Gourmet World (Part 5)

"But I will show you the difference between an eater god and a ...

GOD EATER GOD !!" "Broly said with great confidence and arrogance as his hair and tail danced in the air shining with a dense green color that left the blue glow that he previously had in the background…



Are you going to show me something?!




Are you about to be devoured and still have time to joke and bluff like this?

Who do you think you are when you say that you are above me?!

YOU ARE ONLY A STUPID AND ANNOYING SMALL FLIE!!" Shouted the grotesque gourmet god Acacia to whom new tumours grew and burst every second and his body expanded and became increasingly scary, grotesque and sinister... as if his body had reached a strange limit due to everything he had eaten and the anger he had in his body.


And as if it were the divine wrath of a god ... a giant fist made of Appetite Energy came from space and impacted against Broly and the planet ... Destroying almost half a hemisphere and almost causing the planet to leave it's own orbit.


"Midora-Sama we have to do something fast, that man has already lost and if the planet receives more attacks like this…" Starjun said proposing to Midora to attack Acacia together ... since if they didn't all act at once it would be impossible to stop that aberration.

However, Midora kept looking in the direction of the fight and said calmly "Quiet Starjun ... The fight is not over yet"

And he was right, since in zone 0 where that titanic fist hit ... There was Broly, who kept floating as before ... as if he had never been hit by that attack ...

[I was worried that my first Nen skills to hide my body in my dimenson would become obsolete since I had planned to acquire an immortal body ... but I see that it can still be useful...

Ok let's continue]


And using hakai, Broly completely destroyed the adjoining parts that were eaten by Acacia, as part of his face, shoulder, arms and legs ... and almost instantaneously those parts began to regenerate, but...

It didn't work ... the regeneration always ended when it reached the parts eaten by Acacia.

"As I feared" Broly said somewhat disappointed

"You're still alive?! Awesome!

You have made me reflect, I will no longer consider you a fly

You are a fucking cockroach

I don't know what you're trying, but it won't work ...

Everything NEO devours never comes back!


YOU ARE FINISHED!" "Acacia shouted as he commanded dozens of those destroy planet punches from before

Acacia planned to destroy Broly next to the planet if necessary


"You won't let me finish?

Impatient…" Broly said as he set out to perform a newly learned technique.



And in this way between Midora and Broly they managed to deflect Acacia's attacks ... Preventing them from colliding with the planet ...

Thing that shocked and didn't like Acacia very much

[They're repelling away my appetite…]

"You… damn cockroach !!!


YOU WILL DIE! AND I NEVER BE DESTROYED" Acacia shouted as he opened his huge and terrifying mouth and began to devour ...

All the Gourmet Luck de Broly, Midora, Toriko and Starjun ... and all those close to him

"IMPOSSIBLE! Even appetites have a limit! You're going to explode, Acacia !! PAIR shouted upon see how the sinister, horrifying and deformed body of Acacia swelled more and more with every gram of Gourmet Luck that he swallowed with his powerful and unique ability to devour anything

And while everyone was watching Acacia and how his Gourmet Luck was being taken away


Broly once again disintegrated the parts of his body close to what Acacia devoured ... but this time Broly against what dictates his survival instinct and the logic of his body, caused that there was no regeneration…


Magic Materialization!

With his magic, Broly created just a few millimeters from him exactly the same missing parts of his body without missing or missing an atom in that creation...

And by bringing them closer to his body ...





"Transplant finished Doc-san" Broly said with a wide smile as he got used to his new arms and legs moving them very fast.






I had devoured those parts of your body !!!

It is impossible that you could recover them!" Screamed with bewilderment and horror the balloon of black tumors Acacia… that almost vomited part of the Gourmet Luck that he had devoured when he saw that Broly was once again in one piece

"I don't know why you are so surprised ...

I cannot regenerate the parts that were devoured, but that does not imply that I cannot create others externally and then implant them in an area not affected by your disgusting mouth

Right?" Broly said in a mocking and threatening way, not fearing Acacia at all that since he looked like an ugly balloon.


DIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Shout Acacia swooping towards Broly with his sinister mouth open with the intention of devouring him completely to not leave something to create or transplant


Don't you think you've eaten too much?

You have become fat ...

And I can become even bigger!!!! " Broly shouted as he prepared to hit Acacia's stomach with his right punch…

A punch that due to his speed and distance between Broly and Acacia would be the second to connect in that deadly confrontation ...

His fist would not hit Acacia before he was devoured



With that shout the muscles of his arm increased considerably, doubling the size he had before

But it wasn't just his muscles that increased in size ...


His entire arm increased in size in both width and length, which could reach Acacia... a size that made it possible to reach Acacia before Acacia could devour him...

But his arm was not the only one that muscled and increased in size ... his whole body grew in an incredible way exceeding the 3 meters to support all that incredible musculature

At the same time his bluish hair and aura began to turn green gradually, as did the fur and hair of his body ...

His aura and power overflowed all over the plane and several natural satellites left their orbit and began to feel attracted to him and his overwhelming presence

Even time and space have been distorted around him

Broly had reached a new transformation that was reserved only for important moments



Broly's punch hit violently in Acacia's disfigured torso causing liters of blood to explode from his mouth…and tumors... but despite the great damage he received he was able to survive without problems thanks to his abnormal physical constitution.

"Aggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!" Acacia shouted as he instinctively placed his sinister hand in the area struck by Broly "Ehhhhhhhhhhh!!!???" and realized something very disconcerting and frightening "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!"

His stomach was being devoured in an indescribable way by a strange green energy!

The only consolation Acacia had was the fact that his stomach wasn't the only thing that was "devoured" in that confrontation.

Broly's fist had also been devoured by Acacia, whose black cells had evolved to the point that were able to devour using only the skin.

Acacia's entire body could devour with simple contact... forever

Hakai! Creation Magic! Atachment!

However, it wasn't something that worried Broly very much

"Interesting ... I didn't see you do it in the manga ...

I congratulate you, you are the first person since I reached the divinity that manages to put me in trouble apart from my teacher... you are awesome Neo / Acacia

But nevertheless…

This doesn't change anything!

Either because I devour you, you continue devouring me and die from an allergic attack or that you explode like the fat guy in the movie "Seven"...

Now that you have forced me to reach this power you only have one destiny...

Be devoured by me!" Said the ultra-muscular Broly looking blatantly at Acacia, who remained on the ground kneeling by the blow… with his body deforming even more for having devoured the fist full of Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan cells of Broly

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Acacia shouted with rage and murderous instincts... or rather ... Neo, who had no rationality left to answer with insults to Broly and his provocations.

And like a wild beast that has been cornered, he pounced on Broly to kill him for once

"You just no learn, do you?

ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA!" Broly shouted, hitting Acacia's macabre body once and again, slowly devouring him towards his Formless Realm.

With each punch he managed to trap Neo a little more in his dimension and at the same time he lost the fist used to hit Acacia, having to recreate and attach it instantly to continue attacking at great speed...

Every time Neo tried to devour Broly, Broly hid that part of his body in the Formless Realm to avoid unnecessary damage.

And every second thanks to the Gourmet Luck Neo devoured was able to eat the KIEN in his skin that made him enter into the Formless Realm ... and at the same time Broly became stronger due to his constant increase in power of his True Legendary Super Saiyan God Full Power and the assimilation of laws

That Broly was winning!

"This can't be happening.

I have devoured all the Gourmet Luck, this should not be possible

THIS SHOULD BE MY VICTORY!" Acacia shouted when he saw helplessly that was devouring less and slowly that strange energy that invaded his body and that was still almost impossible for him to hit Broly

"After my transformation ...

With the difference in power between us today ...

Your Gourmet Luck does not have much effect before me ...

In 20 minutes you will be devoured ... " "Broly said dodging and attacking at the same time "However, we don't have so much time ...

Something important is coming

So ... I'll speed things up "


At that moment Broly's eyes suffered a strange metamorphosis.

Several new pupils appeared in the 360 degrees of his eyes, and from them a black and green energy spread across his face ... in which surrealist green eyes also emerged ...

That was…


Yhwach's ability Broly version

"It has been a pleasure fighting against you Acacia… thank you… it has been magnificent…

See you on the other side…

I will try to find your compatible food for you and eliminate Neo's secondary problems"

And with those words Broly brought to the present the moment when Acacia was devoured by the Formless Realm in the future ...

Making it disappear completely from everyone's sight

"Has this been the end?

Has Neo ... been sealed forever?

Has Acacia finally been able to rest in peace?" PAIR said with tears in his eyes (something inconceivable for a Nitro) to see that his and Acacia's mission had finally ended.

Defeat Neo in a way that he couldn't revive so he wouldn't continue devouring universes.

"Old man ..." Midora said reminding the Acacia he knew and with whom he grew up ... and not this abomination possessed by a Demon Appetite.

"Neo has been defeated ..." Toriko said with relief ... since he was not convinced that Broly could win

"And not only that ..." Broly said looking in another direction with sentimentalism



GOD has been fully cooked! "Komatsu shouted in the distance, crying with joy nad exaggeration ... happy for his achievement and seeing that his best friend and combo was fine.

"KOMATSU!!!" Toriko also shouted upon see that his friend and combo was fine ... and that GOD, his main course and the goal of his whole life was cooked to perfection.

Everyone was happy, everything had gone perfectly ...

However, Broly had to end with that beautiful moment of friendship, fraternity and victory ... although not with bad intention "I'm glad you are all happy and eager to eat ..."

"But this is not over yet

Right? "Midora asked, interrupting Broly and waiting for a certain phenomenon to appear.

















And that phenomenon was the complete destruction of the world!

"The earth ...

IT'S NOT GOING TO HOLD OUT! "Torico shouted pointing out what was evident… like in every manga


What can we do to avoid it ?!" Starjun asked to his beloved boss

"I am afraid that with my abilities ... I cannot stop the destruction of the planet Starjun," Midora said with resignation to his trainee and godson

That was when Broly interrupted that cataclysmic moment ... in an unexpected way "Well...

Since this is the end of the world ...

As the protocol says…

I would like to propose to make the famous orgy of the end of the world… "






Hearing those words everyone looked at Broly with bewilderment, disgust and with the face of few friends ... even with murderous intent...

"BUT ... as here there are only heterosexual men LIKE ME and non femenine weirdos with no reproductive abilities… I'm afraid we will have to postpone this idea…" Broly said with a jocular, blissful tone and making a very funny ironic face...






But everyone kept looking at him with the same face as before, for daring to joke with something like that in this moment

"Fuck you have very little sense of humour...

No one has to wait for the end of the world to make an orgy...


I have sent an acquaintance, friend and brother of yours to fix this problem (It is a lie, he has gone of his own accord as it was planned to happen... but I will also award this feat)

Thank you and you're welcome" Broly said resentfully, seeing that he was facing a difficult audience that did not appreciate his awkward jokes… so he scratched an ear in anger