Extreme training time with shonen help (Part 1)

"It is a pity that you don't belong in my army

I would offer you to work for me ...

But after the betrayal of Vegeta and his lackeys I have reconsidered...

There is no longer room for Saiyans in my ranks...

Goodbye" Frieza stopped playing and threw a Mortal Ball at Goku, the same technique with which he destroys planets…




Eh ... where am I?

Have I died again?

Will I have to see Enma again? " Goku asked, which went from watching a giant energy sphere crash into his face to find himself in a very strange place…

A completely white place that seemed to have no end ...

White place that strangely reminded him of a certain room that he supposedly used when he was little (but that was obviously invented for the convenience of the script in the Cell saga ... if they had had such a convenient room they would have used it already before, when others tried to kill everyone)

"Yes and no ..." Said Broly who appeared in front of him by surprise to scare him

And at the same time Krillin, Roshi, Chaoz, Ten Shinham, Picolo, Ginger, Yam, Vegeta, Nail and the other filler namekians also appeared behind him

"Goku ... I can't believe you're dead too ..." Krillin said when he saw that even Goku, with his numerous and powerful powerups had been killed as well

"He was stronger than I thought ...

Sorry" Goku replied in a not very serious way, accepting having lost

"And you Broly…

Why didn't you do anything?" Reproached those who felt helpless and violated while Broly, the most powerful being, simply saw them being tortured and killed

"I already did things ...

See how pathetically you lost just as I predicted would happen, resurrect you all and bring you to this dimension of mine" Broly replied emphatically, criticizing the criticism of his friends

And before almost everyone protested again when they saw the incredible passivity and indifference that Broly had for their lives ... "Did you think everything would turn out well as long as I was around?

Did you think that I am your fucking guardian angel that only exists to solve your problems, shield you as if you were babies unable to survive on your own, give you everything you want and resurrect you when you've screwed it up?

Is this how you see life?

Letting Broly solve all the problems and if Sir Broly isnot available let Goku take care of it?

And then we will use the Dragon Balls to camouflage our mistakes and stupidity?

And you dare criticize me for letting you minimally expose yourself to the dangers you chose when I warned you about the consequences?" Broly said, acting like the typical funny and understanding teacher when he saw that his class had abused his kindness

Harsh words that left the Z Warriors speechless, since deep down they knew that Broly was right ...

They had become too accustomed to depending on others and using magical methods to solve all their problems, uselessness and irresponsibility

So no one said anything, they just ducked their heads and nodded ...

Except Vegeta, who arrogantly dared to criticize the Z Warriors as well... although with some reason ... since if it had not been for Broly and his intervention during the invasion to the Earth a lot things would have been very different "¡Ha!


You really are…"

However, y Broly immediately silenced that cocky student who believed that he could show some kind of moral superiority before the rest of the classmates and scold them like his teacher "SHUT UP VEGETA!

The only reason I have resurrected you and those two girls that I like much more than you is because I owed you a resurrection ...

As with all of you"

"Wait ... you mean?" He tried to ask Piccolo in a hurry, since thanks to his incredible intelligence could intuit what Broly would say next


This will be the last time that I revive you for free ...

It is evident that you have ceased to have enough appreciation for your life and for the lives of others ... since the price to correct your mistakes is quite cheap ...

And this will also be my last free lesson for you ...

The following will have to pay the right price… and you'll have to beg me!" Broly said showing his anger as he could read the thoughts of everyone

The thoughts they had during the invasion on Earth

The thoughts they had when he explained the great danger of coming to the planet Namek

The thoughts they had during the training trip to the planet Namek

The thoughts they had during the confrontation against Frieza and her acolytes

And of course the thoughts they were having now after having lost miserably...


And with a snap of his fingers...


Where are all the others?!" Goku asked upon see that everyone had disappeared except for Broly and himself...

"I have moved each of you to a different place for your training…

A training that will last a year for all of you, although for those who are out of here it will only take a second ...

Does this remind you of something?" Broly said explaining the situation to the ex-protagonist


It is true!

No wonder this place was so familiar to me…" Goku said remembering Hyperbolic Time Chamber

"Perfect, I will avoid the explanation with you ...

For one year you will only train, sleep, eat and relieve yourself

Have I explained myself well?" Broly said heavily involved in his role of strict sergeant

"Y ... YES SIR!

I will make sure to make myself as strong as possible to beat Frieza

SIR" Goku said, forming as if he were a recruit on his first day

"Good I like it…

Despite the speech from before ... you are one of the best…

You are one of those who have complained the least ...

So I've found you a very interesting playmate" Broly said with a smile as he snapped his fingers again…

"Oyah ...

So will this be my playmate?" Said a sinister voice ... that surely belonged to a person who suddenly appeared behind Goku




No ... wait ... you look like him...

But you are not him" Goku said, that when he turned around almost had a heart attack upon see who was behind him

"You are very intuitive ...

He is Frost, let's say he is the Frieza of another universe...

Years ago I defeated him and now he works for me...

Since you have to face Frieza a year from now I thought that fight against his version of another universe could be a good form of training" Broly said as he patted Frost's round head, something that made the former villain feel quite uncomfortable who was trying to play the tough guy in front of Goku

"From another universe ?!" Goku yelled for not understanding that disturbing information

"So just like you told me, I only have to fight him all day except for the scheduled breaks to eat, shit, recover and sleep?

I can also kill him right?" Frost said in a somewhat sadistic voice and expression

"Yes, but remember that the objective of this training is for Goku to improve ...

You will have to give him a bit of an advantage" Broly said hurting a little the feelings of Goku, who felt at that moment as if he were a child with a disability with whom they should be condescending

"Yes, no problem…

You know I like to play with my victims

Hu hu hu…" Frost said with the characteristic macabre and cruel smile of the Frost Demons, either from this universe or from another





And without warning Frost pointed his finger at Goku's heart and launched the characteristic energy attack of the Frost Demons ... killing him on the spot...

And after one second ...


The hole in Goku's heart healed and he came back to life

And at the same moment in which he regained his consciousness...



KIAJJJJJJJJJJ!!!!" Goku felt an indescribably excruciating pain all over his body, as if millions of worms had just hatched inside his body and were feeding on his flesh (search in YouTube for "Mango worms")

"In order for you to understand that the resurrection is not a resource that you must abuse, I have made each resurrection come with an indescribable pain ...

I hope this gives you a little incentive not to die ...

And to make sure you don't get used to the pain, which could make you lose certain incentives, the pain will increase as you get used to ...

I hope you don't get to the point where you die of resurrection pain thus creating an infinite loop of death and resurrection

HAHAHAHAHA" Broly said explaining his terrifying way of encouraging his students as Goku convulsed and cried heartbreakingly while trying to self-injure to somehow camouflage the pain that Broly was causing him with his own, which was more pleasant...

"Ho Ho Ho…

This is gonna be fun!

You had a great idea, boss" Said Frost, who was delighted to see another living being suffer.

And after a few seconds, when the pain disappeared ...

"I ... I ... I see ...

You want me to put my body and mind to the limit ...

Will we all train like this? " Goku asked trying to get up even though his legs still wobbled while worrying about his friends ...

"Each one will have a personalized training, but specifically the other Saiyans will follow a training similar to yours ...

So you better take it seriously if you don't want to be left behind ... they are quite motivated and competitive

This will be a training that will destroy your bodies countless times to force your Zenkais by someone not as kind as me ... nor as strong as me either ...

It's okay to fight someone as strong as me, since it forces you to improve ... but if it is an unattainable goal you can lose some motivation

Anyway, I will be reviewing your torture…. I mean ... training ...

See you later..." Broly said as he disappeared from that room, leaving behind Goku who introduced himself to Frost ...

And to Frost ... who looked at Goku as if he were a small herbivore devoid of claws and teeth with nowhere to escape...


At that very moment

Elsewhere on the Form Realm





Krillin, Ten Shinhan, Chaoz and Muten Roshi were dying on the ground in the middle of a huge pool made of their own blood, convulsing as if they were being electrocuted

[No ... I can't believe it ... he has beaten us with our own techniques ... who the hell is this guy...] The four ex-corpses thought after remembering the traumatic event that preceded their second death that day

And in front of them ...

There was a middle-aged man, tall, incredibly muscular and with long wild black hair that danced in the air ...

A man with menacing eyes decorated by intimidating scars with which he looked at the human Z Warriors with extreme disappointment

"Come on Midora-chan ...

I told you not to be especially hard on them" Said Broly to one of his favourite henchmen, Midora, who had 'volunteered' to help train the group of Earthlings...

"If you wanted mercy it would be better if you had brought Ichiryuu, not me" Midora answered dryly as he continued to look at the Z Warriors with apathy


We both know that in the end he would have TOO much pity on them ...

I was forced to choose the lesser of the two evils ...

In addition, you are infinitely more apt for what I want to teach them" Said Broly, excusing his choice for quite cruel and disturbing reasons.

"Broly ... where ... where did you find that monster?" Ten Shin han asked, who was completely overwhelmed and helpless before Midora ... it was as if he were in a completely different universe from him ...