My reality and your reality (Part 2)


After the exchange of words between Broly and Daishinkan the battle between the two realities began ... although in both sides almost everyone wanted Broly's to win…


In the ring prepared for the tournament the representatives of all the invited universes fought against Broly's henchmen. And although the natives of the eight universes had the numerical advantage over Broly legion… their increased power and extra power system wreaked havoc on their enemies.

In a few seconds the weakest fighters were taken from the fighting track to the stands, which had been sealed so that no one could advance and fight again.

However, there wasn't a single member of Broly's army in the stands, all of them were fighting and defeating the fighters of the other universes until only the strongest remained

"This is the best day of my life!

There are so many strong guys with different abilities!" Shouted Goku while fighting a weird smiling guy that always healed no matter how many times they hurt him, he seemed immortal like Zamasu


I am fighting against Goku!" Said Kumagawa, which was also fulfilling one of the biggest dreams of his life

"Shut up you idiots! I'm busy!" Said Vegeta, whos was trying to kill Frieza right now. Goku's screams or hearing Shin ask for help while Majin Buu was chasing him distracted him.


Meanwhile in the air the eight Hakaishins fought against Midora, Madara, Hao, Acacia, Iihiko, Aizen, Kaguya and DIO, ones of the most powerful fighters in Broly's army! Those who won the lottery to fight against the strongest opponents in this tournament, although they were also among the few who entered the draw

And as happened below, the Hakaishins weren't haven't an easy time against the final bosses of their respective realities which were improved over the years in the Form Reality of Broly for this moment


Where the hell did Broly get these freaks from!?

Their attacks are extremely strange!" Shouted Champa, who was suffering more than the others due to his lamentable physical state

"So… you are one of the gods of this reality…

This is disappointing" Said the God of Earth Hao as he launched a concentrated supernova in his face, who chose this adversary because he looks like a cat… although a fat and ugly one, not like his Mantamune

"Shut up! We have problems too!

[Stay calm Beerus ...

I just have to keep fighting and stay alive until all this shit over...

And… please… BROLY YOU MUST WIN!

If after this Zeno-sama doesn't destroy my Universe 7, he will never destroy it!

So please, win and at least let me live]" Said and thought the cat god Beerus as he fought against the rabbit goddess Kaguya… as he once again pinned all his hopes on his greatest enemy to date

Meanwhile… at a higher level… Broly was entertained with the fight between the two realities in which everyone wanted Broly to be the winner ... something that excited Broly a lot, just as he had planned.

And while you feel like a Roman emperor enjoying the fights between gladiators ...

Clasp! Clasp! Clasp! Clasp! Clasp! Claps! Clasp! Clasp!

Eight people appeared in front of him, blocking the view of the Roman circus he had created.

They were the Angels of the universes invited to the tournament… Sour, Camparri, Cognac, Mohito, Kusu, Marcarita, Vados and finally Whis, who detached himself from the group to approach Broly while all his brothers watched what was about to happen

"Do you want another sparring Whis?

I think this is not the time for that, do you think?" Broly said sarcastically as Whis advanced towards him with the most serious expression he had ever seen him perform. It was evident that he wasn't coming for more food as usual.

"You are right…

This time won't be a sparring match Broly" Whis responded, declaring his practically murderous intentions towards the best cook that surely ever find, something that hurt him deeply

And Broly without feeling any kind of surprise continued using his sarcasm "Seriously?

I thought that you Tenshins couldn't and shouldn't fight, that you were just Hakaishin servants, teachers, spies and advisers..."

"Normally yes, but this situation is different" Whis replied while pointing his staff at Broly.

That's right, the Tenshins were forbidden to fight except to train others and to some extent affect the order of the universe with their powers and knowledge

The problems related to the creation, management of the universes should be in the hands of the Kaioshins, and eliminating threats that could affect the balance of the universse was the responsibility of the Hakaishins… He couldn't interfere in the matter of mortals or perform the role of the two deities of the universe he supervised.

However, this situation was radically different. The threat that had to be eliminated threatened all of reality and no Hakaishin was a match for him.

"I see...

In some way you knew that this day would come right?

I listened to the conversations you had with Beerus, even the telepathic ones ..." Said Broly showing among other reasons why he had also planned or at least predicted this situation

And Whis, without being surprised or angry when confirming that they were spied on all the time, since he expected it to be so, replied "...

I'd be lying to you if I said this never crossed my mind...

But it seemed highly unlikely..."


Test me...

Sensei" Said Broly while transforming from the beginning into True Legendary Super Saiyan Full Power Beyond

In this way…

The fight between Broly and Whys finally began!


It began with a large shock wave created by the confrontation between the two attacks with which the experienced combatants were able to measure the strength of their adversary.

"Good strength, especially considering how thin your arm is" Said Broly smiling like a lunatic warmonger. His Saiyan blood hadn't burned like now for years!

"…" But Whis didn't say any cool or witty phrases, he was too focused on the arm with which he punched Broly, an arm that was still numb even now [Such power… those huge muscles aren't just for decoration]

However, there was no time to talk or think…

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Broly partially influenced by his Saiyan berserker genetics charged at Whis, who even now continued to use a defensive combat style.

Whys, after the first attack, understood that it was impudent to block Broly's attacks and that it was dangerous to parry them. Therefore, he opted for his specialty, dodge the powerful punch at the perfect moment.



Whys not only avoided being hit by that powerful attack that even warped the space of that strange dimension. He positioned himself behind Broly, whom he attacked on the back of the neck with his hand to knock him out as he always did with Beerus.


However, that attack failed to hit Broly's neck, Whys hand went through his body as roly had teleported the part that was going to be hit to the Formless Realm.

Nevertheless, Whys didn't have time to feel frustrated at missing his favorite attack, since Broly's tail changed his shape an enlarged to hit him in a blind spot.



Fortunately, Mr. Wish was able to block the attack in time by protecting himself with his staff, which was about to break after absorbing the full the impact of that attack hat sent Whis flying



And without giving Whis time to stabilize, Broly charged once more against his effeminate sensei to hit him with another mighty punch



Another punch dodged by Whis thanks for his innate Migatte no Gokui despite the situation he was in


However, this situation was already predicted by Broly, who teleported the fist he failed connect at the point where Whys was dodging.



And once again Whis dodged this attack at the last moment!

He had seen Broly fight on many occasions and knew how much he liked to perform this ability, so he was prepared in case something like this happened ... to counterattack with a powerful kick when Broly believed he had won


However, Whis's attack passed through Broly's body without hitting anything except air because once again Broly had teleported part of his body to another dimension so as not to be hit.


Automatically Broly with his other rocky arm attacked Whys, who was in a very complicated position after his second consecutive dodge. Broly's fist was getting closer to Whis's face, who seemed unable to react in time to that brutal attack that could undoubtedly cause him almost fatal damage.



However, something extraordinary happened. Whis's staff as if it had a life of its own flew from Whis's hands at full speed in the direction of Broly's fist with a large amount of Ki on its end to impale Broly's arm!

Broly was about to hit precisely with that part, so he couldn't teleport it to another dimension if he wanted to hit him. He would either continue with that attack taking considerable damage or teleport his arm, causing Whis to avoid that attack.




However Broly always had more options!

Broly deformed his arm to create a hole at the precise point where Whis 'staff was about to pierce, causing the staff to pass through him without teleporting his arm or taking damage ... and also grabbing Whis' staff to that he couldn't use it




Nevertheless, Whys was able to dodge that attack as well, although not completely, as his flawless hair was partially destroyed by that attack. In addition, he had no choice but to get as far away as he could instead of counterattacking.

"You dodge beautifully ...

However that way you won't be able to hurt me" Said Broly as he walked slowly in the air towards Whis

"I've been fighting this way for so long it's hard to get used to

But I promise I'll try not to hold back..." Replied Whis, who also slowly in the air towards Broly while teleporting the staff caught in Broly's Arm to his hand...

In a few seconds both were face to face again (not literally, Broly is much taller), reading the intentions of his opponent to anticipate his movements even before they were made…










Both started attacking each other at frenzied speed! Attacking each with their arms, legs, heads, teeth, rods, tails... in seemingly the simplest way possible, without performing flamboyant abilities, without energy attacks, without very elaborate strategies

Hit! Grab! Dodge! Parry! Block! This was all that could be seen!

Simply martial arts that although they seem simple were closer to being a true work of art!

It was so incredible that even the gods and mortals fighting below couldn't help but stare in awe at the incomprehensible battle that was raging between Whis and Broly despite having their own problems…

And of course those who weren't fighting and who could better understand that battle spoke to each other.

"This Broly ...

He not only has the ability to ignore Zeno-sama's powers..." Said Mohito, who still couldn't believe that someone was capable of fighting one of them on equal terms. Obtaining an ability to disable Zeno-sama was an impossible thing, but they didn't believe that it was also possible to obtain the martial ability of the most powerful beings in this reality.

"If we only talk about raw power he is even stronger than us…" Said Sour, terrified by the physical ability of the giant and intimidating Saiyan. He had grown up knowing that having bigger muscles didn't mean having more strength and being a better fighter ... however, watching Broly fight, he was beginning to change his mind.

"We thought Whis was exaggerating, but he was right ...

Although Broly doesn't master Migatte no Gokui, he uses various abilities to achieve a similar result…" Said Camparri analysing in more depth the reason why Broly, without being using any of the doctrines of this reality, was able to fight face to face against a Tenshin, someone who is born with one of them active all the time

"Seeing the future, reading minds, some kind of omniscience ... maybe all at once

With this he's able to fight even against Whis at a similar level" Said Kusu that although she looked like a loli was actually the oldest of the brothers and sisters. Thanks to that experience she was able to guess some of the abilities with which Broly was predicting the offensive and defensive actions of his brother before they occurred. Thus achieving an effect similar to that obtained with the Migate no Gokui

"Although we still don't know if he's showing all his power now ...

Don't underestimate him at any moment..." Said Vado, the other Tenshin aside from Wish who knew Broly better. She felt compelled to remind her siblings that they were facing a monster beyond logic that surely had them and his martial power in mind in his plan to conquer this reality

"Don't worry sister…

Whis still hasn't used all his ability yet" Said Cognac, that he was confident that his brother could sort out his unfinished business with the monster that emerged from the universe he oversaw. He had never seen one of his race lose to someone of a different race ... and neither believed nor wanted that to change today.

"And even if he can beat Whis...

If we fight together we can defeat him without problem" Said Marcarita, who couldn't believe that Broly could beat seven or eight angels working together considering what they were seeing right now.

Although they were concerned about Broly's impressive power and intelligence and the danger his brother faced the Tenshins brothers believed they had this situation under control just as their father said...

However, that started to change when...