Abnormal (Part 5)

"THIS IS TOO LONG! Perhaps you think that all readers are going to take the trouble to read all this every time you showcase your skills?" Said a Broly totally unharmed, stopping the almost endless display of Najimi's skills.


Najimi was hit hard by that casual punch of Broly, causing serious bruises that made her not able to get up from the ground ... but the real damage was emotional

[Damn, the distance between him and me is bigger than what I had with Iihiko.

This is what I was most afraid of, he hasn't won because of an incompatibility between their abilities, he is really powerful against anyone ...

That's why I hate Shonen characters ...]

"What kind of skill have you used to avoid my attacks and multiple abilities… especially Kumagawa's Book of End?" Asked Najimi, who was very curious to know how possibly a single skill has been able to counteract more than 700 in such an absolute way

"Oh it's true, I still hadn't explained my ability ... Do this in a battle Shonen is something unheard of.

A long explanation of each skill must always be made ... which mostly serves to explain it to the lector and to reveal the weak point of the skill to the enemy... something fucking stupid in my opinion.

Let's say that within my domain as long as you are weaker than me considering the Dragon Ball power banner, I can eliminate the effect of each cause… and I've been using that skill since before I came hre, so I've always been controlling your actions… and their effect" Broly said being ultra expressive and putting graphic examples as if it were a Shonen manga.

"It is a very problematic skill considering that in this manga everything revolves around skills and there are no energetic or physical forces...

But that doesn't explain why despite that the Book Maker of Kumagawa hasn't been successful, we can't see the effects of the skill in you" Najimi said pointing to his white hair

"Ah that ...

It was an illusion that I managed to create based on the abilities of my Aizen's Kyōka Suigetsu, the notions of Naruto and Dragon Ball's standard illusions and my Jagan's innate ability...

With this I made you all belive that your skills were effective, not only Kumagawas's Book Maker.

I am not able to manifest my Zampakuto but that doesn't prevent me from understanding how the other works" Broly said changing the colors of his hair and the one's of Najimi and Shiranui intermittently in such a fast way that could provoke an epileptic seizure to any person passing through the vicinity.

"I see ... you've been playing with us all this time ... what a nasty villain" Najimi said with cold sweat all over her body, Broly seemed to have everything under control from the beginning.

"Thank you for the praise, I am honored by those words coming from villain of the Flask Plan saga

Hohohoho" Broly replied as if he were a rich and pretentious lady that have been flattered

Najimi who saw the situation worse with each second.

This was a terrible and barely seamless skill that nullified the attacks in an even more terrible way than Iihiko's... but from what he had explained there was a way to get rid of its effects

And it's leaving his domain

"I see ... within your domain you are invincible, but ou...

WHAT!?" Najimi shouted terrified and stunned in equal parts, she had tried to run with all her strength with her superior superhuman physical abilities that had no relation to any skill ...

With this she wanted to grab the other three and move away from Broly's domain until she found a way to counter him using her most powerful skills

However, she was still in the same position, no matter how many steps she took, it was as if she was running on a sliding belt that spun at the same speed as her

[Another illusion?


"Let me tell you three secrets:

1. From the beginning I never needed little Shiranui to keep you here

2. Not only can I deny the effect of abilities, I can deny the effect of anything much weaker than me, including your "moving" effect of your "running" cause

3. My domain is so huge that it even encompasses almost a 1/4 of this universe... no matter where you run with these slender legs, you won't advance a single millimeter Najimi. You could escape with your "Alibi Block" or "Meta Teleportation" skill or another of your many absurd abilities… but you can't use them inside my domain

Sorry for being so cautious, I know that with this the hunt stops being exciting, but you have very strange and unpredictable abilities, I can't take risks

But regardless of that ...

Do you already understand your situation?" Broly said showing his checkmate

An extremely bitter and devastating checkmate for Najimi.

Until now she had lost thousands of times against Iihiko, however, she always had the option of escaping or avoiding that monster ... but now she couldn't even do that ...

That was frightening! It was unfair!

She and nobody could do anything!!

"Well ... since I have explained everything and I have shown that there is no escape ...

Have you already given up… and have finished doing dirty things?" Broly said sarcastically as he separated Medaka from Zenikichi, who was beginning to run out of air due to various circumstances... and Medaka was in a similar situation, but with a more relaxed and satisfied expression…

But even though everything was lost, Najimi, the only one who was still more or less standing stepped forward without hesitation "Not yet!

I won't sit idly while you take us all ... While I still have some life left won't let you put your finger on them"

"A very moving phrase.

I see that sacrificing you for them wasn't something impulsive as seen in the manga, you really are a strange God ... you are like a human who sacrifices himself so that 3 ants can live.

But I think there has been a misunderstanding, I never said it would take you all.

I just meant you and Iihiko" Broly said somewhat confused as he pointed at Najimi.

"EH !?" Najimi and Shiranui shouted in shock ... also Medaka and Zenikichi, who were beginning to regain consciousness ... and Kumagawa, who had stopped playing dead.

"Do you only want me?

I can understand it, but ... You really have no interest in the perfect protagonist or in the other secondary characters?" Najimi asked to clarify their doubts and to make sure that nothing will happen to them.

"Well ... I can't deny that the giant tits Marie Sue's "The End" skill is quite tempting,as well Hanten Shiranui's skill to create skills, but ...

They aren't inside my selection criteria, although their ability would deserve it ...

But it's not necessary, I have someone in mind capable of doing the same as Medaka

Besides, I wouldn't want to take away Zenkichi away from his girl… it took a long time and a lot of effort for him to get out of the friendzone (respect)

Although the idiot rejected her unnecessarily twice for stupid reasons… only to continue creating romantin tension until the final chapter" Broly said not too happy with his own decisions ... or those of Zenikichi


I do that ?!] Zenikichi thought, disappointed with his impending furious self

[Is Zenikichi going to reject me again ?!] Medaka thought with an almost broken heart

Hearing Broly's words, Najimi felt some relief but asked once again to make sure she was right. "So if I go with you, do you promise not to do anything to the others?"

Upon hearing Najimi's proposal, the Shonen spirit of friendship possessed Medaka "Najimi, you can't be serious,

We never let yo… "

But she couldn't finish her sentence, no matter how much she moved her lips she made no sound, since Broly had eliminated the "Voice" effect of the "Speak" cause in Medaka, Zenikichi and Handome, who began to protest strongly when the decision had already been taken

"You have my word, although it's not like there's a notary nearby to attest it…

Come on, don't look at me with that face, I'm not an ISIS terrorist who kidnaps Shonen Jump celebrities to film theyr decapitations on youtube ...

On the contrary, they will win with this job offer" Broly said showing a rather kinder face and approach ... even though he wanted to take Najimi with him by force an coercion after all.

"Very kind of you.

And what am I supposed to win? "Najimi asked sarcastically.

"How about the great opportunity to leave this cage in which all your past, present and future has been chosen beforehand by a middle-aged Japanese who wants to pay his bills?

A cage in which despite your great powers you are always destined to lose against a protagonist due to the script's demands ...

A cage of which you know its existence, but you are unable to escape from it

I am offering you to escape from this cage and go beyond the world where your own creator drew you ... transcend this cage and reach the origin of the true omniverse and overcome the power you currently have

Tell me Najimi is not a good offer?" Broly said as if he were a politician or religious leader who with a lot of demagogy convinced the masses to follow him

"So you offer me to leave this cage where my authors hold me and control my destiny ... to enter your cage where you will control my destiny?" Najimi replied sarcastically once more, although she agreed with what Broly had said after all.

She was just changing one prison for another.

Broly showed a stinging smile and getting very serious and deep expressed his thoughts

"Well ... I understand your concern

But don't we all live inside a cage?

We are all born and live with multiple prisons that limit us at all levels ...

Whether it is the same reality in which you are confined and almost no one can perceive or escape, the same space and time that limits the movement and way of perceive the physical world, a planet from which it is only possible escape with sufficient technological development resulting from thousands of years of sacrifice and research, the borders and laws of a state that restrict your freedom to force you to enroll in a collective for which you must work and abide by the rules you haven't chosen or recognized under threat of jail or expropriation ...

Even your own body whose DNA and biology limits and predetermines much of your capabilities, needs and behavior that we will have throughout life, our own mind that is only able to think about things that our senses and compression can perceive, the social norms that limit our behavior about what is good and evil… even our own moral codes and conduct that largely prevent us from doing what is necessary and / or convenient from what we perceive as correct ...

Always, for everyone and everything… and even for me there will always be cages in an irremediable way ...

However, some like me have the gift, ability and / or luck to be able to escape from some of those cages, even from the highest-level cage in which you has been placed and create you own cage with the perfect measures for your needs, decorate it to your liking, have absolute control over it and everything you want…

A cage that will rise above all others

And I am giving you a place in the best cage of the omniverse.

Isn't my cage better than this one?

Besides, I saved your life beating Iihiko, you owe me a favor" Broly said, referring to the world of Medaka Box


Although I have no other alternative

Right?" Najimi said with sarcasm another time but something more convinced and attracted by Broly's words.

Despite the inconvenience that could entail, she was seeing before her an opportunity to find new aspirations and experiences… Something that always motivates an almost almighty being who has got bored of the world and its people

Medaka and Zenikichi, who were unable to speak, disagreed with the decision Najimi was about to make ... but then ...

"Do you allow me to participate in this conversation?" Said Kumagawa who stopped playing dead and re-entered the scene.

"Kumagawa ..." Whispered Najimi, who didn't know what the madman of the manga intended, without his powers it was very dangerous to contradict Broly

"Of course, what do you have to say?" Broly said with a confident smile, as if he already knew what he would say.

"If you don't mind, could I go with you too?" Kumagawa asked with his usual wax doll smilling face.


"Well ... your speech has been quite convincing and I'm quite curious to know other worlds of the Shonen Jump

In addition, soon I will have to graduate and I don't fucking know what to do with my future and this seems like a good, relaxed and fun job

Am I wrong?" Kumagawa said showing his pessimism for the future and optimism when he saw a quite attractive solution for his possibilities…

"And did you forget to mention that you want to go with the girl you love by chance?" Broly asked, who was quite aware of Kumagawa's feelings for Najimi, although understanding that it happens through Kumagawa's head is quite complicated.

Broly's words made Kumagawa blush with embarrassment.

Broly had exposed his temptations very suddenly, so the young minus approached to Broly and Najimi trying not to have eye contact with her… while she looked at him in a pretty teasing way

"AH, by the way...

I also take this psycho perverted called Professor Fukurou Tsurubami, he is not as extraordinary as you or Iihiko, but he is a pretty intelligent and capable character, and the creator of the Styles.

He will be a great acquisition for my scientific team, Orochimariu, Kars and Mayuri will be quite happy" Broly said taking out of his Formless Realm the immobilized body of the professor, also Medaka's uncle.


Medaka reacted strongly upon see how his uncle was held from his neck by Broly's as if he were a chicken about to be plucked

"Before you protest… although now you cannot…

I wouldn't feel any pity for this guy ... I leave the full manga, with this you can see what will be or could have been your existence if it weren't for my intervention and you will see what this guy tried to do…

Spoiler, sexually abuse Handome and destroy the planet" Broly said as he handed them the volumes of Medaka Box


"Oh and by the way Zenikichi, remember ...

before you doubt the most buxom ...

You know who I mean ...

Bye!" Broly said throwing Shiranui like a ball into the arms of a blushing Zenikichi

"Goodbye Medaka and Zenikichi, I hope we can meet again one day," Najimi said casually

"Goodbye guys, you can do the perverted things you were doing before" Kumagawa said somewhat jealous

And with those words Broly disappeared with Najimi and Kumagawa to another dimension ... and after a few seconds in which Medaka, Zenikichi and Shiranui recovered their speech of the constant shocks chained one after another ...

"Shiranui, are you alright?" Said Zenikichi, who was still holding Shiranui as if she were a baby.

"Zenikichi ... don't talk to me with the same mouth you just did that with ..." Shiranui said, very flushed and embarrassed by the image that still couldn't be taken out of her head.

"Zenikichi… after this you won't reject me again right?

After what you did to me I won't be able to marry someone who is not you" Said Medaka, very flushed, showing all the innocence and shame she had in herself in a very cliché way

[This is beyond me now] Zenikichi thought… he didn't know whether to laugh, cry, rejoice or worry

Desire Realm

After a subtle process of "recruitment" in the Formeless Realm ... Broly, Najimi, Kumagawa, Iihiko and Professor Fukurou appeared in Broly's spacecraft floating in the vastness of space.

"Hello Broly-Sama, are these our new partners?" Orochimaru said with lust ... he was the most interested in knowing the new lifeforms of other realities

"That's right.

What if we have a friendly talk to strengthen ties between everyone and answer some of your questions?" Broly said creating a giant table with snacks