Angry Cat (part 1)

"So you are the strange Saiyan boy back then.

You have grown a lot

Did you know?" Beerus said, who was waiting for Broly to come towards them ... stretched out in a hammock in the garden

"I know…

On the other hand, you are still exactly the same as 39 years ago

Mr Beerus and Mr Whis" Broly answered, approaching the couple that who decades ago marked the beginning of his journey off planet Vegeta.

"I know, it is one of the many advantages of being a god.

I see that you escaped from that dunghill and have become much stronger since then

Whis has updated me on your exploits as we headed this way

Amd I must say that I am quite impressed" Beerus said barely using sarcasm, he was really impressed with the feats that Whis had told him about Broly

And that's considering that Whis hadn't mentioned even half of what Broly had done, like fighting Champa.

The mere fact that a minimally powerful mortal had divine energy activated was already impressive.

And that kind of energy was something Beerus was feeling in Broly

And since Beerus was being relatively kind and calm… Broly tried to be humble, polite, a good and charming host "Hahaha

Of course, starting from so low, the only thing you can do is go up


What brings the only god of destruction in the universe to this planet... and the most gluttonous angel I have ever met, of course?"

"Ah yes, we have come to ...

Sniff ... Sniff ... Sniff ...

However, before that…

What are you celebrating here? A party?" Beerus answered and asked, who quickly changed priorities upon smelling the divine quality food near him

And obviously Broly replied "That's right, it's my dear wife's birthday

The truth is that…"


Broly-chan! How cruel you are!

You got married and you didn't even tell me or invite me to the wedding!?" Whis shouted with great sadness and pain, he felt as if his beloved student had betrayed him in a very mean and insensitive way.

So, Broly upon seeing Whis puppy dog eyes… he said the excuse he prepared for this day "This ... I'm sorry ... but I thought you couldn't leave the planet while Beerus was asleep

I didn't want to put you in a troublesome position due to your obligations as angel"


At least you could have brought me some of the wedding catering" Whis protested energetically as he unconsciously remarked on what had really hurt him.

"So is that what bothers you?" Broly said, that despite knowing the reason for his anger, he was still disappointed

However, while Broly and Whis argued, Beerus, the god of destruction and also a narcissist and megalomaniac in his spare time ... he felt that no one was paying attention to him, so he interrupted them "Whis, don't forget what we've come to ...



What is happening here!?"

Before he was smelling a lot of delicious food, something that undoubtedly tempted him, but now...

Now it was something different!

Something that was on top of all the food he had smelled!

It was like the god of destruction of all existent food!

Something that made even him forget about the Super Saiyan God thing

It wasn't surprising, since precisely now one of Broly's bodies was cooking Acacia's Full Course, and that smell was spreading outside the kitchen "As I said, it is my wife's birthday and I have prepared certain unique dishes

As you must remember, I was a good cook when I was little ... and I'm infinitely better now.

Now I'm quite busy so...

How about you join us?

We talk about the old days and your reason for coming here once the party is over"

"Sounds like a wonderful idea to me!

By the way, what is this dish that I smell from here?" Beerus asked excitedly like a child attending an amusement park for the first time.

"Ohoho ...

It is not just one Beerus, you will see, you will never taste something like it in this or the other universes

After all, I am a better cook in any of them" Broly answered, that like Beerus he's also a narcissist and egomaniac ... and liked to show it

And in this way Broly guided his two "guests" to the heart of the party, where the other Z Warriors ate and drank.

"Beerus-sama, remember why we came here ...


Are they that good?" Said Whis, who lost sight of the objective of this visit before Beerus

"Hello honey, some acquaintances of mine from space called Mr Beerus and Mr Whis have come to ask me a something

Do you mind if they join the party for now?" Broly said to Bulma, formally introduced to the two gluttons

Crack! Closh! Crash!

"Friends of Broly !?" Everyon shouted in amazement upon hearing that combination of words

That was so shocking that some of them even dropped their glass

"Acquaintances of yours!?

Of course, we don't see them very often.

I'm Bulma, the wife of Broly and the birthday girld

I look great right?" Bulma said with an excess of euphoria and enthusiasm

Not only was she very happy to celebrate her birthday with all her friends, but also to see that Broly had more friends ... and above all because she had drunk a lot until now.

"Pleased to meet you Bulma" Whis and Beerus said with respect and politeness

"Guys, these are Beerus and Whis, some friends of mine who will be joining us on that wonderful birthday that I am organizing for my dear Bulma.

Make them feel at home and treat them with the same respect with which you would treat me

So no fighting ... Goku, I mean you...

No altercations ... Vegeta, I mean you...

And no ruining my festivities...

So, Bra… no pranks today…" Said Broly, who introduced his two "friends" and quickly located and warned the main sources of problems among all the usual attendees

The reason was simple, not to anger the cat that tends to destroy everything when he is angry (just like a common cat)

"Yes dady…" Said Bra, who quickly changed her plans and went back to playing with the other children.

[He had a daughter and he didn't even tell me.

You are so insensitive Broly-chan] Whis thought, feeling even more betrayed than before.

"Hi Beerus!

Hi Whis! " Said everyone, warmly welcoming the newcomers

Although one of them saw Beerus with some suspicion and that was Vegeta, who thought he had seen those guys and also heard name somewhere [Beerus ...

Where have I heard that name?

And that appearance…]

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to finish the main dishes.

You can keep snacking on everything else while participating in all the activities Bulma has prepared, but leave room in your stomachs for what comes next.

Otherwise you will regret it a lot" Said Broly, who went to the kitchen to help his other bodies, leaving the others to have fun without him

"YEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" The usual Z Warrios yelled upon hearing that the moment they had been waiting for months was almost approaching

"One more time Broly will cook something mystical?

I can't wait to eat it" Said Goku, who quickly forgot to ask Beerus and Whis if they were strong upon hearing that Broly was about to prepare the menu from the guy who beat him up months ago

"Neither do I

I've been waiting all year just for this moment" Said Yam, who like all Saiyans loved to eat until they burst.

And the newcomers didn't understand this enthusiasm

Everyone was overly excited about these new dishes despite the fact that all the tables were full of exquisite delicacies

Why were they making such a fuss then?

It seemed as if they were all about to cry with joy

Was there so much difference between what he was seeing and now tasting compared to what Broly was about to bring?

These were some of the questions Beerus and Whis asked themselves.

"Is what he usually cooks that good?

When he was little he gave me very tasty things, but… I didn't expect such a shock now…" Beerus asked, dumbfounded upon see everyone's exaggerated reaction.

"As incomprehensible as it may seem, when Broly says that he is going to cook something spectacular, you become unable to express with words its flavour and texture.

You even feel stronger and more energetic

I bet anything I have that he is the best cook in all the universes" Gohan replied, who was one of the few with enough self-control to speak now

It was impossible for others, since the excess of drool in the mouth prevented them from vocalizing correctly

"I have to agree with you and that I had never smelled something like what he is preparing

He's been hiding a lot from me…" Said Whis, who over the years had tasted many Broly delicacies, but never something as delicious as what Gohan had described "OH GOD! This is delicious"

What's more, everything Broly had given him so far was rubbish compared to how little he had just tasted at this party.

"Wow, you are creating a lot of expectations for me…

I hope that's true" Beerus said, who was starting to drool just like them "OH MY GOD! THIS IS AWESOME" While he ate everything that was within reach of him just like Whis

"What's wrong Vegeta?" Yam asked her husband upon see that he didn't taste anything that was in front of him

He simply stared at Beerus without even blinking, showing great concern and nervousness

"I don't know why, but I think I've seen those two before ..." Vegeta replied, still trying to remember where he had seen or heard about these guys

Make them feel at home and treat them with the same respect with which you would treat me

Those were pretty clear indications...

Enough to make even an average idiot understand that those two shouldn't be disturbed.

However… Dragon Ball idiots weren't average idiots


¡TA-DAAH!!!" Krillin said with excessive confidence towards a strange guest friend of Broly while showing him a plate full of food

"What's this?" Beerus asked quite curiously, as he always does when it comes to food.

"I never seen this dish before" Said Whis, who had also been interested in what that little boy had brought.

"Well, this is…

Russian Octopus Balls!

It's set up to that a single ball filled with heaps of wasabi instead of octopus meat was added to the mixt

Now let's have some fun!" Krillin replied, unaware of the great danger that such a game could bring to that planet if luck wasn't on his side.

And in the same way Beerus was also not aware of what could happen if he mistakenly ate the wrong one.


I don't know what this wasabi thing is… but these Russian Octopus Balls do look incredibly tempting

Wew… we'll know once we try it" He said as he took some chopsticks to eat that mysterious delicacy

"Oh, you're taking the first bite? Here's on who gets it" Yamcha said, praising Beerus' bravery, bravery he lacked for almost everything.

And seeing that the newcomer had plucked up the courage to be the first in that deadly game, everyone encouraged him to feel more integrated whit the group by acclaiming his name.

"Yeah! Beerus! Beerus! Beerus! Beerus!"

Obviously Beerus reciprocated those ovations

How could he not? They were inviting and praising him to eat something delicious

What more could a gluttonous God of Destruction ask for?

So he took the octopus ball to his mouth and chewed it slowly to savor the texture and keep the flavor in his mouth for as long as possible ...

He expected a unique and exquisite taste, something he had never tasted...

And that's what he would have experienced in the original version of Dragon Ball Super, in which he had more luck choosing ...


This time….

"Mmm… mmmm…


I'M DYING!!!" Screamed Beerus in great pain as he drew fire from his mouth due to the horrifying excessively spicy taste of the special Gourmet Wasabi synthesized by Broly.

A taste so spicy that even a mighty God of Destruction couldn't tolerate, so much so that he writhed, agonized and collided with everything around him in the foolish hope of ridding himself of that inhuman sensation.

And meanwhile, obviously…

All the Z Warriors and companions laughed at the bad luck and exaggerated reaction of the poor newcomer


Bad luck!

And all this...

Didn't like Beerus at all...


Not only have you tried to kill me with this, you also laugh at me ?!

YOU MADE ME MAD!" Beerus yelled, unleashing all of his fury and almost all of his power

Meanwhile, Whis took advantage of the confusion to eat the remaining octopus balls "MMM !!! DELICIOUS!!!"

Surprising everyone with that change of mood and show of power

Even Broly was shocked, but for another reason