Gourmet World (Part 2)


Broly shouted like a true stereotyped Saiyan showing the Omniverse his new transformation. A more muscular transformation that emitted a sacred greenish blue light ... a unique transformation only belonged to him.

The True Legendary Super Saiyan God!

If the Super Saiyan God or Super Saiyan Red is the transformation of a Super Saiyan with godly energy and the Super Saiyan Blue is the transformation of a Super Saiyan 2 with godly energy…

The True Legendary Super Saiyan God is equivalent to the transformation of Legendary Super Saiyan with godly energy.

A normal Broly cannon, which didn't know how to control himself, with no battle experience and without especial skills or haxs as our beloved Broly was able to humiliate expert like Goku and Vegeta in Super Saiyan Blue transformation with only the Legendary Super Saiyan fase...

What could that same transformation do with godly energi ... to which you also have to add the transformation of True Saiyan to the equation?

Despite being in a world in which his power was seriously limited because he has barely been able to taste its foods, which are the ones that contain most of the laws inside and outside the battle power... the result was clear.


But that was something unknown to Acacia

"Not bad ... you're much stronger and more interesting than those dirty beasts" said Acacia, who somehow appreciated Broly's surprise punch

A punch that made him leave the atmosphere of the planet, but that wasn't critical for him.

His powerful physique allowed him to resist such attacks, live without problems in space and also return to the planet, either manually or through the Back Channel.

"But you're still not qualified to put your dirty hands on me!" Acacia said watching Broly and the planet arrogantly, As if they were just insects that he can smash at any time with ease


Acacia slapped the void and produced with it a titanic hand made of Appetite Energy (the Ki, Chakra or Nen of Toriko universe), a hand so giant that could eclipse several continents of planet Earth (a planet Earth with the size of Saturn), a powerful titanic hand that if it were to hit the planet (a planet Earth as dense and thought as several neutron stars) will leave a continent-sized imprint on the planet, as if it had been hit by the most powerful and fierce meteorite

And that giant energy hand went straight to True Legendary Super Saiyan God Broly.

"Yes… Yes! YES! YES!! YES!!!!!

This is the kind of battle I was looking for !!!" Broly shouted, observing the giant palm that approached him with emotion and debauchery.


Broly jumped into the Gourmet Spank with great violence and lack of control, so much that he destroyed the ground thousands of kilometers around him, creating a crater no less small than the destruction that Acacia could have caused with his attack.

And once out of the Earth's atmosphere Broly was about to…

"Shock those five!" Broly shouted with his open hand covered in his KIEN.

He was… about to pat Acacia's spank?


Both attacks collided with each other, creating an explosion so huge that its shock wave suddenly cleared all the planet's clouds and formed titanic hurricanes near the impact point

The confrontation had been matched, but one of the two had emerged more victorious than the other.

[Shit, he hit harder] Broly thought as he was catapulted to the ground, since Acacia's attack had been more powerful and his strength had pushed him back.

Broly had lost that first confrontation due to a relative difference between Acacia and him

The main reason for this difference wasn't that Broly had underestimated his opponent (despite not having used all his power) or that there was a great difference in physical and energy power.

Acacia was overwhelmingly strong, resilient and powerful.

So strong that it could destroy with a punch a planet like the planet Earth of this universe, a planet more resistant than the Sacred World (a planet so difficult to destroy that not even a battle with Buu could destroy).

A being so resilient that it is able to regenerate instantly from any attack and resist attacks capable of destroying thousands of stars as if nothing and even devouring stars and supernovas in one bite.

Acacia without also taking into account his many other skills such as teleportation through the Back Channel, time manipulation through the Back Channel, devouring anything (even incorporeal things), preventing the regeneration or resurrection of everything eaten...

He was a being who in combat capacity could overcome without much difficulty the Hakaishin of Dragon Ball and begun to approach to the Angel's level.

Something very similar to what Broly could do in True Super Saiyan GOD!

There wasn't a big difference between them ... but there was now, even though Broly had acquired a superior transformation.

The difference was due to the compatibility of the laws of this world.

Because Broly for several reasons had not acquired too much information fo the most powerful ingredients, where the most important laws are concentrated, he could not adapt his full strength in the World of Toriko.

That left Broly in a rather unfavorable situation, but ...



FINALLY AN INTERESTING CHALLENGE!!!!" Broly shouted with excitement and madness as he looked at Acacia, who observes him with condescension in the same way that a lion observes a poor mouse with broken legs that was about to been eaten.

But that expression didn't last long.

"OMEGA SMASH!" Broly teleported behind the confident and arrogant Acacia and clasping his hands hit him on the head as if it were a volleyball ball



That unexpected attack caught Acacia by surprise once more, sending him back to the planet as if it were a meteorite ...

And with this Broly got his revenge as immediately as possible


And when our hero barely had time to be prideful in this little victory...


Joah, the dark chef usurper of bodies at the service of Acacia jumped out of the planet to his aid, throwing against Broly one of his characteristic energetic multiple planets cutting knife strikes.

However ... the attack passed through Broly as if he were intangible


What is this skill?!" Shouted Joah, who had activated his Gourmet Cells to the fullest, transforming in a powerful and demonic being.

[I haven't used this skill for years ...

Specifically since I became totally immortal...

I don't want to use many of my skills, but I don't want to spend too much energy and time with Joah or suffer a cut that is recorded in my genetic code ... although I can later cancel it ...]

"Stop bothering, I want to fight manly!" Shouted Broly, who was about to launch an energy attack at Joah


At that moment…

Inside a gigantic surface crater, Acacia lay peacefully after landing.

"What a wonderful tatste to savor…

This fealing… of strength superior to the Eight Kings…

I would've figured my farts to be deadlier than you due to your poor nutritional value… but perhaps you might be able to entertain me for a little while after all… " Acacia said watching Broly condescending again even though he had just praised him .

When suddenly something disturbed his serenity...

"Stop bothering, I want to fight manly!" Broly yelled at Joah, not paying attention to what Acacia said… he was busy dealing with an annoying fly that kept buzzing in his ear

That lack of attention didn't like Acacia...


MR NOBODY!!!" Acacia shouted very angry upon see that his arrogant words were being ignored.


And in response to that frustration, he sent to Broly a giant punch made of Gourmet Energy

But nevertheless…




Joah, Acacia and Broly were surprised at the same time, since Acacia's powerful attack was suddenly redirected directly to himself

"WHAAAAA?!!!!" Acacia shouted with great confusion... hurting himself


Joah and especially Acacia were caught by surprise with this turn of events ... unlike Broly, who had considered this possibility in his plans ...

So he continued with his energetic attack on Joah saying "I knew thin momente would come, but ..."

Normal Ki blast



When Joah saw that a sphere made of an unknown energy was approaching him ... and therefore with unknown effects... he decided not to take a risk and used his characteristic technique to completely avoid the attack

Gourmet Luck, the ability to manipulate probability and reality to make everything… or practically everything (a clear limit has never been set) ... occurs at the user's convenience.

Even make attacks directed to him to fail magically without a logical reason...



"But ... I didn't expect you to appear so quickly ..." said Broly, who magically appeared smiling in front of Joah ... grabbing his transformed demon face as if it were a ball and throwing him to the surface of the planet again






Where it bounced several times on the ground as if it were a stone thrown with good technique in the water



Something or ... SOMEONE hard and powerful ... someone so hard and powerful that easily endured and stopd the irremediable advance of someone who has been thrown at a light speed ...

"… Midora!!!" Broly said finishing his sentence.

That's right, it was Midora, the main antagonist of the first part of the story, the toughest and strongest man in the world (not counting Acacia ... and later the meaningless power-up Toriko), the adopted son of Acacia and Froense, the man able to copy any technique, the most voracious tongue in the anime ... and in short ...

THE FUCKING MASTER (Sorry if my subjectivity affect the story so much, but it's one of my favourite antagonists)!

Which had used the "Minority World" technique, that he copied from his brother Ichiryu, in the previous attack of Acacia …

A skill that allows you to reverse the effect of everything you want in a certain space. In that space Midora is able to make an attack that is directed towards a person do the opposite, attacking its user ... that an organ that tries to keep a person alive does the opposite, trying to kill him ... that a wound that is causing the death of someone do the opposite, healing him…

A terrifyingly useful technique ... that someone was interested in obtaining

[My favorite Toriko character has finally appeared ... both in powers, background, personality and motivations


And after his appearance he made no movement ...

He didn't even move a single facial muscle despite seeing that his supposedly deceased and adored by all adoptive father had become a bizarre monster, for having next to him the dangerous Joah (the person who previously sealed him and who possessed the body of his adoptive mother, the person he loves most in the world)… and, of course, despite seeing a strange being that I knew nothing about, that was fighting them both at the same time in that crucial moment.

He just stood in a badass pose watching the look of his father and Broly


How did you get out of that can?!" Grau Joah, who didn't understand how Midora could escape his seal ... and that frustrated him.

However, Midora didn't answer Joah's question ... he had other issues to resolve first.

"Yo, Acacia… You're lookin pretty difrferent…

In fact, yo're almost lookin like a beast…" Midora said at Acacia with a indifference that only masked his doubts and rage.

To which Acacia responded without too much sentimentality either "How many centuries has it been, Midora…

You've gotten so big yourself… your mouth, that… "


But he was unable to finish his sentence...

Since a huge fist teleported directly to his face ... hitting and sending him flying several kilometres away again

"Your mouth is the one that has grown big!

Close it at once and fight!" Broly shouted, interrupting that moving meeting with unexpected violence… he was too eager to fight someone like Acacia and knowing what the development and outcome of the conversation would be, he wanted to end it immediately.

"Acacia !!!" Joah shouted upon see that Acacia had been beaten and taken away from him again with the same technique as before

[That total and partial teleportation he have been using ...

Is it a Back Channel application?

It is possible, but ... No...

Not at least with those cells...

I am able to hear the voice of the ingredients ... it is clear that this man has not eaten NEWS, it is impossible that he is able to use the Back Channel...

What is happening?]

And in the same way Midora and his incredible mirror neurons capable of learning anything almost instantly tried to copy Broly's teleportation ability but...

[What is happening?

I expected some complications copying that skil, just like the "Gourmet Luck", but ...

It is being impossible for me…

Is it a technique that like the Back Chanel is not possible to copy if you haven't eaten a certain ingredient?]

"I don't know who you are or what kind of business or disputes you have with Acacia, but they will have to wait…

I have many things to ask and clarify after a few hundred years" Said Midora cordially but intimidating at the same time… it didn't seem like he was willing to negotiate