Yu-Gi-...Ohhhhh... NOOOO! (Part 2)

"What the hell is that?" Said Yugi and Atem, who felt in their spirit the great danger of that card… card of which they didn't know the name

"Hehehe… you call yourself the king of the games and you don't recognize one of the best cards?

It is undoubtedly the… True Legendary Super Saiyan…


Level 11 LIGHT Beast-Warrior Effect Monster

ATK 5000

DEF 5000" Broly said introducing his new monster, True Legendary Super Saiyan Broly ... which was exactly like him but in his transformation of True Legendary Super Saiyan

And seeing that Broly had done something ... quite immoral ...

"WHATTT?!!! 5000 points of attack and defense ?! It is ... it is superior Egyptian God Obelisc the Tormentor !!" Tristan shouted when he saw that a random card surpassed so far one of the most powerful monsters in the series.

"It's true!" Tea said ... doing the usual (yes, I complain that she didn't do anything)

"You can stop complaining or exaggerate on every time anybody do something!

WE ARE TRYING TO PLAY!!" Broly shouted before there was more criticism of his person and letter.

And with that comment ... quite disproportionate.

Since if it were not for those comments from the public, the necessary dramatic climate would not be generated so that the spectators were interested in the duel or understood it ...

Broly continued with more silence.

"And as I am a good person and I have felt interrupted ... I finish my turn" Broly said being benevolent with his rivals ... or maybe arrogant ...

Turn 4

"Atem, let me go first" It was Yugi's turn, and although he lost all his monsters, many life points and Broly had a very powerful card in his field… he hadn't given up. "I normal summon "Red Gadged" and use the magic card" Ties of Brethen (Anime) ", so I pay 1000 points to summon 2 monster of the same type from my hand or deck and I summon 3 Yellow Gadged and another Geen Gadget … Then I put a set 3 magic/trap card and I end my turn…

Atem, I leave these monsters to you"

Atem 3000 LFP

Yugi 1400 LFP

Broly 4000 LFP

Turn 5

And Atem, who understood Yugi's intentions said "Thank you Yugi, I will use the well ... if they become necessary…" And in saying that his expression changed, since he was about to make a decisive play "Maybe I don't have in the field a card with more than 5000 points to beat you, but you have relied too much on his attack, and that will be your downfall ...

I use the magic card "Reverse plot". With this I can select a monster in your field and make him attack you.

And since you don't have another monster, I attack you directly!

And since you don't have set cards… with 5000 attack points you have lost!"

"BIENNN !!!" The audience shouted at the same time upon see the simple but effective stratagem of Atem

"HAHAHA well done other-Yugi, you've used his own invented cheat card against him!!" Joey shouted when he saw that the cheater being from another dimension would be defeated with his own cheat but ...

"Very intelligent move, but my Broly is not affected by magic cards ... I forgot to say it ... I'm sorry" Broly said sarcastically and mockingly when he saw that Yugi's card had been of no use.

"THAT?! Is it immune to magic cards?" Makuba said when he saw that the master move had failed

"It's the same as an Egyptian God" Tristan said when he saw how powerful Broly (card) was

"Okay ... it seemed too convenient that you had left him unprotected" Said Atem, who despite being upset about spending that card, knew that there was a possibility of not winning with that "I put a set magic / trap card and I'll use the monsters that Yugi gave to me for a superior summon ...

And summon the Egyptian God "Slifer the Sky Dragon!"


Atem has invoked one of the 3 strongest cards in the entire Dueling Monster" Tea said when she saw that the duel was not lost yet.

"Yes, but ... Broly's Attack points are still too high, whether or not an Yugi's have an Egyptian God ... it won't be able to beat him" Joey said, commenting Atem's play

But Atem still had a card to play to solve this setback "I launch" Treasure of God "all the player can draw up to six cards ... and Slifer gains 1000 Attack and Defense for each card in my hand.

Therefore my Slifer the Sky Dragon now has 6000 attack points, 1000 more than your Broly" Said Atem, pointing at Broly with confidence.

"Ajaaaaaa !!! That's my Yugi… well, it's Atem, but you have already understood me "Joey shouted celebrating that Broly (card) was going to be destroyed

"Slifer, attack Broly and destroy him!" Atem shouted ordering the attack


Slifer threw his energy beam at Broly, which should have destroyed him and subtracted 1000 life points, but ...

"Ups, I'm sorry…

Did I also forget to mention that my Broly cannot be destroyed in battle and that I am not harmed by battles related to him?" Broly said with a very unpleasant and disgusting smile

"WHAATTTT ?!" They all shouted when they saw that great injustice… even Yugi and Atem, who felt outraged by the amount of convenient effects Broly (had) had

"HEY! REFEREE! This is cheat! This guy has created an absurdly powerful and invincible card !!" Joey yelled at an imaginary referee in a rhetorical way

"Ehhhh !!! I haven't created it absurdly powerful and invincible!

I restrained myself a lot to make this minimally exciting!" Shouted Broly, who really thought that he hadn't created this card in his image and likeness… with a power and effects at his height

"HEY!! You just confessed that you created this letter!

This duel is a farce! "Tristan and Joey shouted when they heard Broly's… carelessness…

"I didn't say anything ..." Broly said whistling in a sneaky and suspicious way, pretending he hadn't said anything "Well ... It's still your turn Atem ..."

And Atem that like the rest was really upset with Broly's cheat ... but he was professional and continued with the duel "Mmmm okay ... I set a magic/trap ..."

But he was interrupted by Broly "I'm sorry, but thanks to the temporary powers of my Broly, if you don't have monsters with a higher level than Broly in the field you can't make your Main Phase 2… And my Broly is level 11 and yours level 10 ... so ... you can't place cards face down now...


"What do you say?" Said Yugi and Atem, who were beginning to feel extremely outraged by Broly's continued surprise effects

"Shut up and end your turn" Broly said like a corrupt winner that didn't want to heard complaints.

"Grrrr ... I finish my turn" Said Atem with a squeak

Turn 6

"Oh !!! It's my turn! What a surprise!!!

Mmmm ... let's see how I'm going to defeat you ...

Oh yeah…

First of all… "Broly said with a sinister smile… smile announcing the end…


Yugi did something "Not so fast!

I activate the "Divine peace treaty" trap card that I had placed"

[Just a moment! That card was not in his deck in the anime or in the manga!

It doesn't even exist!

Fucking Yugi crazy cheats!

And they call me my cheater!?] Thought Broly, who was witnessing as usual the moment when Yugi altered reality itself to win in an unfair way

"If I get rid of the 99% of my life points I can activate this card, which cannot be denied!" Yugi exalted, waving his hand in an exaggerated way

[Yes ... fucking convenient] Broly thought grumbling

"And its effect allows that in the next 4 turns they cannot lower anyone's life points, skip the battle phase and deny any attack and shield all cards on the field of the opponent's effects ...

During those turns you cannot do anything against us" Yugi said clarifying the effect of this created card by the convenience of the script at that time, so that Broly could not kill them in his turn of in the following one...

"Yes ... thanks for the explanation ... ah ...

I should have killed you on my first turn ... "Broly said almost regretting not finishing things quickly." I forgot to say it, but thanks to the Full Power ability I can multiply the attack and defense power of my Broly on each turn ... so …"

True Legendary Super Saiyan Broly

Level 11 LIGHT Beast-Warrior Effect Monster

10.000 Attack

10.000 Defence

"WHAT!? 10.000 points ?!" Yugi and Atem shouted when they saw such huge and insurmountable numbers

"Again cheating with his invented card..." Joey said with pessimism and fatigue

And after this interruption Broly continued with his speech "But it would be a shame to end the duel in this way, so ... I will make Broly evolve once again!"

"What ?!" They all shouted overreacting

"I evolve the True Legendary Super Saiyan Broly to summon the

True Legendary Super Saiyan God Full Power Broly !!!

Level 13 Divine Creator God Effect Monster

ATK Infinite

DEF Infinite

Which is immune to all effects, so it is not affected by the effect of Slifer and denies all effects, so it also denies the effect of Slifer ... so now it have 0 ATK and DEF points.

In addition, I use the magic card "Broly says… Fuck You!!!

That removes the hand of my adversaries from the game and I gain 1000 life points for each card removed

So now I have 16,000 life points (4000 + 12000)…

And I'll be good one more time and I'll finish my turn" Broly said calmly as he finished his turn casually.

Atem 3000 LFP

Yugi 1400 LFP

Broly 16000 LFP



Why didn't you write that he's invincible and that's it?" Yugi's grandfather said very angry… so much that they had Joey and Tristan had to grab him so he wouldn't rush over Broly

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! In fact this is a card that can minimally capture my splendor" Broly said, admiring himself with satisfaction regardless of the criticism of him and his card.

But not everything was screaming ... also nervousness and despair, specifically for Yugi...

"It can't be ... he has an invincible card in his field that makes all the others useless ... his life points are too high ... Slifer has become completely harmless ... the magic cards and traps have no effect and are denied .... I don't have cards in my hand ...

We ... we can't win ... "

[That's right, sink into misery useless child who couldn't win without a spirit helping him!

Yusei is the best fucking Yugi of all!] Broly thought with a sinister inner smile like the Joker of Batman

But nevertheless

"Yugi! Don't fall into despair! Remember ... there is no invincible card, they all have a weakness ...

Trust in the Heart of the Cards and your friends… they are the key to winning, "said Atem so that Yugi would not give up… with the typical motivational shonen manga speech

[Stop this stupid's cheesy speeches and play… I have more things to do] Thought Broly, who was starting to get tired of this pantomime


"You're right Atem ... Destiny Draw !!!" Yugi said drawing the card and smiling upon see what he had in his hand "Great!... just the card I wanted"

[Yes ... great ...] Broly thought, imagining what would happen

"I use the mythical magic card "Twist of destiny" which can be activated only if this is the only card in my hand, the opponent's life points are higher than mine by 10.000 points and the attack points of an adversary monster would be able to reduce my points and his life points to 0, there is an Egyptian God in the field and the other 2 are in the cemetery or removed from play…

And their activation and effect cannot be denied, ignoring other denial effects" Yugi said describing the activation effects and effects of his convenient card


How convenient!!!! He had a card specifically for this situation !!!

What a surprise!!!

Fucking Yugi crazy cheats!!!] Broly thought, who was having several Déjà vu's of how Yugi used to win the important duels he won in the last moment… but he should have lost

"And this card allows me to summon a very special monster, but unfortunately that monster is summoned in the next turn" Yugi said ending his turn

Atem 3000 LFP

Yugi 14 LFP

Broly 16000 LFP

Turn 8

"But fortunately the next turn is my turn!

Thanks to the effect of Yugi's card I summon the definitive Egyptian god "Amun-Ra the primordial" !!

Level 13 Divine Divine-Beast Effect Monster


DEF 0" Atem said summoning a practically invisible God


I knew that Yugi had an ace up his sleeve !!! "Joey shouted when he saw that the duel could still be won

"This is… the Egyptian God Amun!

One God even older than the Ra, Slifer or Obelisk ... " Ishizu said astonished to see the apparition of that card



And they accuse me of inventing cards?!


FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!] Broly thought as he got angry ... so much that for a few seconds he thought of destroying the world

"You'll see…

You may have an indestructible monster with infinite points of attack and defense, that your life points are higher than ours and that we cannot make any attacks or lower your life points, but ...

That is not the only way in which a duel can be won and fortunately this card allows me that alternative"Atem said with a victorious smile on his face giving a sermon to Broly about the rules of the game


Yes, very very convenient] Thought Broly, looking at Atem suspiciously, weariness and disgust

"And the effect of this God who cannot be denied is to sacrifice himself and all my life points to remove from the game all the cards of our hands and decks, also denying all effect for the entire game of the cards removed by this effect… "Atem said with confidence and heroism, sacrificing himself to activate this effect.

Atem 0 LFP

Yugi 14 LFP

Broly 16000 LFP

[Son of a bitch] Broly thought, who even now was surprised of how fucking convenient his Reality Warping that allow him to win in every duel was

And of course ... Joey and friends had to act as stupid's narrators

"Oh no! Atem's points have dropped to 0, that means he has lost!" Tea said that it seemed she really didn't understand what had happened…


He has only sacrificed himself so that Yugi could win" said Yugi's grandfather, who unlike others had understood what had happened

"But… he has eliminated all his cards and he only has 14 life points left

How are he going to win?" Moakuba asked… another useless stupid without his alter ego

"He won't need to do anything ... he has already won ... he will win as soon as Broly's turn begins" Joey said he could hardly suppress the desire to celebrate the victory of his friends

"That's right, in case someone at the start of their turn doesn't have cards to draw from their deck they will have automatically lost the duel ... and the next turn is the turn of that monster" Said Seto Kaiba, who had finally woken up

"I finally understand!" Said Tea, who after more than 200 episodes finally understood the rules of the game. "And I understand that this is a play would not have been possible fi now were for their teamwork…

Yugi and Atem have managed to win because they trust each other" He said contributing whit the cheesy ting of the moment

[Please Tea, do us all a favor and become mute] Broly thought, that was seriously thinking of turning off the sound of the public

"That's right, as soon as my turn ends, and you have to draw a card at the beginning of your turn… you will have lost Broly!

Thank you, you have given me a great duel with my partner before having the final duel against my partner" Atem said coolly, sentencing Broly to lose

And Broly panicked when he saw that he would inevitably lose "OH NO !! NO!!!

It's not possible!!!

I should be the King of the Games

I should be the winner ...

I sho…"

Or maybe not…

"... uld stop dramatizing and overacting ...

As the ideal conditions have been given ... before you finish your turn… I active from my Extra-Deck my favourite card… which I will allow you to read:"

Troll God Broly

Level ?? Divine Creator God Fusion Synchro Xyz Link Effect Monster

ATK Infinite

DEF Infinite

In the event that Yugi and Atem cheat to win the duel or to imminently win the duel, Broly automatically wins the duel by denying the victory or possible victory of Yugi and Atem.

This effect cannot be denied or prevented, ignoring any condition including those that deny conditions ...

You have lost Yugi, fuck you

Nice effect, right?" Broly said reading the card and projecting it to everyone… shamelessly showing an the image of that card that would come to be ... the Troll Face meme made with his face

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA !!! I won!!! I won!!! And you don't!!!

I am the first to defeat you cleanly in a duel!

I am the King of the games and you are not !!!

Fuck you second one! Hahahahaha !!!

Kaiba now you are the third one" Broly said in an extremely mocking and unpleasant way, celebrating as a repellent little boy who was the world champion in something




YOU HAVE CHEATED!" Yugi and Atem shouted, who had forgotten their sportsmanship ... just like the public, who screamed like them… or more and even started throwing things at Broly

But Broly with great anger increased the gravity around the temple, causing everyone to kneel before him "ARE YOU ACCUSING ME TO CHEAT!!"



You who in your first duel with Kaiba summoned Exodia with 2 left arms? !!

You who fused a monster with a monster and magic card with a normal polymerization and created infinite Kuribos with a card that doesn't do that ... against Kaiba too

You who summoned a monster with infinite attack +1 when you faced a monster with infinite attack?!

You who attacked your own magic card with a normal monster without effect and destroyed it to lower the tide of Umi to kill all the fish of your opponent ... WHICH DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING SENSE!!!!!

You that when you was losing at all against Aigami ... you summoned a random monster of which you didn't even specify its effect or attack and when it attacked you simply won??!!


You accuse me of cheating? !!!

Everything in this manga/anime is solved with a Deus Ex machina in the last minut!

You are incapable of win a duel justifiably!

You always invent a new card that was never in your deck and that may never be again to win in difficult or imposible situations!

The story of this manga/anime is a fucking shit that works only with conveniences!!!


EAT MY BALLS YUGI CRAZY CHEATS!!!" Shouted Broly in an equal or more violent way than when he was in the world of To Love Ru traumatizing Rito

"Ahhhhhhh !!!" some shouted since they felt that his body weighed a ton

"And now that I've won and I've been crowned as King of the games… I'm going home, I have important things to do

Fuck you cheaters" Broly said disappearing in the same way that he appeared as angry as happy and satisfied regardless of the state in which the protagonists and secondary characters had been left ... and their complaints…

Desire Realm

Broly appeared right in front of Obito, Rin, Najimi, Kumagawa and Mantamune, who were still watching the television screen where he was broadcasting until a few seconds ago ... and sat next to him with joy and satisfaction ...


Who was going to say it! I have faced the King of duels and won without cheating !!

Awesome right?" Broly said showing off his achievement in front of his employees

"Yes ... you are awesome ..." Obito said with a legendary sarcasm ... since the other four could not stop looking at Broly, possibly waiting for his face to fall from the little shame he had when he said he hadn't cheated.

"I know… but you will have to celebrate later…

In a few hours there will be a party to commemorate that we have finalized the last phase of my plan ... and ...

OH OH!!…

I think we have a great great great great… problem… "Broly said revealing genuine concern…