Welcome to the Broly show (Part 1)

"This ... in my humble but true opinion ...

I think it's not a good idea for the Gods of Destruction to fight in the tournament.

Not even now..." Said Broly innocently while stroking Beerus head hard to accelerate the shedding of his fur








































[BROLY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!] All the gods of all the universes shouted telepathically at the same time ... especially those of universe 7

"The guys from the seventh universe are messing it up again!" Said al the gods of all the universes at the same time… except those of Universe 7, although they would also want to complain with them this time

However, contrary to what other gods believed, Daishinkan wasn't offended, on the contrary, he was very interested in seeing what the mortal who had given his son so many headaches had to say "May I know why you think that?"

"Yes why?

"Why?" The two Zenos also asked in sync with their annoying squeaky voice, as in Alvin and the Chipmunks

In this way the most powerful beings of that reality gave Broly permission to manipulate them (Zalama is missing, but it is something similar to a Kaioshin, so he won't be taken into account)

"It's simple ... we just have to answer ourselves this question:

How do we want this tournament to be?

I think the answer is obvious ... it must be innovative, fun and exciting.

Right?" Broly asked, addressing the two Zenos directly instead of Daishinkan, thus conditioning a 100% favourable response and with an inverse probability of receiving an objection from anyone

"That's right!" Answered the Future Zeno with excitement as he looked at his other self to see if he shared his enthusiasm

Although the answer was obvious, after all they are the same person "That's right

Innovative, fun and exciting!"

"I totally agree with you!

For that reason I think the Hakaishin shouldn't participate. With them playing doesn't matter the rules we use in the tournament, the result will always be the same

If we use the same rules as in the tournament between universes 6 and 7 which consisted of individual team fights until one team is totally eliminated ... the result will be quite evident.

In the end, the two Hakaishin will face each other and one of them will win

And if we use a battle royal method in which we all fight against everyone in the same ring, the result will be the same or even worse...

The Hakaishin will begin to fight each other and will unintentionally defeat everyone else as collateral damage.

In the end the result will always be the same

Hakaishins against Hakaishins!

This takes all the excitement out of this tournament.

Don't you think?" Asked Broly with the same dirty strategy once again… a strategy that was being extremely effective


Goku's friend is right" Said Future Zeno after realizing the problem

"Yes, you are right

If we know how it will end it won't be fun" Said Zeno, agreeing with his other self and Broly

And in this way Broly not only managed to convince Zeno, but also Daishinkan, who made no objection

"Mmm ...

Your considerations seem quite reasonable

Indeed, the participants in this tournament should be only mortals" Daishinkan said, changing his mind and thus officially stating that the Hakaishins had been expelled from the competition for being too strong.

This was certainly great news for all the Hakaishins, they had been exonerated from working… the kryptonite of the gods… right now all of them would be celebrating this stroke of luck and toasting on behalf of their saviour if it weren't for two reasons

The first one is that they were in front of their bosses, they couldn't openly prove that they are an association of lazy fuckers., although it wasn't a mystery to anyone

And last but not least ... they were too shocked after seeing how that strange mortal had handled two Zenos and Daishinkan so flawlessly, a titanic prowess considering he only knew them from a few minutes ago

[He's a natural manipulator ...] Whis thought as he looked at Broly with more concern than before.

And even though having seen Broly manipulate the Zenos so easily was making Beerus feel chills all over his body, he was unable not to rejoice at the short-term gains from such manipulation [Good work Broly ...

Without the other Hakaishin in between, our universe has a high chance of winning...

For once I'm cheering you on]

"And not only that...

If all the Hakaishins fight at the same time, I can imagine what the result will be.

A battle so intense, fast, chaotic, destructive, absurd and noisy that it will bore Zeno...

And we can't make the tournament boring right?" Asked Broly again with his hypnotic mermaid voice

"Yes, it has to be fun" Answered Future Zeno

"Of course" Answered Zeno too

How could they agree to watch a boring tournament?


In fact, I'm afraid that, if the Hakaihisn did a demonstration battle right now as I foresee Daishinkan had in mind, surely the Zeno of the future would have a bad idea about the Tournament of Power that the Zeno of the present liked so much

And we can't allow that to happen right?" Asked Broly, this time also looking at Daishinkan with his third eye

"That is also reasonable ...

It would be a shame if the event was cancelled before it started" Answered Daishinkan, that began to understand why his son thought that this man was dangerous

Not only because he predicted his plans about make the Hakashins fight in a test match.

From the moment they gave him permission to speak, that mortal had been completely dominating the situation.

His questions he asked, how he asked them, who he addressed ... everything he did and said resulted in the answer that he expected and each answer generates new questions that will end up inexorably leading to the result that he wanted to achieve

Obviously Daishinkan, being minimally intelligent, knew that they were being manipulated by his speech, yet he saw no reason to stop him a this point

Each of his arguments were direct questions towards his superior, to whom he couldn't explain that he was being manipulated in front of everyone, since it would be an insult to his intelligence and position.

His arguments were extremely logical, it wasn't easy to contradict him… certainly his opinions were meant to satisfy Zeno's needs, he couldn't go against them

And last but not least ... he was very curious to see where his manipulation was leading.

[Well done Broly!

One less problem to worry about] All the Hakaishinks thought with satisfaction, especially Beerus, who was proud that his universe was the one that avoided making them work

After so many millennia, the rest of the universes finally owed something to universe seven!

"That's right, it is better not to generate misunderstandings

[Also, Beerus is in top form now.

I can't allow him to fight the other Hakashins!

He would surely win and this would make him somewhat happy ...

I don't like to see him happy

HUAHUAHUA!]" Said and thought Broly, who masked his evil plan with a good intention

Although that observation of Broly generated a certain problem, now Future Zeno wouldn't know what the event consisted of, so he asked "Then what do we do?"

"I know, make Goku show us one of his fights

Just like he did in the previous tournament..." Zeno proposed taking advantage of the fact that Goku was here

However, last minute problems occur regardless of whether you are the supreme being or not.



I'm afraid Goku is...

A bit indisposed..." Said Whis pointing at Goku, who was daydreaming on the floor, about to fall asleep

"It seemed strange to me that he hadn't said anything in a long time" Said Beerus, who shook Goku to force him to react… but it was useless, Goku was still in a trance

"What is wrong with him?" Asked Future Zeno upon see that his entertainment could be compromised

"I'm afraid that his wife's medicine has affected him too much and now he's K.O ..." Said Broly avoiding all responsibility for drugging Goku, attributing the crime to Chichi

[I see, so this was his plan to stop Goku from doing stupid things ...

But now this puts us in trouble] Beerus thought as he looked at the facial expressions of the two Zenos, who showed a lot of frustration because everything wasn't going the way they wanted

This was undoubtedly a crisis infinitely more dangerous than the now famous "Juice Crisis"… now the possibility of being extinct was more real than ever

However, Broly also thought about it!

"But don't worry, I can replace him perfectly.

After all, I'm his teacher, there's nothing Goku can do that I can't do better

Also, I give popcorn and soda to everyone in my matches!" Said Broly as he materialized the classic cinema menu to all the people in the room


This time bribing all the gods with food, a not very subtle manipulation method but ... extremely effective


Great" Said Future Zeno as he enjoyed the Gourmet popcorns and accepting Broly's proposal


Great!" Said Zeno, enjoying the gourmet soda and accepting Broly's proposal too

Thus, once again Broly had resolved the crisis in a way that gave the feeling that the crisis hadn't even existed in the first place.

[I didn't think I would ever say this, but ...

I'm glad I brought Broly with us...] Beerus thought as he pinched his cheeks to see if he was dreaming or not.

"And who should I fight?

I am not opposed to fighting a Hakaishin, but this would go against the objective of this demonstration" Asked Broly now that everything was settled and he just needed to know who to defeat ... while looking at Toppo

"Don't worry; your opponent will be a mortal

After all, we've conveniently got Toppo here with us, don't we?" Answered Daishinkan, pretending not to know that Broly would already know what his answer would be

"M… ME…?" Asked Toppo, who wasn't expecting all this at all

"Me parece una gran elección" Answered Broly, pretending not to know that Daishinkan didn't know that he had made Daishinkan believe that this decision had been 100% his

"This is alright with you, I assume Toppo?

If you two will proceed to the stage" Said Daishinkan, who wanted to end this as soon as possible to please his boss

"This is your big chance Toppo

Go and show them what you are made of

They won't be underestimating you for so long" Said Belmond, the Hakaishin of the universe elven, advising the newbie to show off in front of his future co-workers

"As you wish, master Belmod" Said Toppo, nodding respectfully

And on the part of Universe 7 there was also a small coaching session before the confrontation, therefore Beerus approached Broly and said "Broly ...

Remember that you can't…"

"Yes, I know…

I have to make it fun ...

Come on, do you need to worry?

I'm always the life of the party

I will only use a small part of my power ... as always ..." Broly replied, cutting off Beerus's irrelevant speech as he flew to the ring

[Come on Beerus, do you need to tell me what to do?

I have created this scenario precisely for me...

With the exception of the bum of Zarama, who like all the Kaioshins do nothing all day here are all the main deities of this reality

I need to introduce myself properly and show them who I am before ...

Hehehe ...] Broly thought as he stood in the center of the ring and looked from side to side, placing his eyes on each of the attendees at his event… especially Zeno and Daishinkan