
Neither of them spoke a word of the happenings last night. Tingting made a modest breakfast from toast, slices of cheese and juice. After having their fill, they took turns to change in the toilet.

Tingting wore a smart black dress which ended just above her knee. Her short, blonde hair was tied back into a singe ponytail and her piercings were taken out.

Lukas changed into a crisp white-coloured shirt and donned a black suit and jacket and tie. He had slicked back his golden hair and taken out his piercings too.

The pair looked at each other and nodded. They were ready to go out.


In town, they split off and went to visit workplaces which suited them the most. As they were still students, all they could get was part-time jobs. Lukas headed for the convenience stores and supermarkets while Tingting visited beauty parlours and other fashion-based areas.

The conclusion?

"They said I should try dying my hair black."

"Same... I really don't want to though, I just bleached it a few days ago."

Tingting and Lukas sat on the park bench where they first met and recounted their experiences.

"The hair-salon owner said that I was this young yet I was dying my hair against school regulations so I must be irresponsible. After lecturing me, he kicked me out. It was the same everywhere else." Tingting fiddled with her hair, unaccustomed to the light feeling.

Lukas nodded to show he understood how she felt. "They said my hair stood out too much. They said that my voice was too rough, that I'd scare the customers off. They said that I was too tall. What does my height have to do with anything!" Lukas threw his hands in the air in frustration.

They sat in silence for a while. A child ran past them holding a few coins in his hands; money to buy icecream. Lukas's eyes glinted with a mean light.

"Shall I-"


"But I-"


"Don't you-"



Lukas took his gaze off of the boy disappointedly. He suddenly stood up.

"I'm just going to the toilet over there. Wait for me oka-"

Tingting pulled him back down and glared at him.

"Don't you even think about doing anything to that little kid. Got it?" Lukas averted his eyes and mumbled his acknowledgement.

They sat in silence again. A middle-aged man counting the notes in his wallet walked past them. The pair stared at him, looked at each other, then jumped off of the bench. Tingting ran into the man, and knocked him over. As she apologised, Lukas picked up the wallet that fell out of the man's hands and took out all the notes from it. He sent a pointed look at Tingting then walked away naturally, slipping the money into his pockets. After hoisting the man up, Tingting also walked away. After they were out of the man's sight, they ran for the apartments. They stopped, out of breath, in front of the building and gulped for air.

"We- we- we shouldn't have done that." Tingting huffed breathlessly.

"It was fun though, right?" Lukas laughed as he remembered the exhilaration he felt whilst stealing the money.

"...Yeah" Tingting admitted reluctantly. She looked up to tell Lukas that they shouldn't do such things ever again only to find that his eyes had widened in horror. She looked in the direction his gaze was fixed on and swallowed down her impulsion to scream.

In the distance, the middle-aged man, along with other similar aged people, were running towards them furiously. The man kept shouting 'thief' and pointed at them angrily. The mob seemed to speed up at the sight of them.


Lukas took Tingting's hand into his own and ran up the flight of stairs onto their level. He desperately fished for the keys and unlocked the door. Just as they shut it behind them, the mob reached the base of the building.

The pair panted for air and looked out of the window frantically. That was a mistake. The middle aged man spotted them and screamed to the others that they were on the first floor. Lukas swore and Tingting bit her bottom lip in fear.

Lukas tried to console her. "It's alright, it's not like they can open the door right?" Tingting seemed to recover her bravery and she nodded. She peeked out of the window once more and shrieked.

"Th- th- th- they have a crowbar!" She stuttered and nearly collapsed right then and there. Why would they casually bring a crowbar with them?

"Smart... I should have expected this. Sh*t. I can't believe I was outdone by old men!" Lukas paced around the room, mumbling to himself. "Anyway, if they break in, they'll get in trouble too and we'll have a reason to go to the police." Tingting felt assured again. That was, until, she heard the voice outside the door.

"Don't do anything stupid. I've called the police already. Kids nowadays think they can get away with anything. We'll show them otherwise. Stupid brats." The stranger calmed everyone down and made them think rationally. He spat at their door.

Lukas rolled up his sleeves and picked up a broom. His face was black. Tingting, alarmed, held him back.

"Let go of me!" Lukas tried to shake her off. "The only exit is that door. We. Must. Get. Rid. Of. Them!" He roared and tried even harder to get free.

"Calm down! Think of something else, there must be another way!" Tingting fought to restrain him and reasoned with him.

He breathed in and out slowly then went to the bedroom. He took out their backpacks and his suitcase from under the bed and stuffed it with as much things as they needed. Tingting saw his intentions and helped him. Soon they could hear the familiar sirens approaching them. Fast. Lukas threw a pair of trainers and shorts at Tingting.

"Get changed. Running in a dress and heels must be difficult right?" Tingting nodded and grabbed a shirt. She ran to the bathroom and dressed in seconds, not caring about the state her hair was in at the moment. She returned to the bedroom to find that Lukas had also changed into sneakers, shorts, and a white shirt. He wore a cap on his head as well, making sure to cover every strand of his hair. Tingting followed suit and stuffed her hair into a similar cap. She also placed sunglasses on her eyes for good measure.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

The police had arrived.