Everything has ended well (Part 1)

Zamasu was finally defeated and peace returned once again to the universe

And as tradition, Broly organized a barbecue at home to celebrate their last victory...

"I just hope nobody ruins my barbecue this time ...

I swear... If anyone dares to spoil this event, he/she/it will see first-hand that what I did to Zamasu was caresses" Broly swore to the heavens while cooking and looking around for potential threats

Meanwhile the rest of the cast enjoyed this great party full of luxury, drink, food, good company and fun

Especially Mai and Trunks, the ones who had suffered the most in recent years and who hadn't had the chance to taste the celestial food of Broly.


I can't believe how good this is!" Said Mai while she had the typical gourmet orgasm that we can see in almost any anime and manga


Try that one too!" Trunks said with a big smile as he put more food on her plate.

Until recently, they had lived a hell in which they had barely been able to smile and most of those smiles were forced, to encourage each other so that no one would cry

Every day they had lived among ruins, hiding and eating what they could without knowing if they were still alive the next day… and not only that, Trunks believed that he had lost the woman of his life to Black in the same way that he had lost his mother.

That's why seeing Mai smile so genuinely at her mother's house filled Trunks with indescribable happiness.

"You have some too, Trunks

Say… Aaaahhhh!" Said the blushed Mai as she fed her young boyfriend with a lot of love


Aaaahhhh!" Said Trunks corresponding that romantic scene while eating that delicious delicacy, which for some reason became even more delicious now that Mai had given it to him

A beautiful scene of a couple in the best stage of the courtship that softened the hearts of married couples, which some even imitated them to remember that precious moment they enjoyed when they were younger and childless

Although some weren't so happy ...


All handsome guys have a girlfriend or are gays…

Umff…." Sighed Bra while looking jealously at Mai, who had managed to hunt down probably the best single man in the whole multiverse and on which she had set her eyes


I don't have a girlfriend and I'm not gay!" Vegeta Jr shouted indignantly upon hearing that he had been discarded in this way ... and maybe he also felt something close to jealousy ...

A very cute reaction that didn't go unnoticed by Bra, who sat on Vegeta Jr's lap and said as she approached dangerously to his lips "Mmm ... really?

Well, I know how to solve that problem..."

"STOP THERE BRA!" Shouted Broly and Trunks, who quickly prevented that taboo kiss and separated the horny kids

Something that made everyone laugh involuntarily "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Although some were having a better time than others, all were enjoying that pleasant evening away from all worldly problems... until the food ran out and a certain god again reminded everyone that they had just caused the complete destruction of a timeline

"By the way Broly ...

Are you sure you didn't do all of this on purpose?

Did you really not know that this could happen?

You really couldn't kill Zamasu earlier to avoid all that problem?" Beerus asked, who as usual attributed sinister ulterior motives in each and every one of Broly's actions and non-actions.


You are very insistent on this ...

I confess ...

As much as I hate it, I'm not always 100% infallible.


I make mistakes too ...

That moron was so weak that it never crossed my mind that he might cause this problem in the end ...

I don't have my near-perfect Omniscience active on all day...

Do you know how boring everything is when you know everything?

It is impossible for you to enjoy anything

I just wanted to have a good time torturing that scum and see what would happen…

Is that so difficult to understand?" Broly replied, trying to play the victim

A victim with whom it was very difficult to empathize, even raised indignation among the most idiotic of the group, who never know anything

"Well, not to know everything, you seemed to know Zamasu better than he did.

It amazed me how you tore his mind apart so ruthlessly" Said Whis who shares the same theory as his cat but questioned in a more subtle way


It was easy to understand him, after all we are alike" Answered Broly without giving much importance while materializing a bag of pipes flavor Tijuana

Not giving a shit about the reaction it would elicit from everyone

"WHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!?" Shouted everyone terrified when they heard that Broly was comparing himself to a genocide

Their worst nightmares will finally come true?

"Calm down idiots!

I'm not a fucking genocide, if I wanted to kill everyone and crown myself the lord and master of all universes and timelines I would have done it decades ago

However you are all here alive, even those who don't deserve it

And I don't look at anyone..." Said Broly staring intently at Beerus and Vegeta

Something they were already used to

"So what do you mean then?" Bulma asked, concerned by that statement.

After all, it's not nice to be married to someone who had compared to her alternate killer.


We both think we are the best ... only that in my case it's true ...

We are both gods ... only that I am truly one ...

So we are quite superior to mortals, something that distances us from them both physically and mentally to the point of seeing them as something insignificant and fleeting ...

And we both want to be on top ... just that I am ...

Basically we want to do what we want without anyone stopping us..." Said Broly, explaining the misunderstanding he created on purpose to see their idiotic faces and get attention

"Come on dad, you know it's not true

You are very different

Although you laugh in the same way..." Said Bra, that just like her mother she didn't like that her father compared himself to that useless garbage

And while he stroked the head of his daughter, who went to hug him and steal a few pipes, he continued with his speech "We share these points in common, but we live them is very different way

I'm a megalomaniac god, I admit it without any shame but that doesn't make me hate others or believe that I have the right to kill them… except very few cases..

Despite that I'm extremely powerful, so much so that I can destroy the universe if I wanted to

Despite that I know almost everything if I want and I can be in almost all places at the same time if I want too

Technically I'm way above all of you, so much so that you might even look like insects to me just like Zamasu

Something totally insignificant and even unnecessary from my objective point of view...

I think Beerus here knows what I mean..."

"I see you understand ...

And you only needed a few decades for that..." Said Beerus who nodded knowingly, as if a connection had been created between him and Broly for the first time

"¿¡EH!?" Shouted everyone not understanding what Beerus was talking about

"Are you surprised?

When you exceed by a wide margin the level of existence of certain beings, you lose your empathy towards them

Do you humans feel a lot of pity and compassion for the life of ants?

I don't think so ... some even have fun killing them ...

Do you think humans are very different from insects in the eyes of a Hakaishin?

I can tell you no ... and indeed, Zamasu believed himself a Hakaishin

And now...

Do you think a Hakaishin is different from a human in Zeno-sama's eyes?

Do I need to tell you the answer?

This means being a god, and indeed, your Broly has the right to look at all of you like insects" Said Beerus, explaining to everyone why he does what he does like he does and why he fears Zeno-sama like he does

"And you too" Said Broly to Beerus, remembering his position in the hierarchical pyramid

However, Beerus was right!

This is a universal truth!

Those at the peak of power… especially those who have reached that position by force… tend to see those under them as pests, livestock or entertainment… and sadly those who reach that top always tend to have very little empathy towards others… that is precisely why they reach the top

"Darling?" Bulma sighed after analyzing her husband from another point of view, a point of view that began to scare her.


In the same way that there are strange and stupid humans who care more about the life of animals than that of people... there are also gods as stupid as them...

So stupid from the point of view of a god that they even live, marry, have children and even organize barbecues with them whenever is possible to make them happy and have them around... because simply...

I like humans and strange things, with all their defects and virtues ... and although others gods may not see it ... the human being has many more virtues than defects...

Especially you ... and ... come on Vegeta, for once you too

But above all you two

You are my whole life" Said Broly as he hugged Bra and Bulma, the only people he loved as much as himself… which is a lot to say

"Broly-san..." Sighed The Z Warriors due too that moving confession, beautiful even though they had been compared to insects

Just like Bra, who stopped paying attention to Vegeta jr for a moment to hug his father "Dad..."

And Bulma, who like her daughter got up to caress his hair "Darling..."


I can't deny that there are idiots like him ...] Whis thought, who felt a bit identified with that last speech

A moving moment that Broly himself was in charge of stopping, if this continued like this someone would get diabetes "Seriously...

A whole multiverse empty of life in which only I exist?

That would be fucking boring!

I am so perfect that in a few days I would get bored of myself


"He wasn't lying when he said he's a megalomaniac ..." Said Mai, the one who knows the least about that enigmatic being who is her boyfriend's alternate stepfather

"And as for being above everything and everyone...

I'm not like that psycho, I don't want to rule over anyone

Let everyone do what comes out of their balls as long as they don't touch mine ...

I just want others to leave me alone with my family, my barbecues, my billions…

But there is always something that will threaten that goal

So what is the easiest way to achieve that goal?

To be above all

Although I don't mind sharing the top as long as we respect each other" Broly said as he continued stroking the head of his daughter, who had already gotten tired of being pampered by her father in public

"It's quite an interesting approach." Said Whis somewhat relieved and worried at the same time

"And quite nice coming from you..." Said Vegeta, that he was even thankful that Broly is the tyrant of the universe

"It is...

So stop suspecting me!

I'm not going to cause the apocalypse or anything like that!

I like the universes more or less the way they are even though I have my complaints about inept gods!

Worry more about what Goku could do, he just destroyed a timeline with the push of a button!" Said Broly, who passed the hot potato to Goku

He liked being the center of attention, but he had been for a long time.

It was time for the previous protagonist of the story to have his moment of glory