Your stupidity is priceless

Once again on the battlefield of Cell

"Let's go!" Piccolo yelled, commanding Trunks to help him in his task of restraining and even defeating Cell.

Opening this 2 Vs 1 with a flying kick to Cell's face

"POOMMM !!!"

A kick that was aimed at pulling Vegeta away from him.

"You again ..." Cell said, very annoyed because now he couldn't continue torturing Vegeta for any longer.

It was more fun than fighting Piccolo

"IAHHHHH !!!" Trunks yelled, who had finished transforming into his ultra-muscular form and lunged at Cell with a powerful punch. A punch that destroyed all the clouds in its path


But nevertheless it was easily dodged by Cell

"Trunks!" What the hell do you think you're doing !? " Vegeta said, who was trying to recover from that strong punishment inflicted by Cell while showing great anger and discomfort for the interruption (yes, he's stupid)

Anger and discomfort of which Trunks felt guilty "Sorry father, but ... I can't look around in a situation like this"

He felt so guilty that he quickly looked away from Vegeta and joined the fight with Piccolo, who had been exchanging blows with Cell in typical Dragon Ball style 1 vs 1

Until Trunks arrived, creating the typical Dragon Ball 2 vs 1 sequence with endless hits, dodges and blocks that we could see, for example in the C-18 Vs Gotenks + Trunks (kid) combat

However ... something was wrong, Trunks was missing too much in this sequence of blows and was receiving more than giving despite having the numerical superiority

"Trunks, what's wrong with you?" Piccolo asked seeing how awkwardly Trunks was attacking Cell

So awkwardly that was becoming an hindrance

He was unable to hit Cell and his huge, slow body was starting to get in the way of Piccolo's attacks

"No… Trunks ... I meant that you shouldn't fight hand to hand in that state "Vegeta warned as he tried to recover from the harsh punishment that Cell had given him.

Unlike Vegeta, Trunks hadn't realized that this ultra-muscular transformation had major drawbacks It was a transformation that was capable of unleashing 100% the potential of the S-Cells, offering the chilling multiplier of X500 (official data), a multiplier higher than that of the Super Saiyan 3 of X400 ...

But unlike the forced transformation and at the same time balanced of Super Saiyan 3, which involved a huge energy expenditure (which escaped through the hair), the forced transformation of Super Saiyan third grade (as it is known) entailed a huge energy expenditure and decrease in speed (since everything was concentrated in his muscles)

For that reason Vegeta hadn't fought hand to hand with Cell, instead he intended to destroy him with a powerful energetic attack that had almost all the enormous strength of this transformation

This transformation is fuking trash for close combat unless the opponent couldn't move… and also sucks for long duration fights.

However, it was ideal to momentarily become a powerful inmovil cannon with which destroy the enemies with a single hit.

That was what Vegeta wanted to warn Trunks

But… As almost always happens in an anime ...



The warning came too late

Cell taking advantage of Trunks' slowness and that hebstructed all of Piccolo's actions in this last movement… to captured him to use him as a human shield.

As he jabbed his stinger into his spine to prevent him from moving, thus disabling the Hulk transformation

A very unwanted situation that once again destroyed Piccolo's initiative "Damn!


Damn monster, let him go!"

"Ho Ho Ho… Is this situation familiar to you? Right Piccolo?" Cell said as he showed his macabre and sinister smile over Trunks' shoulder

Shoulder that wouldn't stop writhing in excruciating pain as our favourite time traveller screamed in agony "AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!"

And indeed… This situation was very familiar ... too familiar ...

So familiar it was branded in his mind...

"Do you pretend?" It was exactly the same thing that had happened to Chaoz a few hours ago Cell used Chaoz as a shield and while he used the Taiyō-ken to blind everyone he escaped

And right now ... Cell was right in front of the sun With both of his hands in position to perform Taiyō-ken again! [Shit! He's trying to do the same!] Piccolo thought as he closed his eyes to avoid falling into the same trap twice.



The same didn't happen

From Trunks' chest a bolt of energy was shot, a bolt of energy that completely pierced his stomach, ending his screams of agony. And in the same way

Splash !!!


It also pierced Piccolo's throat, knocking him out of action and falling towards the island below them.

"TRUNKS!" Vegeta yelled seeing the tragic result that his irresponsibility had brought about (poor Piccolo, nobody cares about him)

"No, devouring this half Saiyan would take a long time ... and very little energy return.

Time i don't have

Huhuhu!!!" Cell said as he laughed sinisterly to celebrate the success of his great plan

Cell had taken the great opportunity that Trunks had never tasted his transformation.

Thanks to that, he was able to catch him without problems as on the previous occasion with Chaoz.

Could he repeat the same success he had before and get rid of Piccolo and the others?

No, too unlikely ... they were idiots, but not so much, especially Piccolo...

He wouldn't fall into the same trap twice ...

And… that was something he could take advantage of.

Using Trunks as a visual obstacle Cell used Ten Shinhan's "Four Witches Technique" to temporarily create two new arms on his body.

That way while two of his arms were pretending to use the Taiyō-ken, the other two arms that he was hiding behind Trunks perform an energy attack to get Piccolo out of the way (Trunks was a necessary collateral damage)

A Piccolo who had closed his eyes to avoid a Taiyō-ken who never came

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! CELL !!!!" Yelled Vegeta, who transformed into a Super Saiyan and blinded by anger charged at Cell with the firm intention of killing him for what he had just done (No one touches my Trunks)






Because Cell kept using Trunks as a shield and because he was faster and stronger than Vegeta it was impossible for him to hit him.

Agjjj… Agjjj….

"I'm impressed ...

Seeing how your almost die in my hands has enraged you, and that has made you more powerful



Should you fight me instead of saving him? " Cell said as he made Trunks body wobble with his tail, which emitted slight moans with each of the shakes that Cell caused in his body

"What?!" Vegeta yelled upon see that Trunks was still alive and that surely Cell intended to continue using him for his macabre plans

And worst of all for Vegeta ... was that his intuition was correct ...

"I haven't killed him, but he is about to die But a Senzu Bean could save him and maybe Piccolo too

Though I won't give them to you easily" Cell said as he threw Truncs's almost lifeless body towards Vegeta who had no choice but to grab him

And at the same time Cell, who whilehad been using Trunk as a shield had taken the opportunity to steal his Senzu bean ...


Then showed him two that he hadn't destroyed and threw them into the sea


Vegeta yelled with great hatred as he witnessed the culmination of the cunning plan of the Monster of Frankenstein from Dragon Ball (C-8, you don't count)

"Hahahah !!!

I will take the rest

HAHAHAHA !!!!" Yelled at Cell as he flew in the opposite direction to where he had thrown the Senzu Bean

To where were Yam, Ginger and the modified humans and the pacifist robot (not the ones of One piece)



COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT!" Vegeta yelled as he watched as Cell ran eager to kill and devour in the direction his woman, his sister in law, the guys that if they were eaten by Cell would be the end… and also how the unwanted child that he never conceived and never showed appreciation for... was dying in his arms


A few kilometers from there

"Come back here cowards!" Yam yelled, that after several minutes of fighting she had been unable to retain part of his opponents for a long time due to the imperfect Super Saiyan form that she was using and that limited her speed.

And above all due to the paralyzing beam that Muten Roshi was applying on her, a paralyzing beam that he could use without interruption thanks to his new unlimited energy.

"Sorry Yam, but mission comes first!" Yelled Krillin as he fled with C-17, C-18 and C-16


Get this one off me!" Yelled Yam to her sister to release her from Roshi's technique

A very difficult order for her to follow, so much so that she was unable to answer and react "..."

"Ginger, no!" Muten Roshi shouted as Ginger began to doubt

"NOW!" Yam yelled imperatively, showing that she wasn't asking, that was and order.

And Ginger that after various defeats, feeling great existential doubts and having always lived under the shadow and protection of her sister... devoid of all confidence, answered "Yes ..."

"Ginger ... why?" Muten Roshi yelled, which was grabbed by Ginger, interrupting Muten Roshi's channeling process (WOW players will understand, fuking Roges…)

"Sorry… I… "It was the only thing that Ginger, that she knew that she hadn't done the right thing, was able to answer

"She follows us again ...

Can't you use your ability to get them out of here?" Ten Shinhan said, that escaped with Krillin and the others, but keeping his distances to cover theyr withdrawal in case something went wrong.

A situation like the current one

"My Near only serves to get close to a target that I can see with my eyes

But in this part of the sea there aren't even islands, only water

And for Near the sea it is the same entity by itself" Krillin answered, explaining what the ability that Broly gave him consisted of while they kept flying towards Kami's palace.

When suddenly…


They felt a very disturbing Ki approaching them

And at the same time ... they lost track of Piccolo and Trunks' Ki

"Oh no!" Yelled everyone who understood what this meant

And although those who didn't know how to read the Ki or didn't know what was happening, they wouldn't take long to understand the situation ...

"C-17, C-18 we can finally be one!" Yelled Cell in the distance, which followed the group of modified humans like a lion chasing a gazelle through the savannah

"Is that Cell? What a horrible thing" C-18 said, expressing what everyone thought

"Here, give a Senzu Bean to C-17, he needs at least to fly by itself that monster reaches us" Said Krillin, who preferred that at least C-17 wasn't such an easy target even though it could get out of control

"Vegeta, Trunks and Piccolo have failed? What kind of stupidity have they done?" Said Yam (the person least suited to speak), that really didn't expect things could go so bad in that place

"This is not the time to fight each other, we need to fight together" Shouted Muten Roshi, who had already been released by Ginger, fortunately and unfortunately for him (you understand)

"Nee-san Could you consider teaching C-17 and C-18 a lesson after the problems with Cell are over?" Said Ginger, she thought this would be the perfect moment ... and maybe the only one where her sister could forget about her vendetta with C-17 and C-18

Partly trying to make up for what she had and hadn't done today by helping Roshi and his friends

"I will have to grudgingly accept" Yam replied, who despite being very irrational when she has accumulated grudges in mind, didn't lose sight that the most important thing was to live

Even if it meant letting the object of her revenge escape for now or fighting side by side with people she have been fighting a few seconds ago.

"In that case, let me help" Said Ten Shin han, who joined the front line to retain Cell

"Krillin you are the fastest, take C-17 and C-18 to a safe place" Muten Roshi shouted at Krillin, who was already fleeing at full speed a little while ago

"You're kidding right?

You want me to… "C-17 protested, who had managed to recover and was fighting to escape from the arms of C-16, who wouldn't let him out for fear that he would commit a stupidly of Vegeta's level.

"C-17, stop acting like a kid and run!" He yelled C-18 to his brother to stop narcissistic stupidities and run (fly in this case) for his life

"You will not space!" Shouted Cell, who thanks to his great android speed superior of Super Saiyan 2 level... was getting closer and closer to the last line of defence against the end of the world.


In the world of Broly in the Desire Realm

Audiences were still fascinated by the level of incoherence, incompetence, and stupidity they saw on screen.

"I don't understand

How is it possible that they have done so, so, so badly with the great advantage in power, information and amount of resources at their disposal?!" Said Aizen, who couldn't bear to see how such simple and practical plans could be ruined in such way

"This is embarrassing" Said Zetsu, who considered before that Naruto was an idiot like them, but not even in a dream and proposing it was he capable of reaching that level of incompetence

"This is intellectual torture" Said Kars, a being with superior intellect who was unable to understand how a living organism of transcendental power could be so subnormal

"Broly, how can you just sit there doing nothing?

Don't you see that your wife is going to have a nervous breakdown?" Obito said, that as an ex-idiot and professional idiot (seriously, he has been an idiot until the end, he was fooled by Madara, with his Kamuy he could have entered any village and kidnapped the Biju without the need for Akatsuki and could have used the Rinnegan to resurrect Rin instead of Madara from the beggining) felt too much embarrassment to continue watching this embarrassing show

"Exaggerated, my Bulma has gone through worse things than these before she met me, nothing will happen to her ...


"Because these idiots will not change until they realize how idiotic they are, they need to hit the rock bottom and… and of course, that someone do the invaluable social work of reminding them day after day how idiotic they were" Broly replied as he watched the movie with one eye and played the Nintendo Ds with the other two Not even he was willing to pay 100% of his attention to that pitiful spectacle.

And that good Samaritan is you?" Hao asked sarcastically and rhetorically.

"Of course Hahahaha...


After this they will understand how much they love me and need me

Especially my Bulma, she will surely throw herself into my arms as soon as she sees me" Said Broly, fantasizing about that moment that only existen in his imagination

"Yes... Surely to strangle you for leaving her alone" The Desire Realm women's association responded