
In the middle of the ocean

Cell, who had eliminated… or at least removed all obstacles… now you could enjoy your precious snack without interruptions

But unfortunately for him...

The appetizer also known as Ten Shinhan will not let himself be eaten so easily


And with that he resorted to his latest alternative

A technique that taking advantage of his unlimited energy and Broly's ability to create a constant burst of heat that enveloped his body and his surroundings.

A constant burst of heat that increased its temperature every second consuming everything around him until reached in a very little space the temperature of the sun itself

[Could he still do something like that?] Cell thought as he tried to penetrate the barrier of heat and Ki that Ten Shinhan had created around him

A barrier that he could maintain forever and as long he had energy left (which was unlimited) and fuel around him to increase his infernal flames

Flames that made Cell sweat and even burned him when he tried to go through that miniature sun

[I could easily destroy this barrier with a single attack

But if I did I could kill him

And I need him alive ...

DAMN!] Cell thought as he went deeper and deeper into that sun, burning his fingers and tail, which tried to grab Ten Shinhan and devour him

But the closer he got, the more difficult it became, to the point that his fingers and tail began to unravel.

He knew that sooner or later the regenerative capacity of his body would be able to adapt to this hellish environment and finally catch the bald man with three eyes ... or perhaps Ten Shinhan would voluntarily stop his brutal technique to prevent the destruction of the planet

But whether for one reason or another ...

That took a long time

Time that was against him


At this rate my main dish will escape] Cell thought as he realized that devouring Ten Shihan before devouring C-17 and C-18 wasn't being as easy and fast as he expected

Continuing to insist with Ten Shinhan could mean not being able to fulfill his main mission and that was something that Cell couldn't allow

So he left this battlefield to head for the next one at full speed

"Wait ... what is he doing?" Ginger pointed in the direction of Ten Shinhan and Cell

Although Cell was moving away from the position that Ginger was pointing to

"Is he escaping?" Yam asked rhetorically


He's after Krillin and the androids! " Muten Roshi yelled as he approached Ten Shinhan, who had stopped channeling his technique

"Muten Roshi-sama

I'm glad you're fine…

Cell…" Ten Shinhan said as he gasped

It wasn't from lack of energy or tiredness, but from dehydration due to his own borrowed skill.

"Don't force yourself, have a Senzu…

I know that even for you that heat wasn't easy to bear" Muten Roshi said, while showing the characteristic kindness of a benevolent old man.

A kindness that was unknown on the part of the person who would speak next "Swallow it quickly, if you don't want me to leave you behind"

"Vegeta!" Everyone shouted upon see that practically the cause of all the problems of this saga had appeared

"What happened to Trunks and Piccolo?" Ten Shinhan asked as he ate the Senzu, skipping all manner of courtesy

Since it was Vegeta ...

"I suppose they will join us in a while" Vegeta replied as he kept flying towards Cell to reach him as soon as possible.

Contrary to what is done in many manga, Vegeta hadn't stayed quiet to talk about the obvious with his peers, he kept advancing quickly towards his goal

So the others followed his example and followed him

"What a relief ... they're fine" Muten Roshi said as he flew followed by everyone else.

"And now what?

We have enough firepower to kill him

But…" Ginger said, showing that she wasn't very optimistic about the chances they had of winning.

"It will be very difficult to hit him… and he has many survival skills…


I like challenges" Said Yam, who despite having the same opinion as her sister, the way they lived the same problem was different

"The only thing we can do is stop Cell from increasing his power and wait until Goku, Gohan, Piccolo ... or Broly come back ..." Muten Roshi said, being as realistic and positive as possible

Unlike Vegeta "Are you kidding me ?!

I'll get rid of this problem before those three come back! "


Politician statements at election time that didn't convince almost anyone


Kami sama palace


Cell is getting too close to them and Krillin and the androids aren't close enough!

At this rate they will be caught before they get here

Gohan has kept the emergency self-destruct device

And we can't allow Cell to reach Kami's palace…" Bulma said as she watched through the sphere everything that was happening and bit her thumbnail due to nervousness and anxiety


Pom !!

She kicked the ground, stopped looking at the sphere, put on the tracker, took her bag and approached the edge of the watchtower

"Bulma, what do you intend to do?" Asked Mr Pop and Chihi, who shared the same nervousness that Bulma was showing

"Send most of my body to pick them up

I don't think I'll be there in time, but if Krillin is able to distract him for a few seconds, I can probably save them" Bulma replied as she showed the capsule of a less luxurious spaceship

"But Bulma, it's crazy if they couldn't…" Chichi said, as a supporting character (although she was annoying more than supporting) she couldn't understand why Bulma, another supporting character, was going to such a dangerous place

"Don't worry about me, I'm strong now

Also, with my barrier I am the person most likely to survive

And I leave my 5% here with you, in the event that my 95% is destroyed I only need to swallow a Senzu and I will be as good as new" Bulma replied while performing her multiplication technique.

Leaving her weakest part in the watchtower to lead the operation and be safe and the other to the dangerous battlefield in suicide a rescue operation

"I just hope it's not necessary" Mr Popo said with concern as he watched as the main body of Bulma headed for danger just like his former superior.

"Krillin, can you hear me?" Bulma asked as she sped down towards the mortal world


Many miles away

Krillin, C-16, C-17 and C-18 kept flying towards Kami's palace, where Bulma was waiting for them with her spaceship to take refuge in space.

Until Krillin received a call from Bulma "Bulma what's happening?"

And due to the seriousness of the message Krillin stopped to listen to it.

"What's wrong Krillin?" C-16 asked, that since Cell had been presented as a world threat he had become much more talkative

"Guys go ahead, Cell is coming!" Krillin said as he turned in the opposite direction and began to accumulate Ki to be prepared for an imminent confrontation.


A confrontation for which none was prepared

"Put this on and follow the green dot

It's Bulma, she will take you to a safe place "Krillin said as he handed his tracker to C-18, and explained minimally how to use it.

"So you found us this way" C-18 said, checking that apart from the green dot that tracked the Bulma that was heading towards them, there were also some red dots on the screen, which were her, her brother and C- 16

Thus solving the mystery of how they had been found despite not having Ki

"And what will you do?" Asked C-17, who by now had calmed down a bit and was beginning to recognize the danger to which he was subjected and the few possibilities of success.

"I'll try to buy some time until Bulma reaches you.

If Cell is able to follow us it is precisely because of me, since I generate Ki, but the three of you who don't emit any type of Ki can escape perfectly if you hide well" Said Krillin, showing how brave he was and what a dwarf was capable of doing to be able to flirt with an elf

An elf who was beginning to seriously wonder why Krillin was helping them so much "Why do you trust us too much?

What if we betray you?"


I have no other choice!

Go away!" Krillin yelled urgently as he tried to hide part of his motivations

An explanation somewhat unfinished as well as forced, but that more or less convinced C-18, who along with her brother prepared to flee just as Krillin had advised them.

However, someone in his group didn't intend to follow that strategy "I will stay to fight"

"C-16 ?!

What are you doing? Will you be killed too?" Scream C-18 upon see how his reserved and quiet traveling companion who hadn't shown until now any fighting spirid (unless it was Goku) had volunteered for a suicide mission

"He is not looking for me, but he is looking for you It makes more sense that I try to stop him here It was fun traveling with you" Said C-16, as he stood next to Krillin and gave what would probably be his first and last almost emotional speech


You would be of great help to me" Said Krillin, that despite showing courage he was very scared

Having someone else giving him support would help him, especially emotionally

"Freak to the end" C-17 said with some sympathy, remembering the few interactions they had had with him

"Quick, go before Cell makes eye contact with you" C-16 said with a smile on his face

Smile that quickly spread to all who witnessed like the COVID-19

And… that ended quickly when a high-pitched sound almost pierced their eardrums

"What the hell are you doing Krillin!

WHY DON'T YOU MOVE!?! " Bulma yelled with great anger and power from the tracker that had C-18 in her hand

But that scream wasn't the most disturbing sound they heard in the last seconds

"C-17! C-18!

You will not escape!" Yelled Cell, who was a few seconds away from reaching them

"Oops ..." Krillin said seeing that they were completely screwed

Such a simple plan had failed among other things for a more than obvious reason


You shouldn't have talked for so long without moving" Said C-16, who realized the mistake they had made

A mistake that used to be made in all animes ... stopping to speak in the middle of a chase when they could speak perfectly while fleeing (yes, no fuking sense)

But it was too late to regret his lack of IQ or the convenience of the script.


Run!" Krillin yelled, for the umpteenth time that day despite the fact that he had caused that unnecessary stop

Although they finally listened to him, running to the blue point at high speed

"Not so fast!" Yelled Cell, who was a few seconds away from getting in front of Krillin and C-16

"Here it comes!" Krillin yelled to point out the obvious

It was at that moment that Krillin generated a Kienzan in each hand and C-16 ...


He removed his arms to launch a large energy cannon from within them.

A technique that looks cool and powerful, but is extremely inefficient and leaves its user vulnerable to counterattacks.

They were about to shoot before Cell reached them.



Cell sped up in an astonishing way and passed through them

[I've wasted too much time already] Cell thought as he ignored Krillin and 16 and chased after C-17 and C-18, who were on the run

"WATCH OUT!" Krillin yelled to warn the two brothers that a green, people-eating monster was behind them.

A warning that defying the laws of physics came on time

Cell with his impressive speed higher than that of a Super Saiyan 2 reached where C-17 was and proceeded to hit him (you have to beat the meat before cooking and eating)


However, thanks to Krillin's warning, C-17 was able to activate his famous barrier

Barrier that thanks to the fact that Cell didn't intend to kill him, but to knock him out, he was able to resist the blow


"Damn vermin

Stop resisting!"



He was unable to withstand Cell's second rage-laden attack.

"C-17!" Yelled C-18 upon see that his brother had been shot down and was falling unconscious into the sea


I miscalculated the power and sent him too far] Cell thought, regretting that he had thrown his food away due to a fit of anger

Attack of anger that he didn't intend to commit with the next dish, which was closer than the first

And that dish was obviously C-18


And as with her brother she raised a barrier around her too


A barrier that was useless before the amazing power of Cell, which destroyed it with one blow in which he was even able to hit C-18's stomach with force.


Leaving her almost knocked out

This time Cell held back a bit so as not to send her flying away from him and to be able to grab her to start the suction

"Isn't it aobut time you let me absorb you?

Let's become one and eradicate the life of the entire universe!

HIEHIEHIEEE" Cell said while holding C-18 as if he were a rabbit about to be slaughtered

Or in this case ... sucked

Cell in a very disgusting and counterintuitive way, given that he had absorbed the others by nailing them with the needle, this expanded until it became a kind of vacuum cleaner with which he intended to completely devour C-18 despite weighing more than 50 kg, with clothes, boots, metal belt and everything (Cell's digestive system is a great mystery)

"Damn you monster ..." Murmured C-18, who saw helplessly how she was a few seconds away from becoming part of that disgusting monster in the form of a bug.

An ending hated by any human being, especially by a woman

But fortunately for her...



His knight in shining skull armor leaped to her aid


That used the Near ability, the ability Broly awarded him as a reward for winning his rigged exam during the Saiyans saga.

An ability that allowed him to teleport easily. That Krillin used to teleport himself just below Cell's tail with a giant Kienzan in each hand.

And one of them was right under Cell's suction tail


Which was cut in half from inside

"AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Yelled Cell as he felt the indescribable pain feel like his tail was cut from inside by a circular saw (men reading this, imagine)

However, Krillin didn't stopped by his momentary success

He had prevented Cell from absorbing C-18 and C-17 by cutting off his tail but he was still alive and with or without tail he could still easily kill them.

[I only have this chance] Krillin thought as he directed the last giant Kienzan in his hand towards Cell's neck.

The Kienzan is an extremely powerful technique capable of far surpassing the power barriers between two fighters

A technique that in the original version managed to cut Frieza's tail, which in his second transformation had a combat power of more than a million, while Krillin ...

... Well ... Krillin ...

So it was very likely that this disk could also cut Cell's neck and possibly kill him.


[What annoying technique… and how did he get so fast in front of me?

I had no data about this ability] And that Cell knew very well the danger, since he also knew that technique

That's why….



He countered a Kienzan with another Kienzan, which he improvised in the palm of his hand

But unfortunately for him ...

Another nuisance tried to stop his defensive play


And that was C-16 which hit him with a powerfull mechanical punch


A punch that wasn't strong enough to completely stop his defensive Kienzan's formation, but to destabilize his technique a bit.

With which Krillin was able to completely cut off his arm instead of his head

An attack that didn't become fatal and that Cell would be able to heal without too much difficulty, but once again hurt the pride of the green monster, which due to carelessness and uninterrupted interruptions had been wounded over and over again "Grrjjjj grjjjjj! !!




Translating that anger and frustration into a powerful explosion of energy that sent all the flies around him to fly.

"Damn annoyances!

I'll finish you off first! " He yelled at Cell with a totally inordinate bloodlust as he regenerated his severed tail and arm

He no longer thought to allow any more interruption from anyone.

He wasn't planning on leaving any more spectators alive even if it meant not having anyone staring at his great triumph.

And the first was the one that was closest to him, C-16


To which he pierced the chest with his hand

Fortunately for C-16, being a robot he was able to survive that attack, since all the information about him was in a microchip in his head

And Cell, believing that he had already eliminated a nuisance, went towards the greatest annoyance in those moments



Which he pierced with his needle in the chest with the obvious intention of devouring him

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Krillin screamed due to the excruciating pain of being sucked into a monstrous straw.

"Krillin!" C-18 yelled, who started shooting at Cell with everything she had.









However, these attacks did nothing to Cell, who was tired of so many interruptions at lunchtime.

Even if it was the appearance of a new dish


So he launched an energy attack that, like his brother, made C-18 fall unconscious into the sea


C-18! " Krillin yelled, worrying about the life of her crush while his was the most in danger.

"You have put up a lot of resistance, even though it was useless

Do you have any last words?" Said Cell, who was savoring success in more ways than one



WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR !? DO IT! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!" Krillin yelled as he grabbed onto Cell's tail even though it was what was slowly killing him

"What?!" Cell explained as he turned his head slightly back

Where he could see how Vegeta X500, Ginger X500, Yam X500, Muscled Muten Roshi and Ten Shinhan with bulging veins in his bald head prepared to launch their most powerful attack towards him.

And also Trunks and Piccolo, who had arrived at the perfect time to attack with a final attack.







The most powerful combined attack in the history of this manga and novel which caused a 5 scale earthquake throughout the planet despite the fact that this attack was carried out in the air and its trajectory was directed towards the sky

An attack that hit Cell ...

And also Krillin

"This time…

Have we killed him? " Yam asked rhetorically, since they had left Cell for dead on several occasions

"I can't feel his Ki

Neither… Krillin's" Said Muten Roshi with great regret and pain as he hid his gloomy gaze with his sunglasses.

We will never forget your sacrifice baldy-kun" Ginger said as she prayed for Krillin's soul

"Muten Roshi-sama

We can surely bring him back to life with the new Dragon Balls or with Broly's powers

Suffer no more "Ten Shinhan said, trying to comfort Roshi for launching a joint attack that resulted in the death of his disciple as a collateral and heroic victim.

"Even so…

What I've done has been unforgivable

Above all, being his teacher" Replied Muten Roshi, who didn't feel comforted at all by those words

Nothing will erase what he did

"Roshi-chan, you heard him, he would rather die in our attack than be devoured by that monster and make him stronger.

He wanted us to save him and save ourselves "Ginger said with the greatest possible tact to Muten Roshi, who wasn't able to clear his conscience despite knowing that he had done the right thing.

"And we haven't needed the help of Kakarrot or his son" Vegeta said, with a comment very appropriate to the situation (sarcasm)


A comment that even Yam knew was out of place, so she tried to change the subject to a more productive one "Now we just have to take care of the androids that are…

Oh no…"


But once again something unexpected happened

"What is that Ki !?" Piccolo shouted very upset and scared looking at the ocean, the place where that huge, strange and terrifying Ki came from.

"It keeps increasing!" Cried Ginger, who was beginning to fear the worst

And not only her, also Yam, Ten Shinhan, Piccolo, Trunks and even Vegeta "There is no doubt, it is ..."

"Oh, it appears to have gone up quit a bit as well" Said the person who owned that qui, who had come out of the water to show himself among his acclaimed public

"CELL !?" They all shouted surprised, terrified and above all…

Puzzled ...