
Form Realm

In the vast and white dimension without time where many research, training centers and the Great Universal Broly spirits resided ... a little boy with a monkey's tail woke up little by little ... and quite confused and scared to see that he was in a totally unknown place… especially after he lived few hours ago…

"Where I am? Where is my dad? And what happened to that bad uncle?" Gohan said looking back and forth trying to remember what had happened and how he had reached that comfortable couch in such a strange place

"Hi little one, have you slept well?" Said Broly, who was on another couch in front of him while reading a book and eating some selfless snacks

And after a few seconds in which Gohan examined Broly with curiosity he realized a small detail "Ahhhh you have a tail just like that bad man ...

Dad! Dad! Help me! I'm afraid! Buah…" Gohan yelled and cried like a little boy… which is what he was…

"I doubt that a bad man could heal you, brought you while you were sleeping to a quiet and comfortable place and offered you free drinks and sweets ...

Mmmm… Well there are some bad guys who would do that ... especially to a small child...

But I am not one of them...

In addition, you also have a tail and your father also had one when he was younger ...

Does that make you bad guys too?

Whatever, don't cry, I'm a friend of your father's teacher" Broly said closing the book and ordering the robot maid to bring some Toriko World quality sweets and drinks ... which she put in front of Gohan, who slowly stopped crying

"Do you know my father? Where is he? "Gohan asked, still afraid… and without eating anything on the table despite wishing it because of the manners his mother taught him

"I see you don't remember very well what happened ...

Don't worry, I will clarify ... in the meantime eat something that I have prepared for you.

I guarantee you haven't tried something like it in your life

Come on, I know you're hungry…" Broly said giving Gohan permission to eat the dishes that transcend his universe with the goal of win his trust and mentally prepare him for what he was about to see…

Since next to them a large screen appeared ... a giant screen where you could see the battle that Goku and Piccolo had had with Radit ...

And when he saw the battle, Gohan, who until now felt that was in heaven by the magnificent taste of those sweets… quickly felt sunk in the deepest hell when he saw how his father sacrificed himself to kill the man who kidnapped him ...

And as he saw those images he was able to remember what happened, so he didn't hesitate even in a moment that what he was seeing was true ...

And with every second he saw those tragic images Gohan was able to remember in greater detail what happened, so he didn't doubt at any second that this nightmare was very real

"My father is? Is d… "Gohan said almost drowning in anguish and despair…

"That's right Gohan ... your father is dead, but don't worry, it is very easy for me and his friends to resurrect him ...

In fact, we could do it right now, however, he has chosen to do something else ... something he couldn't do in life" Broly said, snapping his fingers.

And with that snap the screen projected Goku from the other world, which ran in the Snake Way to the planet of North Kai ...

"Dad!" Gohan shouted with joy to see that his father was… fine? ... something that Broly did in order to make him recover the hope and happiness after the initial shock he brought with the other video…

"This place is the other world, and what your father is doing is training even there…

Do you know why?" Broly asked Gohan to make him interact, think and feel he was heard

"No ... I don't know, sir ..." Gohan said, who was for first time really attentive and participative with the conversation.

"He is training instead of being with you because in less than a year 5 people worse and more dangerous than the one who kidnapped you and caused your father's death will come to Earth to kill everyone ... and obviously wants to avoid it ...

He and all his friends to be more precise, who are already training or are about to do it…

They do it despite knowing that they have almost no chances of defeating them, since they couldn't with one of the weakest between Goku and Piccolo, who are the strongest ...

Therefore, Gohan you will also train to defeat them and defend the Earth" Broly said showing images of all Goku's friends, showing how worried they were about the situation and what they were doing to solve it ...

"Me? fight?! It can't be .. I don't know how to fight" Gohan said with fear and doubts… like any normal child in this situation

"Oh you don't know how to fight? If you tell the truth then what is this?" Broly said showing how Gohan left the spaceship and almost killed Raditz with a headbutt

And when he saw those images, Gohan could only say "I have done that? It is impossible! I don't remember…"

He was very shocked and confused to see how he had done all that

"I know, it seems that you aren't able to use your full potential if the situation is not too precarious ... even though at that time you are even stronger than your father and Piccolo together...

But don't worry, with my help you will become hundreds of times more powerful in a very short time and you will learn to control part of your hidden abilities to become a guardian warrior" Broly said as he showed to Gohan on other screens again and again his superhuman feats... even the ones he done when he was younger

"But I don't want to be a martial artist.

I want to become an important scientist" Said Gohan, giving the normal and rational reasons that every 5-year-old boy could say to not fight… reasons that wasn't indoctrinated by his mother (sarcasm)

"One thing doesn't take away the other ... look at me; I am a great scientist and also a martial artist...

Who do you think has built the robot that has given you food and is cleaning?

If you want to be a scientist don't worry, I will also teach you ...

Although you will have to survive the villains that will come or you can never be one

Since you will die" Said Broly, who had left the little Gohan without logical excuses...

"But I'm scared ..." Gohan said, shrinking because of the great responsibility, pressure and danger he was and will being exposed ...

"Of course you are afraid

Your father is also afraid like all his friends ... however they don't cower, cry and try to flee from reality ... except Yajirobe ...

They face it ... because they aren't cowards ... they train to face that fear

Or what do you expect to do? To continue being a weak and a crying baby incapable of defending himself or doing anything?

You want that within a year the bad guys will kidnap you again blackmail your father and kill him again?

To remain a useless burden that cries in a corner while others try to save him and do something useful…

Is that what you aspire to? Do you intend to let those bad men kill your mother, father and grandfather without doing anything?

Do nothing despite being able to save everyone… because you have fear?" Broly said manipulating Gohan mentally and emotionally to do exactly what he should do, but with greater motivation than in the original work and in principle by his own decision

[Childrens ... are so easy to provoke] Broly thought satisfied that the first step of his manipulation worked as expected

"No… NO!

I don't want to be a coward!

No one will kill mom, grandpa or dad!" Gohan shouted with his pride very injured, since due to Broly's words he felt guilty about Goku's death and understood that he had to change to protect his family and himself like his father was doing… although he was still afraid

"Great ... That's what I wanted to hear ...

You have chosen well ...

As of today I am your teacher

You can call me Broly-sensei

I will take care of making you a great warrior, scientists and maybe a Chef too" Said Broly, who achieved his goal through methods that would shake children's psychologists with rage and enthusiasm at social engineers.


Gohan is one of my favorite characters in the entire show because of its evolution ...


They destroyed his character completely in the Majin Buu saga ... and let's not talk about what happened in Super...

I will not allow something like this to happen!

I will fulfill Toriyama's wet dream that his editors didn't allow him… because Goku was too popular ...

I'll make Gohan the protagonist of Dragon Ball Z!

Well, after my…] Broly thought with the image of Akira Toriyama in mind, which gave his permission and blessing to continue with this project

"Okay Broly-sensei ..." Gohan said bowing respectfully to his new teacher.

Desire Realm

In an isolated location of the Broly planet ...

Broly also sat on another comfortable sofa eating grapes when Piccolo suddenly appeared in front of him

"Eh... what has..." Piccolo said upon perceive how all his surroundings had changed and that there was another Broly in front of him in an excessively arrogant attitude

"Hi Piccolo ... long time no see ..." Broly said greeting Piccolo as he continued to eat without worry

"You ... what the hell are you?" Piccolo asked, who after seeing all this he understood that Broly was an existence that was above what he knew… especially when a strange force forced him to sit on the sofa and was unable to stand up for more effort he put

"Me? I'm just a normal person who wants to help save the inhabitants of this planet from extinction..." Broly said with excessive humility ... false humility, which made him excessively irritating ...

And upon seeing Broly's annoying evasive, Piccolo decided to change the subject so he could get something clear "Where is Goku's son?"

"Gohan has accepted me as his teacher and is already training hard ...

Don't worry, you will join him in training when you are at similar levels ... it will depend on your potential when that moment will be possible.

Meanwhile I will take care of you ...

There is little time and there is much to do, I don't think you have time to train someone to fight an enemy with whom you don't even have possibilities today ...

And I can't let you die or else Kami will die too, and that will make me very sad" Said Broly, showing images of Gohan running away for his life while being chased by random giant beasts.

"I still don't trust you ..." Piccolo said, who still didn't trust or agree with Broly ... but his great intelligence made him realize that he didn't have many other options than to comply with what Broly said ...

Also, there were chances that this would be good to increase his power in view of Broly's capabilities...

In addition, Broly was also right when said that he had no time to train Gohan.

But he still didn't feel comfortable with it ...

[Ah ... I hope Piccolo changes his attitude soon ...

I have to achieve that he could interacts with Gohan to soften his icy heart ... or he will remain a pimple in the ass for the rest of his long life] Broly thought, who couldn't identify that grumpy green with the endearing character we all respected and wanted in Dragon Ball ... possibly the best father figure in this manga.

"You don't need to trust me, just focus on improving as a warrior, wizard, strategist and person...

With my help you will be the first Super Namekian in modern history"Said Broly, giving himself an important aura, as if he were a stylist in a program of radical change in a difficult but motivating case.

"A super what?" Piccolo said, who didn't understand anything ... since he still didn't know his extraterrestrial origin.

Devastated planet of Universe 7

"That damn Raditz got himself killed" Said Nappa, who like in the original work, was still Vegeta's secretary

"What a pathetic guy he was.

To think that he'd get himself killed by guys with battle powers of 1,000" Vegeta said as he devoured part of the corpse of an insectoid alien that he scorched with his ki

"Raditz has lost against such pathetic adversaries?

I't soo pathetic ... without a doubt, the weakest and stupidest of the 6 " Said Scallion, a medium-sized Saiyan with standard muscular Saiyan complexion, a fairly flat and forgettable face ... and a hairsitle that even seemed normal for a Saiyan ... in short, the appearance of a filler Saiyan.

"The weakest of the 6? If I remember correctly the number of duels between you was 46 to 44 in favor of Raditz ...

Shouldn't you be the weakest?

As for the idiot ... I wouldn't know how to differentiate, you both seem equally stupid

HAHAHAHAHA!" Said Ginger, a Saiyan woman with a youthful appearance, short stature, moderate chest, a small but bouncing ass, short hair with pigtails, a pretty face, very tomboy and with the smile of an authentic bastard could makes anyone turn crazy

"Shut up!

... And you are wrong, I have won 46 times and he only 44 of which most were when I was younger ... he was 2 years older than me, obviously he had an advantage ...

And don't think you're the big deal just because your combat level is 800 points higher than me ... you still lost 5 times against me" Said Scallion, who always had to argue, make excuses and complain about everything


As always you make excuses ...

In addition, my combat level is almost 1000 higher than yours ... you always round at your convenience ... and the five times I lost was when you fought both against me ... and you are older than me.

HUB ...

Now I don't know who was the weakest of the two… but the stupidest one has become very clear" Ginger replied once again with his poisonous tongue and insufferable attitude of a spoiled juvenile delinquent

And Ginger continued to provoke him even more "Come ... come ... unquestionably weaker and idiot of the group" She said inviting him to attack

"Ch ..." Vegeta snorted, which was getting tired of so much noise and nonsense


Behave like true warriors once! You are the shame of the Saiyan race!

If you don't start to behave, I will be the one who will count how many times I bury your head in the ground" Shouted Yam, Ginger's older sister, which unlike her was tall and fibrated, with proportions 101-62-98, a serious and enviable face for every female and long hair up to her waist

"Yes ma'am ..." Ginger said making the military salute jokingly

"Well… What do we do Vegeta? Do we put this planet off and leave?" Yam asked to the most powerful and authoritative person among them

"They said something interesting…

Something about dragon balls "Vegeta said, answering what he wanted

"Yeah, sounds like they can grant any kind of wish" Nappa replied, who was attentive to all the retransmission

"Allright, leths go there" Vegeta replied when he saw that he wasn't the only one who had heard such important information

"We'll bring back Raditz back to life then?" Yam asked his superior to find out what the real goal was… a very serious girl committed with her work

"Get real, I no longer have a need for his services…

We'd like eternal life and to remain ageless…

How does that sound?" Said Vegeta, who had already found one of the most obvious and desired applications for the Dragon Ball

"If we wish for that, we can enjoy battle until the end of time…

Mmm ... yes, it's a great wish sir" Said Yam, who understood Vegeta's intention at first

"I get it. That's awesome" Nappa replied, who for some reason needed an explanation tu understand the implications an motives of that wish

"Ohhh thats a better idea than I had!

Ok, I sign up" Ginger shouted, amazed and delighted at the idea of not getting old.

"Ch ... this smells like more work" Scallion replied pessimistically