Negotiating is not easy

While Vegeta, Trunks, Yam, Ginger and Gohan were training in the time compression rooms and one of Bulma's body drowned her sorrows in alcohol...

Goku, Piccolo, Ten Shinhan, Muten Roshi, and Krillin suddenly appeared at Kami-sama's palace, where Popo and one of Bulma's bodies were waiting for them.

From there each one went in a different direction

Goku made a stop on the planet of North Kai, to ask him for help to locate the planet Namek, since thanks to Broly it was very difficult to know where it is

Piccolo following the instructions of one of Bulma's bodies went in search of Cell, to prevent him from continuing to devour humans and to become stronger with it.

And Krillin, Roshi and Ten went in search of Krillin's future wife, the one forgotten by Toriyama in the following season and the nicest person / robot that has ever existed in this show.

Those three androids continued their stupid car trip to kill Goku, not being pursued by the police at the state level for their crimes as if this were GTA, where after a while of avoiding the police all the crimes prescribed...

A trip that was being very quiet, although with certain shocks caused by C-16, which noticed on several occasions very powerful Ki's

Some powerful Ki's that could even beat C-17 and C-18 with ease… warnings that were quickly classified as calculation errors ...

And once again C-16 had to give the same news

"There are three very powerful Ki's that are approaching us" Said C-16, who stopped looking at the flowers and wild animals through the window and directed his gaze towards the sky.

"How? Again?

Believe me C-16, that radar that Dr. Gero installed on you surely broke down during your hibernation ...

If it ever worked" C-17 said that, still believed that C-16 software worked worse than Windows Vista

"Wait C-17, I'm seeing three people approaching us


Those are…

Krillin, Ten Shinhan and Muten Roshi?" Said C-18, who wasn't as skeptical as her brother and at least looked towards where C-16 was indicating them

"Those three are your powerful Ki's?

Your radar is definitely faulty" C-17 said sarcastically, continuing with the joke about C-16's factory issues

In a few seconds our three bald, former bald and bald heroes of their own accord landed in front of them, preventing the advance of the stolen van in which they were driving without a driver's license or wearing a seat belt

"C-16, C-17, C-18 ..." The three said unnecessarily to announce that hey come to speak on that deserted road

"Hello guys…

We haven't finished our game of looking for Goku yet, when we are tired we will ask you for his location

But for now be patient" C-17 said as the three got out of the stolen vehicle to talk to them

Not for education or something similar, they simply didn't want the van to be damaged due to carelessness, since it would be difficult for them to find another one near there

"Or do you want to stop us from playing this stupid game?

Don't be offended, but ...

That is something impossible for you" Said C-18, who was the one who moved the least away from the vehicle, she didn't like standing too much if it was avoidable

And obviously that they underestimated them in such a way annoyed our heroes a bit, especially Ten Shinhan, who was the one who was most upset right now by what had happened to his dwarf "Do you want to bet something?"

Fortunately Krillin didn't forget what the official objective of this dangerous expedition was, apart from being close to C-18 "Wait Ten

We aren't here to fight"

"Then what do you want?

Convince us again not to kill Goku

We have already explained that it is impossible" Said C-18, reminding them of the conversation they had a few hours ago.

What if it wasn't impossible?

What if there was a way to change your programming so that you don't have the need to kill Goku or do anything else?" Krillin said, trying to explain to them that there was a solution to that problem in a way that could arouse their interest

"What do you mean?" C-17 asked, quite alerted like C-18 by the severity of the implications of Krillin's words

Even C-16 who had been caressing a little bird without worrying about anything looked away to pay attention to Krillin

And Krillin upon see that he had managed to capture the attention of the three Andorids continued with his evangelizing speech "What would you say if I told you that Bulma, our scientist has found a way to remove that programming, as well as remove your bombs?"

"I would tell you that I find it quite unbelievable

And even if it were possible ... it would prevent you from deactivating us, erasing our memory or killing us during the supposed operation?

Do you expect us to just believe you?" C-18 said being quite sceptical of both the capabilities and intentions of her potential enemies

A fairly understandable reaction

They couldn't be sure if they were telling the truth

It is clear that to reprogram them and remove the bombs they would need to be off and let them play with their bodies

If they allowed it they would be completely vulnerable

Vulnerable in front of their potential enemies, in front of the friends of the man they had sworn to destroy

This is a risk that they couldn't take for more than obvious reasons

However, for Krillin that more than obvious negative answer from C-18, the girl of his dreams, was like a big blow to her smooth head, so he clumsily tried to convince her "No, we wouldn't do something like that.

Trust me"

But while Krillin tried to negotiate peacefully and even with chivalry, sweetness and obvious clumsiness… Ten Shinhan continued his role as bad cop "We have no reason to lie to you.

In the same way that we know how to reprogram you, we also have in our possession a device with which to destroy you only pressing a single button.

If we wanted to, we wouldn't need to deceive you"


Those words startled the androids, who remembered with horror the dark feeling that someone could end their life with the push of a button

The terrible feeling of having no choice but to obey someone weak than him…

The terrible feeling of having to choose between slavery or death

However, after thinking a bit, C-17 regained his composure and tried to think rationally about this presumed threat "Mmm...

If you have this device, why haven't you saved yourself the trouble of coming here and using it?"

What was C-17 implying right now?

C-17 and C-18 believed that these three had come to scam them with the story of reprogramming them and disabling their bombs to kill them during operation

His objective was solely and exclusively to kill them, the same thing that the Saiyans tried a few hours ago.

In their heads there was no possibility that they had another objective

If they could kill them without the need to scam them, why hadn't they done it before?

The answer was obvious ...

They don't have that supposed remote control, they just tried to trick them so that they agreed with the mortal operation.

"Mainly because Gohan and Krillin have opposed killing three people who haven't killed anyone yet…

And because the Saiyans want to fight against you" Answered Muten Roshi, who tried to show an attitude between cordiality and hostility when speaking with the three androids.

But nevertheless…




That answer didn't seem to convince them

It was more than evident that C-17's applause was extremely sarcastic, as if he were applauding a performance with a more or less convincing script but with various plot failures and a terrible staging. "It seems to me that these excuses are just lies and that you have neither the way to reprogram us nor to kill us

Nice try, I almost believed it

If you don't mind, could you go back to your hiding place to think of a new plan to stop us?

We have things to do"


You damn arrogant fool "Ten Shinhan said with evident anger and impatience

They were risking their lives and everyone's for them, they were offering them an unbeatable offer that would make them completely free, but ...

Did they make fun of them?

And once again Krillin stood in front of Ten Shinhan to prevent him from starting a fight, he still had more arguments that could convince them to collaborate peacefully with them "I understand that it is hard for you to believe that we have such good intentions and that you still don't trust us

But believe me in the next thing I'm going to tell you ...

C-17 and C-18, you are in grave danger and so is the world"

"Oh, so you guys had a plan B?" C-17 answered, fascinated by the insistence of the three presumed weaklings in front of him

He was amused to see that it was true that when you lack physical power you try to make up for that lack using your head

In this case inventing another story to deceive them

"None of that, we are telling you the truth!

Dr Gero, or rather, his computer created an android called Cell, created from the cells of Goku, Piccolo, Frieza, Ten and many others ...

And he has come from the future to devour you and thus achieve his perfect form

And right now he is too strong, too strong!

It is impossible that you can beat him, so we have to take you to a safe place

The best thing is to hide in a place that is not in this world so that he doesn't find you

Because if it does and devours you, everything will be lost

... Unless Broly returns ..." Krillin replied, explaining Cell's story and possible solutions in a very hasty way, showing how nervous he was

If he didn't convince them with this, he didn't know how he could do it

And from the expression on their faces… he wasn't having much success.

"If you want to make up another story, it would be better to make it more credible ..." Said C-18, who found that all this story was even more crazy and improbable than the previous one, like any alternative plan


They had failed to convince them

The frustration on Krillin's face was more than evident, they had come to Earth surely for nothing

And what was worse, his waifu now considered him a liar and technically she had rejected him

That was a serious blow to the morale and self esteem of our little bald friend who only wanted a tall, blonde, pretty and strong girl in his life.

However, the quiet and almost autistic C-16 came to the rescue of our enamored hero "That Cell you speak of ...

By any chance you were fighting him about six hours ago near the east area?"

A comment from the least expected person that surprised everyone equally

"Yes, Piccolo who has become incredibly strong after merging Kami managed to corner him, but…

Due to a serious mistake on our part, from Chaoz and Goku ... Cell managed to escape and multiply his power...

Now he must be devouring other humans to increase his power even more before coming for you" Replied Muten Roshi on behalf of Krillin, who was still recovering from the emotional blow

"A few hours ago?

Two powerful people fighting ... and then five more joined...

You mean that your radar wasn't damaged" Asked C-18 to C-16, which until now supported the theory of the C-16 radar malfunction

However, this incredible coincidence began to confuse her.

Were they telling the truth?

Was something like this really happening or was it a very well prepared and studied staging to confuse them to make them fall into their trap?

"No, he is not ...

What's more, right now I feel like two extremely powerful Ki are fighting thousands of kilometers to the south west of here" Insisted C-16 which was stroking a squirrel that had perched on his shoulder at the same time that he offered him a nut

"T-That's right ...

Those two… must be Cell and Piccolo!

Right now he is trying to kill him or prevent him from getting stronger until we can all unite against him and take you to a safe place" Krillin said with enthusiasm seeing that his waifu began to believe that he wasn't a liar who wanted to kill her

It was evident that something strange was happening if both their versions of C-16 began to intertwine, so C-17, who appeared to be the leader of the group, had no choice but to acknowledge that there was a possibility that they had reason ... even partially "Alright…

Let's suppose we believe that the bastard Gero created a new android in the future, that he has travelled in time, that his mission is to devour us and that you have faced him

Let's just say it's more or less believable considering how twisted Dr Gero was and taking into account C-16 readings, but...

Are you saying he is stronger than me?!


That is impossible, I am the most powerful warrior that has ever existed"

And that last part of his speech immediately put the three Z Warriors on alert, who had a very bad feeling of what could happen next.

"Oh no…

Bulma's prophecy is going to be fulfilled…" Muten Roshi said, who thanks to his extensive experience was beginning to foresee that everything was about to become complicated in the worst possible way.

"Let me guess C-17, do you want to propose another game?" C-18 asked rhetorically, since she knew that her brother was going to propose next

Rhetorical question that C-17 recognized immediately, responding with an obvious answer "You know me well sister

Goku can wait for now

Why don't we show that we are the strongest by defeating that supposed brother of ours and that we don't need your help?"


They are siblings, what a relief] Krillin thought with relief upon knowing that he had one less love rival despite how dangerous that scenario was becoming

Although neither Krillin nor the audience of the 80-90s wouldn't be so calm if they had seen how the relationship between siblings evolved in anime during the 21st century (Incest between siblings is pandemic nowdays)

"Do what you want, but I'm not going to look for that Cell by car" C-18 replied, who didn't mind satisfying his brother's whim, but as long as they weren't 100% stupid

At least not twice in a row and with the same stupidity

And although he wanted to continue on his way by car, C-17 had to be flexible and accept the terms of the negotiation "Don't worry, we will fly

What do you say C-16?"

"I don't advise you to go

It is practically certain death" C-16 replied due to his good sense and because he was only interested in killing Goku and dangerous beings that are a danger to life in general.

"You should listen to what the big man says" Ten Shinhan said, still showing quite a bit of hostility towards the androids.

Although he was beginning to like C-16

"A shame

How about you wait for us here with these three?

We will be back shortly to continue our game

I almost forgot that you only care about eliminating Goku" C-17 said, showing that he didn't want to give up his game

"Have you not listened to us and your friend?

You are no match for that monster" Ten Shinhan protested, who intervened in the flight of C-17 with the obvious intention of preventing his advance.

"It is you who don't listen properly

I am the strongest" Replied C-17, who had an ego too excessive right now

He believed himself to be the strongest being in the universe after easily defeating the Super Saiyan, theoretically the strongest being up to that moment

Arrogant and out of place words that sadly reminded them of a certain person ... a certain person who because of that arrogance made things much worse that day [Oh no ...

Another Vegeta no...]

"A more educated Vegeta at least..." Muten Roshi said, trying to see the bright side of everything


Please wait!" Cried Krillin, who kept trying to convince himself that was possible to reach an agreement without the need to fight.

But Ten Shinhan knew perfectly well that there was no going back

Peace was never an option

They wouldn't come for good to be reeducated by the obvious and understandable that this could actually be a trap

Instead of fleeing from Cell, the arrogant C-17 would go to fight him to show that he is the strongest

So if they didn't submit to him now everything would all have been in vain

In fact they would have made it worse, just as Bulma predicted

And none of them were willing to listen to another of her scolding's where she would remember that she was right one more time

It wasn't something they wanted to hear again

"So I guess the peaceful negotiations are over

You will come with us, either by hook or by crook!" Ten Shinhan said, getting progressively closer to C-17 (Dio-Jotaro meme)

Which continued to deeply underestimate the capabilities of our bald friend "Dear, dear, you never learn

It taxex my comprehension why would fight a battle you can't wi…"



An imprudence that earned him a punch from Ten Shinhan in his pretty face, a very painful impact against the asphalt and most important of all

Losing your beloved stolen van against which he crashed


A punch so fast, powerful and unexpected for C-18 and C-16 that for the first time since they appeared in the series made them felt fear and surprise

"HOW CAN THIS BE ?!" C-18 yelled upon see that Ten Shinhan, someone who couldn't even be considered a nuisance not only hit his brother, he also managed to hurt him

For the first time since they were modified someone had been able to hurt them and that person had been a simple human

That wasn't possible

Not even four Super Saiyan at once could make them bleed

"That guy is Ten Shihan?

What's happening?" C-16 said while covering the squirrel with his hands so that it wouldn't be collaterally injured

"Krillin, you've already seen it, you can't negotiate with them

I'll knock them unconscious and get them to Bulma before the situation gets complicated.

I don't think it will take me long" Ten Shinhan said declaring his intentions as he approached C-17, which was beginning to emerge from the crater in which he had been embedded.

"C-18, this one is mine, don't interfere" C-17 said to his sister to continue with their beautiful and honorable tradition of 1 VS 1 fighting.

Hi hi ...

And you two ...

Do you want to fight too?" C-18 answered affirmatively to her brother at the same time that she asked Krillin and Muten Roshi if they planned to follow the same form of acting as Ten Shinhan with her and C-16

"That ...

If possible we would prefer not to have to do it C-18" Said Krillin, who didn't want to fight with C-18 nor let someone else do it, especially the perverted Muten Roshi

"Okay then I'll wait

This can be interesting" C-18 replied as she sat on a rock to watch the combat

"Uff, perfect ...

[Maybe I can convince her during the course of the fight that we are telling the truth]" Krillin said and thought with some optimism

And while Krillin was still in his pink world Muten Roshi tried to check if C-16 was thinking of waiting or not "And you ..." However, when he saw that he sat next to a tree where he played with the birds that landed on him, he gave up asking.

His answer was more than obvious "Well, I see ... maybe Gohan was right about you ..."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you, although that would save us a lot of trouble" Ten Shinhan said arrogantly to the arrogant C-17

"It's funny, I was about to say the same thing.

Luckily for you, I have never considered you a problem" C-17 replied that he couldn't allow someone to be more arrogant than him if he could avoid it in an elegant and violent way

"And if you are lucky that will be the worst and at the same time the best mistake of your life" Ten Shinhan replied as he used to do before Dragon Ball Z

But this time increasing its energy in such a way that the same planet felt his great power and covering his entire body in flames

Flames so hot that and concentrated that they began to evaporate the clothes of C-17, which was several meters away from him


Meanwhile a thousand miles away




Piccolo and Cell fought fiercely with each other

Piccolo had the advantage when it came to power, although the difference wasn't as noticeable as he wanted

Unfortunately Cell, by possessing both his cells, those of the Saiyan and that of the Frost demons, had an atrocious survival capacity.

No matter how much he was injured, he was able to survive and regenerate instantly without an apparent expenditure of energy while Piccolo progressively accumulated damage and fatigue.

"You are a tough nut to crack, but sooner or later you will end up becoming part of me

[Damn, I have to get rid of him as soon as possible and go for C-17 and C-18, once I find them and absorb them neither he nor anyone will be able to stop me] "Cell said and thought while pointing Piccolo with his sting

"Hard nut to crack?

It's funny, it's you who should have died a dozen times

Your appearance doesn't deceive, you have the vitality of a cockroach

But even they die if they are stepped on hard enough

[Damn, I have to kill him so that there is nothing left of his cells, but it is not as simple as it seems

Goku, Gohan I'll need your help sooner than later, hurry up….]" Piccolo said and thought as he tried to recover as he spoke against the arrogant anthropomorphic bug


I am almost invincible and in part it is thanks to you" Cell replied, remembering once again that he has Piccolo's cells.


However, Piccolo wasn't able to respond with a clever phrase and neither did Cell attack him with his tail as they had planned.

Something interrupted them

Something distracted them

Specifically an incredible Ki, a Ki with a combat power far above that of an ordinary Saiyan, who had suddenly appeared thousands of kilometres from here

[Shit, that's Ten Shinhan's Ki ...

Fighting those androids has been inevitable from what I see

Now more than ever I cannot let this monster escape from here] Piccolo thought as he organized his priorities in this fight

Right now the most important thing was to make sure he didn't escape than to try to destroy him.

[That great Ki ...

It belongs to Ten Shinhan, and he must be fighting someone

But I can't feel the Ki of that other person

Which means that…

Hehehe ...

I have to slip Piccolo and go there to collect energy] Cell thought, who also changed his priorities

Priorities that contradicted those of his enemy


At that time, in Bulma's spaceship

Four people came out of the training rooms at the same time

Those people were Trunks, Vegeta, Yam and Ginger, who came out after a few hours of training

Hours of training that for them was more than a year

"Mom, what is the situation out there?" Trunks asked, who had grown much taller, muscular and had noticeably grown hair, unlike the other three Saiyans, whose appearance was exactly the same as how they had entered.

"Oh Trunks, how cute you have become after a year of training

You can tell you have my genes "Said Bulma unconsciously without thinking very well that this comment could make Trunks blush, anger Yam, provoke outrage in Vegeta and discomfort in Ginger

"Stop fooling around

Take us back to Earth, it's time to scrap those pieces of junk "Said Vegeta, who was looking at the Earth from the window while feeling Piccolo and Cell's Ki while smirking evilly.

"I will guide you to a shuttle that will take you directly to Kami's palace.

But technically everyone you want to face except for C-17 is biological.

There is no metal to scrap from them" Bulma replied, who was forced to correct that scientifically inaccurate comment.

"It was an expression, brainiac ...

Did you like that about her on the other timeline too?" Yam protested seeing that Vegeta and Bulma were interacting

"Please… Let's go kill androids ... We'll have time later to fight each other ", said Ginger, who didn't want any more relationship problems around her. She already had enough with her problems


In the same spaceship, in a different room

Gohan was sitting with his eyes closed

Concentrating on creating a stage in his mind

A training method that allowed him to simulate in great detail battles against other enemies without the need to move

An ability that both he and Krillin used in the official version of Dragon Ball on the way to Namek (I know it was filler chatpers, but Bulma was in panties, in my heart that will always be official)

However this time he wasn't using it to fight, but to be immersed in an experience

A tragic experience in which both his father, his mother, his grandfather, his friends ...

They all died

Everyone died for their lack of initiative, for their lack of foresight, for their mistakes

For his lack of power

And because of the anger he felt, which this time felt like it was real ...

After many attempts



Fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiu (efectos especials un tanto caseros)

Gohan finally reached the Super Saiyan transformation

"I finally got it" Gohan said as he admired his golden aura, blonde hair and green eyes.

An appearance that he knew his mother didn't like but nevertheless he did and a lot, since it meant a lot to him

Gohan unknowingly went through another phase of adolescence

And someone came to celebrate that important moment in his life

"Hello Simba"