
"F*ck! They're so persistent. Just leave us alone already." Lukas swore under his breath. It felt like ages since they started they began this grand chase.

"They're old yet so fit! I don't think I can hold on for much longer!" Tingting cried, holding her sides in pain. The luggage was beginning to weigh down on them and the heat made them sweat profusely.

"Let's toss the money to them!" Tingting had given up. Her heart was thumping so hard that she thought it would rip out of her chest.

"No way am I doing that. Not after all the trouble we've been through. Why do they care so much anyway?" Lukas shook his head in strong disagreement. In the past, he would have immediately succumbed to the tiredness and fatigue but now, he didn't want to submit to them.

"Look! Let's go back into town! They'll have lots of places to hide and we'll be able to lose them!" Tingting spotted the town and excitedly pointed at it to Lukas. He agreed with her decision and ran in that direction.

The town was bustling and many people were out and about on the streets, doing their daily shopping or hanging out with friends.

Lukas and Tingting ran past the crowd, pushing people out of their way in order to maintain their momentum. Their chasers behind them were finally thrown off of their trail. The pair ran into a nearby alleyway and caught their breath. Tingting slid to the ground, breathless, while Lukas leaned onto the cemented wall and gulped in short intakes of air.


Lukas's head shot up and he squinted into the darkness. They had company. Luckily for them, the people hadn't realised they were there. Lukas signaled to Tingting that they should get going but she wouldn't budge. Her hand flew up to her mouth as she involuntarily released a short, soft gasp.

"What's wrong?" Lukas couldn't fathom what had put her in such a state.

With her eyes still glued to the area in front of her, Tingting pointed at the strangers. "They're beating him up! He looks our age, we need to help him!" In response to her outcry, Lukas let out an disinterested 'Oh?' and pulled her to her feet.

"Leave them. What can we do anyway? We've got our own problems to deal with. Let's go." Lukas once again tugged at Tingting but she pointed a disappointed glare at him and shook him off.

"How can you be so heartless? Fine! If you won't do anything, I'll just do it myself." Tingting turned on her heels and ran unhesitatingly towards the group. Closer up, she saw that there was a boy curled up on the floor. Enraged, she daringly shouted,

"How could you do this? Let him go!"

A mistake.

The people turned around with hideous looks on their faces.

"Huh? Do we know you, kid? Stop acting like a heroine and go back to shopping. Since you're a girl, I'll give you an opportunity to leave without getting hurt. " One of the men gestured for her to leave then turned back to the boy.

"This worthless piece of sh*t just won't understand his place. Take this!" The man gave the boy a brutal kick to the stomach. The boy whimpered in pain.

"Now tell me. What did you do with the merchandise?" He bent down and lifted the boy's chin up forcefully, revealing the boy's face. He had dark toned skin; a foreigner. The boy's eyes shone darkly with resolve.

"You really want to know?" The boy spoke through gritted teeth and his forehead became moist from exerting himself. "I. Threw. It. Away." A smirk appeared on the boy's face before another fist crushed it. The man was heaving with rage. He stepped back and lit a cigarette.

"Get rid of him."

At the man's orders, the rest began to resume the merciless beating. Tingting screamed in horror. She ran up to the man and slapped him. A crisp sound resonated through the alley-ways making the men pause their actions and look at her, stupefied.

Another mistake.

The man clenched his hand into a fist in preparation of punching Tingting. Before he could throw a swing, a figure had kicked him in the jaw, creating a clear cracking sound. The force knocked him to the ground. The men stared at the person in amazement. Tingting's eyes widened in relief.


Lukas then pushed the stunned lackeys out of the way and pulled the boy up. He dragged the boy out of the men's encirclement. He reached Tingting's side and yelled at her.
