Another timeskip (in only one day)

While Broly tried to cure Bulma's drunkenness and hangover ...

In the garden the group of warriors continued arguing, since there were still snacks to eat ...

But they were almost over ...

"Whell then, three years from now ...

Umm ... May 12, 10 a.m. at that island ...

We won't mind if you don't feel you're up to you" Goku said as he sentenced the discussion about the inefficient plan of training for three years and then fighting against those monsters.

And once again the narcissistic braggart with an inferiority complex had to say his phrase "Kakarrot!

Just because you can become a Super Saiyan, don't get too full of yourself (although without transforming into Super Saiyan, he already defeated you previously)!

I'm still going to beat the crap out of you some time!

Don't you forget that I am still the Number One Saiyan (once again Broly wasn't counted as a fellow Saiyan)! "

And upon hearing those statements ...






Broly who was inside the house laughed so hard that his voice could be heard throughout the city

"Hahahahahaha !!!" And that laugh spread a bit among all who heard him

And obviously this didn't like Vegeta, who felt humiliated once again ... that day ...

"SHUT UP!!!!

Kakarrot ... you trained with a gravity X100, I will do it X300!

I'm going to get over you!

You, my bastard son from the alternate future! And also that doubly mutant monstrosity!

It doesn't matter what kind of hellish training I have to undergo for it !!" Vegeta yelled in fury, swearing to the heavens that one day he would once again be the strongest Saiyan of all (in his imagination)

"Uh! Yes ... surely you will have a hellish training ...

I guarantee you…

H-O-N-E-Y !!!" Yam said in her hardcore yandere mode as she cracked the bones in her hands, with clear signs of future domestic violence.

Words and attitude that quickly changed the color of Vegeta's face and with it all the bravado that he had exhibited a few moments ago

[In my opinion there is another Saiyan stronger than you right now] Piccolo thought as he saw the fear in Vegeta's eyes, fear that didn't dissipate even when these two flew together towards the spaceship that Broly sold them in installments and that they had almost paid

"Nee-san !! Just because you can kill now doesn't mean you should kill Vegeta !!!

Have you heard me!!!??" Ginger yelled at her sister and possible corpse brother-in-law, who disappeared into the distance ...

[Muten Roshi ...

We didn't know but ...

Ginger is the less violent of the two…] Krillin thought, who didn't know that the serious and trustworthy sister of the violent tsundere was actually a very spiteful ultraviolent Yandere

"We're leaving too

See you in three years!

By by!" "We're leaving too

See you in three years!

By by! " Dijron Ten Shinhan and Chaoz as they took off to train in the mountains as hermits

"Chaoz, show up really strong now!

Ten Shinhan, come up with some new incredible techniques!" Krillin and Muten Roshi said, cheering on their now weak companions


Why don't you come train with Gohan and me?

I want to spar and stuff" Goku asked Piccolo, the person with whom he was most equaled and who were now good friends who didn't think about killing each other.

"Sounds good.

I was hoping to myself" Piccolo said, happy with his best friend's proposal.

It was fine to increase his power little by little by training his mini selves, but he also needed real combat to sharpen his instincts and efficiency

But before the three of them could close the deal ...

The devil, who until now had been passed out upon hearing the keywords "Gohan" and "train" woke up in a fury



You gotta be kiddin!

Goku-san, how long are you gonna stand in Gohan-chan's way before you're satisfied?


An now you want to take him training with you to strengthen up?!

You just butt out!!

You can just train wigh Piccolo by yourself!


You never do any work, you can't take care of Gohan-chan

Have you ever earned even a penny in all the time we've been married?" Chichi said with her usual anti martial arts speech despite being a martial artist who had never been seen going to school ... nor working either

[The weakness of all Saiyans is their woman?

And why do they all have such character?] Piccolo thought, reaching quite coherent conclusions

And Gohan this time, remembering the words of Broly, his future self and the need he felt to change for the better ... before this discussion generated around him generated more couple problems ... he consciously had eggs for the first time in his life and confronted his mother "Mom ...

I'm going to train with dad and Piccolo

It doesn't matter what you say "

Obviously this act of disobedience or adolescent rebellion didn't please Chichi, who shouted "GOHAN WHAT ARE YOU ..."

However, Gohan wisely interrupted his mother's row.

He interrupted her precisely with a speech that he had prepared in his head for some time in anticipation of this inevitable discussion that he knew would happen ...

A speech in which Gohan tried to replicate Broly-sensei's constant success

"Mom please ...

Stop obsessing over me and my studies so much!

I don't need you to force me to study to be a great scientist .

I WANT to become a great scientist and I think I have shown at all times that I strive and deserve to be ... in fact I can already be considered one ...

Train few ours everyday will not deviate me from that path


Have I not shown you until now that I am committed to that goal?

Haven't you seen how much I work without needing you to tell me anything?

Don't you trust me?" Gohan said with puppy eyes while giving coherent and somewhat manipulative arguments to make his technique more effective

Speech with many nuances that obviously caught Chichi off guard, and she didn't know how to react "Gohan-chan…

Of... of course he trusted you ...

It is just that…"

But Gohan knew that right now his enemy was weak and disoriented, he couldn't let him get up and start gaining ground in this dialectical combat ... he had to keep attacking "Yes, I know…

You care about me and want the best for me ...

But mom it is impossible for you to always know at all times what's the best for me ...

In the end, this is something that I have to decide ... not you ... not dad ... nor Broly-sensei ...

I know that you all want the best for me in your own way ... but in the end I have to be the one who values what is best for me and what path to take and be responsible for my own decisions...

And now I think the best thing for me ... to grow up and stop being a spoiled child is this ...

To become the man that this planet needs ... the man that I need to be ...

A great scientist like Bulma, a great warrior like Papa and someone who helps others in need ... as you have always done with me mom

Please give me this opportunity..."

And luckily for Gohan, that dialectical attack was very effective on Chichi, who began to cry, reflect on how incredibly psychotic and oppressive she had been

So in a way she tried to explain why she had behaved this way with Gohan "Mff… mfff…

Ok ... okay ... you're right ... I can't always be on top of you ... you're already a little man ...

But promise me that you will not become a trainaholic who only lives to fight like your father

And also promise me that you will study diligently to be a respectable man that will work in the future to support your family ...

"Yes mom, I promise you ...

I promise that I will be responsible, hard-working, studious and also strong…" Gohan said as he hugged his mother and savored his first and final victory over the entity with the greatest authority over his life, which would finally let him live with some more freedom.

"I don't know why I feel a bit attacked" Goku said while trying to understand the indirect message in Chichi and Gohan's words ...

He didn't get it ... but his instincts told him that they were saying something about him ... and not good

However, Piccolo understood perfectly

"I think it's becoming clear why Chichi doesn't want Gohan to train or fight…

Goku, you leave a lot to be desired in certain aspects ... so much that you've created a trauma...

[Besides ... that little imp ...

He has learned the same manipulation techniques that Broly uses]" Piccolo said and thought explaining to his friend that the reason why Chichi was so strict with Gohan was to educate him in order not to resemble him in certain aspects

"Well ... leaving that aside ...

Goku-san, Piccolo-san, Gohan-san… do you mind if I join you to train?

There are three of you… you will need someone else so that none of them sit idly by" Ginger said trying to argue why it would be beneficial for them if she helped them train ...

When in fact it was she who wanted to join them ...



I thought you would go to train with Vegeta and Yam" Goku said somewhat surprised by that sudden request from a person with whom he hadn't had much contact ...

"And I thought you would train with us honey..." Muten Roshi said with great sadness and disappointment, especially since he had bought a new … training suit… for Ginger

"Not even crazy would I train with those two right now!

Didn't you see how crazy she was about Vegeta's alternate infidelity?!

If I trained with the two of them, I would end up being the collateral victim of their couple's spats

And we would still be odd ...

That is why I have proposed to train with you… don't get the wrong ideas…" Ginger said to Goku and company in a somewhat tsundere way ... to then address Muten Roshi in a somewhat more affectionate... and somewhat condescending way "And on the other hand ... I'm sorry Roshi-chan ...

But without the intention of offending ... you and Krillin are ... how to say ...

Very weak ...

I don't think I can improve on anything by being with you ...

But don't worry, after training I'll go home"

"Well OK…

I will feel lonely without you "Muten Roshi said while both he and Krillin felt quite offended and demoralized by the sad and harsh truth… they had become very weak compared to the current scale of power…

One more time

"No problem for us.

It will be very useful to have someone else ...

And you Krillin, Yamcha and Roshi-sama?" Goku asked his childhood friends, who at some point were as strong or stronger than him

"No thanks ... I think it has already become very clear that we will be a drag ..." Krillin replied, while he became depressed upon recognizing the truth for the umpteenth time that day

"Ok then ...

Bye bye" Goku said as the whole family, Piccolo and Ginger left Bulma's house ...

And seconds later Yamcha, Muten Roshi, Krillin, Puar and Oolong did the same, returning once again to their painful lives of characters that were previously relevant, but no longer are...

In this way they all began to do their homework for the tough exam that would await them in almost three years…

Yam and Vegeta began their infernal training consisting of exercising and fighting in impossible gravitational and atmospheric conditions ... especially infernal for Vegeta, who was attacked by Yam with a disproportionate fury due to the Trunks incident, being defeated many times ...

And due to those beatings the post-traumatic stress of having been overcome by Broly, Goku, Trunks and even Yam on his way to the Saiyan (Naruto reference) became more noticeable ... but that only served as extra motivation to become stronger for the stubborn Vegeta...

Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, and Ginger continued to train regularly to increase their powers.

Gohan and Ginger became sparring partners, both with the aim of improving their kung fu and reaching the acclaimed Super Saiyan state… which were exchanged from time to time to fight against Goku and Piccolo and take private lessons with them ...

And on the other hand Piccolo and Goku trained hard with each other at the same time they focused on their particular goals ...

Piccolo to leave training his minions to absorb them later, despite the fact that this ability was giving him less and less immediate results, since his body had become accustomed to it, so the minions must be stronger in every absorption and consumed in longer intervals to take effect...

Goku tried to further polish his technique and ability in his normal form, improve and get used to his Saiyan form and according to what he had seen with Broly ... try to overcome the limit of the Super Saiyan

Ten Shinhan, Chaoz, Muten Roshi, Krillin went to ask Mr Popo for help so that he could train them again…

Who knows ... maybe they could improve with some divine luck

Yamcha ... well ... he kept playing baseball ... we have to admit that at least he worked

Bulma at the end of the barbecue found the Dragon Balls on her own and made her wish.

Shenron gave him a magic crystal sphere similar to the one used by the Ancient Kaio-shin with which she could observe any place in the universe in real time.

However, Bulma's was more powerful, as she could inspect the present and the past of whoever she wanted and wherever she wanted ...

With this new utensil Bulma used half of her bodies to collect all of Gero's research and began to assimilate it as if it were her knowledge at an alarming speed ... while the rest of the bodies prepared to finish their other long-awaited project.

As for Broly ...


Desire Realm

In Broly Planet

In Broly City

At the Broly Mansion ...

In the Broly movie theater

"Broly ... is this serious?" Kumagawa asked upon see the development of this phase of history

"Yes, why? " Broly asked, not understanding why Kumagawa was upset.

"It is not obvious?

If Bulma manages to create countermeasures against C17 and C18 as she did previously with the detonators, but with a radius that encompasses the whole world, the saga is over ...

Even without that there are now two additional Saiyans, if they become super Saiyans they could turn the tables in a certain way during battle.

You have shown them the secret of getting through the Super Saiyan transformation, so the androids may no longer pose a problem even if they don't reach Super Saiyan 2 ...

With the method you have shown Piccolo he is now almost as strong as a Super Saiyan, if he combines with Kami he will surely be stronger than a Super Saiyan 2 ...

It is likely that Goku now doesn't have serious heart problems, since his wife will force him to take his medication weeks before the appointed date ...

Not to mention Gohan, who if he manages to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation together with his True Saiyan transformation he will gain a multiplier of 500

Be that as it may, most likely Cell will not be completed ...

And in the event that it is completed it will not matter ...

Gohan will be able to defeat him more easily than before and not only Gohan ...

What's more, if they destroy Gero and the fat android before Gere activate C17 and C18, which is likely if Yam and Ginger become Super Saiyan in the first confrontation the saga will end even earlier ...

Not to mention that you are going to help them, as you always do ..." Kumagawa said making a good summary of the possible scenarios ...

"Come on ... and that's my fault?

Ok, yeah… it's all my fault, I know…

But you can't blame me ...

As for Bulma, I have only influenced her to do what was the most logical and obvious ...

Hell, the only reason she didn't do it in the original work was because otherwise Akira Torikyama would run out of fights ...

Goku's heart disease will be something important but not decisive, the very idiot always lets his enemies get stronger ... and I keep betting on his irresponsibility and his fear and disgust for the modern medicine ...

Yam and Ginger's intervention will not be overly decisive in a battle against C17 and C18. Being normal Super Saiyans they will remain at a disadvantage against those infinite energy androids, especially if C16 joins the team ...

The secret of overcoming the Super Saiyan ... I doubt that any of them could be able to reach that state except for Goku ... and what's more, maybe thanks to me he has or could misinterpret the correct direction of the Super Saiyan evolution

Piccolo ... yes ... I have to admit that he will become too strong ... but it is not my fault!

I wanted to see that bug in action as soon as possible ...

And as for Gohan… he will have certain difficulties in transforming into a Super Saiyan… difficulties that I also had…" Broly answered every point

Madara said, who expected to see spectacular matches that were very close, like the ones he had with Hashirama before he got all the power-ups.

"Either way…

This will hardly be exciting…" Said Madara, who was expecting to see spectacular even matche, like the ones he had with Hashirama before he got all the Deus Ex Machina power-ups of his fiction (inner pokemon, red eyes, onion eyes and all use cells)

"Come one…

Are you not interested in seeing how this saga would have developed if the protagonists were not mentally retarded?

Well… Not quite, you can never underestimate the chronic stupidity of this group of idiots ...

Despite having everything in favor they will complicate everything unnecessarily

Anyway ... enough spoilers for today

I am not going to intervene ... I will be absent unless something gets out of control, such as the destruction of the world or something like this" Broly said trying to cheer up his viewers, who wanted excitement and action ... and some others more romanticism, food ... and he didn't know why but some wanted one or two harems

"Let me guess…

You are going to tell a big lie to excuse your absence, right? " Asked Aizen, who was an expert in this strategy.

"Yep, obviously ...

In fact, I've been holding this lie for many years ...

There are few that are credible ... it is a shame to spend it now since there is the possibility of having the obligation to help someone in a move of weading...

Anyway ... these will be three quite relaxing years ..." Broly said as he pressed the skip scene button from his remote control...