Operation Waifu, first day

"Well ... if your old age is a problem I think I have a practical solution ..." Broly said approaching Muten Roshi, touching touched his shoulder

"Hey? What do you mean?"Said Krillin and Bulma, seeing that Broly was about to do something strange again

"Eh… solution? What you do Eh!?" Muten Roshi asked, who before could finish the question noticed that something strange had happened in his body...

He noticed that he had become taller, less hunched over, the parts of his body that hurt before had stopped to hurt and he felt full of energy... it was as if he had rejuvenated ...


Muten Roshi… has stopped being an old man on the verge of death?!" Krillin and Bulma shouted to see that Muten Roshi had really rejuvenated...

He had become youngster between 22 and 26 years old ... and that was something that impressed them and scared them equally

And Muten Roshi, who was able to quickly understand what had happened, ran quickly to the nearest mirror...

"Yuhuuuuuuuu !!! Yes!!! I'm young and handsome again!

The girls will stand in line to see and flirt with the reborn Great Master Muten Roshi-Sama Junior!


One moment... when I was 23 years old he didn't have a beard ...

NEITHER I WAS BALD!!!" Muenten Roshi said, with joy, perversion ... and confusion when he saw himself in the mirror

"Well ... you can shave the beard ... and the hair will grow ...

I guess.." Said Broly, moving her eyes from side to side suspiciously.

"W ... wait a minute ... Broly!

What did you just do?!" Bulma asked with her jaw almost disengaged, since she was having an existential crisis right now...

Bulma knew exactly what Broly had done, but still she couldn't help asking him such an obvious question ... since it was too shocking to her mind ...

She could accept that he could teleport because her family had found a way to compress the space, she could accept that he could stop time, since Dr Omori had achieved that too when she was a little girl...


To return an old man of more than 100 years to his stage of physical fullness with only physical contact?

This was something she only imagined with the help of magical objects with the Dragon Balls

A wish she had planned to make in the future ...

"Well, as you can see, I can return youth to people… another one of my abilities" Said Broly, without giving much importance to that supernatural power that everyone wanted to have.

"And ... can you turn everyone you want when you want?" Bulma asked with great curiosity, wanting to have more information about that ability for scientifically … and personal reasons ...

[Hehehe ... she has bit the hook ...

Women love gifts like jewelry, flowers, travels and some other superficial and trivial stuffs…

Stuff that make you earn points as a boyfriend or future boyfriend if you do it in the specific context, with grace… And above all by linking this gift to an emotional stimulus that will make it unique, especially if it lasts over time as proof of the affective relationship between them

And of course I have the most unique, precious and eternal gift that exists] Broly thought as he followed his conquest guide step by step

"Of course ... observe ..." Broly said touching Bulma in the same way he did with Muten Roshi, but with more finesse

And as with Muten Roshi, Bulma also rejuvenated ... and although her change wasn't so radical, since Bulma was 28 years old and she rejuvenated until 22 years ... it was a fairly noticeable change, especially for her…

"My skin is smoother and softer ...

And this is smaller, and this thinner and this smoother… " Said Bulma, who kept experimenting and observing the changes in his body with extreme happiness and astonishment in another mirror…

"This is an improved version of the one I used with Muten Roshi…

This skill not only return the body to its age of physical fullness, it also prevents it from aging again, losing your physical form even if you don't exercise or gain weight, doesn't matter much you eat...

Let's say this gives eternal youth with several improvements" Broly said, explaining another of his op immortality related skills.


Don't fuck with me!!!

That means, that I will remain that young forever!!!" Shouted Bulma, who fulfilled one of the dreams was all living being… especially women… in a way she didn't expected

"That's right ... you will remain this young and precious for all eternity" Said Broly acting as a real pussy hunter...

[Oh god ... don't make it so difficult for me...] Bulma thought, trying not to blush due to the compliment not falling instantly for Broly due to the great gift he had given her...

Gift that as Broly had predicted had given him an infinite number of future boyfriend points

"Can you tell how many skills like these you have?" Krillin asked, who had headaches when he remembered everything that Broly had done so far

"About ... 369 billion and constantly increasing more or less" Said Broly answering casually as if this were a normal number of skills.


MORE THAN 369 BILLION! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU!?" Shouted Krillin and Muent Roshi, who couldn't enjoy his newly youth knowing there was someone so OP by his side

And to change the subject of conversation Broly said ...


Now you can train without any problem right?

Muten Roshi-sama…" Broly said, cornering Muten Roshi argumentatively.

"Ehhh... shit...

Emmmm... well...

I'm still a little bit…


I guess I could do some exercise to get used to my new body ...

Eee.. ehehe…

Eih… Stop looking at me like that scary eyes…" Said the young Muten Roshi, who was uncomfortable with the way Krillin and Bulma were looking at him...

They didn't look at him because of his new appearance, but because it seemed he was trying to escape with another excuse...

"Well ... ok ... let's go Muten Roshi-Sama ... the others aren't going to believe this when they see you..." Said Krillin, who couldn't get used to seeing how his old teacher looked as young as he is...

"Yes… Yes… I'm coming ... All of you don't let me get used to my new body ...

I wanted to go to the city to meet hot girls…

These young people ... you're always in a hurry..." Muten Roshi said, since he didn't remember that now he was young too

And while Krillin and Muten Roshi went out the door and Bulma was still loking at herself in the mirror doing sexy postures to admire the changes in her body, flattering herself in each change of posture

The evil Broly thought to himself ... [And with this I made that one of the best Dragon Ball characters be active again in Dragon Ball Z, not just as a comic element ...

And above all ...

With him and everyone else outside for a few months Bulma and I will have many opportunities to be alone HUAHUAHAHA!]

And after a few minutes in which Bulma returned from his personal world to reality...

"This… where are Muten Roshi and Krillin?" Asked Bulma, who after being trapped in her own world for a while hadn't heard that they had left.

"They left a few minutes ago ... and in that time I prepared a few more sweets ...

Do you want some?

Eat whatever you want, you're not going to get fat anymore" Broly said handing another piece of cake to Bulma's directly in her mouth without being able to answer him

And Bulma after blushing for this male lead action of a manga shoujo said "Mmmmm ... e ... delicious" And moments later she realized something that made her nervous again "D ... does that mean we are alone?"

"Yes ... if we don't count Umigame, which is sleeping right now… this island is just ours right now" Said Broly, winking his eye and answering Bulma, as if they were husband and wife and at home there was only their little son, who had gone to sleep… Although in this case this baby is a turtle and Broly had put him to sleep with another of his abilities for this purpose

And upon hearing those words, Bulma's heart began to pound and she panicked

[This ... This situation ... cannot be happening ...

Everything is developing too fast ...

It's not a good idea to be alone right now ...


He is exactly my type, his attitude is incredible, everything he cooks is delicious and has given me the greatest gift I could ask for


I'm not ready for this right now ...


If he insists I don't know what could happen ...

But…] Bulma thought having a mental chaos in which reason, hormones and heart fought each other without a clear winner

And in that moment


An alarm rang in Broly's pants… it came from his phone since "someone" had sent him a message, which he checked and with a moderately serious face told Bulma "Oops ...

I'm sorry, but it seems that something has happened and I needed to solve it…

I'm afraid I'll have to go for now"

"Ehhh" Bulma said unconsciously, since her mental chaos ceased in a way she never expected... leaving inside a strange combination of relief, disappointment, anticipation, shame and doubts

"I'm sorry, but it's something urgent that will keep me busy the rest of the day ...

But tomorrow I will be free… in case you want to see each other" Broly said apologizing to Bulma in a cool way…

"Yes ... of course" Bulma replied, who didn't even think about the answer

"Here, I have also prepared for your father, mother…

Do you need me to give you a ride home?

You just have to tell me and I can teleport you" Broly said delivering a bag full of deserts he had prepared

"Thanks but is not necessary.

It will be good for me to drive for a while to clear my thoughts... today a lot of things have happened" Bulma said which really needed time to reorder her ideas...

"Ok ... what time do you want to meet tomorrow?" Broly asked casually

"This ... how about 11:30 in this same place?" Bulma answered casually

"Perfect then, see you tomorrow" Broly said smiling before disappearing with his teleportation.

And Bulma after keeping quiet and silent looking at the place where Broly disappeared for a few seconds ... headed for his flying vehicle and embarked on his journey ant her familiar house

And minutes later with her vehicle running ... she alone as if nothing happened before in the middle of the ocean...


A million things just happened today...

The dead of your best friend…

The imminent invasion of dangerous aliens

And you're only thinking in having an date? With the most awesome guy you've ever seen ... to be fair

Oh god ... without thinking we have arranged a date with an alien guy I meet only today!

And technically I'm still dating Yamcha ...

Oh god, what will Broly think of me when he finds out ?! (realize that she has Broly and not Yamcha)


You are no longer a teenager with altered hormones, you are a woman made and right ... although rejuvenated forever hihi ..

EHEMmm ... !!

Well ... this has only been a sudden and unexpected crush that has been out of control due to the dangerous situation that I have been through the Saiyans invasors in which he has practically become our savior and well ... that he's impressive in too many aspects...

But today you will refresh your mind and tomorrow you will be the same great Bulma that you have always been!!!" Bulma shouted, speaking to herself to blow off steam and self-suggest his future behaviour sine she didn't want to act like a teenager in front her favourite pop star of the moment

Desire Realm

In Broly's private movie theatre


Well said Bulma, I'm glad you cooled your mind ...

I would have been disappointed that you had continued to react like the tiypical anime cliché girl who wets her panties before the first Kirito who does something...

Ahghhhsh… I have compared myself minimally with Kirito and Bulma with one of the twerps who fall in love with him instantly without a logical reason… thats disgusting…" Broly said as he watched how Bulma yelled in her vehicle

"I don't understand what the point is in all this ...

Why did you call yourself to avoid such a favourable situation?

I thought we were about to watch an adult movie… what a disappointment" Said Ichiryu, quite disappointed.

"Now I can understand why you've been single all your life despite being the biggest big shot in your world…

Although it is tempting ... You shouldn't start a relationship in this way if you want it to be lasting or stable

There are high chances that the next day the girl may feel regretful for having escalated the situation so quickly without really knowing if that decision was rational or not, if it is what she really wanted or not or if it really should be done or not...

And all this either immediately or in the future will create doubts and insecurities that may appear unexpectedly at any time...

A good relationship, which is what I want, has to be built little by little ... if you accelerate too much at the beginning it can become excessively unstable, therefore any insignificance could shake those poor foundations

A good initial crush is very important, but you have to know how to develop it, distribute and make it constant over time so to create a good base and execution...

It's like a novel ...

The beginning is excessively important to attract the attention of the reader, but if you overload the beginning of the history too much with absolutely all the impressive, transcendent and flashy content… As soon as you loosen a bit the narrative rhythm (relationship), since you have given everything you have to offer from the beggining you will make the reader feel disappointed and will consider whether to continue reading or not...

It is fine to strain excessively at the initial crush if you only want a single-night fucking session or one shot to present to a contest or for a story of few chapters ... but not if you want to do something long lasting ...

The human being is tolerant and enthusiastic about what was at 30 and progressively rises to 60 ... BUT incredibly intolerant and catastrophic with those that were at 90 and progressively goes down to 60 ...

You only need to see the world of sport, where one day you are the best player in the world and the next day you are socially dead and a fucking failure if you have 2 bad games...

Time and perseverance Ichiryu ... that's what you need...

And I have plenty of time for her to know me better ...

And I to her… hehehe" Broly said explaining how you should and shouldn't start a long-term relationship without risks ...

"You could avoid all that if you brainwashed her like almost everyone here" said Madara, who kept thinking that genjutsus are the solution to all problems

"FOR GOD NO! I really like Bulma, and I want a real, healthy and beautiful relationship

I will not dominate her mind...

BEAST!" Said Broly, who for a change behaved like a pure and noble boy.

"I don't think what you're doing is something healthy and beautiful ... you're behaving like a stalker and a controlling sociopath" Rin said, expressing her thoughts, which were in line with reality.

"Results, Rin…

In love and war, everything is valid... and love is a war ... especially when there are enemies stalking the terrain that I want to conquer" Broly said, which changed the channel with his remote control ... showing an scenery that could be considered the second house in the Planet Earth of Broly