there were many in this anime

"Yes ... I suppose, but if what I say is true, I suppose I should forget about you forever.

True Sakura?!

HAHAHAHAHA" Naruto said jokingly about how insistent he had been with her in his childhood... and about his chest size

At that moment, the adorable Sakura hugging Sasuke became a furious monster when he heard one of the biggest taboo that could be said in front of a flat chest "WHAT HAVE YOU SAID!!!!!" Sakura shouted as she advanced with her fist held high and her super strength out of control