Gourmet World (Part 1 - 1/2)

The moment announced at the beginning of the manga had arrived.

Our heroes Toriko, Komatsu, Zebra, Sunny and Coco had traveled to the Gorumet World to bring resources to the human world devastated by the "Spice Rain" of Midora.

The goal was to increase their strength (mainly eating) to solve the mystery behind the Blue Nitro, the dark chef Joah, the NEO organization and stop their surely sinister plans ... which among other things were to destroy the world (something very common in evil organizations)...

It was a journey full of sacrifice in which many great people like "Knocking Master" Jiro, "Don Slime" the ex-universal King and Appetite Demon of Ichiryu… and more others characters who died heroically trying to save the world and the universe of his greatest threat…

Acacia and his Appetite Demon NEO!

Acacia, that the one that until today was recognized and venerated as he greatest Gourmet Hunter in history, also known as the Gourmet God… the one that discovered the Gourmet Cells, the first and only person to find the holy and phantasmal ingredient GOD stopping the great war in the Human World and he most powerful human in the history of the planet.

The greatest hero in the history and also the adoptive father of the other three most powerfull humans Ichiryu, Jiro and Midora, the husband and combo of the Chef Goddess Froese (whose body had been owned by Joah, who was working side by side with the evil Acacia) ...

And although he didn't know it, he was also Toriko's and also Starjun's biological father ... who were the adopted children of Ichiryu and Midora respectively ... although until a few chapters they hadn't realized that they were twin brothers (a family drama that surpasses Star Wars).

And now, along with NEO, the most threatening, dangerous and insatiable Appetite Demon so far, the one who has devoured entire universes (even supernovae) and the sanity of his Acacia possessor, making him the greatest threat that the Red universe had ever suffered ...

A trip where Toriko and his friends managed to consume much of the Planetary Full Course Menu, also known as the Acacia Full Course Menu ... The definitive menu of the Red Universe that allowed to unleash the full potential of the body and the Appetite Demon that he/she carries in his/her cells.

AIR: That allows to fully utilize the atmosphere making a simple breath able to heal a person's body from simple cuts to deep wounds and bone damage and along with these regenerative capabilities, provides a person with the ability to spend many hours without breathing and fully awakens the Gourmet Cells of the left arm

PAIR: That gives ability to interact with the deceased or with people on the verge of death, the ability to see the Spirit World and fully awakens the Gourmet Cells of the right arm

ANOTHER: That gives one the ability to comprehend tastes that were previously inedible and reawakens tastes that were forgotten and fully awakens the Gourmet Cells of the tongue (and much like PAIR's ability to allow one to see and enter the Back Channel as well as the World of Souls)

NEWS:That enables one to control the speed of their Gourmet Cells' cellular division to exceed the speed of light (299,792 Km/s or 186,282 Miles/s), allowing them to create and manipulate Back Channel and fully awakens the Gourmet Cells of the left leg

EARTH: That fully awakens the Gourmet Cells of the right leg that provide so much energy and nutrients that it perfectly counters the exhaustion of generating Back Channels, NEWS' gift.

ATOM that gives the ability to see invisible Gourmet Matter and fully awakens the Gourmet Cells of the torso and head, excluding the heart, tongue, and brain, which are awakened by CENTER, ANOTHER, and GOD, respectively

They only needed to devour CENTER and GOD, the two dishes with the highest level of capture and the most beneficial and difficult to obtain together with ANOTHER ...


Just at the most crucial moment GOD the most coveted food on the planet, the main course of the Planetary Full Course Menu ... the most powerful frog in the world of fiction and the ingredient that in the past could stop a war ... had made its appearance

And now this was the dish that had triggered the greatest war of all.

This was the greatest world war in the history of that world

And the sides of this war were quite clear ...

Komatsu, Otake and all the other chefs were cooking GOD from inside it's body in a very strange esoteric way while Acacia / Neo, Joa and the Blue Nitros fought against the team formed by Toriko, Teipe, Starjun, Zebra, Sunny and Coco... while Midora, the strongest man in the world today was still momentarily sealed by Joah, who used dirty psychological tricks against him appealing to the great unconditional love Midora felt for her adoptive mother Froese, Joah's actual body.

The fight was tough and full of dangerous, epic and dramatic scenes ... but unfortunately Toriko's team was at a clear disadvantage. Acacia and Joa were far superior to them, and that is why they were on the verge of death ... and they would have died had it not been for the magical intervention of GOD and The Eight Kings.

The most powerful kings animals around the world, "Dragon King Derous, "Wolf King" Guinness, "Crow King" Emperor Crow, "Snake King" Mother Snake, "Deer King" Sky Deer, "Whale King" Moon, "Monkey King" Bambina, "Horse King" Heracles ... which saw Acacia / Neo as the greatest threat of all ...

The titanic battle between the strongest monsters on the planet and the red universe continued with great highs and lows for both sides, in which Acacia / Neo had to show all its power and was even forced to evolve to fight against all of them...

And with that evolution and anger he felt by being threatened and hurt by an almost dead Toriko ... he finally achieved his long-awaited goal.

Eat a part of GOD


And it was at that moment when Bambina, the strongest monkey in this universe (for now) rushed at the speed of light towards Acacia / Neo with obvious murderous intentions ... just like the rest of the Eight Kings who attacked from all the places Acacia / Neo with powerful long-range energy attacks


Creating an explosion so powerful that covered almost half of the planet's surface, a planet hundreds of times larger than the planet Earth and denser than a neutron star, a planet that in the case of exploding would ridicule all supernovae that have existed in history… almost on the scale of another Big Bang

An attack that could have destroyed without problems this unusually resistant planet… if it wasn't because ...


Two figures appeared from the remains of the explosion and its dense smoke

Acacia, which was totally naked and with a completely human appearance, without any apparent mutation due to Neo's Gourmet Cells ...

And in front of him a sinister and inhuman anthropomorphic being with a very strange an creepy body… It was like a badly drawn monster that locked like a sinister and devilish blac daruma.

His appearance changed a lot since he was in Acacia's body or in the flashbacks ... but there was no doubt, it was NEO. That had managed to physically manifest himself outside Acacia's body thanks to eating GOD resuscitating his brain

And Neo, who seemed to be totally unharmed just like Acacia ... held with his ugly hand less than half of Bambina's mutilated and defeated body, which was held like a loaf of bitten bread.

However, Bambina hadn't given up and still being held by Neo ... from his mouth launched several energy attacks against the monster that devoured him...


Schrlupp! Schrlupp! Schrlupp! Schrlupp! Schrlupp!

Energy attacks that were devoured by Neo once again very easily, causing some desperation in the almost death Bambina


However, the rest of the kings didn't stay with legs, fangs and hooves crossed... such as the Horse King Heracles who was ready to launch several pressurized air cannons from his nose.

Pressurized air cannons that once casually were able to pierce the planet (with an entrance and exit hole) ...




With a powerful energetic shout from NEO he destroyed almost Heracles' body ... thus decapitating the immortal horse easily

"So… you're Neo… the true form of my appetite…" Acacia said with satisfaction, pride… and arrogance as he contemplated the power of the incarnation of his Gourmet cells.

After a few seconds of stupor, fear, excitement and hope ... PAIR the Blue Nitro that conspired with Acacia from the beginning continued with the plan

"CENTER! Make the preparations! "PAIR shouted to his partner CENTER to bring the World Full Course dish in which he specialized ... which is CENTER.

CENTER, the last ingredient that Acacia needed to achieve perfection.

But the eight legendary kings weren't idiots, they knew that they should kill Neo as soon as possible otherwise the universes, planet and their own race would be decimated.

So, The Crow King from the skies used one of his most emblematic skills to stop him.


A skill that creates a small sun on the back of the Crow King casting his shadow on Neo, Acacia, Pair and Center… a shadow with the effect of canceling the thoughts that those beneath it

And before that imminent threat Neo began shaking his body making his luminescent proteins within his cells emit an overwhelming brightness that could wipe out the sun itself

With that the shadow of the Crow King was completely dissipated ...

And ...


Taking advantage of the flash that had completely blinded the Crow King and everyone nearby, Neo jumped and during that jump he enlarged his head and devoured the left half of the body of the king of the birds, leaving only his head intact


And despite having been torn apart, from his peak he shot several energy beams at Neo

Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!

Which devoured each shot one by one without too much difficulty (He devoured a supernova a few moments ago ... it was obvious that this would be easy)

And suddenly…



For a moment Neo vanished, because was shallowed by the Snake King.

A creature with the diameter of the wole planet (the longest in the world of Toriko) at a speed several times higher than that of light.

Then King Snake gathered its 220,000 Km long body, entwining itself into one single place.


Thus forming a giant snake ball.

With this curious and bizarre attack, the Snake King concentrated in one place (Neo) all its intestinal flows to the maximum… intestinal fluids capable of dissolving any type of matter in seconds ... for the sole purpose of attacking Neo ...

And that attack was taking effect.

Neo's body, that was able to withstand the intense heat of the supernova created by Don Slime ... but now it was slowly disintegrating into the stomach of the strongest snake.


Upon seing this, Neo immediately shallowed up all the digestive juices in one gulp!!!

Even the world most powerful digestive juices were nothing more than a little extra strong carbonated soda to Neo's stomach!

And the snake king's body, which was wrapped in and on itself to the point where it became like a small planet…

Instantly withered away…

Neo had devoured practically all the liquids inside King Snake body until it was almost totally dehydrated!

With its strength gone… its grip released…

But despite its poor state, the Snake King didn't falter for even a moment.

Thougt its own body had become thin and dried-up, it hardned its body in order to trap Noe withing itself as it lunged forward…

Straight into the stomach Whale King Moon!!

The biggest and possibly the most powerful beast on the Earth, a titanic monster capable of creating black holes inside its mouth and stomach.

And the Whale King sensed the Snake King's intent


And as if it were the biggest spaghetti in history the Whale King swallowed the Snake King whole along with Neo ... then he arched it's massive body and sproung up hight into the air from the water's surface EXHIBITING HIS COLOSSAL BELLY TOWARDS…

The Dragon King that had already sensed the Whale King's intent.

That's why he began charging up every last ounce of it's energy in his Extra-Dimensional Laser as only that would be capable of bringing down the Whale King.

In a few seconds, three of the 8 most powerful Kings, the most legendary beasts on the planet, those who had been at the top of the food pyramid of the universe and who constantly fought among them for more territory decided to collaborate an even sacrificing their lives to kill Neo.

Either by letting himself be devoured, letting himself be disintegrated or exhausting his entire life in a single attack ...

They should kill NEO at all costs

That was the threat that NEO meant to the entire universe!