



The alien, subnormal, not so evil, Deus ex Machina Stewie has appeared!] Broly thought as he watched as the actual most powerful being of this reality appeared in front of him


Wait… is the real one?" Shin said, that after the joke that Broly played on him some month's ago, he no longer knew what Zeno-sama was real and which wasn't.

"This time yes ... I think..." Said Kibito, that wasn't 100% sure either

"Does he look like ... Broly's robot?" Krillin said, one of those who remembered the joke, even though he still didn't know the identity of that being

"The real one?

Robot?" Whis asked extremely confused.

Why were Shin and Kibito doubting about Zeno-sama's identity?

How is it possible that mortals knew about him?

Broly's robot!?

"It's a long and embarrassing story related to a Broly joke..." Shin replied without delving too deeply into what actually happened.

But it wasn't necessary, Whis is someone intelligent so just by listening to the few clues they gave him was able get an idea of what happened

"Who is this Zeno-sama?" Vegeta asked, who had been asking himself that question for a long time.

And seeing the reaction of Beerus and Champa, his curiosity multiplied exponentially

"Zeno-sama is the being who rules over all Universes" Wish answered without further ado


EVERY SINGLE UNIVERSE!!??" Shouted all non-gods except Broly

Of course knowing who is the owner of everything you know is something shocking

Especially when you didn't know that there was someone with that position

Especially when that supposed king at all didn't seem strong at all

And that obviously generated a lot of questions for everyone.

Luckily Broly explained a little more while Whis left to kneel before his dwarf and childish boss "Let's say that he is the equivalent of the God of Destruction of all the universe and incidentally also the sovereign of all of them

Something that unfortunately shows that the pure destructive power is the most powerful power in the universe…"


New information about the hierarchical structure of the universe that changed a lot from what they until now believed

"Wait, does that mean there is also an Angel and a God of creation from all the universes?" Bulma asked, who quickly connected the dots.

"Good intuition Bulma

Zeno is the Original Hakaishin, but unlike or Hakaishins he don't have fighting power but can erase everything and can be defeated

Daishinkan, the Original Tenshin and Whis's father is his servant, teacher and assistant…

More or less the same relation between Beerus and Whis

And finally in another place quite far away and doing absolutely nothing we can find the Original Kaioshin Zarama, who created all the universes and also the Super Dragon Balls that you can see" Broly said, explaining to everyone in great detail the great powers of this reality.

A conversation that everyone listened to with great attention, even those who already knew about all this...

However, those privileged ones couldn't pay more attention to Broly's wise words, since they had their hands occupied with another matter

An audience with their supreme boss that was taking place while Broly and the others talked about them

"Forgive us, your majesty!"

"You… you have our sincerest apologies!"

Beerus and Champa apologized to their supreme boss, who reproached them missing their duties as God of Destruction to perform this illegal tournament without his consent

"After checking it out… the whole thing was friggin boss!

So sweet in fact that I got to thinking… we need to do this again, but hook it up so that next time we've got every single universe in the mix!"

However, like the police chief in evey American movies... Zeno first scolded them and then praised them "After checking it out… the whole thing was friggin boss!

So sweet in fact that I got to thinking… we need to do this again, but hook it up so that next time we've got every single universe in the mix!"


What did they just hear?

Zeno-sama hadn't gotten angry nor would kill them?

Great, this was all they needed to hear ... and therefore they didn't need to say anything else either.

Now they just needed to shut up, bow their heads and wait for Zeno-sama to go back to his palace to do ... whatever...

Everything was under control... they just didn't have to do or say anything else and they would survive one more day.




I'M IN!"

However, just like with Luffy from One Piece ... the plans don't make any sense when Goku is in the equation


A PEON LIKE YOU CAN'T GO ADDRESSING ZENO-SAMA" Yelled Beerus, whose heart almost exploded upon see that Goku… the idiot of the group… spontaneously interrupted in that conversation, speaking directly with the most important and dangerous being

Anything that bothered him even minimally could be the perfect excuse to kill them all ...

And this ... could be one of those situations ...

It all depended on how Zeno-sama interpreted Goku's words and attitude.

"Then consider it done!

And soon!!" Zeno replied, happy to see that this pleasant stranger agreed with his initiative

Great… Zeno-sama wasn't angry, the worst was over...

"It's a promise!!" Goku said as he offered his hand to the supreme being to seal his promise with a handshake

Poor idiots...

The danger had just increased by 9000%

"D.. don't… you dare.. Goku" Beerus stammered while holding his pee as he saw that both Zeno-sama and his guards were looking at Goku's hand without even blinking

Oh! God!

It's impossible for Zeno-sama not to be bothered by this ...

What had Goku just done!

This this...

Could this be the end of the days that Zuno-sama prophesied long ago?

They were all about to die!

Or maybe not ...


I'll definitely hook it up" Zeno-sama said with joy as he performed the polemic handshake with Goku

Oh God...

We had survived that too!

"PHEWWWWWWWWWWW…" And while Champa and Beerus felt a great relief to see that today wouldn't be the end of days...

Zeno-sama said goodbye to everyone, about to being teleported home by his bodyguards "Peace I'm out"

"I can't wait!

'til next time!" Goku said, saying goodbye to his new friend

"BY!" Zeno-sama said, completely disappearing from the universe

Therefore, after making sure he was gone ... the scolding began




YOU CAN'T RISK MAKING HIM ANGRY, NEVER!" Beerus yelled, trying to make even an idiot like Goku understand the danger to which they had been exposed.

A danger that that same idiot had intensified


Seriously!??" Goku said, who still hadn't fully understood that...

"And you Broly!

It is evident that you can see the near future and that you know about Zeno-sama!

Why haven't you stopped him!?" Shouted Champa, who as always tried to blame others for everything

"Because seeing you on the verge of a heart attack is extremely fun ...


I've even filmed it to enjoy at home again

Should I upload it on Godtube?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Broly said, proving once again why he is so loved among all the gods

"You fucking bastard, stop acting like none of this matters to you!

Even you wouldn't be safe from Zeno-sama's wrath!" Shouted Beerus, who for once agreed with his brother

"Really?" Answered Broly with arrogance

An arrogance to which they were already well accustomed, but ... that no one expect to hear right now in this context


Was he really serious? Like Goku he didn't understand what Zeno-sama is capable of?


Either you're stupider than I thought ... or you're fucking crazy..." Beerus said outraged by Broly's words and attitude, even more than by what Goku had done...

Goku is just stupid, but Broly ... is fucking insane...

"Well, let's get the Dragon Balls, specifically the last one, which is exactly this planet

Come on, I have things to do at home and Bra has to do her homework" Broly said, ignoring Beerus and company to go back to his everyday life

"Ouch…" Bra protested ... now she didn't want to go home


Have we been fighting on top of a Dragon Ball?" Piccolo said, amazed by this discovery

"Why haven't you told us until now?" Said Champa, who felt like an idiot ...

He was looking for this Super Dragon Ball for years without success and it turns out that the planet he had chosen for the tournament is that Super Dragon Ball?

"Because it would be a spoiler ..." Answered Broly, closing that discussion


In this way the strange tournament ended with the crushing victory of Goku and Universe 7.

Beerus took possession of the Super Dragon Balls that Champa had in his possession, and also the last of all, which was the same planet on which they had been fighting, just as Broly said.

And after everyone left, the group from universe 7 used the Super Dragon Balls to make their wish.

"Tasuninogiuakiniona ... chonmage !!" Said Whis in the language of the gods in order to...


Summon Super Shenron, the golden and winged eastern dragon with the size of several galaxies

An imposing and majestic appearance that fascinated everyone

The biggest and most powerful Dragon of wishes of all was front of them



And seems super strong!"

Well ... almost everyone

"Bajj, I've seen bigger and cooler dragons ..." Broly said, that he wasn't impressing at all, especially because he had already seen it before

Another display of arrogance that Beerus was loathing "Let me hesitate ...

Anyway, Whis, repeat what I'll tell you"

And while Beerus was talking to Whis to act as his interpreter with the Dragon… Bulma sent a mental message to her husband "Broly ...

If Beerus makes some macabre wish you have to stop him

I'm worried about what that maniac might do. "

"His first intention was to ask for a wish to defeat me, but he let it run as soon as I sent him a telepathic message ...

Don't worry, it's actually quite an innocent wish" Broly answered to reassure his wife

"... Juwaketsuyoeha…" Whis said when he finished reciting Beerus's wish, who was lazy even to ask for his own wishes.

"It is done?

Can we go home?" Broly said, pointing to the watch that had just materialized on his wrist

"Que has pedido Lord Beerus?" Goku asked

"It's a secret" Beerus replied, satisfied to leave everyone in wonder.

"He has asked to restore planet Earth from his little brother's universe so that he can eat almost as well as we can.

Hahahaah ... how cute you are Beerus ...

I would never have imagined that a Hakaishin as unscrupulous and selfish as you would expend such a valuable desire to create something and also altruistically.

Hahahaha ... seriously, very cute" Said Broly, who understood perfectly ... and as always didn't miss that opportunity to make fun of him.


I should have asked that Dragon to turn you into a child to give you a beating like decades ago instead!" Protest the angry, blushing and red as a tomato Beerus, which tried to strangle Broly without success


You can try it next year if you want

Or ... if you can..." Broly said, very happy with Beerus reaction…


While knocking him out...




Inside the wormhole that Whis uses to travel long distances...

"That stupid Broly

He seems to train daily to drive me crazy...

Someday Whis ... I swear that someday..." Said Beerus to his psychologist Whis, imagining what he couldn't do in reality as a last resort


"But I guess not everything has gone wrong ...

I don't know what he said, but finally that stupid Goku has taken things seriously


Champa's face when he saw that his entire universe was defeated by one of my fighters has been incredible

Only for this tournament has been worth it" Beerus said, trying to see the bright side of what had happened today ...

It's not good to always be grumpy


"Although I almost had a heart attack when Zeno-sama appeared and Goku almost killed us all…

You'll have to harden his training from now on Whis ...

As punishment I mean" Beerus said, forgetting that Goku was the one who had won the tournament.


"And I dont know…

I think we should look for the Super Dragon Balls too ...

Champa entered my universe illegally to extract some, I think he should return the favor ...

Besides, he owes me, I have spent my desire to help him

And… hehehe… I think the wish I have in mind would help us both again

That's why I'll need your help to collect them all, Whis" Said Beerus, who finally realized a haunting truth...


Whis hadn't heard a single word of what he had said so far

It's like he's deep in thought



I am talking to you!" Beerus said, asking for the attention that every cat thinks he deserves.

"Oh ...

I'm sorry, Beerus-sama was distracted" Whis said, coming out of his bubble to pay attention to his cat again

"Hmm ...

This is not like you, what worries you?

Is it because of Zeno-sama's appearance?" Beerus said, really worried, he had never seen him so distracted


It's Broly ...

Didn't you find some of his interventions very strange today?" Said Whis, showing the origin of your worries with that question

This was certainly a nuanced question, especially for Beerus, who hated and depended on Broly on so many levels.

Normally he would answer with a rudeness, would insult Brolyt and forget that conversation, but...

Whis's serious expression made him take this matter more seriously as well.

"To be honest…

Everything he does and says always seems suspicious to me


What has he done today?"

Therefore, Whis began to express his concerns "The first thing is his position regarding the tournament

I see understandable that he doesn't want to fight people weaker than him...

But I don't understand why he got so involved in the rules of this tournament ... and it makes a lot less sense that he caused only Goku to fight...

The Broly I know would have done that to Vegeta in hopes that he would lose at some point to punish him.

This is quite unusual"

"It is true, but it is likely that they had some kind of disagreement that we don't know about and that is why Broly wanted revenge ...

Don't you think you're being a little paranoid?" Said Beerus, that didn't understand how this insignificant fact was causing Whis to have so many headaches

"This is a minor thing that I would have overlooked if it weren't for everything else...

I can understand that he met his female counterpart from universe 6, since it is not the first time he has visited it

And also that he knows Hit, after all they fought years ago on their first visit to universe 6 and kidnapped him, that's why Champa had to go find our universe while you were still asleep

However, the relationship they both have now doesn't seem to be one of former enemies" Whis said, exposing each and every one of the suspicious data that he had found so far, no matter how small or insignificant seemed

"What do you mean?" Asked Beerus, not understanding what did that have to do with him

"For a moment Broly probably spoke telepathically with Hit… and Hit was nodded at him, as if he had willingly accepted an order.

As if Broly were his boss..." Whis said again, explaining in this case a detail with more assumptions than the previous ones.

"And what does it matter?

Broly defeated him and he now considers him his boss

What's so weird about that?

Are you worried that Broly ordered him to lose on purpose?

Is that all your concern?

Unsportsmanlike conduct?

A brainwashing? Hypnosis?" Said Beerus, who frankly didn't care too much about that

The tournament was over, he had won and even used the reward.

Would Champa claim something from him now?

And what does matter if Hit is Broly's lackey, that has nothing to do with him?

And Whis, seeing that these details didn't matter too much to him, proceeded to reveal the really worrying data "When Zeno appeared he didn't even flinch, as if he knew exactly who he is"


Yes ... it is certainly strange that a mortal knew about Zeno ...

But we're talking about Broly, he must have learned it somewhere, maybe Shin got off his tongue..." Said Beerus, who had regained interest in this conversation

Yet he kept trying not to worry too much, trying to find coherent and reassuring explanations for Whis's concerns.

But this was a detail that was really worrisome that they couldn't underestimate, so Whis insisted "Not only that, from what Shin told me, Broly made a joke on them years ago in which a Zeno-sama robot intervened pretending to destroy all the universes..."


"He knows what Zeno-sama is capable and also knows all about the Hakaishi - Tenshin - Kaioshin trinity in the upper level…

Something that not even many Gods are aware of

Yet a mortal knows

Besides, he also knows perfectly the process with which Zeno-sama destroys universes" Sais Whis, who could see that Beerus had stopped looking for less worrisome explanations

Now Beerus is as concerned as he is, so he continued the conversation "And not only that, despite knowing Zeno-sama and his power he didn't seem to be intimidated.

It was as if..."

"Although it was only for an instant… I noticed…

Broly looked at Zeno-sama in an unusual way, as if Zeno-sama was..." Whis said, who was about to say something that couldn't even be imagined ...

"STOP WHIS!!" Beerus yelled, ending that conversation before it was too late, he didn't want to hear that combination of words… although he knew exactly what Whis wanted to say "I know we are talking about Broly but still this is too absurd ...

He knows that Zeno-sama can destroy all the universes at once and with it his family, friends and everything is in those universes ... besides that he doesn't like to destroy things...

Even if he could survive to Zeno's wrath, he wouldn't risk everything like this…

Because it's impossible to defeat Zeno-sama in any way right?"

"That's right

Zeno-sama is the absolute being

No matter your fighting power or skills, it is impossible to defeat him" Whis said, repeating one of the undeniable truths he learned from the moment of his birth


So let's stop worrying, let's just worry that Goku's stupidity don't play tricks on us

And that Broly's arrogance doesn't reach the ears of Zeno-sama or someone else that know him…

That guy likes to play with fire if that makes me worry" Beerus said, trying to forget all those troubling conspiracy theories that went nowhere

He mustn't allow his fear and hatred towards Broly steal his slumber

Especially when all they had was speculations and conflicting information.

"Yeah, I guess I'm worrying too much ..." Whis said, trying to reassure himself and Beerus as they landed in his planet


This whole tournament thing and Broly has whetted my appetite

Whis, prepare something succulent" Wish said as she headed towards the kitchen, returning to his carefree cat life

"Of course Beerus-sama

I had prepared ramen and sushi for dinner...

[I guess there is no need to mention the little importance he gave to the Super Dragon Balls, as if they couldn't affect him in any way...

Still… what is this strange feeling I have?] Whis said and thought as he followed his cat, which asked for food as soon as possible


Meanwhile at the Desire Realm

Broly and his henchmen were looking at the hacked Godtube, in which the entire tournament was posted… by… someone…

"Good job Hit, you lost on purpose at the right time flawlessly

A great performance" Broly said, praising his first subordinate

"I didn't act Broly-sama

Without using the powers that you gave me, this was the legitimate result" Hit asnwered with respect

Within its Three Realms each and every one of the people that Broly had kidnapped had been able to train and increase their powers in a thousand ways and Hit was obviously not the only one who didn't.

However, as far as Ki and the serial abilities he had Goku was still someone difficult to beat, especially with the techniques that Broly had given him

"I see…

Anyway, it doesn't matter, everything went according to plan

Although Whis seems to be more attentive to my interventions ...

Maybe I should control myself a bit ... or maybe not ... it's fun to see them worry and always be alert around me

Hahahaha..." Broly answered, which among other billions of things was spyingon Whis and Beerus while they talked about him and everything that had happened during the tournament

"So what is the plan for now?" Aizen asked, always ready to help in these matters.

"Just wait a few months.

I have already planted the necessary seeds so that all events lead to the expected scenario in a more precise way than the original one" Broly replied, indicating that for now everyone could relax.

"By seeds do you mean Goku's crushing victory and that video on Godtube?" Orochimaru asked, although he wasn't as good as Aizen in this matter, he loved evil plans.

"That's right… this will intensify the motivations for our next goal.

I just have to keep an eye on these Kaioshin so that everything goes as planned" Said Broly while simultaneously observing three different Kaioshins

Some Kaioshins that like Whis and Beerus didn't know that they were watched every second by with unknown mean