Nine and a half months later

In the palace of Kami-Sama

"You've all surpassed me in strenght already

Mr. Popo and I have nothing more to teach to you

After this…" Kami-Sama said, giving the final speech to Chaoz, Krillin, Roshy, Ten Shinhan, Yajirobe and Yamcha

But Broly interrupted him and took over the speech "After this we will celebrate the great work we have all done these months.

That's why I brought some of my famous food and drink.

You deserve it!"

With a movement of his hand dozens of tables full of food from Toriko's universe appeared.

And instantly the mouths of the six warriors began to get wet... even the same happened with Kami, who didn't need to eat

In a few seconds everyone lost their shame and devoured without regard all that was on the tables.

Everything was so good that nobody spoke, not even to say how delicious everything was.

The only thing they did apart from eating was to breathe and take more food to continue eating.

This was the real happiness they had been craving after months of hard training and began to praise Broly, who had given him the opportunity to savor those divine foods

But like every good dream ... it can become a nightmare...

"After this ... it's time to select those three who will be blessed ... and those three who will be cursed with an almost baldness..." Broly said, who waited for them to eat all the food before giving good and bad news

"Please, not me... please…" Yamcha and Yajirobe said crossing their fingers with great concern... since they were the only ones affected by Broly's condition

"... For... a few years" Broly finished his speech while analyzing Kami and his old age ...

"Grrrr ... [Damn you]" Growled and thought Kami, who was upset with the estimation of life expectancy that Broly thought he had left

"Let's see ... Krillin has had a great improvement ... of the 206 he has reached 1980 points (210 more than in the original version) ... so ... you are in my team" Broly said as if he were a presenter of a gala television awards ceremony ... creating a lot of expectation

Ufff ..." Krilin sighed in relief knowing that his potential hair would be safe for a few more years.

"Ten Shin have also had a great improvement.

Of the 250 you started with, now you have 2070 points (240 more than in the original version), you are also in my team ...

By the way, nice third eye, muscles and techniques… keep it up" Broly said congratulating his not saiyan and bald distant relative

"This ... thank you," said Ten Shinhan, not knowing what to say to that compliment... and without worry, since he was bald from the beginning

"I now ... the last one will be..." Broly said to create tension and expectation... a great tension and expectation, but only between Yamcha and Yajirobe (the only ones negatively affected by Broly's conditions), the same tension and expectation that trench soldiers had when their Superior announces that he needs "volunteers" to cross a minefield

[Please, please, select me, I've worked hard, I swear] Yajirobe and Yamcha thought desperately as they tried to contain all the cold sweat that fell from their faces

"Muten Roshi, you have had a spectacular improvement, the best of all.

Your 139 points have become 2000, congratulations, you are still the strongest pure human on the planet" Said Broly congratulating the young Muten Roshi

"It's good to be young again, hohohoho" Said Muten Roshi, who always found some opportunity to point out that he was young again

[I knew it!

He was aiming to shave Yamcha from the beginning] Thought Krillin, who already foresaw that this would happen

"So ... there are two ... I say ... three people I will have to remove all the hairs from the head except one ... and these are Yamcha, Yajirobe and…

Well only you two…" Broly said looking wickedly at the two unfortunates ... especially Yamcha

"RUN FOR YOUR HAIR" Yajirobe shouted as he tried to run away, but ...



It was no use resisting ... not knowing how Yamcha and Jajirobe saw how the ground around him began to fill with black hair, which fell from his head ... all hair but one



MY PRECIOUS HAIR!!" Both shouted as they tried to pick up the hair that used to cover their heads with despair and full of tears, which fell nonstop against their own hair

"Uff ... my hair is fine" Chaoz said checking that his only one long hair was still standing in his head

"As for the others, I will take you to my particular dimension to give you some quick last-minute classes" Broly said, encouraging the three bald people to approach him despite the fear they felt after seeing the state in which Yamcha and Yajirobe were

"Is that where Gohan and Piccolo are training?" Asked Muten Roshi, who wanted to know the progress that those two were making with respect to each other.

"I'm afraid not, since months ago they are training on their own in this world ...

So much time in a dimension in which time passes slower is good for training ... but you may have problems in Gohan's growth so we decided to send you back here ...

But well, we have not come to talk about Gohan, but to give you your gifts" Said Broly explaining the situation while…

"FUCKING BASTARD!!" Yajirobe shouted with all the energy and fury that his body was able to express


GOD! WHY DO YOU PUNISH ME SO MUCH?!" Yamcha yelled in total despair as he continued to collect all hies hair while cursing the heavens

"Hey ... I am more victim of that guy than you ..." Kami-sama said feeling alluded to, who felt sorry to see Yamcha's suffering, but at the same time he was relieved… since he wasn't the one cursing the heavens this time.

In that same moment

In a deserted desert in the middle of nowhere

"Kya! KYA! HIAAA!!!" Gohan shouted as he hit Piccolo again and again

"Very slow!" Piccolo shouted, who was angry to see that after so much training Gohan still had quite obvious openings ... and attacked that opening ...


But that opening was shown by Gohan on purpose for Piccolo to attack…

And thus, hit him


"Hahaha ... you fell into the trap!" Gohan said proudly of his achievement as he watched Piccolo on the floor

"Mmmm ... I congratulate you, for the first time you were able to use your head ...

And not to give a header" Said Piccolo, who stood up while congratulating Gohan

"Hehehehe ..." Gohan smiled, very proud to get Piccolo, his extremely strict teacher, to congratulate him

"It is a good strategy to leave a weak point to force the opponent to attack, but if the opening is too obvious and you face someone not very idiotic, he will take advantage of that ...

And don't let your guard down now!!" Said Piccolo, who took revenge on Gohan with a Ki attack while he was still distracted by his achievement and the explanation of Piccolo



That has been very childish and cheater" Gohan protested as he tried to get up after receiving the creeping attack from his trainee teacher.


This is being a waste of time ...

In that strange place we progressed much faster, but that bastard kicked us out with that stupid excuse ...

Damn, sometimes I don't know if he wants us to beat the Saiyans or not ...

It's as if he wanted to create an ideal setting for him and his fun" Piccolo said demonstrating his capacity for analysis and intelligence, since he was not misled with Broly's true intentions

"Come on, I don't think he's doing it for that reason..." Gohan said having a flashback of a conversation with Broly before they were banished from his dimension


"Broly-Sensei, please tell me the truth

Why shouldn't we train more here?

There is still a whole year to fight against the Saiyans, if we trained here all that time I am sure we would make them bite the dust" Gohan said, being quite rational in his estimation

"Being honest ... partly because I think it may be counterproductive for you in the long term for your growth... but it really is for Piccolo" Broly said half lying ... what interests him most is to see a minimally interesting confrontation between both sides.

"Piccolo, why?" Gohan asked, not understanding Broly's motives, since Piccolo was stronger than he is today.

"I guess your parents will have told you about him?

Especially about his former being…

Right?" Broly said, trying in a semi-socratically way that Gohan understood what he was trying to do

"Yes, they have told me something ..." Gohan replied remembering certain conversations with his father, mother and grandfather ... although there were two quite different versions for that story

"Then, you'll know what your father thinks ... and you know ... he's right ...

So I want you to spend more time together to prove unequivocally that he is not wrong" Broly said, who named Goku and his opinion in this way to align Gohan with his interests to make him do voluntarily what he wanted.

"Yes ... but ...

Why will being with me prove that? "Asked Gohan, who did not understand certain elements of Broly's plan… and as a small child he was in his question phase

"You will see ... occasionally rude, selfish, unpleasant people with others, with questionable or somewhat reprehensible moralities ... can become more sensitive, altruistic, kind or better people ... if they have someone who consciously or unconsciously motivates them to improve...

You would be surprised how much a person can change or improve when they have someone in their life who appreciates them despite their flaws in a selfless way ... making them feel loved and in this way recover or discover their humanity… making that mutual." Broly said as he remembered the kind Piccolo of Dragon Ball and especially how he protected Gohan from Nappa's attack by sacrificing his life… and besides that ...

"Eh ..." Gohan said surprised to hear the emotional explanation of his Sensei ... something unusual in him ... something that made him realize something else ...

"What's happens little boy? Impressed by how deep and cultured your teacher is?" Broly said with his usual arrogance disguised as a comedy ... but he was no kidding, he really thought that

And Gohan, who had already become accustomed to that facet as burdensome as endearing of his teacher, answered bluntly "It's not because of that ... it's that for a few moments it seemed like you were talking thinking about something that happened to you ...

... I mean... it's what I thought..."

"..." Those words also surprised Broly, who as a rule did not read Gohan's thoughts by not determining it necessary and not funny...

He was so surprised that he spent a few seconds without speaking while looking at the almost infant.

And Gohan didn't know what to say while also looking at the strange expression that his teacher was putting.

Until Broly spoke again with a big smile and cheerful tone…

"Haha… you have become very perceptive and observant, little one…

But it is not surprising, you have had an excellent teacher who has motivated you to have these excellent characteristics

Hahahaha!!!" Broly said as he caressed Gohan's head with affection and abruptness ... as a sign that he had been bothered by that comment but at the same time he appreciated that he had noticed that

"Hehehe ... always the same" Gohan said cheerfully, which had become accustomed to those typical Broly displays of affection that only village grandmothers had.

Flashback end…

"Piccolo-san, what will you do after beating the Saiyans?" Gohan asked as he rested to continue the training later.

"The answer is simple.

After killing the Saiyans, your father is the next one" Piccolo replied, who continued thinking about the revenge of his former being in Dragon Ball

"But, Father said that the reborn Piccolo isn't a bad person like he was before

I think so, too… and also Broly Sensei

Although Mommy and Grapa were afraid though" Gohan replied, who remembered the words Broly had said in the flashback or few moments ago

"Tsh ...

Stop spouting bullshit and start to warm up, I will have no mercy in this session" Piccolo shouted, who was unconsciously affected by these words ... as if he were doubting about the identity that himself was forced to create

"OK.." Gohan replied smiling, as he interpreted that THIS violent response was because Piccolo felt embarrassed.

"Damn it all" Piccolo grunted frustrated to see the attitude that Gohan had developed towards him ... and also the attitude he had developed towards the son of his enemy and rival ...

Capsule Corporation

After several months without appearing for the house where he lived for free without contributing anything… where he lived solely because he was the boyfriend of the daughter of that house, whom he periodically cheated ...

The parasite that cannot be trusted at all made his appearance

"This ... hello Bulma, I'm sorry for what happened, I've returned from training with others ...

I have come for a clean moult ... I will leave for a few hours ... if you want later we can talk about..." Said Yamcha who retouched the wig made with his own hair that he was able to order in a store in the city...

When suddenly he heard something disturbing ...

"Wow, honey, you have been able to increase the efficiency of the gravity machine by 379% at the same time that you have improved energy efficiency by 136% in less than a week despite how advanced the technology was in this area

You are undoubtedly the best [Seriously, Mayuri will be angry to see that he has another competitor besides Urahara]…" Broly said looking at the computer screen next to Bulma, who was really amazed at the incredible advances and achievements his first love had made in such a short time

"Hahahah is nothing, I wouldn't have done it so fast without you.

It would have taken another week if it weren't for how attentive and reliable you are when it comes to helping each other when I get stuck ...

You're the best without a doubt, "said Bulma, who, like Broly, looked away from the computer to focus on Broly's sincere eyes (three)… and Broly on her eyes too.

"No ... you are the best" they said synchronously in a very cloying way as they stood up and continued to stare at each other

"No ... you are darling!" They both continued talking and acting synchronously in a cloying way while doing little hands flirting shyly and awkwardly ...

"…" "…"

"Ok, I am the best HAHAAAHAHHA !!" They said and did exactly the same thing synchronously again, demonstrating the great pride that both felt for themselves while the previous shyly physical contact escalated to the mutual hug almost unconsciously ...

"…" "…"

So unconscious that they both fell silent and looked at each other without blinking for a few seconds...

"We are the best" They said once more in a synchronized way with great love and passion ...

And after those words Broly grabbed Bulma by the butt with his hands, lifting her without taking off his hands until his eyes were at the same height ...

And at the same time Bulma grabbed Broly's waist with her legs with her legs and hugged Broly's neck with her arms, Showing that she didn't want him to release her for anything in the world

And then ...

Both started a long and passionate French kiss in which both took the opportunity to rub themselves in a very heroic way

All this in front of the astonished, confused and terrified face of Yamcha, whose mind has overheated while trying to process everything he was seeing, like his eyes and jaw, which were acquiring absurd dimensions due to shock "Bulma… with Broly… what… what is she doing?

No, it cannot be… It cannot be true…"

And when Bulma had to catch her breath after that long kiss in which they ignored everything that happened around her ...

"By the way, honey…

Happy birthday" said Broly, pulling out a giant bouquet of flowers of great beauty and handed them to Bulma

"Oh… you have remembered my birthday!

They are beautiful!" Bulma said stealing another French kiss from Broly, since she greatly appreciated that for the first time in years the man she was dating remembered her birthday and gave her something nice for it… but she didn't care about the gift… only the intention

And Yamcha, who was still paralyzed by the shock of seeing that scene after not seeing his girlfriend for months and finding her flirting with his coach (one of the greatest fears of every man) ... who left him semi bald ... "No ... it can't be happening ...


…Today is your birthday…?"

And Bulma, who finally heard Yamcha's pathetic voice, came down from Broly's comfortable arms and said with a severe and moody attitude ...

"Yes, today is my birthday ...

Don't worry, I didn't expect any gift from you ... since I never received it ...

So I prepared one for you to give it to me ...

It is in the warehouse next to the exit next to all your things, do the favor and take them out of this house…" Bulma replied, inviting him to leave his life in a subtle way

Words that have just broken Yamcha inside and out ... so much that even his new wig recibel the emotional damage, breaking and revealing her new summer look ...

Desire Realm

Broly mansion, cinema

"And this was the right moment in which his heart broke, he lost his confidence in the world and crapped over thanks to the laxative that only affects the genetic code of Yamcha that I put in the food before.

Finishing the training the same day as Bulma's birthday was a great success ...

A masterpiece I would dare to say" Broly said pausing with his remote control the most disastrous moment in Yamcha's life ... for now

"I feel sorry for this guy ..." Said a certain part of the male audience,