Beach (Part 1)


Yhwach, the creator of the Quincy and leader of the Wandenreich organization, had invaded with his slaves the Soul Society, killing thousands of figurant Shinigami's and many other minimally relevant Shinigami's or at least they were somewhat powerful.

Yhwach using various stratagems managed to assassinate Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryūsai, the legendary General Commander of the Gotei 13 and the most powerful Shnigami, the one with the most destructive power of all.

After killing him the almighty final villain that nobody expected had a free way to reach the palace of the Spiritual King where he also killed Ichibē Hyōsube, the leader of the Royal Guard, the Shinigami with the most annoying, perverse and hacked skills that exist.

After assassinating the Spiritual King and taking his powers to increase his own, he again faced Ichigo, a much more powerful Ichigo with total control over his Zanpaku-tō and Hollow… with the irrelevant help of Orihime which would heal him in battle and assist in any way she could.

However, he was brutally beaten by Yhwach, so much so that he could not even show his Bankai before he shattered Zangetsu...


After that Yhwach opened a portal to the Soul Society with the aim of destroying it completely, also the human world and Hueco Mundo ... to take control of all known planes of existence (except hell)...

However, there he found Aizen in a sealed state, which confronted him ... and later Renji and Ichico with his restored Zangetsu also joined to the battle...


These three ex-enemies would begin the final battle for the destiny of all the worlds… a battle that for now they were losing due to Yhwach's "Almighty" ability that gives him the ability to see the future and modify it at will.

"I thought I made it pretty clear…

That even if you chased me down you wouldn't be able to change a single damn thing" Yhwach said as he extended his black Reiatsu around him while Renji tried to do something (something that would be useless) "That applies to you as well !!

Abarai Renji"

"BANKAI ... SOUOU ZABIMARU !!!" Renji shouted as he jumped to attack Yhwach, but ... without even touching or approaching to Yhwach… Renji already lost his left arm, as well as his Bankai "Ngh ... !! Shit ... !!"

"Even a meagre Bankai will be made impotent when sill it get through that skull of yours…

All Bankai have already been destroyed in the future and yet you would still oppose me

So in order to drive this point home… I'll crush you with my very own hands

AIZEN!" Yhwach said to an Aizen in a sealed state that took advantage of that moment to launch himself on him to make an attack

"Hadou 99.

Goryuutenmetsu" Aizen said creating one of the most powerful Kidou arts.

Summoning several energy dragons from all places, destroying everything around him as they ran towards Yhwach to devour him… like Aizen with his famous Zampakuto Kyouka Suigetsu

"By the way… I appears you've yet to notice, Aizen Sousuke…

That your Kyouka Suigetsu… HAS ALREADY BEEN BROKEN!" Yhwach said while Aizen watched surprised as his Zanpaku-tō was broken ... moment that Yhwach used to attack him with the palm of his hand, hurting and throwing him far away

And in less than a second…

"Futile ... I've already seen that as well Ichigo" Yhwach said to an Ichigo who followed the same ambush strategy as Aizen.

However… in this case he had already lost his left arm even before his final enemy could stop Zangetsu with his bare hands as in the other occasions... destroying Zangetsu partially for the umpteenth time.

"A golden opportunity slipping right through your fingers…

You assessed the layout of our battle situation, and decided it would be ideal for you to unite yourself with Aizen Sousuke.

However… as you have clearly seen, Kyouka Suigetsu's is no match for mine either.

Remember… nothing… escapes my gaze" Yhwach said in an overly arrogant way, destroying Zangetsu… again… with the palm of his hand "Rest in pieces ... Ichigo" And with those words, with the palm of his hand he opened a hole in his chest, a hole bigger than the one made by Ulquiorra in the Hollow World saga...

This attack was deadly, causing Ichigo to spit blood out of his mouth while Yhwach put his arm inside the hole to hold his lifeless body in a gore way.

Yhwach in this form seemed invincible, untouchable, omniscient and... almighty.

Nothing and nobody seemed to be a rival for him!

"It' been fun, Ichigo.

Your resistance was… midly amusing at best.

So the least I can do for you…

IS ERASE YOUR EXISTENCE ALONG WITH SOUL SOCIETY" He shouted with satisfaction while witnessed how all his enemies had died or are been knocked out with his almighty ability

But at that moment...

"I see.

So you think you're gazing at Kurosaki Ichigo… Fascinating" The one whose arm had been sliced, destroyed the Zanpaku-tō and opened a hole in the chest turned out not to be Ichigo ...

It was Aizen!

In less than a fraction of a second, Yhwach understood what had happened ... he had been inside Aizen's illusion from the beginning and had been fighting against him all the time and not against ichigo, but ...

That means…


It was too late to react, since the real Ichigo had cut him in two…


Yhwach was dead, and all that was left of him was his black reiatsu that once covered his body... and now covered the ground like a huge black spot with what looked like Dali's eyes…

Ichigo watched what looked like the corpse of the greatest threat to all the worlds, until Aizen spoke to him to have a practically redundant conversation

"Passable enought

Well done responding as quickly as you did to my Kyouka Suigetsu" Aizen said with irony, which was bleeding from his torn arm and the hole in his chest

"On my way here, I got this strange familiar feeling.

It was similar to the one I felt back when you had placed everyone under Kyouka Suigetsu's spell" Ichigo replied as he recalled the battle in which Aizen faced almost all of the Captains, Lieutenants and former Captains and former Lieutenants… who fought each other thinking that everyone was Aizen

Aizen with a face that showed irony, sarcasm and melancholy said "Indeed…

I released Kyoka Suigetsu before you all arrivel here…

I confirmed that I could be used to interfere with his "The almighty's" clairvoyant powers.

The final component… was you… you who is unaffected by Kyoka Suigetsu.

Who would have thought that me not showing you the release of Kyoka Suigetsu… would have paid off like this, Kurosaki Ichigo"

But suddenly when nobody expected it ...

The black spot that was the corpse of Yhwach moved once more and expanded, covering several meters around Ichigo and Aizen!

"Aizen!" Ichigo shouted, but it was too late ... the black reiatsu had completely trapped the weakened and sealed Aizen ... and in that moment the nightmare resurfaced once more…

In a more terrifying way than ever!

A fraction of the reiatsu with surrealistic eyes rose up near Ichigo and started talking

"Kyoka Suigetsu's effect appears to have endend

Pride? Or did it just reach its limit?

Say Ichigo…


These were the words that echoed throughout the dimension as Ichigo watched in horror and despair how an Yhwach totally covered by his black reiatsu and eyes rose once more

he had returned from death to send everyone to it.


I CAN EVEN REWRITE FUTURES… IN WHICH I HAVE DIED!" Screamed the definitive Yhwach while Ichigo was still trying to confront him

"USELESS!" Yhwach shouted once again, taking away Zangetsu's with his hands and breaking and destroying it ... again.


THIS WORLD AND SOUL SOCIETY WILL BEFORE MY POWER LOSE THER FORM AND BECOME ONE!" Ywach's reiatsu covered almost all the Soul Society and had trapped Ichigo ...

Everything seemed to be over, but ...

A silver arrow pierced Yhwach from the back to the chest

"What the ... what is this !?" Said Yhwach, who become afraid and confused for the first time since a long time ago.

"Ishida?!" Ichigo said surprised, noticing that he was his friend and cousin Quincy Ishida who attacked Yhwach with a special arrow of a single use.

An arrow that for a few seconds was able to stop the powers of the very same Yhwach, to which the face could be seen again, face that was previously covered by his reiatsu and the eyes that represented his power "The Almighty."

Now the final boss was totally helpless ... he did not have his Quincy powers, nor his physical strength nor control over his spiritual energy ... nor his "The Almighty" so he was not able to see the future and alter it ... If he died now ... it would be irreversible

Ishida was about to alert Ichigo to give him the final blow, but before that ...


Someone that nobody had seen until now ... someone with a disturbing appearance and energy appeared in front of Yhwach with his fist raised.

"You did not see this coming, right?

MR Almighty" Said that unknown man before lowering his fist towards Yhwach's face ...

[Who the hell are you ?!] Yhwach thought with stupefaction and fear ...

This was a variable that neither he nor the rest of those present could have even imagined.

However, Ichigo and friends did not despair excessively, since that strange being did not seem to be an ally of Yhwach and seemed to be about to give him the final blow ... surely killing the final enemy of the manga in a faster way than Ichigo could.


"What are you waiting for??!!!

Kill him!" Ichigo shouted with all his strength as he advanced at full speed towards Yhwach

The reason why he shouted to Broly in that way was because before he could hit an Yhwach unsuspecting and devoid of all his incredible powers...

He stopped short of his attack, as if he had reconsidered and decided not to attack ... and began to contemplate Yhwach's eyes with a confident smile.

Not doing anything

"Damn!" Ichigo shouted in frustration and despair.

The interval in which Yhwach could be killed was very short, and due to Broly's surprise intervention he had lost a very brief but valuable time.

"AHHHHHH !!!" Ichigo brandished Zangetsu with all his strength to cut Yhwach in two, trying to avoid Broly's huge, rocky body, but…

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!!!" Ichigo screamed with great fury and bewilderment, as Broly's simian tail had lengthened long enough to tie him like an anaconda throttling his prey, restricting his progress and movements.

"AHHHHHH !!!" Ichigo shouted as he tried to cut off Broly's tail with his Zangetsu ... but he was unable to make even a small scratch ... It seemed impenetrable.

And at the end of that little ... but at the same time eternal interval of time

Yhwach regained all his powers once again

[This is the end] Ishida thought cursing the whole world for the fact that the opportunity for which so many strived to achieve failed.


I don't know who you are, but thanks for stopping those insects!


WITH THIS I'LL CLEAR THE PATH TO A WORLD WITH NOT FEAR!" Yhwach yelled at his impending triumph, terrifying everyone who could hear him.

But leaving Broly extremely indifferent, who was a foot away from his face, looking at him as if it were nothing interesting.

And that didn't like Yhwach at all, since now he was the most powerful being of all and Broly just a big unknown variable that could disrupt his plans, so he raised his hand towards Broly ...

"But the first thing I will do is crush you in piec...

No… that… is" But Yhwach was unable to finish his sentence, fear and panic had taken over him.

[What I see is ... impossible!!!]

Yhwach is the possessor of the skill The Almighty, that can see everything that is to occur from the present moment into the far-flung future, seeing all possible futures at once like countless grains of sand in the wind… and then transform the future in present, taking the most preferable scenario that he have seen in one of those futures.

It was an almost invincible power


"It must be frustrating, right?

You are so close to me, but it is still impossible for you to see a future in which you can win me or in which you don't lose.

Well ... I guess the same thing would happen if you give that ability to a small normal ant that has to face the whole Sun by himself"