Meeting between siblings

Months after Bulma's birthday party

After Beerus was brutally beaten and humiliated by Broly… he went back to training like never before under the supervision of his teacher, nanny and taxi driver Whis.

On top of that, Vegeta, Goku, Yam and Ginger spent practically every hour of the day training under Whis's supervision ... and worked part-time as Beerus's punching bags.

And right now it was their turn to start work

"Are you sure about this Beerus-sama? All four against you at the same time? " Goku asked, that being a lifelong fan of one-on-one battles he didn't like the idea of fighting 4 vs 1

He believed that that was something quite exaggerated and abusive for a training

"What happen? Do you want me to repeat what I said because you haven't understood it well?

Or… do you find the terms of this match unfair? Do you need to ask someone else for help?" Beerus said arrogantly, challenging the four Saiyans to attack him at the same time

In his opinion the only way, they could have any chance of playing a minimally dignified role in this battle

Arrogant and hurtful questions that ignited the competitive spirit, pride and fighting spirit of his punching bags "We are no longer the same as before Beerus"





In this way the four Saiyans without fixed work unleashed all their divine energy

And we shouldn't forget that they are users of the Broly Super Body Multiplication...

The great technique that uses all the potential of the S Cells of a Saiyan to create extra bodies

Bodies that, if they were all fused, showed the true potential of a Super Saiyan in a base state

That's why our heroes and Vegeta didn't show physical changes even after raising their power to a Super Saiyan Blue...


In fact, their power was now even greater than that transformation as they were using the full potential of the S-Cells, and best of all, they didn't need to dose it so much

This power without repercussions gave them the confidence to face the cosmic cat.

"It's Beerus-SAMA!" Beerus corrected upon hearing such a flagrant lack of respect for his divinity.


In this way…








Thousands of strikes were being delivered one after another in that "friendly" spar

But for now each and every one of those attacks only had one perpetrator…

The four punching bag Saiyans!

Beerus only, albeit masterfully, dodged each and every one of those attacks

[If I don't master this technique perfectly ...

I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to beat that son of a bitch] Beerus thought as he tried to change tactics


And finally he went on the attack, hitting Vegeta in the face for the first time that day, crashing him to the ground


And immediately after…




He dodged each and every one of Goku, Yam and Ginger's attacks again…

To immediately attack again as soon as he had a chance!


Crashing Ginger to the ground this time



I feel like I'm close ...

I'm getting closer and closer!] Beerus thought as he attacked the two remaining Saiyans again


However, this time the one who received a blow to the face wasn't the Saiyans

But him...


"NOW!" Yam yelled, who joined Goku to attack Beerus, who was trying to get away and regain his rhythm



And not just Yam, also Vegeta and Ginger, who used energy attacks to prevent Beerus from retreating.

In this way Berrus went totally on the defensive while trying to dodge the attacks of the four Saiyans at the same time as he had done at the beginning.





And although he managed to dodge some and block others ...





Many of the attacks of the four Saiyans managed to hit him!

"STOP THAT SHIT!" Beerus yelled as he went on the attack not caring about the goal of his training.

And as always without caring too much about their lives





In less than 5 seconds the four proud Saiyans were defeated and knocked unconscious on the ground.

"Beerus-sama to master Migatte no Gokui you have to have it activated all the time

You will never advance if you deactivate it when attacking ...

And as you have seen in certain extreme situations, it is impossible for you to reactivate it to defend yourself" Whis said, pointing out his student's obvious shortcomings.

"I know Whis ..." Beerus replied, very angry with himself

"Amazing! Beerus-sama is super strong! " Goku yelled, as he woke up from his short and painful nap like the others

Despite being defeated, Goku was very satisfied and happy with the fight ...

He is always motivated to see that there are other people stronger than him ... even if it sounds absurd

"Damn! There is still a big difference between us" Vegeta yelled, frustrated to see that he still needed a lot more training to get revenge on that cat

"Why is it so? It is evident that he is stronger than us, but he shouldn't be so by that much margin!" Said Ginger, who was right

In terms of raw power there wasn't such a big difference between them, at least not to lose that way in a 4 vs 1

At least if everything depended on raw power

"Why can we barely hit him?

Is it some God of Destruction trick?" Yam asked Whis, defending his sister's thesis

"One could say… yes…

Your problem is that you keep thinking of moving before moving ... instead of just moving

Especially Vegeta, Yam and Ginger

You waste too much time, that's why Goku always surpasses you" Whis said, showing why he was one of the best teachers in the franchise... besides that he liked to teach others, unlike other angels...

"It's true, you think too much" Goku said, proud of having a flat encephalogram

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU NEVER THINK OF ANYTHING!" The others protested, revealing a sad truth

"Don't despair

Not even Beerus-sama has been able to fully master this ability

If he was capable, you wouldn't have been able to touch him even once ... and of course he wouldn't bother training with you" Whis said, encouraging his four new students while reminding Beerus about the importance of continuing to train despite being technically the strongest being in the universe (he is now the ex-strongest being in the universe)

"Shut up Whis

I may not have mastered it yet, but of all the gods of destruction I am the one who masters it the best" Beerus replied, excusing himself for not having learned the Migatte no Gokui yet

"And what about Broly?

Does he dominate it 100%?" Vegeta asked, hoping to find something that Broly hadn't conquered before him ... like his alternate woman ...

"He knows it better than you four

Even so, he still has a long way to go

He has a hard time clearing his mind... he thinks too much and too many things at the same time...

It is his blessing and his curse" Whis replied, regretting that his most outstanding student hadn't yet learned his favourite divine technique.


THE WHAT !!! ???


How difficult was it to achieve?


If they by chance managed to master this ability before Broly ...


Wait ... not only that ...


If we can master this technique, can we win against Beerus and Broly?" Vegeta asked, that at this point he only thought about those two things in his life

"Who knows…

It is something that you will have to discover for yourself

And for this you will have to train hard

Try fighting with these extremly heavy suits

Maybe it will help you hohoho…" Whis said as he materialized in Goku, Vegeta, Ginger and Yam some huge and heavy suits, which prevented with their large size and weight from making any kind of minimally fluid movement

"It's hard to move with this" Goku and Vegeta protested, they couldn't fight each other

"And it also makes me look fat" Ginger and Yam protested, for obvious feminine reasons

And while Beerus drank a terrestrial soda, the four Saiyans were training in a ridiculous way under Whis supervision...

Two people invited themselves to that Fūun! Takeshi Jō show

"Who are those two imbéciles?

Your new disciples?" Said Champa, the irritable and fat brother of Beerus, who had come to bother

"Long time no see brother" Berus said, that this time he was in the training ground instead of taking a nap.

"Well now, what a surprise

If it isn't champa-sama" Said Whis, who for some reason greeted his cat's brother before his own sister

And while Goku, Vegeta, Ginger and Yam discussed among themselves about the great and evident resemblance between Beerus and Champa and Whis and Bados ... and Whis and Bados answered their questions about Champa and Beerus ...

Beerus spoke directly to his fat twin brother

"What are you doing here Champa?"

For the usual thing?" Beerus asked with a mischievous smile, implying that he was looking forward to this encounter.

"Of course

Let's have our usual showdown!

Make the preparations!" Champa replied, who, being the challenger, believed he had everything won

"Of course ...

Whis, bring that special thing..." Beerus said to his servant to go to the special fridge with a padlock to bring here his most precious possession, which he had kept safe for that occasion.

"You mean that?

Okay" Answered Whis, who understood his cat's instructions perfectly.

When Whis returned from the castle fridge, both angels put on a table what they had brought

In the case of Whis, two servings of Broly's Gourmet fajita, made with End Chiken meat seasoned with Melk Stardust and Meteor Garlic and served with AIR, Grana Lettuce, Red Hot Chili Pepper and 100 Flavors Bread

A delight that both Whis and Beerus had saved for a special moment, since Broly's food was scarce, especially for Beerus

Therefore, they had to dose it intelligently… but showing off in front of his brother was as or more important

"What is this?" Beerus asked somewhat disappointed with the sample that Champa had given him… it was a simple egg… and it wasn't even pretty… it didn't smell like Broly's food

However, despite the little enthusiasm on his brother's face, Champa continued to show great confidence in himself and in his egg "Just taste it!

I't a boiled egg of the newly discovered Dondonbird It's taste will leave you at a loss for words"


By showdown they actually meant a food showdown?" Goku asked, he was expecting a fighting tournament or something… Hakaisin stuff or at least related...

"And it is…

This is a ritual whenever he sees Champa-sama "Said Whis, who unlike Goku was very satisfied with this type of tournament

He was capable of eating things from another universe and above all… He wouldn't have to clean up the mess from their fights

"Aw, man!

And here I thought I was gonna get to see Beerus-sam's go all out…" Goku said, making his disappointment visible

And while Ginger consoled Goku with patting on the back and Vegeta insulted Goku ...

Beerus and Whis finished eating that egg


Well, was I right or what!?

You're speechless aren't you!!

The 6th universe really isn't called heaven of delicious taste for nothing" Champa said, believing that he had won overwhelmingly despite seeing the apathetic faces of Beerus and Whis

A type of facial expression that usually means ... you haven't impressed me


Just shut up and taste that there before you run your mouth, Champa" Beerus said with extreme self-sufficiency as he instructed his servant to deliver some samples to his stupid guests with lousy palate

"Mmmm ..." Champa muttered upon see that strange combination of things.

"Mmm ...

This appearance is quite peculiar" Said Vados, while like his fat cat, she take a bite of this mysterious delicacy.



And when they tasted it...


How can something so delicious exist!" Champa and Vados yelled at the same time as they began to think after trying these fajitas that all the other food they had eaten throughout their lives was rotten

"Champa-sama ... are you sure what we have eaten so far was food?" Vados said as she wiped the tears from her eyes, tears of happiness that unintentionally fell from her eyes for the first time in a million of years.

"It seems I have won" Beerus said with satisfaction, the enormous satisfaction of seeing your brother overwhelmingly lose to you.


Wh… where did you get this thing anyways?" Asked Champa, who at this point didn't even care to admit that he had lost ... he just wanted to know where he could get something this delicious, regardless of the cost.

"A planet called EARTH

And this is just one of the thousands of delicacies out there

Earth is overflowing with so many delicious treats, I couldn't even begin to tell you about all of them!" Beerus said, without lying at all, that dish was obtained by him on that planet ... but he didn't mention his creator, that he was from another world to avoid naming that horrible subject

"Hey Vados!

Our 6th Universe would have an EARTH as well!

Find it!" Chama shouted with great scaremongering, he needed the location of that planet and he needed it right now

It was a matter of food or death

Moreover, while Vegeta, Goku, Yam and Ginger were asking Whis about the other universes, despite the fact that Broly had already spoken with them on other occasions ... Vados found the information she was looking for, although unfortunately she couldn't satisfy her fat cat's selfish desires.

"Ah, I've found it Champa-sama!

There's an Earth in our 6th Universe as well…

But unfortunately…

In this Earth's past it appears a senseless massive war broke out…

Driving all of humanity into extinction…" Vados said, very sad to announce that terrible news, she also wanted to go to Earth right now to eat for dais until she was full.

YOU'R KIDDING ME !! " Shouted Champa extremely angry and depressed

And as a good brother that he was, Beerus didn't miss that opportunity to laugh at his misfortune "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

Sucks to be you Champa !!!

Looks like you don't have any more Earthlings there to make you all that super delicious food !!!

[Although the best is not made by an earthling]"

"Well ...

That happened to our Earth more times that I can count ...

We've been right up against the face of destruction plenty of times

In fact, that was Vegeta, Yam and Ginger original goal as well!" Goku said as he looked at his current friends and former enemies while remembering all the times he saved the world or others saved it.

"There's no need to name names!!" Vegeta, Gigner and Yam protested, who were already enough ashamed of their past to have someone remind them of it ... especially now that they were daddies and mommies

And seeing that there was no other alternative… Champa resorted to his plan B "GRRRJJJJJ !!!

Beerus ...

Face me ...

In a hand-to-hand combat.

If I win then we exchange Earths"







Finally!] The four Saiyans thought excitedly, hoping to learn something from that fight.

Maybe Beerus' weakness or some cool technique that allows them to beat Beerus


So, you and me in a fight?

I'm sorry for you then, now I'm in my prime

You can't win" Beerus said, that after having trained for a year as if his life depended on it, he was completely sure that he could beat up any Hakaishin who came to challenge him.

However, Champa, who was aware that even in his worst moments he was capable of defeating his brother due to his overweight, he proposed another plan "Not quite

Each of us will choose people from our own universe to battle

Let's see…

How does a 5-Man Team competitions sounds?"



"They fight one at a time…

Whoever defeats the other's team leader in the end will be named the victor

What do you say?

A hand-to-hand team competition selected by the Gods of destruction of the 6th and 7th Universes!!!" Champa said, explaining the simple rules of the tournament

A tag team match the Hakaishin didn't participate in?

That wasn't the spectacle that the four Saiyans longed to see, but ...


"Sound interesting

But I don't have anything to gain from this battle, do it?

And besides, how do you plan on switching Earth to your universe in first place?" Beerus replied, who quickly saw the flaws in Champa's proposal

"This fat cat pretends to use the Super Dragon Balls

Some dragon balls with the size of a planet that are distributed between universes 6 and 7 ...

Which are extremely powerful, so much so that you can even ask to kill a Hakaishin for you" Said a handsome, tall, muscular, powerful, with a tail and three eyes dude who came at the right moment to explain in a few seconds what that fat cat would take minutes