Kame House

The next day at 11:30 in the morning

"Hello Bulma, have I made you wait long?" Said Broly, who arrived just at the hour they had agreed, but he noticed that Bulma had been there 23 minutes before

"Don't worry ... I just arrived" Said Bulma, who got up from the chair at the entrance where she was waiting for Broly

Both looked impressed at each other, since they had prepared quite well for this date

Bulma had changed her hair from the previous day, this time with a style similar to the one she used in Dragon Ball Super and she also wore a white and blue dress that danced between the elegant, informal and sexy categories...

And Broly had dressed completely (the top too) with a custom made Armani suit that made his rocky muscles look elegant and silky ... (SUIT UP)

[Fiu ... she is spectacular ... Not for nothing she is the anime character with most look changes in history] Broly thought...

"Ohhh… really attractive men looks better with a suit

It looks great on you" Bulma said with a impish smile, trying to make Broly blush.

"However, the beautiful girls all look good no matter what they wear ...

You're great" Broly said with the same intention.

Both achieved their goal, and spent a few seconds without speaking, avoiding visually contact flirtatiously

Until Bulma broke the silence

"Tell me Broly, what places on Earth do you like more?" Bulma asked taking the initiative.

"I am ashamed to say it, but apart from the Karin Tower, Omori Island, my house and the Kami Palace… I don't know many more places" Said Broly blaming himself for the lack of tourism on the planet that he resides.

"As I expected…

What do you think if I guide you for my city and surroundings?

I know some places where we will surely have a great time" Bulma said with confidence and without any shame, pointed with her thumb the flying ship behind her, which unlike yesterday only had two seats (for obvious reasons).

[Perfect! I was going to propose that if she hadn't done it ...

Yesterday she was much altered and in shock state by everything that happened, that's why she acted so passionate and thoughtless… that's why she has proposed to do activities in which she feels comfortable and has knowledge and confidence unlike me...

She had to find a situation where she was more or less dominant to compensate for what happened yesterday

So showing the world to an alien is one of the best ways ...

HEHEHE great minds think alike]

"I find it as a great idea

Today I am in your hands Bulma

Treat me gently" Broly said joking and walking along with Bulma to his flying device in co-pilot seat

"Ahaha ... how silly you are ... Hehe ..." Bulma said with a smile as she gave him an affectionate elbow in the arm


Desire Realm

Again in the movie theatre

The long-awaited first date of Broly and Bulma was finally being projected, where they walked through the city, went shopping, eating sweets of a lower quality than the ones Broly created, visited places of general interest, talked, laughed while Bulma explained to Broly all the adventures she had lived with Goku and the others so far… And since you have to let your couple talk (if she's a women) a lot in the first date to not seem self-centered (and Broly is it) but not to the point of being an amoeba with no conversation topic or personality.

That's why Broly also told some of his adventures… the ones he could tell.

It was an almost perfect date, so much so that from time to time there were occasions when it seemed that they were flirting as a couple of more than 6 months ...

I was being perfect … I was being magical …

I was being…

"BOORIIINNNNGGGG!!!" yelled Madara, Iihiko, Hao, Kars, Ichiryu, Mayuri, Frost ... well, the entire male audience that wasn't accompanied by a woman, was interested in Broly's plans and their execution, was waiting for an +18 scene, wasn't asleep or doing something else...

"SHUT UP WE WANT TO SEE THE MOVIE!" Shouted Rin, Froese, Kaguya ... and that's all, because Ajimi didn't care much about that ... and there weren't many more women who liked multi-hour romance movies...

"Come on ... we are in the best part of all!

Now is when Bulma will feel guilty for hiding that she has a half-broken relationship at all with the forgettable Yamcha... and I will answer in a way that not only will not make her feel guilty about that not make me look like I'm Ok with it

It will also make our relationship advance and normalize at a rate not too fast, but not too slow ... so...



I don't want to make a spoiler, but… in some weeks after meeting a few more times and when she prepares mentally...

Pim Pam chicki kiki pam pum




Ohhh.. Ohhh…" Broly said staging the scene with two dolls of Broly and Bulma, which scrubbed and collided with each other staging a wild sex scene in a rather crazy way….

"ENOUGH!!!!!" shouted all those who discussed earlier, this time united by the same cause ...

"Sanctimonious… fucking Shonen characters ... they can't stand when things become a little Seinen… or Hentai" Said Broly complaining about the narrative gender to which his subordinates belong

And Obito trying to be understanding with Broly, since in a moderate way he was minimally capable of empathizing in this matter "Broly ... I know she's your first love… and she was in you childhood, but ..."

"Hey! She is not only my first childhood love!

She was also my first masturbation in my previous life...

So ... I decided that as a commemoration of that precious and endearing moment...


It is the most appropriate right?

HUAHUAHUAHUAHUA!"Broly said interrupting Obito and showing one of his bests/worst facets to his subordinates

"You're ... amazing…" Most said ... but each one for a different reason ... and almost none was positive ...

And after a few seconds of reflection, reassessment and pretend not to have heard what they had heard ...

"Seriously ... do you expect us to continue watching for a week hours and hours only eating popcorn and cola how you waste your time with that girl?" Midora asked, who despite being in front of Froese ... was still Midora ...

"It's true!

if you already know what the future will be ... Why can't you give us a movie about the most important moments... or better give us a summary?" Kumagawa asked, who joined the group of men seeking Dragon Ball-style action

"NO! Skip that! We want to see punches now!

I just read the chronology and there are still 5 months left for Goku to reach the North Kai planet!

We can't be here for so long with your romantic comedy and how you mess with others while you are pretending to train them ...

It has only been two days, but for me it has been moths!!!

We want to see the protagonist and FRESSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fights!" Iihiko shouted, acting as spokesman for the belligerent side

"Although you can share the sex scenes later" Iichiryu said jokingly to remove tension from the environment ... although that sentence made women, especially his adoptive mother look at him with disdain ...

"Not even in dreams! That will be personal...


Come on guys…

Do you really want me to become a Vegeta 2.0 with which wasn't seen the development of the relationship with the best female character of this manga?

Are you so bored with the training of the four balds, the two future balds, Gohan and Piccolo?" Broly asked, who was face to face with very difficult audience.

"A little bit" They all answered, but each one referred to a different question ...

"You are incorrigible ...

Ok ... I will anticipate the arrival of Goku to the planet of North Kai ...

But I want you to know that I will continue broadcasting my romantic comedy, and the traingin.

If you don't see them now you will see them in the future in the anime style ...

You are all warned… " Broly said changing the channel with his remote control in signal that for once he was willing to accept criticism and do what he is asked to do in a rational way

[Mmmm I think that becoming a teacher and trying to win the love of that girl has made Broly a little less ... Broly] Some thought to see that their egocentric boss was willing to accept the opinion of others and respect it

Other world

Snake Way

One of Broly's bodies appeared in the sky, among the orange clouds that covered the entire gigantic snake-shaped road ...

A single-lane highway completely deserted ... if it weren't for ...

"One, two, one, two…" said Goku, the undisputed protagonist of Dragon Ball while running along the very long road

"Certainly this will be very long ... I think it is best for everyone to do an innocent little cheat" Said Broly activating one of his space-time powers in Goku

"One, two, one…

ehhh? This is the end?!

I thought it would take many days to get here! But I've only run two days...

Kami must have exaggerated one more time... " Goku said, who watched confused and pleased at the same time the end of the Dragon Way… and now he in search of the Kai that should train him to defeat the evil Saiyans ...

And as we all know he found the small planet of North Kai, which he explored and upon entering the orbit of that small planet ...

Ahhhhh !!!


The 10 times greater gravity of that little planet attracted Goku at high speed crashing him to the ground ... ground from which he could hardly get up ...

"Wh-what's with this ground?

Damn it…

I-It's like I'm being sucked down by some incredible force" Goku said experiencing the negative effects of high gravity while trying to get up

And while he tried to do everything he could to get closer to the only house on the planet, suddenly...

"Who's there!? What intentions do you have ?!" North Kai shouted, who had been very alert for hours because of the bad feeling that both he and his simian pet had

But to his relief, all he saw was a human struggling to stand

"I'm Son Goku

I humbly request to receive trainin from you

Kaiou-sama, teach me martial arts!

I mean… please…" Said Goku, who thanks to his Saiyan genetic was able to more or less adapt quickly to gravity and begged North Kai to train him

And North Kai, who saw no reason to reject that offer upon see that Goku didn't seem to be the threat he had witnessed

For what he said pretending to be a very cool person "¿Training, huh? I can do that"

"REALLY ?! THAT'S WONDERFUL! "Goku shouted very happy to have achieved his goal in record time

"However, that is only if you pass the test

You have to make me, the king of jokes, laugth from a joke" North Kai said, demonstrating to Goku that not everything could be so easy

"Que?! I have to tell a joke?" Shouted Goku, who had never been asked for something similar

"Have you gotten cold feet?

Unless it's a rather high level joke, I won't laugh

Come on now" North Kai said arrogantly, believing that Goku would be unable to make him laugh since he thought he had a very refined sense of humour

And Goku feeling pressured by the provocations of North Kai and having no experience with the jokes ... used each and every one of his few neurons to say a good joke "Th-The futon ... blew up! (Futtonda means blew up)"

"EHHHH !!!

The Futton… Futtonda… "North Kai said with amazement by this impressive and wonderful joke worthy to be in comedy club… but he tried his best not to laugh ...

He couldn't allow Goku to beat him so easily ... his pride as a comedian was at stake

So he repressed all his laughter and even covered his mouth

And it was at that moment when

"Hey, North Kai… do you want me to tell you something fun too ?!

The warranty of the car I gave you has expired" Broly said, surprisingly appearing behind him

And that scare made him unable to suppress the laughter "HAHAHAHAHA!"

And of course it also made him scared to see Broly for the second time in his life "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!




"NOOOOO !!!!

MY CAR!!!!!


NOO !!!

I LOVED THAT CAR !!!" And he cried and despaired when he saw how his beloved luxury car… gifted unselfishly by Broly over a decade ago… suddenly exploded like in a police action movie


Fuck… This has been funny… " Said Broly who had implanted a remote control pump to detonate it at the right moment… just for that moment.

"What the hell is happening?" Said Goku, who was too surprised and confused by what was happening before his eyes