Gourmet World (Part 7)

Weeks after the battle for the destiny of the planet, that Broly watered the universe with the food of Acacia and Toriko finally completed his Full course ...

The most anticipated event of the entire human and gourmet world finally arrived

The day that everyone was waiting for and in which thousands of people were invited ... even Broly ... and his companion

Toriko and Rin's wedding

"In time of sated full sutomachs… or in times of hunger…

Do you swear… I mean really swear… swear hard… so hard it's not even funny…

Do you swear to continue to eat together and feed on another?" "Said the priest who presides over the wedding ceremony between Toriko and Rin… in a very serious way…

"DO I SWEAR HARD?! I… I swear… but… uh…" Rin replied with bewilderment, since the marriage vows that the priest was pronouncing were quite odd and he didn't know exactly what to say.


WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM, FATHER?!" Toriko responded quite exalted as well as his wife Rin ... but for totally different reasons ...

"Well then, you may now give the bride a Kiss… a Kiss to satiate and fill her…

So hard it gets everyone else hard as well" Said the priest continuing the ceremony in his own way…

[What the hell is that?] Coco thought, seeing that this scene began to be in conflict with reality.


Weddings should always be this fun

I hope the others I have to attend are the same

HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Broly laughed out loud to see how absurd that ceremony was.

And after that strange wedding ceremony ended somehow ...

The moment everyone was waiting for finally arrived ...


This is Komatsu and my full course!!

Please, eat it to your full!!" Toriko said with joy and excitement to the more than 5000 people he had invited to eat on his wedding day ... food that would be cooked by Komatsu and other 10-star cheff friends

And those 5000 people quickly got that euphoria too




They all shouted in excitement to eat the Full Course oth most famous and beloved Gourmet Hunter and Cheff in the human world ...

Even Broly was exited too…


I'm finally going to be invited to eat!!!" Broly shouted with joy and impatience, not caring that everyone looked at him with curiosity, amazement, respect and fear.

"Broly-san ... can you explain why I am here when there were so many people to choose from?" Kaguya asked, who had been "invited" by Broly to come to the wedding

"Because normally a companion is needed in weddings… and obviously it must be a beautiful woman.

I don't want to be looked upon with pity for being a poor single in an event like these" Broly said clapping and cheering at the newlyweds while he waited for the food ... and stared at a place without blinking...

"I understand that, but ...

Couldn't you have brought Najimi with you instead?" Kaguya asked, who was still not entirely convinced by Broly's motives ... and believed that there was some hidden reason.

"It's simple, you look exotic like mine and you have a third eye ... people will ask less questions about where you are if they think you are from my supposed home planet and race" Broly said whistling suspiciously as he continued to stare at a place in the room

"Umf ...

I understand ...

And why are you staring at that low-seated dinning table?" Kaguya asked pointing to an empty low table that was in the front row near the entrance.

"Ah that ... we could say that our next friends will sit there ..." Broly said in a somewhat sentimental way ... before the food were served.


The full course's appetizer is the King of all corn

BB Corn Popcorn and chicken quiche seasoned with Melk stardust

"MMMMMmmmm !!! Delicious!!!

I will never go into a cinema without these popcorns!!" Broly said enthusiastically as he ate the giant popcorn over and over... creating it over and over again with its Materialization magic in its mouth.

So delicious was that even Kaguya modified her facial expression by the overflowing taste of the Toriko's world food.


The full course's "Soup" is served!!

Century Soup!!

"Beautiful ..." Kaguya said almost involuntarily when she saw the beautiful northern lights coming out of the soup

"And it's not only pretty ... it's also exceedingly delicious ...

I CAN NOT STOP SMILING!! AND I DON'T WANT TO AVOID IT!!" Broly said, that like everyone who tasted that soup laughed from ear to ear in an exaggerated and ridiculous way ...

"Ahhh creapy, I'm not going to eat the soup" Said Kaguya, who like Sunny didn't want that anyone can see her making such a ridiculous face


The full course's "seafood dish"!! Features currently extinct species that has been brought back to life!!

Grilled Ougai with Ouzu sausase!!!


This this ... is so good that it doesn't look like fish ...

It doesn't even have thorns !!!

A single bite of this dish is like eating all the seafood with a taste multiplied by over 9000..." Broly said licking his lips again and again with her eyes closed ... trying to find all the flavours of extinct marine animals in that succulent delicacy

When suddenly…

"Oh ... that table has started to fill up" Kaguya said that apart from tasting food as much as Broly was watching the empty table with her Byakugan ...

And at that table appeared the old Knocking Master Jiro and the former President Ichiryu (the strongest man in the world before his death) who had come from the other world as spirit foods to eat together at Toriko's wedding ... and they greeted with joy with a bottle of sake in their hands as a sign of approval and congratulation for the one who was almost a son to them

"Ehh guys !!! We'll talk later!! Enjoy the food until then !! "Broly said to Ichiryu and Jiro from one end of the room to the other, waving his hand from top to bottom ... something that really bothered the two Gourmet Hunters...


The full course's "Meat dish"…

Is absolutely on par with the meat of the "Last boss" himself, Neo!!

The final elephant, Endophant steak!!

"Ehhhh !!! You forget to mention that it was me who created all these elephants!!" Broly shouted indignantly in a humorous way raising his fist in protest


Everyone laughed due to Broly's occurrence ... while Kaguya was ashamed of sitting next to him at that moment ...

"Ohhhhhhhhh !!!!!

The best steak I've ever tasted!!

Also seasoned with garlic ... and not just any garlic ... it's the phantasmal meteor garlic ... and jewel meat from Regal Mammoth ...

Elephant meat is my favorite from that moment" Broly said with great satisfaction while his body sparkled like a jewel due to the meat of the Regal Mamoth


The king of all ingredients, GOD!!!!


Everybody cheered at once upon see that was moment to eat the most coveted ingredient on the planet

The main reason everyone had come to this banquet

A one-piece dish that looked like a planet cut in half where the atmosphere and all its inner layers could be seen

A dish for which everyone cried in each bite and incessantly asked for another one

"This is…

I know thousands of languages ...

Millions of ways to express myself ...

However ... I can't find any way to explain the taste of this ... thing

You are still doubtful that this has been the best world of all ...

Najimi?" Broly said to himself and in his inner world where everyone on his team, who was sitting in the big table to eat each and every one of the dishes that one of Broly's bodies had eaten or was eating ... which he created once more with his Materialization magic.

"Well ... you might have a point ..." Najimi said, I was being very hard to deny Broly's claim after eating all that Broly was materialization.

"Just a moment…

That is…?" Mayuri asked as he pointed to the screen with his long fingernail

Television screen where the banquet of the century was being projected from the perspective of Broly... which was staring at the table where Jiro and Ichiryu were eating ...

Table in which two people were added ... and one of them ...

"Indeed ... it is Acacia ... but without any mutation due to Neo.

It was not easy to find a way to reverse his horrible appearance and side effects without affecting his power ... but luckily I am a genius ... just like you ... but more" Broly said giving another bite to GOD as he displayed his usual humility.

"And you let him go to eat so easily?" Dio asked, who didn't understand Broly's evil plan this time

"Of course, it's a family meal," Broly said simply without stopping to eat ... and look at the woman who was on her back next to Acacia.

"And that woman is ...?" Hagoromo asked, but not finishing his question as is usually done on in a lot of mangas to create expectation...

Once again inside the banquet

THE SIXTH DISH!! The full course's "Salad"!!!

The food treasure, AIR with Ozone Herb!! The legendary ingredients are still coming out one after the next!!

"Mmm ... I never thought I'd say this ...

Not in this life or the previous one, but ...

Fuck!!! This salad is very good !!! I want more!!!" Broly said as he ate that salad over and over again ... something he never thought would be possible ...

"This vegetable is amazing ... just by eating a little my Byakugan has increased its radius several million kilometers" Kaguya said with surprise and satisfaction for having been able to increase his powers in such a simple and pleasant way.

"Another fruit that gives you powers…

You never change right?

HAHAHAHAHA" Broly said laughing a lot… just as he had planned from the beginning when he brought Kaguya here

"Mmmm ... I knew you were up to something" Kaguya said with resignation, feeling somewhat abused.

THE SEVENTH DISH!! The full course's dessert!!!

Seven colours of overwhelming sugar sweetness!!

The Rainbow Fruit!!!

"Finally ... the first food that Toriko added to his Full Course ...

It makes me feel so nostalgic ...

Ohhh such sweet flavours!!!" Broly said remembering the chapter of Toriko in which they got this fruit, when they ate it and described its taste and flavor ... but now that he have the opportunity to taste it he thought that it's description given in that chapter left what he was experiencing now on the floor

Here it comes !!!


The legendary ingredient that saved humanity from a year of famine !!

The Billion's Birds's egg !!

"I don't understand why they leave the drink for last when it has to accompany all the food but...

Exquisite ... it's like a nectar distilled by the Gods themselves ...

Gods like me ...

From now on I will even brush my teeth with this mixed drink...

Oops the side effects ...


Kauya, are you still able to activate Byakugan with those tabs?" Broly said, to whom his eyelashes, nails and tail fur (his hair not being 100% saiyan) grown excessively due to the large amount of nutrients provided by this drink ... and in the case of Kaguya her eyelashes grew so much that she even had trouble keeping her eyes open

"This was also part of your plan to laugh at me?" Kaguya asked ... who was beginning to feel that he was the target of all the jokes ...

"Yes ... but don't take it personally, now comes the most important moment of this dinner" Toriko said without taking her eyes off the low table

And when they finished showing the Full Course, the chefs came out of the kitchen

"I've mixed this drink with mellow cola…. And created a billion bird's mellow drink" Said Komatsu, who came out crying from the kitchen because he was remembering the whole adventure with Toriko… and it's culmination, the final that they both wanted.

With that Toriko and Komatsu finished their trip, and Toriko toasted in the distance with Ichiryu, his adoptive father, in sign that he had achieved everything he wanted on his wedding day.

Share his Full Course with everyone ...

And that was when Ichiryu's eyes turned away from Toriko to look elsewhere

Since one more guest has just arrived

"... Ah ... AH ... AAAAAHHH ..." And seeing that person, Komatsu's teary eyes began to shed tears like never before every second.

Since the person who appeared was Midora, who stood watching the table with his usual calm and indifferent attitude.

Attitude that did not change when he saw his brothers Ichiryu and Jiro and his father Acacia, who had been cured of Neo's negative influence


That attitude changed radically when he saw that the woman who was on her back with Acacia...

And that woman was…

Froese ...

The real Froese, who turned slowly towards Midora and with a simple but radiant and motherly smile said

"Come, Midora… let's eat together!"

And upon hearing those simple, but powerful words, the eyes of the imperturbable Midora changed and slowly were filled with tears ...

Tears that contained all the tender nostalgia, disbelief, accumulated suffering, sadness, rediscovered joy... and absolute happiness

Tears that in a few seconds flooded the scarred face of one of the toughest and strongest man in the world

Tears that showed Midora again as what he really always wanted to be ...

A child with a simple dream that he thought was lost forever ...

Eat as a family once again

And seeing this emotional conclusion Komatsu continued to cry inconsolably, although he tried to retain the tears, just like Setsuno and Toriko….

And also…

"Buaahhhhhhhh !!! No matter how many times I see chapter 395, I always cry in this part ...

But watching it in direct is even more moving ...

Buaaahhhh!!!" Broly said crying almost as much as Komatsu for how moved he felt with that scene that he had already read dozens of times

"I can not believe it!

Does the infamous, twisted, selfish, narcissistic, megalomaniac, unscrupulous, psycho and bastard Broly have feelings and are crying for someone else?

You do not see this every day" Najimi said mockingly when he saw that the infamous boss who was trying to dominate everything had a sensitive side

"Of course, these are male tears coming from an alpha male who only cries for alpha male stuff that happens to alpha males ... like the end of Midora ... the end of Z from the One piece Z movie ... The final battle of TTGL…

They are very scarce ... especially coming from me ... that's why they are so valuable" Said Broly, not ashamed to cry but exalting his masculinity and courage as a person.

"You always find a way to show your narcissism to the world regardless of the situation" Said Obito, who was constantly surprised at how shameless his new boss was.

"You really don't find it touching?!

Look closely ... Both they and many of us are practically gods...

Able to destroy worlds with just one finger, with knowledge beyond comprehension, capable of having any material thing we want...

Beings with an elevated gaze towards the clouds, seeking unattainable and incomprehensible goals for most

But in the end ... our true happiness is in things as mundane and in principle simple as these ... or even those unattainable, terrible and epic goals are motivated by simple things like these ...

For example; share the work of your life with everyone, reunite with your loved ones, give meaning to your existence, never feel vulnerable again, feel the love you lost a long time ago...

Many of us are not so different from he, right?" Broly said with great sentimentality and conviction as he continued to see how the most legendary gourmet family (not counting Toriko and Star) ate together.

And although some like Kars, Mayuri or Iihiko did not agree so much with his words ... many others such as Obito, Rin, Hagoromo, Fukurou Tsurubami, Kumagawa, Dio, Madara or Mantamune nodded gently ... feeling identified with Broly's words

"And… I don't know if it's due to the excitement of the moment or because if I count my past life I am over 40 years old, but… I begin to think that it would not be a bad idea to think about sitting down and having a family" Broly said expressing his feelings that woke up by the internal biological clock that all ... including some gods have.


However, this simple, touching and innocent comment… fell like a nuclear bomb in the meeting room of the Desire Realm.

As if it were a natural disaster alert, many began to mobilize by instinct.

Obito grabbed Rin's hand and activated his Mangekou Sharingan to escape from there

Kumagawa stood between Najimi and Broly, materializing two of his Book Maker screws and was about to attack Broly if he were to made any suspicious movements

And as for the Otsutsuki family ...

"Damn bastard!

What do you intend to do with our mother!?" Hamura, Hagoromo and Black Zetsu shouted in unison while they stood between Broly and Kaguya, ready to fight at any time… Black Zetsu because he was a mam's boy…

As for the other two… although their mother has tried to kill them and they have had to seal her ... it is not well received to have a new stepfather ... and more when he is much younger than them ... and also their boss

And seeing all that UNJUSTIFIED stir, Broly had to intervene to save his honor and reassure his rebellious subjects "CHE…!CHE…!CHE…!CHE..!CHE…!

Relax your tits and your little penises that are insecure about its size...

When I talked about starting a family, I didn't think of anyone of you... and of course I would never force anyone you to do something like this.

So relax"

"Are you serious?" Said Zetsu black with relief… but also with some insecurity.

"Of course…

Although if you want to woo me it will not be my fault


After all, I must be the most coveted single in the omniverse!


What woman couldn't be attracted to me?" Broly said with great confidence, provoking discord once again

[This guy is fucking shameless !!] Thought everyone affected at once

"Although if I become a father in the future I would like some of you to give me advice, especially you Hamura and Hagoromo ... not you Kaguya, you are not a good influence…

HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!" Broly said, not stop joking at the expense of Kaguya

"Please ... leave stop with that ...

Who was the unfortunate man who had to endure your jokes before me?" Said Kaguya, who was more than exhausted from receiving so many jokes

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!" Broly continued to laugh, not caring about the opinions of his subjects or angry by his opinion.

Earth of the Dragon Ball universe

Kami-sama Palace


Aishhhhshhhh" Kami-Sama sneezed as he felt a chill all over his body…

"What's the matter with Kami-Sama? Have you caught a cold? "Popo asked because he had never seen his beloved Kami-sama sneeze or catch a cold.

"No, I don't think it's the case, Popo" Kami-Sama quickly replied.

"Ohhhh ... maybe someone is talking about you" Popo said with a kind and selfless smile

"It's possible ... but I don't know why I had such a negative, ominous and gloomy feeling a few seconds ago" Kami-Sama said with great concern, as if he had been cursed in some way.