The True Saiyan race (part 2)

"ENOUGHT!" Vegeta yelled, very offended by the constant insults directed towards his person, race and family lineage.

Vegeta was so angry that he forgot that Broly could disintegrate him with a single blink ... and that he had never shown any sympathy towards him.

"You have no idea!

My family took power when because they were the strongest and the smartest!

The most worthy and legitimate to lead the Saiyans!

Something that was recognized by our entire race

So much so that was decided to rename Planet Sadala to planet Vegeta in our honor!" Vegeta the fourth shouted, defending the honor of Vegeta first

And obviously Broly further exacerbated his infamy "What does that matter?

Even scientists put their name to venereal diseases...

Which is something very similar to what your ancestors did"


Do you know what the Saiyans were before my ancestor led them?!

They weren't much different than brainless, techless beasts trapped on a single planet, killing each other for food

It wasn't until my ancestors agreed with King Cold that we managed to be what we are now" Vegeta yelled, protesting again at Broly's accusations and insults

"Be what?

A race of slaves under the command of a tyrant who makes a living by massacring innocent people?

An almost extinct race by the hand of the one with whom you prostrated yourselves?" Broly said mocking with extreme sarcasm of Vegeta and his arguments

Sarcasm and contempt that didn't make Vegeta hesitate for a second in his mission, defend the honor of his family and the pride of the Saiyan that his family had indoctrinated in his population "YES!






All our glory, power and recognition in the universe we owe it to my ancestors ...

Thanks to them we are the most feared race in the universe!

So much so that Frieza treacherously killed us for fear that the Legendary Super Saiyan legend would come true!

For fear that someone like you...

Someone like Kakarrot could be born among us


We just needed a little more time to be the absolute rulers of the universe!"



Do you really believe that Vegeta?

If I ... the most powerful being born in all the universes had demonstrated my power, you and you father would have tried to assassinate me or banish me from another planet before I mature for fear of dethroning you before killing Frieza ...

As for Goku or you becoming a Super Saiyan?


If Goku had grown up under the system your family, he would never have become the Super Saiyan!

Stop making excuses

Insect!" Broly said as he got up from his luxury flying chair in a somewhat forced, furious and intimidating way as he looked at Vegeta

He looked at him as if he wanted to break his jaw to make him unable to speak again

And everyone, including Goku and Gohan, went on alert when they saw Broly's hand

A hand that was about to snap fingers…

Everyone here knew that when Broly snapped his fingers the world changed radically

And this time his hand was pointed at Vegeta!

"Wait!" Yam yelled, which came between Broly and Vegeta to prevent that his dwarf and with recessive hair were attacked


The snap had happened ...

And despite them nothing had happened to Vegeta or Yam ...

They hadn't been injured, turned into a tuna or had contracted diarrhea

Which meants ...

That whatever had changed hadn't been them

"Hey, where are we?

It seems the same place, but… we are no longer within that sphere" Said Gohan who looked around to try to locate himself


I detect some very powerful Ki's…

As powerful as ...


IMPOSIBLE!" Goku said as he took flight without asking Broly for permission or waiting for his son or former enemies to reach his destination

"Wait Papa" Gohan shouted as he followed him as if he were a baby duck

Therefore as if they were migratory birds Broly, Vegeta, Ginger and Yam did the same

And while they were flying...

"Vegeta ... have you noticed too?" Yam said as she flew and observed the landscape around him with great amazement and concern

"Yes ... this place ... is very similar to Planet Vegeta ...

Too much…" Vegeta replied, who believed like Yam that they have become crazy

"Look, a city!

And it seems that there are people… and some are very strong" Gohan said while landing

And the closer they were to that city the greater was the amazement of our group

"Those people ... are they human?" Gohan asked rhetorically when he saw a city full of people so similar to him

"No… they are… Saiyans!

But without a tail!

How is it possible?!

Br ... Bro ... Broly actually created a new planet Vegeta and Saiyans?

It's impossible, right?

We're still in the movie, right?" Ginger screamed with some fear at the thought of that great impossibility, while trying to find a reasonable explanation

Reasonable explanations that were very unreasonable too

"Those clothes ...

It is the same as the Saiyans used before joining the Cold Army

And that city ... is very different from the one we lived in ...

Is much more…

Habitable?" Yam said, who looked from one side to the other trying to understand what was happening too

However, Goku and Vegeta, despite finding all this very strange and listening to the conclusions of their companions...

They kept going in search of those powerful Ki

Some Ki's located near the training fields on the other side of the city






That place was one of the few places where fighting was allowed on that planet

A place where dozens of elite Saiyans trained daily fighting each other without affecting the city's infrastructure…





That place was one of the few places where fighting was allowed on that planet

A place where dozens of elite Saiyans trained daily fighting each other without affecting the city's infrastructure...





That place was spectacular and huge...

Hundreds of Saiyans were fighting at the same time...

However, the most shocking thing wasn't seeing the number of Saiyans fighting, nor the spectacular battles they were having between them

But the appearance of the fighters...

So shocking was that Goku and Vegeta exclaimed with their eyes wide open and their mouths disjointed "WHATTTTTT!!!?


There are many Super Saiyans!!!"

And so it was, in that place there were around 200 Saiyans, of which 82 were transformed into Super Saiyans fighting each other, training, discussing strategies and even teaching other younger Saiyans how to fight and ...






"I knew you would make that stupid face, but I didn't expect that for so long" Broly said as he approached the groundbreaking Goku, Ginger, Yam and Vegeta, who couldn't barely vocalize and move after that big shock

"W-What ... what's all this?"

What is happening?

Where we are?

Is this an illusion?

Another joke of yours?

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME!?" Vegeta asked incessantly to Broly as he tried to stay calm and not faint

"Where we are?

We are on the planet Sadala ...

Well, the planet Sadala from Universe 6… another universe… another universe where the Vegeta family never existed" Broly replied as he sat down to enjoy the fights of the Saiyans of Universe 6

"Planet Sadala?

Universe 6?

Other universes?" Everyone asked as they hyperventilated for being aware of the crazy situation they were in.

"Stop joking!

Do you really expect us to believe a hoax like that?" Yelled Vegeta, who was unable to assimilate that shocking revelation

But Broly without taking his eyes off the fight, almost nonchalantly replied "But it's true

There are different universes.

Our universe, where all of us were born is the number seven ... and the one I just teleported to us is the number six, its brother universe ...

A universe in which Namekians, Saiyans, Cold Demons, Earthlings ... and many other things are the same as in ours.

With certain changes… and one of them is that the Saiyans were never part of the Cold Army and later in the Frieza Army"

"I can't believe it ...

This is too much…" Vegeta said, who was trying with all his strength to continue denying the obvious… although it was becoming increasingly difficult

"But ... how is it possible that there are so many Super Saiyan?" Ginger asked, who accepted Broly's explanation as she found it more realistic than all the other theories she had formulated in her mind so far.

Obviously Broly gladly answered that question that he already expected to be asked by guiding them to this place "Why?

Precisely because in this universe the Vegeta family never existed.

So under the Sadala lineage the Saiyans became the space police.

Warriors who fought to maintain order and arrest criminals who sowed chaos and violence on other worlds.

They catch criminals like the Saiyans of the universe 7…"

"Wow ... in that place the Saiyans are the good ones ...

And infinitely stronger" Gohan said, amazed by this unexpected turn of events

And Goku, who had experienced the Super Saiyan understood what Broly meant and continued with his explanation "I get it ...

To become Super Saiyan one must reach the limit of his power and have a gentle spirit

If those conditions are met after

feeling such as strong anger or sadness one can become Super Saiyan…

And the reason why there are so many Super Saiyans is because ...

The Saiyans in this universe are good and kind people who help others

Right Broly?"

"Oho ... I see that from time to time you can think sensibly Goku

Exactly!" Broly replied as he stroked Goku's head as if he were his student Gohan, whom he praised from time to time when he answered his questions well.

That answer emotionally sank Yam and Ginger ... but especially Vegeta, who fell to the ground on his knees "No ... that ..."

But Broly had no mercy despite the fact that the three ex-evil Saiyans realized what Broly wanted to say by bringing them here ... he decided to finish them off… verbally "I see that you have also understood Vegeta ...

In this Universe the Saiyans took a completely different path ...

A path that has made them the most respected, powerful, noble and admired race in the entire universe

A race that is kind to each other, that help their fellow man and try to live in peace and protect the peace of those who dare to threaten it

This is what has made them grow stronger and fulfill the necessary conditions to become Super Saiyan.

Quite the opposite of what happened to your family, the greatest criminals of our race!

Which deprived the Saiyans of this glorious future by turning them into homicidal monsters

Monsters that would never become Super Saiyans for behaving like scum

Reason why I never wanted to know anything about you

Reason why pus comes out of my ears every time I hear you speak about you fucking Saiyan pride...

If you are proud to be scum, which is precisely what has made us weaker, pathetic and almost extinct as a race, do us a favor and kill yourself silently"

Hard words…

Harsh words that devastated the half-broken spirit of Ginger, Yam and Vegeta when they had no other choice but to recognize that everything they had done in their lives until they met Broly was a mistake ...

Everything they had believed that was the correct way to live as Saiyan had been nothing more than the greatest possible heresy...

And Although Yam and Ginger had given a little thought over the past few weeks, the corroboration that they had been going against the interests of their race until now and that in the bottom of their hearts they hadn't completely abandoned that path completely devastated them ...

And as for Vegeta ... it was as if he had lost his soul, soul that he lost along with his pride…

Although those same words had the completely opposite effect on Gohan and Goku, who after having witnessed how their family weren't cruel monsters and verify that the Saiyans as a whole were an incredibly noble race that shared their same values and motivations ...

For the first time they were proud to be a Saiyan

"Hey Broly, can I go fight one of them?

I'm dying for a good fight" Goku said asking Broly for permission to fight with one of those Super Saiyans who were training nearby

So much talking and listening had numbed him

He needed to fight to regain his spirits

"Ok, you can go play, but only 1 hour.

Then we will return to the planet earth of universe 7" Broly answered as if he were a teacher allowing his students to go out for recess


Come on Gohan, we will have fun together" Goku said as he carried his son in his arms towards the training ground…

In this way the minutes passed ...

Minutes in which Goku was having fun fighting other Saiyans and Gohan towards new friends his age whom he wouldn't kill with a light touch

Minutes in which Yam, Ginger and above all Vegeta tried to assimilate everything that happened so far, trying to escape the depression in which they were sunk

Minutes in which the Saiyans of that place noticed the presence of someone famous

"Oh look!

It's Broly! "


That Broly? "

"What other Broly could it be?"

"Only he has a tail and three eyes!"

Oh! The legendary Broly is here!"

"I will ask him to sign my limited edition Broly doll!"

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"Even if he didn't have one, I don't think he would ever notice you"

"Wow, such muscles!"

"Is he really a Saiyan?"

"I can't believe it, the great hero who revolutionized the lives of the Saiyans!"

"We owe it all!"

"I think I'm going to pass out ... I can't believe he's here"

"I still have chills when I remember that I tried to fight against him ..."

"The great hero who unmasked the evil Frost!"

"He seems stronger in person than in the statue!"

"He is the strongest in the universe!"

"The one who defeated the legendary Hit!"

"And also a fat purple cat that seemed stronger than Hit"

"He is the greatest!"

Obviously the crowd went crazy, so much so that they rushed towards Broly in order to touch their great hero.

The hero who defeated Frost, unmasking his criminal plot, defeated Hit the strongest assassin in the universe, faced the God of destruction and showed the entire planet how to transform into Super Saiyan.

Transformation that was easily overpowered by the kind Saiyans of the Universe 6

Thus creating the golden age of Saiyans

And granting Broly a gret status all over the planet in due to his great contribution

Statues that Vegeta noticed

"Broly ... you .. what are you?" Vegeta asked upon see everything he was capable of, everything he knew and how the Saiyans of that universe admired him

They admired him more than a King, more than his father ... more than any other Saiyan ever admired him

And now he knew that he never deserved their admiration


I am the True Legendary Super Saiyan

Baby…" Broly replied, who didn't receive the final ovation he expected from his beloved public, who kept asking for autographs and other revalued bullshit to resell in the space Amazon.

So he tried again, slightly changing his method...

"I am the True Legendary Super Saiyan who invites everyone to beer!" Broly said as he materialized millions of beer jars around the entire training ground

"GRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!" All the surrounding Saiyans shouted euphorically, especially those with alcohol addiction.

"AM I THE BEST RIGHT?!" Broly shouted as he received the deserved ovations from a whole planet full of Super Saiyan, who nodded and chanted his name as if he were a rock star in a concert














"Can we leave now?" Vegeta asked as he drowned his sorrows in one of the beer mugs Broly had materialized