Villains behaving like real villains

The war was about to break out.

Goku watched his enemies, waiting to see who would be the first to volunteer to play with him...

Piccolo was carefully observing the movements of C-20, the one who looked like the leader ...

Gohan was trying to work out a strategy in his mind, even though he didn't know what he was up against exactly

The humans tried to pretend not to be scared to death and that they have some reason to be here

As for Ginger, she was preparing for war in the most showy way possible "Hehehe…

You better look at me with wide eyes!

Goku is not the only Super Saiyan


Transforming into a Super Saiyan


Something that greatly surprised Roshi, Krillin, Yamcha and Ten, but not Goku, Gohan, Piccolo


This Kí ... is as immense as Goku and Trunks ...

Now I have more confidence that we can win ...

Damn ... these Saiyans are on another level] The four earthlings thought at the same time, sharing their thoughts in a very synchronized way (anime magic)

Although one of them (imagine who) had some additional thoughts [Wow ...

My brunette Ginger is beautiful ...

But my blonde Ginger with green eyes is also gorgeous

I don't know which one I prefer (classic brunette or blonde dilemma)


"Ginger ... since when can you do it?" Muten Roshi asked after getting rid of his perverted thoughts

"I have been training for years with a Super Saiyan, the strange thing would be that at this point I couldn't become one

Also, I wanted it to be a surprise" Said Ginger with great pride and satisfaction when she saw the surprised faces of the crowd, who didn't stop looking at her with their mouths wide open (she loves to be the center of attention)

"I see…

Gohan, can you also transform into a Super Saiyan? " Krillin asked, who no longer cared if everyone became stronger than him.

He wanted everyone to become Super Saiyan and finish them off soon, before more unexpected events could happen

"No, for some reason it hasn't been possible ...

But don't worry, with my KIEN, my True Saiyan and Kaio Ken I am much stronger than a Super Saiyan

Don't worry" Gohan said, who understood Krillin's concerns and wanted to reassure him.

However, it wasn't a very smart move on his part.

"I see thanks for that valuable information" Said Dr Gero, who made some gestures with his hand

And at that very moment ...

BOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM A great flash completely blinded our warriors

It was as if from their eyes those androids recreated the Solar Flare of Ten Shinhan but thousands of times more powerful


My eyes!!" Screamed all our blinded heroes at the same time as they rubbed their eyes

Everyone lost their vision

After losing their main sense, some tried to locate their enemies with their Ki detection until they regained their vision ...

It was a reflex action that they activated despite knowing that this method wouldn't work against androids that had no ki, so they couldn't use this method to orient themselves in the dark

Although luckily or unfortunately that method gave them some very bad information

[What the hell is happening with the Ki of Goku, Ginger, Piccolo, Gohan… and Yamcha?

It's decreasing enormously every second!

This is not normal!] Thought Muten Roshi who by not wearing his characteristic sunglasses couldn't avoid that blinding attack

Something strange was happening and the only one (among the protagonists) who knew for sure what was happening was Gohan

Gohan even though he rarely did, this time he used EN, creating a circle of aura around him, a circle of aura in which he could feel the shape and movement of everything around him.

Thanks that skill he realized that two androids had immobilized him and that in some strange way they were absorbing his Ki very quickly

And worst of all, he was unable to move properly or use his Ki as he would like.

And the exact same thing was happening to Goku, Piccolo, Ginger and Yamcha, who were being immobilized and sucked by those leech androids


They had everything well planned ...

They have left us completely blind and are leaving us without energy ...

And surely they are getting stronger with the stolen energy

They have gone for the strongest from the beginning ... and for Yamcha also with this objective ...


I was too overconfient!] Gohan thought as he tried to get rid of that huge android and the small android that were devouring his energy

When analyzing the situation Gohan took a quick plan of action

The first step was obviously to break free of that immobilization that had drained much of his energy

[What happened?

Gohan's energy has decreased too much in a very short time ...



Another Gohan ?!] The two androids that were immobilizing Gohan thought, who quickly realized that something strange had happened

The Gohan they were parasitizing had lost a great deal of energy and instead another Gohan had emerged from him with all the energy they considered lost?

It was obvious what had happened.

Gohan had used the body multiplication technique Broly taught him, separating 99% of his power and remaining energy, sacrificing the other 1%, which was still being drained by the two androids, who took a few tends of seconds to realize the distraction of ninja

At that moment Gohan activated his Kaioken X 20

Adding the multiplier of the true Saiyan and the Kaioken, Gohan had achieved a pseudo transformation with a multiplier of X200.

A multiplier that doubled the power of Super Saiyan 2 that Gohan achieved in this saga in the official version

Adding to that the incredible power of the KIEN, Gohan in theory archieved the power of a Super Saiyan 3

But unfortunately for Gohan those two androids as if they were African mosquitoes, drained more than half of their energy in a short time.

Energy that served to enhance that enormous power

Energy that was in great discrepancy with the maximum power he could achieve.

A Super Saiyan had a power multiplier of X50, but at the same time also energy reserves equivalent to that multiplier, but that wasn't the case with Gohan, who only had an energy multiplier of X10 to support a power multiplier of X400 ….

And worst of all, a lot of that energy had been drained

[I have to act fast or it will be too late] Gohan thought, who was aware that for both him and his friends the situation was disastrous

Gohan knowing that he had little time left before he ran out of energy and that he needed to rescue his friends and family quickly before they died drained and the enemies grew stronger...

He made a dangerous and difficult decision...

Divide his body even more in order to free his companions, who were spread out in different directions.

For that he divided his body into 3.

One with 25% of his abilities remaining was sent to help Piccolo, who was on his left.

Another with 25% of his remaining abilities was sent to help Goku and Ginger who were on his right.

And finally another with 49% of his remaining abilities was sent to help Yamcha and the others before they were killed or taken as hostages

Why did he use his 50% of his power to rescue useless humans?

Because very close to there were the other two androids that were sucking his 1% clone, because one android already had Yamcha as a hostage and because another one was near the others

Gohan needed to be prepared in the event that he had to face three or four of those leeches while rescuing and ensuring the safety of useless characters



The two Gohan against all odds managed to locate with great precision the two androids that were they were immobilizing and draining two of their father figures and he kicked them in the face, throwing them away from there



"Piccolo! Help me with Yamcha and the others!" Gohan said worrying about Piccolo's condition

"Dad! Help me with Ginger" Gohan said as he ran at full speed to free Ginger, who was still being drained by her android

However, they weren't very helpful.

When everyone regained their vision due to a flash of light they realized that everything was black, as if they were in a totally dark room without windows

Piccolo immediately realized what was happening [These bastards, they have created an extremely dense smoke screen ...

They have known how to use all their advantages and our disadvantages to face us...

They are very crafty...

My only alternative is to follow Gohan's Ki and sharpen my hearing]

On the other hand, the Gohan 1% had been completely destroyed almost instantly and the androids had realized what had happened, so they switched targets.

"Top priority take Muten Roshi and Krillin as hostage

None of them can be resurrected by the Dragon Ball again" Said one of the androids with a very specific objective

"DAMN!" Shouted the Gohan 49%, which was chasing C-25, the andorid that was draining Yamcha, which upon realizing that Gohan was heading towards him began to fly in circles while using the almost dead Yamcha as a human shield

Therefore, upon hearing his dark intentions, Gohan had no choice but to divide his body 49% in two again, leaving 15% to go after Yamcha and 34% to prevent them from capturing Krillin and Muten Roshi.

Gohan could only pray for Piccolo and his body 25% would arrive as soon as possible to join him

However, C-25 detected that Piccolo and another Gohan were rapidly approaching her (or "it", there are artificial androids), a Gohan that decided to use all his power to increase his speed and reach her

So when Gohan got close enough to her ... close enough to hit her on the head despite holding Yamcha


C-25 pierced Yamcha's stomach with his hand and with that same hand she shot at Gohan 15% with an energy beam



Energy beam that took him completely by surprise and hurt him badly.

Wounded enough to knock him half out of action and for C-25 himself to take him as a hostage.

Hostage whom he could continue to parasitize until death

"DAMN!" Shouted Gohan 25% upon see that inside that smoke screen things were going from bad to worse at the same time he charged against C-25

[Hahaha ...

Stupid kid, you're going to fall into the same trap twice] Thought C-25, who put the palm of her hand on the back of Gohan 15% to repeat the same strategy as before once Gohan 25% was close to her.

What she didn't expect was that the Gohan 15% would separate again by 1% and 14%, sacrificing again a 1% of his body

"WHAT!?" C-25 yelled upon verifying that her plan had failed


However, that distraction was fatal, and thanks to it Gohan 25% pierced his own body 1% to destroy C-25



They had finally defeated one of those monsters

At that moment Ginger was released from C-22's grip by the other Gohan 25%, who went to the rescue the other Gohan 25%, who was now fighting C-23 and C24, who managed to absorb his energy by resorting to very dirty plays

Goku continued to fight C-19 blindly, although the fight wasn't going very well for him, but thanks to the training he had received as a child dogging lightning's he was more or less able to follow his undetectable enemy

Ginger immediately returned to fight against C-22 with the help of her tracker, seeking revenge ... and this made C-20 suspect, who didn't understand how Ginger was able to locate C-22 with such precision

Piccolo, who had followed a Gohan, again faced C-21, who had followed him

In addition, Gohan 14% very injured and about to die, combined with Gohan 25% to not wast all the energy of this body, despite the fact that this implies sharing the damage received until now

[The Senzu Bean I must take one to regain my 39% power and my injuries….

And also save Yamcha] Gohan thought 39%, who barely advanced towards Yamcha, who was still alive but was very weak

Gohan needed to take the sack of Senzu Bean that Yamcha was carrying and use them to recover



The body of C-25, which was lying next to Yamcha suddenly exploded.

Exploded vaporizing Yamcha, the Senzu Bean he carried with him and also the badly wounded and without energy Gohan 39%

That explosion was so powerful that even the dense smoke screen that covered the entire island was completely dissipated.

"Did you think we would let you regain energy so easily?

Why did you think C-25 prioritized attacking Yamcha?

It's because we knew he was carrying the Senzu Beans" Said Dr. Gero as he took his hand out of his pocket with a cruel and arrogant smile on his wrinkled face.

Wrinkled face that everyone was able to see (except Yamcha), thanks to the dissipation of the smoke screen

A dissipation that helped our warriors to orient themselves and thus be able to fight against their mechanical opponents

But also to be distracted.

"YAMCHA!" The humans screamed, seeing that their useless friend had perished

"Father!" Gohan 20% and 35% yelled upon see that his father was losing ... something wasn't right with him ...

It was like he was weaker than usual

For that reason Gohan 25% who went to help his 35% changed his objective and returned to help Goku

For that reason Gohan 25% who went to help his 35% changed his objective and returned to help Goku


"Gohan!" Yelled Piccolo seeing that Gohan 35% was in serious trouble

Due to the lack of energy, that he couldn't always have the Kaio-ken activated, the fact that C-23 and C-24 were playing dirty trying to attack Krillin, Muten Roshi and Ten Shinhan and seeing their father lose ...

Gohan lost focus on his main threat


NOW C-24" C-23 yelled, which grabbed Gohan and absorbed his energy again

"NOT IN DREAMS" Yelled Gohan, who released a large amount of energy in his back, creating an explosion that destroyed the entire trunk of C-23

With this Gohan had destroyed his second android despite all the adversities he had gone through

However C-24 in a coordinated way and despite paying the price of losing a hand ...


Cut off Gohan's tail

That caused him to lose his True Saiyan transformation, dividing his power by 10 and also his energy



Hold on!" Shouted Piccolo that after a hard battle he also managed to destroy C-21, thus leaving 4 androids available

Piccolo without hesitation for a second went to help Gohan 35%, who had lost his tail and with it his great combat potential

He was in danger and before him was another android


An android that killed him

"NOOO GOHAN!!!" Piccolo yelled upon seeing what they had done to his disciple

Piccolo quickly turned to the 20% Gohan, the last one left and the one who went to help Goku

However, something happened to him halfway...

Suddenly his body was filled with wounds, he seemed seriously fatigued and had even lost his tail, thus ending his transformation...

It was as if that Gohan had suddenly received all the damage that the other Gohan's had suffered.

However, something was clear, Gohan the strongest of all of them had lost his ability to fight ... and on top of that C-24 was after him

"Gohan I'm coming!" Piccolo yelled as he charged towards C-24 to protect Gohan, who had become totally defenseless against a one-armed C-24

On the other hand, Ginger continued to fight C-22, which managed to absorb a lot of his energy at the beginning, leaving Ginge dry due to, among other things, that she wasn't making very good decisions ...

"Death of a fucking leech once!" Ginger yelled as she joined her hands to perform a powerfull energy attack on C-22, which she had managed to corner


Ginger launched a giant energy sphere at her enemy who she believed was totally unprotected against her final attack...

However, surprising everyone…

Glung! Glung! Glun!

C-22 devoured that attack with his hands


Could they absorb energy like that too ?!" Ginger yelled in surprise and frustration upon realizing that she had missed her best chance of winning.

And a lot of energy too…

"Yes, and now I will devour all the energy you have left.

Ha ha ha! " Said C-22, which charged towards Ginger and began to drain her one more time

And Goku was even worse than Ginger, Gohan and Piccolo

[My heart…


Why right now?] Goku thought as he clutched his chest, which ached as if someone were sticking thousands of burning needles into him

And C-19 obviously took advantage of that moment of weakness to beat him up and drain his energy in the same way that C-22 was draining Ginger.


GINGER-CHAN! " The three remaining humans shouted and stepped forward to help … unconsciously forgetting that they were a hindrance

"You cannot procced one centimeter further than this!

If you are not idiots you should enjoy every second of your miserable and insignificant lives

Seconds in which you can see how Goku will perish ... before you can follow him to the other world along with Yamcha

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Said Dr Gero, who came between Krillin, Ten Shinhan and Muten Roshi, who were paralyzed by fear

They were aware that they couldn't do anything against them, moreover, their death could be a distraction for Piccolo and Gohan, who hadn't yet fallen prey to those energy-devouring androids.


"At this rate, Son and Ginger…

Will be ..." Said the useless ones as they looked helplessly as their best friend, former rival, friend, student and supposed couple were about to die

When suddenly…



"I'll be the one to kill Kakarot!

You flea market mannequins have no place in this" Vegeta said after making a last minute triumphant and unexpected entrance kicking C-19's face and saving Goku from certain death

"Take your metallic hands off my sister ...

Ginger, no matter how many years pass and how strong you become, I always have to save your ass" Ginger said after making a last minute triumphant and unexpected entrance, kicking C-22's face and saving Ginger from certain death


Vegeta and Yam?" Shouted Dr Gero upon see that new enemies appeared


Desire Realm

In the Broly planet, in the Broly City, in the Broly Mansion ...

Broly and his acolytes continued to watch the live broadcast of Dragon Ball Z

"Why is Yamcha always the first to die?" Asked Obito, who was beginning to feel some pity for him

"Pure coincidence" Broly replied as he moved his eyes from one side to the other in a very suspicious way.

"Wow ...

If they hadn't been so arrogant, things would have been very different" Said Ichiryu, who analyzed the fight with a bit of interest.

As always they are confident idiots who think that others are going to play by their rules

Although it must be recognized that these androids have been quite efficient ...

They have come up with a good plan to defeat them, regardless of the opponent's battle power ...

That Gero really got ready to deal with you Broly

I would have liked to have such practical slaves to kill the Joestar Family" Said Dio praising another villain with loyal and not so loyal subordinates

"You had them Dio, but you made the classic mistake of sending them one by one to kill a team of protagonists

If you had sent almost all of them at the same time with a good plan instead of fucking with Pucchi and prostitutes to have at least four sons you would have won" Broly answered with an incontestable logic "Anyway ...

Thanks to my student they have survived for now ...

I have taught him well, too bad he didn't react in time, if they hadn't stolen his energy at the beginning he could have killed them by himself without the need to divide...

Although surely he would have had to divide equally to defend those hindrances

If it weren't for them they would have already won

It seems that due to my changes the killer androids are unscrupulous and use whatever means necessary to achieve the best results


Vegeta and Yam will take center stage now that the others are in poor condition"